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This paper reports on a survey of faculty perceptions of the role of the library in online distance education. The study is second in a series of related studies exploring The Pennsylvania State University's library services to patrons at a distance. In 2004, faculty of the World Campus (Penn State's online distance education program) were surveyed on their perceptions of e-learners' research needs. The faculty responded to questions on how their students access research information for their courses, whether they require their students to use the library as part of their courses, and their expectations of the library as an academic support service. The survey revealed that 60% of the responding faculty supply all of the required research information to students in their courses, and 62% do not require students to use the library as part of their course(s). The study concludes that online, distance-education faculty members have minimal to moderate expectations of the library in supporting their teaching and their students' research needs. Moreover, the study shows a significant lack of faculty awareness of existing library services and resources available to the e-learning community.  相似文献   

This article reports upon the assessment and research activities undertaken by a research group of faculty librarians at Hunter College regarding the perceptions, awareness, and usage of library services by non-librarian faculty members. Given the initial directive to measure faculty satisfaction with library services, the research group developed an ongoing action-research protocol to pursue more meaningful assessments of faculty awareness and use of library services and resources. The researchers employed both qualitative and quantitative methodologies, gathering data through informal information groups with faculty members and through an online survey measuring faculty awareness of library resources and services (Faculty Awareness of Library Services (FALS)). The findings show that while Hunter faculty value relational engagement with the library, they are more frequently aware of non-relational, self-service library resources. Further, the data suggest that tenured faculty members are aware of library services at a higher rate than tenure-track faculty. This data forms the foundation of an on-going action-research protocol to assess long-term trends, the products of which will continue to inform faculty services, outreach, and programming.  相似文献   


The Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU) Library Alliance conducted a study to assess library services in support of faculty research. Funded by an Andrew W. Mellon Foundation grant, and with support from LYRASIS, the study involved two different assessments. The first assessment was of faculty members and their support needs for research. The second assessment was of librarians to understand current capacity and needs related to support libraries provide to faculty. While the HBCU Library Alliance acknowledges that libraries do not have the capacity to address all the challenges to faculty research, the results from this study can serve as a tool to augment the academic infrastructure to support research.  相似文献   

[目的/意义]面对高校学部制的改革,研究与探索重庆大学图书馆在学部制下的学科服务新模式,以便能更好地为本校学部用户的科研和学习提供更专业的学科信息与知识服务。[方法/过程] 重庆大学图书馆构建学部制下的学科服务创新模式,以服务学部用户为导向,创建学部制下的学科服务机制,搭建学部制下的学科服务交互平台,并依托该平台重点深化拓展学科服务的五大范畴:信息素质教育、资源建设、科研支撑、学术评价、学者库建设。[结果/结论]重庆大学图书馆学部制下学科服务创新模式的实践显示,该模式能够大范围覆盖学部用户,挖掘用户的隐性需求并提供多层次的创新服务,更好地支撑学部用户科研和教学。  相似文献   

The Interlibrary Loan (ILL) Department at Murray State University has developed convenient methods to aid faculty members in their research. Various means of communication and programs, such as Campus Delivery, Document Delivery, and “Free ILL,” have allowed faculty members to see the wide variety of research resources that are available through interlibrary loan. These methods have been used as key public relations tools to promote library resources and services, and have strengthened the relationship between faculty members and the Interlibrary Loan Department at Murray State University.  相似文献   

This mixed-methods study aims to characterize the appropriate structure of the academic library in the information age according to the perceptions of the faculty members who use the library and the academic librarians operating it. Two main issues were addressed: centralization versus decentralization, and the provision of physical versus virtual services. The study population included members of the faculties of Humanities and Social Sciences in three academic institutions in Israel and academic librarians working in these institutions. Qualitative data was collected through interviews with 20 faculty members and 15 librarians, while quantitative data was collected through questionnaires filled by 191 faculty members and 50 librarians in the above-mentioned institutions. Analysis of these data reveal that faculty members generally prefer a concentration of materials—rather than decentralization—and they show a similar preference toward a faculty library model, a combined faculty/departmental library model, and a central library model. Similarly, the academic librarians prefer either faculty or combined faculty/department libraries, but their preference toward a central library model is lower than that of the faculty members. The decentralized, departmental library model was the least favored by both groups. In addition, our findings indicate that both the faculty members and the librarians appreciate the virtual services that the library provides as well as its physical presence, although fewer faculty members than librarians perceived the latter as an important role of the library. Taken together it appears that the preferred model for the academic library in the information age is of large, multidisciplinary libraries that contain materials from a variety of fields and provide comprehensive virtual services.  相似文献   

