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<正> 蓝牙技术(Bluetooth)是一种无线数据与语音通信的开放性全球规范,它以低成本的近距离无线连接为基础,为固定与移动设备通信环境建立一个特别连接。 蓝牙系统工作频段为全球通用的2.4GHz ISM(即工业、科学、医学)。其数据速率为1Mb/s。用时分双工传输方案来实现全双工传输。  相似文献   

我们以蓝牙技术附加于生活,形成一个蓝牙无形网络,在蓝色的世界里尽享安逸。  相似文献   

本文根据蓝牙技术低成本性、伸缩性和移动性等特点,提出了一个基于蓝牙无线网络的图书馆信息服务体系。这种服务体系在构建和谐社会,方便读者学习,拓展图书馆服务功能,提高图书馆运行效率等方面具有重要意义。  相似文献   

红外通讯技术具有成本低、技术成熟及兼容性较好等特点,蓝牙具有传输距离长、可以穿透障碍物及一点对多点的传输等特点,目前,这两种技术都有一定的不足,比如,红外通讯技术的扩展性较差,而蓝牙的成本较高。随着这两种技术的相互取长补短,未来我国无线通讯技术体系将会更加完善。  相似文献   

<正> 蓝牙无线技术是信息技术发展的一个热点。它代表宽带无线接入技术的一个发展方向。该技术在1994年由爱立信公司提出,1998年爱立信、1BM、Inter等9家公司联合开发了蓝牙1.0标准,于1999年7月向全球公布。在短短几年里,全球已有2500多家公司先后加盟Rluetooth SIG(特别利益集团)包括国内30多家公司企业,可以说对该技术的如此关注和支持是前所未有的。  相似文献   

谁说相机只能是一个模样?这款相机就是一个圆球形。  相似文献   

文章介绍了蓝牙(bluetooth)技术和无线局域网技术,并将蓝牙技术应用于无线局域网的组建,给出了组网方案和实例,具有一定的应用意义。  相似文献   

驾驶途中的隐性"手雷" 据法新社报道,在现代社会,酒后驾驶已经不是引发车祸的第一"杀手",开车时使用手机比酒后驾车危险性更大!有关数字显乐,70%的致命交通事故是由于司机泞意力不集中所造成的,而手机是造成司机注意力分散最主要原因!有关交警人士表示:"行驶过程中的交通情况瞬息万变,交通事故往往在瞬间发生,所以驾驶员必须始终保持高度警惕,把思想百分之百集中在开车上,而开车时接手机,一心二用,严重分散注意力,一旦出现险情,很难及时发现或处  相似文献   

目的:分析研究家庭无线网络中WiFi技术的应用效果。方法:通过研究WiFi技术的设计理念及工作方式,结合家庭无线网络硬件设施,分析WiFi技术在家庭无线网络中的应用效果。结果:研究发现,应用WiFi技术的家庭网络,在网络运行性能上、使用技术上以及便利性上都有很大的改观。结论:WiFi技术的应用,有助于家庭无线网络各方面性能的提高,方便居民生活,在无线网络领域有很大程度的积极作用。  相似文献   

<正> 当100M网络普及之后,有线网络的技术已经非常成熟了,而且成本也大大降低。此外,千兆网卡也正在向我们走来。一时间我们似乎认为网络技术已经达到了如火纯青的地步,但是猛然间,繁琐的物理连接与恼人的网络维护把我们搞得焦头烂额。于是乎,无线网络技术逐步向我们走来……  相似文献   


The article examines the most important periodicals of ethnic minorities in Poland. After 1989, many ethnic groups (e.g., Germans and Romanies) were allowed to publish journals and newspapers for the first time since the end of World War II. The publications examined show the rich cultural life of the various ethnic groups as well as their current status in Poland. In addition to popular titles, some scholarly publications are also discussed.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung. Um einen auf UML basierenden Entwicklungsprozess bewerten und verbessern zu können, werden Metriken für UML-Modelle definiert. Wir stellen einen Satz derartiger Metriken vor und diskutieren ihre Tauglichkeit. Unsere Metriken sind generisch definiert, sie werden zur Bewertung der einzelnen UML-Diagramme spezialisiert. Wir berichten vom Einsatz der Metriken zur Evaluation eines Prozessmodells, das in der Lehrveranstaltung Software-Praktikum eingesetzt wird. Eingegangen am 2. Januar 2001/Angenommen am 20. Dezember 2002CR Subject Classification: D.2.2, D.2.8, D.2.9, K.3.2, K.6.3  相似文献   


There are between fifteen and twenty U.S. libraries that collect publications from Central Asia, defined here as Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan. Collection development responsibility for these countries tends to rest with the Slavic selector, the Middle East selector, or both, divided by language. Vendors who can supply this material mostly also supply publications from other countries of the former Soviet Union. The author briefly discusses the history of collecting from this region and the results of a survey conducted in 2004. She presents evidence indicating that the main reason U.S. libraries are not receiving more books from the region is most likely because they are not being published, not because vendors are doing an inadequate job.  相似文献   

