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Dominant discourses on telecare technologies often celebrate the erasure of distance and place. This paper provides a critical intervention into these discourses by investigating how spaces still matter, despite the move from physical to virtual encounters between healthcare professionals and patients. I argue that science and technology studies (STS) research on telecare, as well as other technologies, can be enriched by including a focus on place to understand the dynamic interactions between people and things. Adopting insights of human geographers, I show how places in which technologies are used affect how technologies enable or constrain human actions and identities. Whereas some spaces may facilitate the incorporation of technologies, others may resist technologies. A focus on how places matter is important for understanding how telecare technologies reorder and redefine healthcare. Although other healthcare technologies are also important actors in transforming healthcare, telecare technologies do this in a very specific way: they redefine the spatial dimensions of healthcare. To capture and further explore this changing spatial configuration of healthcare, I introduce the notion of technogeography of care. This concept provides a useful heuristic to study how places matter in healthcare. Although telecare technologies introduce virtual encounters between healthcare providers and patients, the use of telecare devices still largely depends on locally grounded, situated care acts. Based on interviews with users of several cardiac telecare applications, including healthcare professionals and patients in Germany and The Netherlands, the paper shows how patients' homes and public spaces are important for shaping the implementation and use of telecare technologies, and vice versa. Last, but not least, telecare devices are implicated as well. The paper emphasizes the place-dependency of the use and meaning of technical devices by showing how the same technological device can do and mean different things in different places.  相似文献   

医学生作为未来的医务工作者,将要从事的既是为广大人民群众防病治病的医疗卫生职业,又是关系到社会发展和进步的神圣而伟大的医疗卫生事业,他们能否具备健康理想的职业人格,事关广大人民的身心健康和医疗行业的发展。本文从医学生职业人格的内涵入手,探讨志愿服务对医学生理想职业人格塑造的作用,并对有效开展志愿服务以促进医学生职业人格塑造提出相关建议。  相似文献   

The paper explores the role of imagined geographies in the shaping of new technologies. I argue that the role of place in future-oriented visions of technoscience is a neglected topic in studies of the social shaping of technology. The paper proposes an approach that combines the sociology of expectations with the geography of science. It focuses on the interplay between envisaged and current geographies to highlight the recursive dynamics of place and imagination. To illustrate this approach, the paper discusses the example of biopharming, the production of biopharmaceuticals using genetically modified crops. I argue that expectations for biopharming bear the imprint of place, or rather of the places in which they are imagined, as well as those they imagine, and ultimately those they produce. I use this example to suggest how social studies of science and technology can usefully investigate the spaces, places and scales of technological development.  相似文献   


Over some seven decades, a rather mundane transition that in its thoroughness and consequences has gone largely unacknowledged, has taken place, namely the revolution in modern information systems (IS) that guide organizations in their actions. Today, it is fair to say that IS have come to rule the world. They do this literally, by the rules they embody, which dictate how much of everyday life, as it relates to individuals and organizations and the transactions they engage in, takes place around the globe. In essence, IS have become important social and economic infrastructure. Seeking an understanding of how this has come about, I review historical developments in IS, focusing in particular on accounting systems, enterprise systems, retail automation, and electronic commerce. I argue that it is transactions and their facilitation that lie at the heart of IS and its development as a field of practice. I reflect on why this has gone mostly overlooked as such. I consider where we have now arrived with transaction facilitation as infrastructure and its importance in the light of current issues. I suggest how future studies might contribute to our learning more about where we should want to be with our transaction facilitation infrastructure.  相似文献   

玉苗 《学会》2013,(2):18-25
社会公益需求与供给不平衡的矛盾制约了经济欠发达地区的公益事业发展。文章论述了云南公益组织通过与香港公益组织的合作,引进并创新徒步筹款模式,成功地塑造了云南公益品牌的过程。分析该公益品牌的社会与经济效益,认为云南徒步筹款公益品牌的发展过程,实际上体现的是云南公益事业"引入外援、提升自我"的借力发展,以及"公益事业与地方产业相互促进、共同进步"的合作共享发展之路。  相似文献   

