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鲁迅对庄子的批判与认同,体现了庄子对他的巨大诱惑。在寻求自由的路上,他们分别选择了“逍遥”与“拯救”的殊途。他们关注人的“异化”,完成了对自己时代的社会批判和文化批判。庄子对鲁迅的影响,既养成了鲁迅的深刻,也是鲁迅矛盾痛苦的根源之所在。鲁迅与庄子既是精神的知己,又是思想上的对手。  相似文献   

叔本华和黑格尔对康德哲学的批判分别代表着现代非理性主义的开端与传统理性主义的完成,他们对康德的批判哲学中的不同点的强调,标志着哲学发展史上的一个转折的开始。因此,理解他们的对康德哲学的不同的批判和继承对于理解传统哲学与现代西方哲学之间的关系和由传统哲学到现代西方哲学的转折具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

17世纪的法国古典主义文学思潮因其严重缺陷而受到启蒙主义思想家的批判。他们反对古典主义的种种清规戒律,提倡个性自由,注重人的行为与感情。批判的原因则在于政治思想上和文化(文学)上的发展和需要。同时,启蒙主义运动也在创作思想、心理描写、创作题材、人物塑造、表现方法等方面吸取了古典文学的营养,以作为进一步发展的基础。  相似文献   

对鲍德里亚的早期文本《物体系》的理解需要从对象、意指和方法三个维度展开。从对象维度看,《物体系》从功能之物、非功能之物和意识形态之物三个层面展开对“物”的分析和批判。从意指维度看,“物”的批判的深刻意指是历史与文化批判,最终是对人与社会的异化状况的反思、批判与拯救,其中心是意识形态批判。从方法论维度看,鲍德里亚通过将精神分析方法和符号学方法移用为《物体系》的意象分析方法和文本架构方法来完成其思想铺展。对象、意指和方法的三重透视是理解鲍德里亚此后其他重要文本的总钥匙,其后来的文本只是将批判对象由“物”的批判逐渐拓展为对生产、消费和符号的批判,从而构筑起宏大的资本主义意识形态批判体系。与《物体系》相似的批判意指和批判方法始终贯穿于鲍德里亚的其他代表性文本之中。  相似文献   

党的七届六中全会对邓子恢等人所谓右倾的批判,是不恰当的。邓子恢等人主张一九五五年春农业合作化需要“适当收缩”是符合当时实际情况的。他们同毛泽东的分歧只是农业合作化的速度上的分歧,而并非是否走社会主义道路的分歧。对邓子恢等人的批判产生很不好的影响:合作社不顾条件地一哄而上,使农业生产潜伏着极大的危机。更可怕的是在思想上一再地反右。谁都不敢“右”,实际上是谁都不敢实事求是。  相似文献   

维果茨基与建构主义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
维果茨基是苏联建国时期卓越的心理学家,主要研究儿童发展与教育心理,着重探讨思维和语言、儿童学习与发展的关系问题,创立了著名的“文化历史发展理论”。从科学共同体的角度看,维果茨基与皮亚杰属同时代的人。他们有着共同的“历史的和批判的”背景。维果茨基阅读过皮亚杰的著作并对  相似文献   

人的全面发展是马克思主义的一个重要内容。根据马克思主义关于人的全面发展学说,探讨我国社会主义教育,一直是我国教育理论研究的重要课题。江泽民同志在“七一”讲话中对这个问题作了深刻的论述。学习江泽民同志的论述,对于推动当前教育的改革和发展有着重要的意义。下面谈几点学习的体会。第一,人的发展与时代发展的关系。人的发展不是孤立的,它与人所处的时代密切相关,也就是说人的发展与时代发展共进。马克思就指出过,人“是什么样的,这同他们生产是一致的———既和他们生产什么一致,又和他们怎样生产一致。因而,个人是什么…  相似文献   

社会进步的程度,应以生产力尺度和人的尺度来衡量,不能为了经济的一时发展而以精神文明的牺牲为代价,绝不能放纵私欲,为邪恶作怅。为此,必须摒弃社会“自然”进化论和“恶是历史发展的动力”的观点。我们应追求历史的进步和道德的进步的完美统一。张承志、张炜、梁晓声等的理想追求与现实批判正是以这二者的完美统一为目标的,那种认为他们的道德批判是鼓吹道德理想主义或文化冒险主义的观点则是错误的。张承志、张炜等作家的道德批判具有两个显著特点:一是旗帜鲜明地站在人民大众的立场上,真正地以人民大众为推动历史前进的主力;二是追求大写的“人”,力倡去恶扬善。值得注意的是,这种道德批判是提倡人要战胜平庸,追求崇高,而并非是宗教的、与世俗和凡人无关的。  相似文献   

