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专业紧扣学院双高建设要求对高职院校专业课程进行教学改革,贴合SPOC小规模在线课程的特点,依托职教云平台,以“服务器配置与管理”课程为例进行教学实践研究。前端分析、教学组织和教学评价三部分构建了基于SPOC的混合教学模式,同时对基于SPOC的混合教学模式进行反思,总结了实际应用中取得的成效和存在的问题,对其他课程的改革提供一定的参考意义。  相似文献   

以东北林业大学木材学中国大学视频公开课的建设为契机,讨论了木材学大学视频公开课建设的意义。并进一步提出东北林业大学木材学课程建设中存在的问题、取得的成效及继续改进办法。  相似文献   

In this article Ann-Lee Wang describes a gambling game that many Malaysians engage in. often illegally. The game is called “Tai Sai” which literally means “Big Small” in Chinese. There are two versions of the game, both of which provide interesting problems for teachers of introductory courses in probability. Both versions use three dice.  相似文献   


In 1995, Boise State University undertook an interdisciplinary languages program under a FLAC (Foreign Languages Across the Curriculum) grant sponsored by the U.S. Department of Education. Coordinated through the Department of Modern Languages, the program utilized non-foreign language faculty across the colleges of the campus who were fluent in a foreign language. FLAC courses were conceptualized and designed as “trailer” courses, in which a class offering one unit of instruction in Spanish was attached to an existing course in each department's curriculum. At Boise State, FLAC was extended for the first time to criminal justice. This paper discusses the FLAC program nationally and the FLAC program at Boise State with a focus on the criminal justice department. Positive outcomes and institutional problems in sustaining the program are described.  相似文献   


This paper describes the application of evaluation methods to a distance course and discusses the need for ongoing evaluation to control the quality of distance education courses. During the last quadrimester of 1996, a course in Graphic Mechanics was offered in Brazil through a distance education program entitled “Programa Educ@r”1 via the World Wide Web. Evaluation methods and data analysis were developed and applied during the period of the course, and results of the evaluation are discussed.  相似文献   

Entrepreneurship is relatively new as a subject of formal study in universities. Its teaching can be traced back to 1947. Since then, the subject has caught on, and in the 1980s and 1990s, there was a veritable explosion in such offerings at universities in the United States. The subject came to Europe rather late, but here, too, courses and programmes are becoming increasingly numerous, particularly in the United Kingdom but also, now, in Belgium and in Germany. University programmes in Entrepreneurship can be “focused” or “university wide”. University‐wide programmes can be “magnet programmes” or “radiant programmes”. The author presents and describes these different kinds of programmes and cites examples of their implementation in different universities in Germany and abroad. Such education, she feels, will gain great importance in the Twenty‐First Century; however, courses will require innovative funding methods and, particularly, a great deal of private funding.  相似文献   

浙江财经大学“工程识图与辅助设计”为浙江省级线上线下混合式一流本科课程。分析“工程识图与辅助设计”课程的性质、特点以及在传统教学模式下课程教学存在的问题;对照“金课”的“两性一度”标准以及课程教学存在的问题,认为开展线上线下混合式教学改革是“工程识图与辅助设计”课程的建设路径;构建“三体系+三模式+三阶段+三形式”的教学组织形式,包括重组课程内容、运用多种驱动模式、重构课前课中课后教学流程以及形成线上线下混合式有机融合的教学形式,并从网络平台、课程资源与考核方式等方面开展课程建设。实践效果表明,采用线上线下混合式教学有效解决了传统课堂教学存在的问题,并能激发学生的学习兴趣,提升学生学习效果。  相似文献   