胡锡春 《科教文汇》2013,(21):126-127
近年来随着社会的进步、人民生活水平的提高,加上学校和学生对专业课的重视,学生在文化课的学习上越来越心不在焉,特别是数学课,九年义务教育已经让他们记忆深刻。因而在职专数学课堂上很多同学对它不理不睬,但是数学又是职专学生继续学习和思维锻炼的重要工具,应该有所认知。这对矛盾考验着我们职专数学教师。数学家P.R.Halmos说:问题是数学的心脏。职专数学课堂教学更是如此,如何设置问题来培养学生对数学的兴趣,加强学生数学思维的成长,引导着我们每一个职专数学教师去尝试、实践。本文在此提出一点粗浅的想法,希望对提高职专数学教学有所帮助。  相似文献   

The concept of software as a service (SaaS) has received considerable attention in recent years, and an increasing number of countries have consequently promoted the SaaS market. However, those countries without mature SaaS markets have experienced many SaaS-related problems. To facilitate SaaS adoption, we first analyzed Korea's newly established SaaS market. We then employed a method based on the two-factor theory in order to classify the SaaS market into adoption-driving and adoption-inhibiting areas. From the adoption-driving area perspective, the results of the method demonstrate the validity of the consumerization phenomenon and the PEST analysis. Customer factors in the consumerization phenomenon and economic factors in the PEST analysis were the most important drivers of SaaS adoption. From the adoption-inhibiting area perspective, customer factors as well as supplier and environment factors inhibited SaaS adoption; according to the PEST analysis, social, economic and political factors inhibited SaaS adoption. These results have important implications for Asian countries with newly established SaaS markets, including Australia, China and Singapore.  相似文献   

The design and use of information technologies are not as easily separated as they may seem. Designers have much at stake in the use of their software, while users are greatly influenced by the design of the software that they use. In this article, I explore the complex relationships built up between the designers and users of human anatomy simulations, including processes of cooperation and conflict. I develop and apply a three-step process for studying the design and use of a software product in its social context. First, it is important to focus on the social worlds of designers and users that influence the development of the technology. Next, the emphasis shifts to the technology itself, which can be viewed as a boundary object emerging from the intersection of the contributing social worlds. Finally, the technology exhibits agency by reshaping the relationships and interactions among the contributing social worlds.  相似文献   

《Research Policy》2019,48(7):1694-1713
Building on Lee and Malerba’s (2017) framework, we explore how leading firms in Brazil’s forestry and pulp industry responded to windows of opportunity, in learning terms, shaping an early entry into path-creation technological catch-up, shifting that industry into a globally leading position. Drawing on an in-depth inductive study based on 50 years of evidence, a 10-year fieldwork in large firms, and on a novel approach to micro-level external and internal absorptive capacity (AC), as empirically observable external and internal learning mechanisms (LMs) underlying firms’ innovative capability accumulation (technological catch-up), we find that: (1) firms responded to changing windows of opportunity by developing dual AC through the intensity and the manner of use of multiple LMs across the emergence, gradual catch-up, and forging-ahead phases of the path-creation process; (2) however, there were variations within and across firms in the effectiveness with which they developed their dual AC over these phases, leading to a non-homogenous technological catch-up: while some firms reached a world-leading capability level, others became fast-followers. We contribute to deepening and refining the understanding of technological catch-up through robust empirical insights on how the dynamic interplay between windows of opportunity and variation in the micro-level dual AC development’s effectiveness helps to explain the nature and extent of firms’ technological catch-up. We also provide a basis to further the analysis of technological catch-up and its learning processes, particularly in natural resources-rich industries in resource-rich developing countries.  相似文献   

