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Several information processing technologies which are capable of augmenting human performance in handling a range of emergency situations are featured in this discussion. Among the more sophisticated systems which have proven useful in enhancing information collection, transmission, and selective processing are packet radio networks, “expert planning systems,” multiple‐satellite technology, and such related emerging developments as “internetting” and “machine intelligence.”  相似文献   


During the Industrial Revolution, manufacturing and related commercial activities led to the evolution of “dense cores” of heavily populated areas. Fundamental to the operation of these industrial‐commercial cores was the development of service activities—banking, risk‐bearing, legal services—which depended on rapid exchange of information or quick “cycle times of information” for effective decision making and allocation of resources. As these cores radiate resources away from the central body toward less populated areas, the need for short cycle times of information in rural areas has become apparent. For example, modem agriculture is an enterprise that requires short time cycles of information exchange. The technology for building computer‐based information networks to facilitate the desired rapid transfer of information exists. However, the installation of hardware linked by reliable, cost‐effective communications networks is only in the beginning stages. One computer‐based information network that has successfully met the challenges of rapid transfer of agricultural management information to farmers is the University of Nebraska's AGNET system.  相似文献   

The procedures and the nature of “technologies” are suggested to be broadly similar to those which characterize “science”. In particular, there appear to be “technological paradigms” (or research programmes) performing a similar role to “scientific paradigms” (or research programmes). The model tries to account for both continuous changes and discontinuities in technological innovation. Continuous changes are often related to progress along a technological trajectory defined by a technological paradigm, while discontinuities are associated with the emergence of a new paradigm. One-directional explanations of the innovative process, and in particular those assuming “the market” as the prime mover, are inadequate to explain the emergence of new technological paradigms. The origin of the latter stems from the interplay between scientific advances, economic factors, institutional variables, and unsolved difficulties on established technological paths. The model tries to establish a sufficiently general framework which accounts for all these factors and to define the process of selection of new technological paradigms among a greater set of notionally possible ones.The history of a technology is contextual to the history of the industrial structures associated with that technology. The emergence of a new paradigm is often related to new “schumpeterian” companies, while its establishment often shows also a process of oligopolistic stabilization.  相似文献   


One facet of the Information Revolution in which the nation finds itself involves the utilization of computers, video systems, and a variety of telecommunications capabilities by those who must cope with emergency situations. Such technologies possess a significant potential for performing emergency public education and transmitting key information that is essential for survival. An “Emergency Public Information Competitive Challenge Grant,” under the aegis of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), has sponsored an effort to use computer technology—both large, time‐sharing systems and small personal computers—to develop “computer games” which will help teach techniques of emergency management to the public at large.  相似文献   


International trade in information technology involves political, economic, and military factors that are highly interrelated, making U.S. policy formulation a complex process which requires extensive data on foreign and domestic policies and technological capabilities. An analysis of U.S. policy for controlling the reexport of high‐technology goods provides an example of this interdependence. Four primary points are emphasized throughout the paper: (1) there seems to be only limited appreciation of how different issues get entangled in the international arena; (2) the data on which to base policy decisions regarding information technology do not exist in a readily available and usable form; (3) there is little understanding of the technological status and policy support for information technology in other countries; and (4) the people needed to analyze international developments and policies in the information technologies are not being trained.  相似文献   

大数据时代,人们正在以“分析全样本、接收非精确、发现相关性”的新思维探索世界。相应的技术手段日渐成熟,包含大数据处理系统、新型知识服务模式、智能决策支持的大数据科研服务平台有望成为科研新工具。新技术结合新理念,大数据正在加速科学发现、凝聚科学共同体、改变知识生产模式,数据密集型科学有可能成为科研“第四范式”。为了获取新一轮科技竞争优势、提高社会生产力,大数据将在科技政策中占有重要地位,不过,也要防范大数据的负面影响。  相似文献   


The worldwide use of computers, telecommunications, and other information technologies is giving rise to the formation of new communities called “information communities.” In the United States, for example, more people are employed as information givers, takers, or orchestrators in these communities than in any other occupation class. With so many social resources going into the conduct of these communities, it is essential that they are designed to be ethical. This requires that we identify the parties involved in each community, that we be empathetic and sympathetic to their needs and that we follow Kant's dictum by always treating them as “ends in themselves.”  相似文献   

吴晓波  朱培忠  吴东  姚明明 《科学学研究》2013,31(11):1726-1735
 中国的电子商务企业在过去10余年间,通过建立自主的技术研发与市场结构,成功实现了对发达国家领先企业的快速追赶。在中国独特的技术与市场情境下它们究竟是如何实现快速追赶的?本文选取阿里巴巴集团作为研究案例,提出了二次商业模式创新与技术创新的共演模型,较好地展现了两者的共演机制与共演阶段。二次商业模式创新的演进始于后发企业对支撑技术的引进,通过“二次商业模式创新—市场结构—竞争战略—技术创新—二次商业模式创新”的循环路径形成与本地技术创新的共演机制,并经过“支撑技术引进—自主技术创新—新兴技术引领”三个共演阶段,推动本地技术的快速发展与追赶。这一共演模型从二次商业模式创新与技术创新的复合视角丰富了后发企业追赶理论,为后发企业创新实践提供了借鉴。  相似文献   