建构主义教学观及其对我国新课程改革的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
建构主义是认知主义的进一步发展,建构主义教学观是对传统教学观的批判和发展。建构主义者认为知识是由人创造的并受他们的价值观和文化的影响,主张学习是对知识的主动建构,重视个体的建构潜能,强调师生、生生之间的互动合作。对于建构主义的知识观、学习观、师生观的分析有利于对传统教学观念的改变,并为如何培养与发展学生的主体性提供了新的视野和思维空间,对我国当下课程改革具有重要的理论意义和实践价值。  相似文献   

个人功利主义交往观的分析与批判   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
人是社会中的人,人在社会生活中从事物质生产和精神生产必然要结成一定的社会关系,与人交往。人的价值取向不同,交往的动机和目的就不同,导致的结果也不同。随着科学技术的不断发展和社会主义市场经济体制的逐步建立,人们交往的意识显著增强、交往的手段日趋便捷、交往的关系更为复杂。这里,我们对现实社会生活中存在的个人功利主义交往观作一分析与批判。一、个人功利主义交往观的界定及其表现个人功利主义交往观是一种以自我为中心以个人功利为目的的交往观。我们反对个人功利主义交往观,不是要反对人与人之间正常的交往,而是反对…  相似文献   

In this paper, we use a diffractive reading developed by feminist philosopher and quantum physicist Karen Barad, as part of a response-able methodology, in order to consider the claim made by Serge Hein in his paper ‘The New Materialism in Qualitative Inquiry: How Compatible Are the Philosophies of Barad and Deleuze?’ (2016) that the philosophies of Barad and Deleuze and Guattari are incommensurable. Our point of departure is from a stance which is quite different from that of Hein’s – we propose that it is indeed productive to put the work of Barad into conversation with that of Deleuze. As an alternative to critique used by Hein to engage with the work of Barad and Deleuze, we consider how a response-able and diffractive reading of notions of critique could provide a more affirmative and productive way of reading academic texts, including those by Barad and Deleuze.  相似文献   

当代文论下的文学批评所面临的困境   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国当下文坛中的文学批评存在一些问题,可以从批评主体、媒体作用等多方把握。其中不容忽视的视角是从与它联系十分密切的文学理论的角度去探究。通过关注现存的众多的批评文章的本质,分析我国文论的特点、文学批评对它的运用情况,可以看出理论层面的问题对文学批评的发展影响深远。因此要摆脱它所处的困境,从理论的层面找突破口是一种有效的途径。  相似文献   

A bstract .  The postmodern critique of modernity has focused on the construction of the modern subject and the self-disciplining and self-cancellation tendencies within it. This critique, however, fails to consider what happens during the early years of children's development — the period during which the modern subject is made, and the one in which the paradoxes and ambiguities inherent in modern subjectivity are established. In this essay Guoping Zhao analyzes how children's developmental process affects the definition and formation of the self in the United States. She uses a cross-cultural lens, comparing the dominant cultural ideas and practices associated with child development in the United States (stemming from the ideology of liberal individualism) with those influenced and supported by Confucianism. Zhao argues that children's paths of development are not natural but cultural ones guided by underlying ideologies, and ultimately concludes that this cultural process determines the shapes and forms of the modern subject and the nature of individual freedom and autonomy.  相似文献   


Wittgenstein constantly invokes teaching, training and learning in his later work. It is therefore interesting to consider what role these notions play for him there. I argue that their use is central to Wittgenstein’s attempt to refute cognitivist assumptions, and to show how normative practices can be understood without the threat of circularity, grounded not in a kind of seeing, but in doing, and the natural reactions of an organism. This can generate a worry that Wittgenstein’s position is quietist and anti-critical: critique, as a challenge to the taken-for-granted grammar of our language game, is technically meaningless. I argue that Wittgenstein does not rule out critique. His own practice demonstrates that critique is possible, but takes place within a language game, and its status as critique is always subject to challenge in the agora of a discourse.  相似文献   

