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傅西平 《出版参考》2015,(18):18-20
美国图书市场价值375亿美元,号称世界上最大的图书市场,每年推出图书30多万种.然而,翻译图书的数量却很小,只占图书总量的3%.相比而言,法国翻译书占比最高,达17.3%;德国也不逊色,市场购买最多的小说是翻译小说,占比12%.  相似文献   

柯蓉 《出版参考》2007,(5X):32-32
目前法国以及欧洲的图书市场普遍存在一种现象,就是处于比较停滞的状态,这种现象已经持续了大概10年左右。但也可以看到,有些种类的图书的出版还在持续增长,并且取得了很大的成功,比如口袋书。法国市场上另一个值得关注的现象就是翻译类图书在法国图书市场不断增长,尤其是近两年,从中文翻译到法文的图书也越来越多。  相似文献   

我国引进版图书市场近年来不断发展,对引进版图书翻译质量的要求也在不断提高。引进版图书翻译工作人员应当对我国的引进版图书市场进行深入分析,发现当前市场发展的趋势,以便为自身业务能力水平的提高指明方向。  相似文献   

作为世界上的一个图书大国,21世纪的第一个十年的法国图书市场情况如何?根据法国<图书周刊>2010年2月5日第807期的统计分析.新千年的第一个十年法国图书市场总体发展平稳.虽然2003年一度停止不前,但此后图书出版逐年好转. 2000年,新世纪伊始,法国共出版和再版了39375种图书.各出版社都在调整出版策略和计划,争取在新千年取得好业绩.  相似文献   

由法兰克福书展组委会国际部开办的非营利机构德国图书事务所于5月28日正式在美国纽约开始办公。这是德国在美国开办的第一家旨在向美国读者推广德国图书的专门机构。它与法国图书事务所有些相似。该机构的任务是向美国出版商、书商以及美国公众提供德国图书市场和新书信息,促进双方的交流与合作。 除了促进德国图书向美国出口和翻译之外,德国图  相似文献   

据《纽约时报》(New York Times)报道,欧洲图书市场顶住危机,销售隋况良好。欧洲大陆图书市场恢复得尤为明显。欧洲市场迎来了自去年秋天图书销售走低以来的新复苏。据法国“图书周刊》(Livres Hebdo)的报道,2008年12月和2009年1月法国的图书销售数量分别高于去年同期2%和2.3%。  相似文献   

正21世纪初期的十余年已经过去。席卷全球的金融危机尽管对法国图书业有所影响,但是整个业界一直努力抗争。根据法国《图书周刊》的统计分析,法国图书市场近十余年里总体发展平稳。新世纪伊始,2000年,法国共出版和再版了39375种图书,到2011年法国全年共出版新书和再版的图书已达64347种。尽管金融危机依然笼罩着法国,法国图书出版业积极应对,取得成绩的主要原  相似文献   

据法国《图书周刊》统计的2001年数字,法国家装图书(园艺类除外)的营业额达148亿欧元。2002年、2003年法国图书市场家庭图书走俏,出版社为争夺这一图书市场,花样百出,形式各异,争夺激烈。其原因可能要从法国实施每周35小时工作制后,法国人拥有了更多呆在家中的时间说起。统计显示。法国有56%的人自己做室内屋外的活计,39%的人自己油漆房屋和贴纸,21%的人自己翻修房屋。其中,67%的法国男士都喜欢在家里修修弄弄做点家什。于是,针对法国人的这一爱好,法国各出版社抓住商机,大显身手,出版各式各样的相关图书.从而展开了激烈的竞争。  相似文献   

21世纪初期的十余年已经过去.席卷全球的金融危机尽管对法国图书业有所影响,但是整个业界一直努力抗争.根据法国《图书周刊》的统计分析,法国图书市场近十余年里总体发展平稳.新世纪伊始,2000年,法国共出版和再版了39375种图书,到2011年法国全年共出版新书和再版的图书已达64347种.尽管金融危机依然笼罩着法国,法国图书出版业积极应对,取得成绩的主要原因与做法如下:  相似文献   

据《纽约时报》(New York Times)报道,欧洲图书市场顶住危机,销售情况良好。欧洲大陆图书市场恢复得尤为明显。欧洲市场迎来了自去年秋天图书销售走低以来的新复苏。据法国《图书周刊》(Livres Hebdo)的报道,2008年12月和  相似文献   

Conclusion Children’s books are cultural products that face unique challenges when crossing cultural boundaries. Among these challenges are the translation into a new language, the cost of the translation both in terms of money and content, and the culture of the destination market. The main consumers of translations of children's books are currently developed countries such as France, Germany, and Italy. Less developed countries such as China and Korea, though, are experiencing a growth in their children's book markets. Although international boundaries are becoming less defined in today's market place and although there is an emphasis on multiculturalism within the United States, more children's books are licensed for translation in foreign markets than in the domestic American market. American publishers need to feel more secure in their ability to publish translations of children's books profitably. Only then will American children be able to have this important tool to help prepare them for a growing international environment.  相似文献   