This article describes a study of the two most popular plagiarism-detection software platforms available on today's market—Turnitin (http://www.turnitin.com/static/index.html) and SafeAssign (http://www.safeassign.com/). After a brief discussion of plagiarism's relevance to librarians, the authors examine plagiarism-detection methodology and conduct a review of the current literature regarding plagiarism-detection efficacy. To evaluate detection efficacy for Turnitin and SafeAssign, the authors constructed a brief study in which twenty sample papers containing portions of plagiarized material were submitted to each platform. The results show that Turnitin had the highest overall success at plagiarism detection with an 82.4 percent detection rate. Additionally, both platforms had a combined false-positive detection rate of 16.8 percent. The authors conclude that close review of material suspected of plagiarism is still essential for proper identification.  相似文献   


The state of Illinois funded a large scale Ariel project. This is a report of the project's successes and shortcomings. Although widely successful, additional training in the use of sophisticated hardware, primarily Minolta scanners, is needed. Data on sending and receiving is included.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung. Caching ist ein bewährtes Mittel, um die Skalier- und Verfügbarkeit von Systemen zu steigern sowie die Latenzzeit für Benutzeranforderungen zu verkürzen. Im Gegensatz zum Web-Caching, bei dem einzelne Web-Objekte irgendwo längs ihres Aufrufpfades in der Proxy-Kette vorgehalten werden, setzt Datenbank-Caching ausgewachsene Datenbanksysteme als Caches ein, um dort Satzmengen entfernter Datenbanken möglichst adaptiv verwalten und Anfragen darauf auswerten zu können. Verfahren dazu reichen von separat verwalteten materialisierten Sichten über überlappende, aber replikationsfrei gespeicherte Sichten bis hin zu Cache-Groups, in denen parametrisierte Cache-Constraints den Cache-Inhalt spezifizieren. Wir untersuchen anschaulich die verschiedenen Ansätze und ermitteln daraus eine Klassifikation, die den Lösungsraum zu enthüllen hilft. Im Mittelpunkt steht das Konzept der Prädikatsvollständigkeit: Ein Datenbank-Cache verwaltet vollständige Extensionen von Prädikaten, was ihm ermöglicht, Schlüsse über beantwortbare Anfragen zu ziehen.Eingegangen am 14. Januar 2004, Angenommen am 13. Februar 2004, CR Subject Classification: C.2.4, D.4.4, H.2.4, H.2.8  相似文献   

This paper introduces a research agenda to explore the intersection of e-government implementation and the key federal programs – Medicaid, the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP, a.k.a. food stamps), (SSI), and Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF, a.k.a. welfare) – that provide assistance to low-income citizens in the United States. To lay the groundwork for on-going research, this paper focuses on the implementing statutes that require different levels of automation for delivering these programs to the public. It discusses the programs in terms of their breadth, impacts to recipients, and the effects of automation as implemented for each. It identifies some of the consequences of automation, such as potentially faster service delivery, different approaches to information access, and issues of privacy. It then suggests some points to consider for policymakers and for future research to more deeply understand this unique and little-studied aspect of e-government implementation. By understanding the impacts of implementing statutes on the poor, policymakers can develop a deliberately inclusive strategy that leverages technology to support access to assistance in measurable models that can be implemented at the federal, state, and county levels. This can further democratize the government-to-citizen relationship and support greater accountability to taxpayers.  相似文献   

Library Journal's 2011 Ebook Penetration and Use in U.S. Libraries Survey testifies to e-books’ increasing popularity in academic libraries. This review tracked literature published from 2005 that focused on academic librarians’ best practices for acquiring, cataloging, maintaining, and promoting e-books at their institutions. Some of these practices include implementing trial accesses, considering institutional requirements, providing an e-book presence in the library catalog, monitoring usage statistics, and utilizing the library Web site for promotional efforts.  相似文献   


Many libraries use RSS to syndicate information about their collections to users. A survey of 65 academic libraries revealed their most common use for RSS is to disseminate information about library holdings, such as lists of new acquisitions. Even though typical RSS feeds are ill suited to the task of carrying rich bibliographic metadata, great potential exists for developing applications that can exploit metadata exposed to Web services via RSS. Using the MODS metadata format, entire catalog records can be seamlessly embedded in RSS 2.0 feeds. Existing tools, such as Library of Congress Java toolkits and XSLT stylesheets, can facilitate this process, while a new XSLT stylesheet may be used to create the RSS feeds complete with MODS records. As an example of the added functionality these MODS/RSS feeds can offer, records from a MODS-enriched RSS feed can be ingested into a non-RSS application such as Zotero. As more emerging library technologies use Web services architectures to handle data objects, the ability to syndicate catalog records will become more critical to providing innovative library Web services.  相似文献   

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