A techno-economic paradigm embraces a whole constellation of technically and economically interrelated innovations and influences most industries and an entire phase of economic development. Its full potential to drive and shape economic growth can only be realized after far-reaching reforms have been made in the “socio-institutional frameworks” of major economies and the world economy. In close association with ICT, biotechnology – or the trio of biotechnologies: red (biomedicine), green (plant breeding) and white (industrial) – is now capable of such a role, although the necessary reforms remain to be made. This paper shows how far and in what sense it has reached technological maturity, and what “mismatches” between it and the socio-institutional framework are obstructing its further development and diffusion. It argues that biotechnology (green and white) is needed to play a key role in the struggle against climate change – which in turn can be expected to draw out its potential.  相似文献   


By 1986 (a decade after their invention) microprocessors had diffused to about 18 percent of all U.S. households and 6 percent of U.S. farmers. In addition to general consumer uses, farm households in the United States utilize microcomputers for such small business applications as record keeping, word‐processing, payroll handling, etc. A special application of microprocessor technology occurred in 1980–1981 when 200 Kentucky farmers participated in a trial of the Green Thumb Box, a video‐text system providing market, weather, and technological information. The nature of the information needs of U.S. farm people seems to fit well with the new information technologies built around the microprocessor, although little of this potential has yet been realized. Since that experiment, videotex has shown itself to have doubtful value as a channel for the distribution of agricultural information, leaving open the question of what might be the best technological vehicle for this audience. Research is needed on two issues: (1) the adoption and use of the new communication technologies, and (2) their social impacts on rural society.  相似文献   


Information and communication technologies have transformed the nature of scientific communication. This article examines the suitability of print, microform, online, and CD'ROM technologies for providing access to scientific serials by Third World scientists. Findings from an investigation of the technological and institutional options available to the scientific information system of Sri Lanka, a small country with a poor telecommunications infrastructure, are reported. Online is found most appropriate, principally due to the presence of a small number of scientists with a broad range of interests which makes the fixed‐price regimes of the other modes disadvantageous. Policy responses, including the setting up of an online information bureau to gradually build up domestic and international communication levels to justify the introduction of internal and external data communication facilities, are discussed. The recommendations are user‐centered and emphasize the need for continuous monitoring of technological and market options and flexibility of response on the part of peripheral players in the information market.  相似文献   

Brendan Haley 《Research Policy》2018,47(6):1147-1160
This paper augments the technological innovation systems (TIS) framework to provide policy guidance on how to manage interactions between a core technology and its larger sectoral context. A TIS development cycle is presented that combines the TIS framework’s ability to clearly illuminate policy gaps with Erik Dahmén’s idea that technological diffusion creates structural tensions that introduce transformation pressure. This pressure can result in stagnation and unrealized development potential or spur sectoral complementarities and the evolution of a TIS into a larger “development block” of interlinked technological systems. Integrating structural tensions into TIS analysis highlights how the evolution of a focal technology induces technological complementarities and creates a need to continuously re-design policies. This underscores the continued benefit of a technology system perspective, even as a technology matures.The revised TIS framework is applied to a case study of the Canadian province of Nova Scotia that explores how variable renewable electricity diffusion introduces structural tensions with existing electricity grids, requiring the use of complementary technologies that add storage and flexibility. Nova Scotia aggressively developed wind energy and built a high-voltage direct-current transmission line to import hydroelectricity that could back-up variable renewable energy sources like wind.  相似文献   


Long‐distance education is now possible because of advancements and improvements in international telecommunications. This paper sets forth the concept of a “University of the World” in which students use computers, radio, and television to take courses in their chosen discipline and, in return, receive course credit and even academic degrees. The author describes the concept, its educational goals and objectives, the availability of courseware, the impact of global instructional technology, and questions of cost and technological capability. The organization, governance, funding, and operation of the University of the World are also described, including remarks on the benefits of membership and the functional value as seen from the student's perspective.  相似文献   


The United States and Japan lead the world in information technology. Yet they occupy opposite ends of the spectrum with respect to planning for the development of the information infrastructure—the central nervous system of a democratic society. While the Japanese expend great resources on centralized planning and monitoring the impact of the information society, United States officials are engaged in a mammoth deregulation exercise intended to dismantle government involvement in the competitive marketplace. While this policy may be appropriate for a period of technological innovation, it may be less efficacious in the period of consolidation, merger, and acquisition which usually follows.  相似文献   

