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Should all generations be included in our society's educational project? In PEP (Prosjekt eldrepedagogikk), in Bergen, we argue that the concept of care for old people should be redefined to include an aspect of learning. This learning can have a creative and existential purpose, not necessarily an instrumental one. “To grow old” also has a meaning of growth. Education can strengthen this growth. Old people have mental, spiritual and creative needs. PEP has aimed at stimulating older people's verbal creativity through the writing of poetry and the telling of stories in groups. Many courses of this kind have been held during recent years. This learning activity has had a positive impact upon the life of the participants. The work has served to sharpen the senses, keep thinking alive, support self-esteem, and establish good social relations. Another fruit of the project is the publishing of texts. Both education and poetry can have a function of emancipation. As a consequence of this project, the University of Bergen has started a process where research on the education of the elderly will be put on its agenda.  相似文献   

多任务需要多任务操作系统的支持,而多任务的实现有赖于具体的编程来实现。多任务有进程、线程和纤程三种实现方法。文中综合介绍了进程、线程和纤程实现多任务的相关技术并给出一个示例。  相似文献   

2005全国高考理综物理压轴题均为第25题,分析理综全国卷Ⅰ、全国卷Ⅱ、全国卷Ⅲ中的物理压轴题,均突出考查了学生对物理过程分析的能力,考查了物理学中的至高境界的观点--能的转化与守恒定律.要求考生有扎实的基础知识和良好的解决问题的思维程序,能够对物体进行正确的受力分析和运动情景的分析,其关键就是要抓住物理情景中出现的"状态"、"过程"与"系统".下面结合三份全国高考理综物理压轴题,谈谈在物理教学中如何重视培养学生对"状态、过程与系统"的分析能力,如何在平时的物理教学中贯穿"能量守恒"这个最基本的自然科学定律.  相似文献   

软件开发统一过程RUP的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
RUP,即Rational统一过程,它是以构架为中心,采用用例驱动的、迭代和增量的软件开发过程,它解决了因软件系统在规模、复杂性、分布和重要性上不断扩张带来的一系列的技术和组织上的问题。文章介绍了Rational统一过程(RUP)的主要内容,包括开发阶段、迭代过程和核心工作流等,并简要评述了其在软件项目开发中的优越性及不足。  相似文献   

从经济学的视角看,教学过程是师生以教育服务为标的的交易活动过程,是师生以追求偏好和效用最大化为目的的博弈过程。在教学过程中,通过师生之间的重复博弈治理教学过程的秩序,达到师生关系的平衡。重复博弈的治理将促使教学过程走向师生合作。  相似文献   

This paper presents an overview of the unique problems that face college-age lesbians as they try to individuate from their family of origin. The first set of obstacles involves the dual developmental tasks of "coming out" and escaping the suffocating fusion typical of many early lesbian relationships. The second set of difficulties concerns parental reactions to the lesbian relationship. The third set of problems (which are intimately intertwined with the first two) concerns how lovers are perceived and received as "in-laws." The paper concludes with five recommended psychotherapy strategies.  相似文献   

一、数学教学要着力揭示数学过程所谓“数学过程”,就是一系列数学概念、公式、定理、法则的提出过程;数学结论的形成过程;数学思想方法的探索及概括总结过程;用数学的过程。其本质是以“抽象——符号变换——应用”为核心的思维过程。揭示数学过程既是一种特殊的认识过程,又是  相似文献   

课堂教学是实施创新教育的主渠道.现就怎样在数学教学中培养学生创新的意识和能力,笔者谈一些肤浅的看法.  相似文献   

No abstract available for this article.  相似文献   

反思学习:涵义、功能与过程   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
反思学习是指学习者以自身经验、活动或身心结构为对象,以反身性的自我观察、分析、评价、改造、修炼等方式进行的学习。反思学习的主要功能在于,通过反思提高学习者自我认识、自我评价、自我对待以及自我发展的能力。反思是建构性学习、自主学习、学生主体性发展等的核心环节。反思学习的过程实际上是行动(经验)与探究性的思考之间的关联与互动的过程。这一过程是由多个环节构成的。学生的反思学习可通过多种途径展开,并可利用多种手段对其进行促进。  相似文献   

The question of accreditation has been quite controversial in higher education. Some consider accreditation as a necessary “evil” while others reject it outright. It is a process designed to promote quality assurance and improvement in institutions and programs, yet one mired in various issues. While accreditation is controversial in a number of respects, the major focus of accrediting bodies should be the review of applied professional programs at both undergraduate and graduate levels that are grounded in professional standards and licensure. Basic science programs such as movement, exercise, and sport science should be excluded from accreditation review and subject only to external review by experts within the field of kinesiology. Furthermore, amongst other factors, the association of kinesiology programs with agencies that promote the accreditation of programs that lack professional standards, certifi cation, or licensure should be rejected. Accreditation is here to stay, but how well it serves the academy remains debatable.  相似文献   

浅议高等教育改革的动因、历程、原则、内容及趋势   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
改革开放20多年来的中国高等教育经历了体制结构调整、大发展及深化教学改革和提高教学质量三个发展阶段.其中,管理方面,办学体制、管理体制、投资体制、高考和毕业生就业制度,以及后勤管理都经历了全面改革.计划经济下国有化的办学体制、条块分割的领导体制、高度集权的管理体制及单一的投资体制是中国高等教育改革的内部动因,而中国的经济体制改革则是推动高等教育改革的外部动因.高等教育改革必须坚持方向性、适应性、规律性、协调性、多样性及风险预测原则.未来中国高等教育改革的趋势是:进一步深化办学体制改革;建立现代大学制度,落实高校办学自主权;完善大学法人治理结构;推进高水平大学和重点大学的建设;发展高等教育信息化;发挥高等教育在终身教育中的作用.  相似文献   

以通信专业核心课程——交换技术为案例,详细介绍了基于工作过程的课程开发关键环节,包括岗位能力分析、学习领域和学习情境的研究、项目教学及师资队伍建设等,为其他课程建设提供参考.  相似文献   

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