This research aims to examine whether faculty's perceptions of the importance of the library's resources and services for their teaching, clinical practice or research were different based on disciplines, and to explore the degree that faculty's perceptions of the library's importance and its role have changed over time. The findings revealed that online journals, databases, and Interlibrary loan (ILL) were considered by the majority of faculty as the most important for faculty's research. Another key finding indicated that faculty from social sciences perceived assistance from a subject specialist librarian as more important than faculty members from physical sciences. The top three strategies faculty use to obtain articles not available through the university include searching for a freely available online version, using ILL, and obtaining it from Google Scholar. These findings assist the library to better understand our user community's needs. As this survey is regularly deployed, it also allows us to observe potential changes over time, and as necessary, make strategic changes to library resources and services.  相似文献   

Community-based medical schools rely heavily on volunteer faculty to provide medical education. Volunteer faculty consist of health care professionals, primarily physicians, who commit to educating medical students and residents. While these volunteer faculty are typically unpaid, many medical schools provide some benefits to them for volunteering their time. One such benefit, although rarely noted in library or medical education literature, is access to academic medical library resources and services. This article highlights a library services liaison model dedicated to the support of volunteer faculty at a community-based medical school.  相似文献   

This article contains the results of an empirical analysis and review of 199 American Bar Association-accredited law school library Web pages to identify the law library services for faculty that are advertised or promoted on law library Web sites. The analysis ranked the Web sites based on how thoroughly a law library communicates, or promotes on its Web site, the services it offers to faculty. The analysis also identified the percentage of law libraries advertising specific services for faculty, such as those related to library staffing, publishing support, teaching support, and research services. Suggestions are included for the promotion of the law library to faculty, including services some libraries are uniquely offering.  相似文献   


Academic research libraries can employ several approaches to advance the institutional mission. First, libraries can shift from goals focused on collections and traditional library services and instead align with their campus academic plan and an emphasis on supporting the institution's strategic initiatives. A second approach is for libraries to modify their organizational structures from being function-based on the tasks that traditional libraries performed (e.g., public services, technical services, collection development) and move instead toward organizational units that directly support their university's missions (e.g., undergraduate education; graduate and professional education; research, scholarship, and creative activity; and public engagement). The key is to have library staff engaged in work that contributes to vital institutional outcomes such as student success and faculty research productivity. Academic research libraries should also continue to work towards an assessment program that demonstrates the value of the academic research library in providing quality services that advance the institutional mission.  相似文献   

Research librarians often have a specialty in certain discipline, and many academic libraries thrive on this type of arrangement to support their researchers. But more often, new interdisciplinary programs are developed that require the expertise of more than one subject expert for support. In particular, students in a Master of Education in the Health Professions (MEHP) program have unique, complicated research challenges that can only be addressed with careful collaboration amongst multiple subject experts. However, this program and the library saw the need for additional expertise to support their students, and began a collaboration with the medical library, bringing a clinical informationist onto the library support team. Together, the education librarian, clinical informationist, and program faculty collaborate to provide excellent services to help students in their research throughout the program.  相似文献   

This article describes the creation and implementation of focus groups to evaluate the effectiveness of a health sciences library's liaison program of the College of Pharmacy faculty and to better understand the faculty's information needs in order to design new and improved library services. The liaison services support the teaching and research needs of faculty and students through literature research, classroom teaching, and an extensive library collection of pharmacy literature. Focus group results demonstrated a high level of satisfaction with library liaison services and collections. Opportunities exist for expanded interaction with graduate students and greater marketing of library services to increase faculty awareness of specific library programs.  相似文献   

Librarians have provided reference and research support for faculty to varying degrees for many years, and librarian support is needed more than ever today with the rapidly evolving nature of library resources and online information. Learning about faculty research needs and determining ways to support their research is an ongoing challenge facing librarians. This article describes a library program that uses academic department administrative personnel to connect with faculty researchers and helps clarify the roles that librarians, faculty, and administrative personnel play in the research process.  相似文献   