This article describes the community organization experience of the Family Life Development Center at Cornell University in connection with the federally financed Resource Center on Child Abuse and Neglect which it has operated since 1975. Early on, the Center decided to concentrate its efforts on organizing local task forces on child abuse and neglect which would work at the community level to improve services for families and children afflicted with the problem. As a result, over 50 such groups were organized and they have stimulated creation of over 100 new services including Parents Anonymous chapters, parent aides, multidisciplinary teams and parenting education projects. In short, the local community organization approach enabled a small state level staff to stimulate a major mobilization of resources for child abuse and neglect at the community level throughout the state. The process began with several “trial and error” experiences in rural New York. This led to technical assistance in task force formation for a dozen more counties and finally to regional workshops on task force organizations. The process culminated with formation of a statewide federation of the local groups. The Center is now implementing the approach in New Jersey, Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands.  相似文献   

This article describes and discusses a novel academic course founded by the Faculty of Welfare and Health Studies at the University of Haifa, Israel, which tried to establish an alternative interaction between graduate students and older persons as part of its graduate academic program. The course “Social Activism and Old Age: From Exclusion to Inclusion” brought together senior citizens from the neighborhoods of the northern city of Haifa and graduate students at the Faculty of Welfare and Health Studies at the University of Haifa. Now in its fourth year, this course has shown that academic education and training in the field of gerontology and aging studies can be shaped in ways which provide meaningful intergenerational learning and that old age activism can be achieved within a broader context of university–community partnership (UCP).  相似文献   

Due to the pandemic conditions, hands-on courses in architectural education were conducted remotely and their presentation had to be reconsidered. Hands-on courses, by their nature, support learning and learner-instructor interaction in the classroom environment. It was necessary to develop innovative solutions to ensure this interaction in virtual classrooms. This study discusses a method we experienced in the 2021–2022 spring semester of the “Principles of Digital Design and Fabrication in Architecture” course given at Gazi University. To combat potential interaction deficits, “problem-based learning (PBL)” and “learning by doing (LBD)” teaching methods were applied. While reflecting on foreseen problems in the curriculum on the students, we determined the distance education process causes different reflections on students in terms of digital modelling and fabrication techniques. All constraints and problem determinations obtained by the students were classified and a way to solve these problems developed with the LBD style. By the end of the course, the students, who were expected to design a small 3D object, first designed the mould then realised their fabrication of the object. In this process, while the foreseen problems and curriculum determined at the beginning overlapped, other problem determinations and their reflections formed an important base for the future curriculum.  相似文献   

Networked environments offer new scope for presenting activity based courses, in which activities and reflection form the central backbone of course pedagogy. Such courses promise an enriching approach to study, but there are also challenges for the design of assessment. This paper describes a qualitative study of student and tutor perspectives on the assessment of an innovative undergraduate course at the UK Open University which has employed an activity–based approach. It discusses the relationship between assessment, student participation, and the development of skills, and then outlines the priorities for the design of assessment for such courses.  相似文献   

我国土木工程基础设施的大力建设带动了新型土木工程材料及工艺的迅速发展。当前“土木工程材料”课程存在教学内容陈旧,新材料、新技术、新工艺的发展更新缓慢的问题,导致学生对建材试验课程的学习兴趣不高、实际的教学效果不佳等问题。基于新工科发展背景,融合OBE理念,从五个方面提出了若干改革创新举措:将新型土木工程材料和实验技术与教学内容有机结合,延伸和丰富教学内容,真正让学生动起来、忙起来;将专业设计大赛和大学生创新创业项目融入实验课程中,着力提升学生分析和解决工程问题的能力;将虚拟现实等信息化技术应用到实验课程之中,有效解决部分学生参与度不高的现状,最终实现培养新工科背景下实践和创新型人才的目的。  相似文献   

This teaching brief describes an innovative multi‐institutional initiative through which integrated student groups from different courses collaborate on a common course project. In this integrated group project, students are asked to design a decentralized manufacturing organization for a company that will manufacture industrial Proton‐Exchange Membrane fuel cells. The groups include students from supply chain management, production planning and scheduling, and facility layout and design courses. Empirical results from the implementation suggest that students responded positively to the integrated experience. Lastly, the article presents implementation strategies for multi‐institutional group projects based on the experiences gained through the collaborative experience.  相似文献   