Publications in minority languages have a very limited audience. Their reach can be extended through the sales of translation rights. This article reports on the results of an exploratory study conducted on the selling of translation rights of Afrikaans fiction to Dutch publishers [3, 5, 9, 10, 11, 22]. Using case studies of two bestselling Afrikaans authors, we identified a set of non-literary factors influencing the selling of translation rights from a South African trade publisher’s perspective. Attention is paid to the criteria for selecting books with translation rights potential. This area of publishing is still in its development stage in South Africa, and a lack of human resources, financial resources and support infrastructure are evident. These factors inhibit the visibility of Afrikaans literature world-wide. However, it is argued that awareness and training in this field, as well as revised strategies, could extend the reading and buying market of Afrikaans popular fiction authors over time.  相似文献   

人文社会科学外译图书评价指标体系研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
[目的/意义]人文社会科学精品图书外译是中华文化走出去的重要方式,建立外译图书评价指标体系能够展现图书影响力,为图书外译的内容类型选择提供指导。[方法/过程]从反映外译图书学术影响力和社会影响力的10个维度出发,细化评价指标。利用熵权法计算各项指标的权重,加权平均得到学术影响力和社会影响力的得分,对中华学术外译项目资助的外译图书进行实证分析。[结果/结论]40.48%的图书国内外影响力排名差值的绝对值大于10;部分国内学术影响力高的图书外译后未受到国外学者关注;外译图书的社会影响整体较低。选择外译图书的内容类型时需要同时考察该图书在国内和国外的学术影响和社会影响。  相似文献   

《Communication monographs》2012,79(4):443-463
Cultural differences in reasoning and persuasion have mainly been documented for the East—West divide. Nisbett (2003) expects such differences to be absent for Western cultures because of their shared Grecian inheritance. The results of two experiments, however, show that France and The Netherlands, both Western European countries, differ with respect to the persuasiveness of different evidence types. In Study 1 (N=600), cultural differences occurred between the relative persuasiveness of anecdotal, statistical, causal, and expert evidence. In Study 2 (N=600), the quality of statistical and expert evidence was manipulated. For the Dutch, but not for the French, normatively strong evidence was more persuasive than normatively weak evidence for both evidence types. Implications and possible explanations are discussed.  相似文献   

Following the German invasion of the Netherlands in May 1940, a Dutch government in exile was set up in London. One of the most important activities of these exiles was to make propaganda against the Nazi’s and throughout the war they operated Radio Oranje (Radio Orange), a wireless station that broadcasted to the Netherlands using BBC-transmitters. Another part of the Dutch broadcasting outfit in England was a ‘listening service’ that made daily reports about Dutch-language radio broadcasts from Hilversum by the Nazi regime. This article draws from a complete, and previously unused, set of these monitoring reports to analyse the Dutch propaganda war in the ether. The source material reveals that notions of Dutch neutrality were central to the radio broadcasts at both sides of the North Sea. In addition, the reports show how the London broadcasters singled out and targeted specific Nazi propagandists whom they thought to be the most dangerous.  相似文献   

古籍翻译跨越时空,不仅涉及语言理解问题,亦涉及文化传承问题,由于语言、文化、思维等的差异,最易造成译者的表层理解从而引起误译.文章基于前人研究,结合古籍英译的特殊性,借接受理论探讨古籍英译的文本选择、意义实现和读者的接受性等问题.  相似文献   

Performance measurement and communicating about it with the broader public is not self-evident if one looks at public services organizations (Hernon, P., 1998. The government performance and results act. Government Information Quarterly, 15: 153–156). In Belgium and the Netherlands, one organization that has been under constant surveillance from its stakeholders is the railroad company. Originally a national public service, it has changed through a European directive to operate in a liberalized transportation market. In this paper, we present the results of a qualitative study into what the Belgian and Dutch railway companies measure about their performance towards travelers, how they measure it, and specifically how they communicate it to their employees and stakeholders. Although we might expect the Dutch railway company (NS) to be more transparent than the Belgian railway company (NMBS/SNCB), in reality the two organizations do not differ that much from each other.  相似文献   

许洁 《出版科学》2012,20(3):92-94
荷兰出版业具有很高的现代化程度和国际化水平。在出版产业欣欣向荣发展的背后是长久以来出版学高等教育和科研的支持。本文总结荷兰出版专业高等教育和科研的特点,探讨其成功经验,希望对我国的出版专业教育和科研活动提供借鉴。  相似文献   

繁体字版译著与普通中文图书在印刷文字等许多方面不一致,在题名、责任者翻译上存在差异。本文根据《中国文献编目规则》第二版及CALIS联合目录的有关规定,结合本人工作实践对繁体字版译著检索途径题名和责任者进行了探讨。  相似文献   

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