Luc Soete 《Research Policy》2019,48(4):849-857
The setting up of the Science Policy Research Unit (SPRU) at Sussex University 50 years ago represented a “transformative change” in the research on science policy and the understanding of the nature and origin of technological change and innovation studies. It influenced policymakers across the world in both the mature Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development countries and the developing world. It made the topic of science, technology and innovation (STI) familiar to business studies scholars. Today though, the analysis of STI appears to be somewhat in crisis. On the one hand, there is growing evidence that the growth and welfare gains of new technologies and innovation are no longer forthcoming in an automatic “trickle-down” fashion. The knowledge and technology diffusion “machine” appears broken. On the other hand, there are growing environmental concerns about the negative externalities of unsustainable fossil-fuel-based growth as industrialization spreads across the globe. STI policy appears somehow stuck in an industrial efficiency and consumerism mode that is unable to address in a satisfactory way the impact of such negative externalities. Can the broader historical approach as popularized within the so-called Science and Technology Studies (STS) tradition provide additional, complementary insights? Yes, if STI and STS scholars are prepared to leave their respective conceptual comfort zones and address in complementary fashion some of the major societal policy challenges confronting science, technology and innovation policy today.  相似文献   

张运生  陈祖琼 《科学学研究》2020,38(7):1317-1324
以技术标准为纽带构建创新生态系统,有助于促进系统内协作R&D,优化资源配置,进而提供创新生态系统价值共创的新路径。研究从“产品市场-技术市场”双维联合分析视角,探讨了中国信息产业上市公司营造技术标准化创新生态系统推动企业销售增长的深层次机理。研究发现:营造技术标准化创新生态系统与企业核心技术开发及产品营销行为具有显著的耦合效应。高科技企业营造技术标准化创新生态系统,有助于完善技术依存体系,激发同一技术范式的直接网络效应,推动本企业核心技术向产品转化;技术标准化创新生态系统还通过协调互补配套产品技术关系,激发间接网络效应,有助于强化企业的产品营销效果,推动企业销售增长。  相似文献   

The discussion begins by listing three meanings of technology transfer (TT), involving importation of technological products (TTA), the ability to imitatively produce technological products (TTB), and the ability to create new technology (TTC). This is followed by an investigation of the relationship between science and technology, using a multidimensional conceptual framework in which one cannot ask “What is the cause of something else?”, but in which one can trace the contributory and the necessary conditions for something to take place. In this light it is shown that in modern times science is a necessary condition for technology and vice versa, the links being of a variety of sorts, partly epistemological, partly attitudinal, partly infrastructural. The discussion then turns to technological development, and four stages of that are distinguished: stage 1 rests on traditional trial-and-error-based technology, stage 2 on imitative low-level technology locally performed, stage 3 on imitative high-level technology locally produced, and stage 4 on the creation of novel technology. An anomalous stage involving small oil-rich countries is also mentioned. The role of science in each of these four stages is complex, involving both production and importation of technology, forming both direct and indirect links, having both simultaneous and delayed impacts, and acting also though attitudinal influences. Combining the previous conclusions it is then found that science has an essential role in all three meanings of technology transfer. It is, consequently, urged that organizations for international scientific and technological assistance and cooperation take a broad view and orient their activities to deal with the whole interlocking and interwoven complex of science and technology in the Third World.  相似文献   


This paper first reviews the development of record‐keeping privacy, together with its legislative attention and major studies of it. It then identifies new dimensions of personal privacy and illustrates them with electronic mail. It notes the intricacy of policy issues arising from large‐scale use of computers and communications for systems that provide a variety of services, many of them oriented toward the individual. The legislative awkwardness of providing protection to the individual and the role of the federal government in the entire issue is described. Other systems that will create new privacy issues are touched on. The “privacy future” is discussed in terms of access‐without‐action, information representation, information protection, exploitation of information such as computer matching, the large‐scale availability of personal information to many people, and the widespread appearance of systems that deal with information about people but for other than record‐keeping purposes. Finally, two broad policy issues are identified: (1) In an information‐intensive future, how can the country establish societally acceptable usage patterns for information but at the same time provide protection for its citizens? (2) How can the country create an appropriate mechanism for addressing such a pervasive and complex issue?  相似文献   

Industry 4.0 and the pandemic have caused recent changes in innovative development, economic situations, and restrictions in various companies and regions of the world, with new stricter legislation related to working conditions, hygiene standards, and health requirements. New technologies are a challenge to the transformation of problem companies and regions, as they often significantly impact economic development. Technological emissions, growing information on dementia among young people, cyber risks, and the risks of so-called advanced technologies (e.g., bio- and nanotechnologies, Industry 4.0 tech) may raise societal concerns about technological progress. This study is part of our long-term research into technological innovation in different companies and regions. Its primary goal is to methodically emphasize the importance and role of the systemic management of technological innovation in companies and regions and analytically compare the innovation success of differently developed regions from a global perspective1. This research deals with an important aspect of technology management, namely, the processes of technological identification and the protection of related intellectual property (IP). The primary research question is: How has technological development been distributed across different regions over the last two decades? We hypothesize that Asian countries are increasingly moving away from Europe and North America in terms of technological innovation, other forms of technological IP protection, and overall access to innovation, while the focus is on the development of three non-patent forms of technological innovation protection: industrial designs, trademarks, and utility models. The results of our study reveal a significant difference in the approach to technological innovation management and the form of IP protection between so-called advanced and problem companies and regions. This study was conducted between 2018 and 2022.  相似文献   

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