The context of the study presented in this paper is a sixth-semester undergraduate course on “Relational database management system” that was held in session 2009–2010. The course is part of the bachelor’s degree curriculum of Computer Science and Engineering branch at Punjab Technical University, Punjab, India. It consists of a lecture course and a concurrent lab course. The common approach has been to divide the course into lectures, tutorials, and practicals. To conduct practical sessions, lab plan is prepared beforehand by the faculty. The course duration is 14–16 weeks. Here the lab course was conducted in a blended learning mode, starting with syllabus related tasks, then subject specific projects, and presenting team project results. Problem based learning (PBL) and Blogging have been introduced for practical sessions. This paper describes this novel approach in which problems are designed to cover the syllabus topics, and blogging is used to bridge the communication gap. A significant difference was seen between performance and attitude of the treatment group (PBL with blogging) and control group (only PBL) for Lab sessions. Additionally teamwork and communication skills were also significantly improved in the case of PBL with blogging class.  相似文献   

疫情当前,全国高校积极响应教育部“停课不停教”的倡议,纷纷从传统教学模式转为线上教学模式。中国大学MOOC、超星学习通和雨课堂等平台也积极投入大量软硬件服务为在线教学保驾护航,并取得了良好的效果。然而,计算机网络和程序设计等实训类课程由于其内容的特殊性,对保教促学是一大挑战。以计算机网络实训课程为例,构建虚实结合的多平台混合在线教学模式,从课程在线教学组织、过程跟踪、教学评价等方面解决疫情期间实训课程不能面对面教学及现场设备操作等问题。通过近两个月的具体实施,课程教学进展顺利,有效增强了师生互动,提升了师生满意度,保证了在线教学质量。  相似文献   

《保险销售实务》课程是保险专业的一门核心课程。对该课程进行课程思政建设,使其在教学中发挥价值引领作用,形成专业课与思政课同向同行的协同效应,必须从课程思政建设的必要性以及课程思政建设的教学设计理念、改革思路、教学流程、实施路径等方面进行研讨,并对该课程教学内容进行分析,挖掘出其中的思政内涵,实现以德树人的教育目标。  相似文献   

国际学生课程因受疫情影响现阶段多数转为线上,而造成课程开展难度较大等问题。在此背景下,研究如何开展高质量的国际学生文化体验课成为当下国际学生课程教育研究的一项重要内容。基于社区关系视角,梳理了现行国际学生教育事业中文化体验课模块化、地域化和异步化的基本特征,针对特征总结得出国际学生文化体验课程“传统常态化”“地域特色化”“影像可视化”的发展现状,着力探究基于社区关系而构建的“家—校—生”一体化的国际学生文化体验课程模式,通过分析新时代国际学生社区文化体验课程模式构建中课程时长较难控制、协同完成存在风险、课程质量评价多样性等问题,提出了社区关系视角下的国际学生文化体验课程模式的实施路径,即师资互通共融、资源互用共享和共建社区家长学校。  相似文献   

针对单片机实践教学中考核工具不多、手段不足等问题,探索“掌上实验室”在实践教学考核环节中的应用。通过开展分阶段任务和即时反馈的平时实验项目设计,培养学生解决复杂问题的能力;介绍了基于“掌上实验室”的限制性命题与开放式命题实验考核的实施方法及其优势与不足,并探讨了进一步的改进方向。通过基于“掌上实验室”的考核方式改革,提高了学生实践能力培养结果考察的效果,为目标导向的教育理念实施奠定了基础。  相似文献   

专业课双语教学探讨——《遥感技术基础》双语教学实践   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文分析了目前我国高校双语教学的现状及存在的问题,介绍了双语教学的基础概念,分析了《遥感技术基础》专业课程进行双语教学的必要性,并探讨了其实现方式和实践途径。  相似文献   

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