An impressive literature documents how individual-level factors correlate with entrepreneurship and commercialization behaviors. We have far less insight, however, into how different organizational contexts may, in fact, play a dominant role in shaping these individuals and their behaviors. In this paper, I leverage a unique case of commercialization in which a largely overlapping team attempted to commercialize a technology in two different organizational contexts – first, in a university and later in a startup firm. By detailing the contextual features in each organizational environment and by linking these features to the participants’ differing approaches and attitudes toward commercialization, I extend the current literature through a demonstration of how organizational context shapes not only the initial decision to become an entrepreneur, but also the specific ways in which individuals interpret and act upon an entrepreneurial mission. More generally, I contribute to the literature on the commercialization of university research by highlighting some of the challenges inherent in adapting a context optimized for exploration to the task of exploitation.  相似文献   

黄顺丽 《科教文汇》2012,(26):122-123
随着高职高专英语课程改革力度不断加大,学生的英语语言应用能力的培养也越来越受到重视,对商务英语口语教学提出了新的要求。如何使口语教学和社会需求相结合,如何探索出适合高职高专的商务口语教学策略,有效提高学生的商务英语交际能力,成为摆在英语教师面前的重要课题。教学中运用"视听"策略,输入有意义、可理解的商务内容,在模拟的商务场景中,开展小组活动,进行仿真实训,培养学生"说"商务英语的能力,同时不断更新教学内容以及引进"双师型"教师,是提高高职高专商务英语口语教学的有效对策,可增强学生毕业后就业能力。  相似文献   

通过对卓越研究项目学科分类方法、评价指标体系、项目运行流程以及项目实施情况的研究分析,提出对我国科技评价的若干启示.  相似文献   

《Research Policy》2022,51(10):104610
Despite its age, Vannevar Bushs Science: The Endless Frontier has remained a touchstone for science funding policy discussions. More specifically, many claim that Bush ushered in a new ‘social contract’ that allowed scientists to freely choose projects in accordance with their own interests while promising deliverables for the society that funds scientific institutions. Despite the prominence of The Endless Frontier, there are countless interpretations of its argumentative structure. Building off others, I develop an interpretation of how the linear model relates to the freedom of science in SEF. I critically assess this view and argue that it provides a valuable starting point for a social contract for the 21st century. To accomplish this, I clarify Bush's stance on the linear model and show that it bypasses the most common objections against its plausibility, consider the relationship between Bush's conception of the freedom of science and the rise of citizen science, and articulate a more nuanced approach to government intervention in research priority setting.  相似文献   

国家自然科学基金与科学道德学风问题   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文分析了国家自然科学基金工作中出现的不端行为及其成因,探讨科 学基金中发生的科学道德和学风问题的表现形式及其特征,评价科学不端行为对科学基金工 作的影响,研究提出加强科学道德和学风建设、改进科技政策、优化我国科技发展环境的政 策建议。  相似文献   


The design and use of information technologies are not as easily separated as they may seem. Designers have much at stake in the use of their software, while users are greatly influenced by the design of the software that they use. In this article, I explore the complex relationships built up between the designers and users of human anatomy simulations, including processes of cooperation and conflict. I develop and apply a three-step process for studying the design and use of a software product in its social context. First, it is important to focus on the social worlds of designers and users that influence the development of the technology. Next, the emphasis shifts to the technology itself, which can be viewed as a boundary object emerging from the intersection of the contributing social worlds. Finally, the technology exhibits agency by reshaping the relationships and interactions among the contributing social worlds.  相似文献   

《Research Policy》2023,52(3):104707
In their Discussion Paper, Franzoni and Stephan (F&S, 2023) discuss the shortcomings of existing peer review models in shaping the funding of risky science. Their discussion offers a conceptual framework for incorporating risk into peer review models of research proposals by leveraging the Subjective Expected Utility (SEU) approach to decouple reviewers' assessments of a project's potential value from its risk. In my Response, I build on F&S's discussion and attempt to shed light on three additional yet core considerations of risk in science: 1) how risk and reward in science are related to assessments of a project's novelty and feasibility; 2) how the sunk cost literature can help articulate why reviewers tend to perceive new research areas as riskier than continued investigation of existing lines of research; and 3) how drawing on different types of expert reviewers (i.e., based on domain and technical expertise) can result in alternative evaluation assessments to better inform resource allocation decisions. The spirit of my Response is to sharpen our understanding of risk in science and to offer insights on how future theoretical and empirical work—leveraging experiments— can test and validate the SEU approach for the purposes of funding more risky science that advances the knowledge frontier.  相似文献   