Drawing on ESRC‐funded research (RES‐000–22–0832), this article examines the accounts of men participating in London access and foundation programmes in relation to their shifting masculine identifications. I consider how the men’s early memories of schooling shape their student masculinities. Their accounts are contextualised in relation to hegemonic discourses of widening participation and neo‐liberalism. Drawing on feminist critique, I pay attention to the men’s self‐regulating practices in their struggle to be recognised as deserving of higher education access and participation. The interconnections and contradictions within men’s identifications across a range of differences are considered in relation to their experiences and imaginaries of accessing higher education.  相似文献   

In this article we elaborate on the relationship between morality, moral development, moral education and capitalism. Based on Narvaez’s correct critique of the Western way of life, which is destroying the environment and may one day lead to extinction of life on Earth, we argue that this critique should not be stripped of its political side, meaning that it will not be complete if does not explicitly include capitalism as one of its roots. In the remainder of our commentary, we will try to show that in addition to heart, reason has a strong place in indigenous peoples’ life that is frequently misunderstood. Finally, and taking all this into account, we maintain that moral and citizenship education need to be critical and intercultural, and explicitly discuss economic and political issues that underlie and affect human moral development.  相似文献   

This paper explores ways in which Roland Barthes' discussion of the encyclopaedia provides us with resources for thinking about education and research practice today. What Barthes addresses in his essay ‘The Plates of the Encyclopedia’ is a particular encyclopaedia, the Encyclopédie produced by Denis Diderot and Jean le Rond d'Alembert, which was published in France between 1751 and 1772. This is commonly referred as the first of a form that we recognise as the encyclopaedia today. I begin with Barthes' analysis and critique of the Encyclopédie. Barthes, writing in 1964, engages with the Encyclopédie as an iconic product of its time, seeing it as conditioned by and, in effect, reinforcing a particular way of experiencing the world. Next, I consider ways in which a parallel critique is pertinent today. I explore some current examples of encyclopaedic form in relation to education and educational research. The purpose of this is to examine the interplay between particular cultural products and their society, in which not only certain types of knowledge but also a certain conception of knowledge are produced and reinforced. So, it will not be the purpose of this paper to provide direct analysis or critique of the Enlightenment, or to provide a historical account of knowledge. Rather, what I am interested in is problematising a particular understanding of language and knowledge that arises through these cultural products, particularly with regard to educational inquiry. This lays the way for thoughts expressed by Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari in What is Philosophy? which, as I shall try to show, are of help in furthering the analysis of the dominant research culture's use of such products and in imagining the task of education and research differently.  相似文献   

在马克思那里,资本主义是通过资本与技术的结合来实现对工人的强有力的统治和剥削的。在资本主义生产关系中,科技的进步受制于资本增殖逻辑,资本主义生产方式的发展,以及与此相关的劳动资料和劳动组织方式的改进等技术进步形态,都强化了资本对工人的剥削和控制。因此,资本批判逻辑下的技术批判构成了马克思资本主义批判思想的一个重要方面,体现了马克思批判思想是资本主义批判和技术批判的结合,也是技术历史进步性与社会变革的统一。  相似文献   

在《生产之镜》中,鲍德里亚认为马克思主义的生产逻辑并未摆脱资本主义政治经济学视角下对待自然的态度,自然依旧处于被人类奴役、支配的附属地位。而通过对于马克思主义自然概念和生产理论的考察发现,马克思主义的自然概念具有无比丰富的内涵,其中蕴含着先在性、审美性、实践性、历史性和社会性等多个维度。马克思的"生产一般"概念是一种合理抽象的结果,它所包含的内容就是各个不同的生产所共有的那种标志性和规定性的东西。因此,鲍德里亚对于马克思主义自然观的批判是不准确的。  相似文献   

Young fanfiction writers use the Internet to build networks of reading, writing and editing – literacy practices that are highly valued in schools, universities and workplaces. While prior research shows that online spaces frame multiple kinds of participation as legitimate, much of this work focuses on the extensive contributions of exceptional young authors. In this paper, we foreground the contributions of fanfiction reviewers and focus on their interactions with writers, exploring their communicative literacy practices and hypothesising about how we can make their reading and writing more visible and more effectively consider their learning practices. To do so, we conducted a linguistic analysis of fanfiction review comments on two sites, FanFiction.net and Figment.com. While fanfiction readers provide writers with an authentic audience for their creative work, our findings indicate that the review comments that they leave generally do not offer specific feedback regarding the craft of writing. For this reason, we argue that teachers' expertise is still needed in the difficult task of developing young adults' composition, peer review and critique skills.  相似文献   

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