Usage statistics are a regular part of assessment but the lack of context leaves librarians pondering the reasons for fluctuations in use. Through development of an online survey, we examined faculty perceptions, knowledge, and use of distance library services to support online courses. Responses provided much needed context and helped to determine priorities and direction for services. While this survey was a useful marketing tool, results emphasized that the greatest need was for ongoing communication with faculty to increase awareness of services provided.  相似文献   

This study examines user perceptions regarding level of satisfaction with library collections, organization, facilities as well as traditional and IT enabled services. A questionnaire was administered to the faculty members, research scholars and students of the Aligarh Muslim University (AMU), Banaras Hindu University (BHU), Allahabad University (ALU) and Baba Bhim Rao Ambedkar (BBRAU). Overall, respondents indicated that library collections are adequate. In the case of newly centralized university libraries, users were dissatisfied with library collections, particularly at BBRAU, though they were satisfied with the existing infrastructure. Overall, satisfaction levels of users at old centralized universities are good.  相似文献   

Projects in undergraduate research programs differ from assignments in courses in that they are independent of an institution's curriculum, and faculty mentoring plays a more important role. These programs can be fertile ground for librarians interested in participating. Whether such librarians would make good mentors for undergraduate researchers depends largely on their experience and education. Texas Tech University has two of these programs, but library support for them has been sporadic. The time is overdue for librarians involved in campus outreach and instruction to examine how they can best support Texas Tech's undergraduate research activities, and, in particular, whether they are adequately prepared to provide effective mentoring to undergraduate research students. This article reports on such an examination.  相似文献   

高校图书馆专利信息服务内容、模式与趋势   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
[目的/意义]高校图书馆专利信息服务是深层次的学科服务,探索研究专利信息服务内容、模式与趋势有很强的现实意义。[方法/过程]通过对新时期高校图书馆专利信息服务工作的分析,构建四层内容体系:专利信息素养教育、专利信息检索分析服务、嵌入科研团队专利信息服务、决策支持专利信息服务;对各个层次的专利信息服务模式展开研究,重点探索嵌入科研过程的高端专利信息服务模式,并辅以实证研究。[结果/结论]高校图书馆专利信息服务的发展趋势是:构建符合创新人才培养的新型专利信息素养教育模式;延伸专利信息检索分析服务外延并挖掘服务深度;嵌入式专利信息服务是学科服务的创新内容;专利信息服务可为科研及管理提供高级决策支持。  相似文献   

[目的/意义] 总结英美大学图书馆在图书馆转型发展中开展的研究支持服务及其对大学高等教育提供的强有力支撑,以期为国内高校图书馆在这方面工作的开展和理论研究提供参考。[方法/过程] 采用实证研究及比较研究方法,对英美大学图书馆开展的研究支持服务进行调研,探讨英美大学图书馆研究支持服务的形式、内容、深层次内涵及发展趋势,并进行分析。[结果/结论] 研究支持服务是未来大学图书馆发展的重大战略方向之一,体现了图书馆在转型发展中的深度服务创新,彰显了图书馆价值。我国高校图书馆应借鉴国外成功经验,强化研究支持服务意识,探讨并建设研究支持集成信息服务体系,推动我国高校图书馆研究支持服务迈上新台阶。  相似文献   

[目的/意义]对美国高校图书馆以研究数据管理服务为目的的研究数据集进行调查分析,旨在为大数据环境下国内高校图书馆开展研究数据管理服务与数据资源建设提供参考。[方法/过程]选取美国学术图书馆联盟TRLN成员及其所在高校为典型案例,采用网络调研法、典型案例法、文献调研法,从研究数据集内容、分类组织、来源、数据处理工具与设施以及数据管理服务5个角度对TRLN成员研究数据集建设现状与特点进行深度解析。[结果/结论]研究数据管理服务已成为TRLN成员支持与参与数据密集型科研活动的重要举措与实践;TRLN成员正在利用丰富的研究数据集与先进的数据处理工具与技术,引领用户超越机构限制获取数据以及利用数据进行知识发现与创新;研究数据集与图书、期刊、报纸、学位论文等纸质和数字资源一样已成为TRLN成员馆藏内容之一;目前TRLN成员研究数据馆藏主要采用以自有数据、用户数据、第三方机构数据与政府数据相结合的采集与共享授权模式。以上研究可为我国高校图书馆开展研究数据管理服务与数字信息资源建设提供借鉴与启示。  相似文献   

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