媒体对科学家形象的良好形塑不仅关乎科学家精神的厚植与弘扬,更深刻影响公众对科学家乃至科学的整体认知与态度。研究综合运用定性和定量分析方法,以《中国科学报》和Wiely 2015-2020年科技人物报道为数据源,探索分析了国内外科学媒体在中国科学家形象塑造时的异同。结果显示:《中国科学报》科技人物报道以叙事记叙性通讯为体裁,男性且功成名就的科学家为主体,科学家形象塑造以展现宏观科学精神为主,日常生活与个性挖掘为辅;Wiely以谈话实录性通讯为核心叙事方式,聚焦当代青年科技精英,侧重对科学家职业和个性特征、科学与人文精神的共同勾画。两大科学媒体在科技人物报道对象及其形象塑造中均存在一定的性别刻板。据此,对科学媒体中科学家形象的塑造路径与策略提出了反思。  相似文献   

《Research Policy》2022,51(1):104372
Exclusivity is a key concern when designing a licensing contract, yet the organizational factors that influence the exclusive provision of university licenses remain underexplored. This study provides a deeper understanding of this question by developing a balanced framework that considers both licensors (universities) and licensees (companies) in licensing deals. Furthermore, we posit that university prestige affects both a university's ability to conduct non-exclusive licensing and a firm's incentive to obtain an exclusive license, thereby shaping their joint willingness to license (non-)exclusively. We also examine how technology transfer office (TTO) experience and prior collaboration between a university and a firm moderate this relationship. To test the hypotheses, we use a dataset consisting of 6653 licensed patents owned by 117 representative Chinese universities. We find that an inverted U-shaped relationship exists between university prestige and the likelihood that two parties choose exclusive licensing. Moreover, the moderating effect of TTO experience is partially supported while that of prior collaboration is fully supported. Our findings generate important implications for the relative social impacts of exclusive and non-exclusive licensing of technology inventions as well as the management of university licensing.  相似文献   

Innovation in digital technologies is central to contemporary debates about the need for policy and regulatory adjustment in response to the consequences of the centrality of these technologies in contemporary societies. Christopher Freeman's research in relation to changes in techno-economic paradigm and, specifically, in relation to the information and communication technology (ICT) paradigm, cautioned that assessments of these changes needed to go beyond market dynamics to examine social, cultural and political issues. In this paper several predominant themes in his work are foregrounded – the ambiguity of changes within the ICT paradigm; the role of guiding principles in influencing expectations about societal outcomes; and the importance of political factors in shaping the consequences of technological innovation. These three themes are then deployed in a discussion of recent innovations – two technical (5G mobile networks and artificial intelligence-as-a-service) and one institutional (proposals for changes in the international taxation regime in response to claims that the existing regime is inappropriate in the face of global online service provision). In each instance, the aim is to illustrate how following Freeman by giving attention to the themes operates as an important guide to analysis of adjustments to novel deployments of digital technology. The conclusion emphasizes the value of Freeman's contributions to shaping research agendas that acknowledge the need to humanize technology, to consider alternatives to taken-for-granted principles and practices, and to take into account the role of political power in tandem with concentrated economic power.  相似文献   


Nanotechnology is widely considered to offer enormous competitive advantages to those countries that possess the knowledge and capacity to harness its potential. As in many other countries, Australia’s nanotechnology policy is in its infancy and lags international research in the field. We examine the role of community engagement in the development of nanotechnology in Australia, and argue that if Australia is to establish a sustainable nanotechnology policy, then it must broaden its perspective and more carefully consider the social, ethical and environmental aspects of nanotechnology. We support the goal of shared economic growth through technological advancement; however, this seems unlikely as long as the Australian government persists with what is essentially a technical and socially exclusive approach to stimulating innovation in nanotechnology. While opposition to nanotechnology is still ‘thin on the ground’, it is starting to emerge and the Commonwealth and State governments would do well to treat it with respect.  相似文献   

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