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Since 2002, British Columbia’s education system has undergone extensive change following amendments to the BC School Act (Bill 34). This article presents a critical analysis of policy changes to the K-12 education finance system, particularly the expansion of the legal capacity of school districts to create ‘school district business companies,’ a phenomenon that is unique within Canada. These companies enable public school districts to establish for-profit companies that operate at arm’s length from the school board, yet generate revenue from private sources to supplement government operational grants. This shift occurred in parallel with fiscal restraint measures that centralized control over the level of government funding while downloading inflationary and new costs to school boards. The result has been structural funding shortfalls for school districts across the province. Structural funding shortfalls, coupled with a push toward market-driven revenue generation, signaled to school districts that they needed to become more financially self-reliant. The authors argue that efficiency and adequacy (defined in financial terms) have eclipsed equity as priority values in BC education, and that ‘creeping privatization’ is undermining public support of public education. For the most part, these substantive changes have failed to stimulate a mass public outcry, and organized resistance comes from public sector unions.  相似文献   

Social justice in education refers to the expectation that the education system provides fairness in its access to opportunities and results. Proponents of educational privatisation believe this would not only open up opportunities for those that otherwise are restricted from attending good schools, but that it would also improve overall efficiency in the education system through pressures of market competition. This article first provides a framework for analysing a quasi-market in education and for considering the potential effects of privatisation. It then applies this framework to the Netherlands, a school system premised completely on choice where two thirds of the schools are privately sponsored. We conclude that the Dutch system, thanks to a series of policies and regulations in place, performs relatively well on social justice, when looking at freedom of choice and overall productive efficiency. However, for equity and social cohesion, despite clear policy efforts, the privatised system seems to undermine social justice for certain groups in the population. The dilemma observed here is that some private benefits of education must be compromised to achieve greater equity and social cohesion. It is an open question whether policy makers are willing to make such tradeoffs.  相似文献   

教育市场中高校学费的本质是高等教育的服务价格,但教育市场不同于完全竞争下的商品市场,教育市场中的高校教育有其自身的功能和政策目标,高校教育更关注的是社会收益和教育公平问题。高校学费是高等教育经费收入的主要来源之一,高校学费的标准应遵照市场机制中的价格机制,并兼顾受教育者的个人收益和社会收益,高校学费政策的主要目标是促进高等教育的有效供给,保证高等教育的机会公正。  相似文献   

通过对山东省某市民办教育发展状况的调查分析发现,民办教育是在市场供求机制作用下产生的,并且其发展水平与政府的相关政策有一定的关联性.在政府没有提供直接财政资助的条件下,民办教育间接地利用了公立教育系统的人力和声誉资源,吸引和接收了部分学生,帮助政府解决了公共教育经费短缺的部分问题.民办教育已经发展成为整个教育系统的一个组成部分,满足了社会多样化的教育需求.在教育分层格局下,学业成绩和学费成为学生赖以选择学校的两种资本,也是学校挑选学生的衡量指标.从两所案例民办学校经费收支情况看,学费收入大于经常性支出,有一定的经费节余,但是如果将建校成本、贷款和其他债务考虑进去,民办学校难以在短期内全面实现盈余.政策制定者应该从教育选择、入学机会、教学效果、教学效率、公平和社会凝聚力等多个维度,衡量和评价发展民办教育的社会效果.  相似文献   

我国的农村教育,特别是农村的小学教育在整个国民教育体系中占有比较重要的地位,它的发展程度关系到整个社会的进步.2007年笔者深入到晋中市农村,考察了农村小学教育状况,深感零学杂费时代农村小学教育存在诸多问题,有可能会影响到农村的全面发展.本文以个案研究为例对零学杂费时代农村小学教育出现的新情况和新问题进行剖析,以期待引起更多学者的关注,共同为农村小学教育的发展谏言献策.  相似文献   

我国现行高等教育成本分担政策评议   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
我国近年实施的高等教育成本分担政策,对高等教育大发展发挥了重要作用,功不可没。当前社会中存在的对高等教育成本分担政策的责难在于一种受剥夺的社会情绪。这种情绪产生于国家、社会、个体之间权利与义务的不平衡,学费偏高与学校经费浪费的对比,学费上涨过快与困难学生资助制度实施的滞后。应正确理解高等教育成本分担理论,采取切实措施消除这一政策实施过程中的负效应,继续发挥其促进高等教育发展的功能,以保证我国高等教育事业的可持续发展。  相似文献   

Education Management Organisations (EMOs), for-profit and non-profit management companies engaged in take-over and operation of public education, are becoming big business in the USA and the UK. It is estimated that in the US, EMOs were projected to generate up to $123 billion dollars in revenue in 2000. In the smaller UK system it is estimated that about 5 billion of services in public education could be contracted out to private organisations per annum. This paper examines the policy frameworks that have enabled EMOs to take-over and progressively contribute to the privatisation of public education in two national settings, the USA and England and Wales. The British scene is distinctive because government policies that have sought to expand the role of the private sector, via public-private partnerships, in the provision of public sector services and its strong accountability system, have provided opportunities for EMOs to be engaged in, or take-over, schools and educational administrative services formerly provided by LEAs. In the US, in the mid-1990s, EMOs were invited to take over school districts and specific schools. However, this practice has been succeeded by a new focus on taking over the management of charter schools. A large capital market that is able to finance enterprises involved in educational services supports the development of EMOs in the US. Our research findings, however, point to halting progress by EMOs in public education in the US. There have been well-publicised failures to deliver the promised better education at a lower cost and also well-documented failure to raise student performance levels in school and school districts. The paper concludes with reflections on the extent to which EMOs have taken forward privatisation and its implications for the governance of education.  相似文献   

义务教育均衡发展的社会资本障碍及其政府治理   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以追求教育公平为主旨的义务教育均衡发展既是一种政策取向,也是一种教育实践。目前,人们更关注义务教育的非均衡发展状态、成因及其治理问题。不同时期不同的生产方式、政策选择和制度安排是形成义务教育区域之间、城乡之间和校际之间差异的历史原因和现实原因。义务教育非均衡发展的直接后果是导致非规范性择校行为的发生。在择校过程中,家庭和学校社会资本的力量日益突出,其负向功能被诱发,破坏了就近入学政策,加剧了家庭与家庭之间、学校与学校之间社会资本的分化,损害了教育公平价值。由此,我们提出政府对于消除社会资本障碍的方向性建议:通过合理的政策选择和制度安排,在义务教育学校资源配置均衡的基础上,降低家庭社会资本在教育选择中的作用,建设学校社会资本发挥作用的良性竞争环境,从而治理目前部分家庭、学校社会资本参与择校所引发的社会问题。  相似文献   

研究生教育是高等教育的重要组成部分,肩负着培养高层次创新型人才、进行高水平科学研究、提供优质社会服务及促进文化传承与创新的使命。截至2011年,我国在读研究生达164.58万,是名副其实的研究生教育大国。但要实现研究生教育大国向研究生教育强国的转变,还必须完善现行经费投入机制。研究生收费并轨政策的实施,可以健全成本分担体系,促进社会公平,推动研究生教育内涵式发展。  相似文献   


In the rapid development of Chinese higher vocational education, large gaps have appeared in the scale of development and resource generation among the provinces, among regions in the provinces, and among higher education institutions in the provinces. Balanced regional development and provincial-level coordination have become policy focal points, but a discussion of the relationship between the two has been lacking in the academic world. Based on 2009 data on vocational colleges in China, the quantitative analysis in this paper shows that there is a tension between the governance models of higher vocational education and balanced development of vocational colleges within provinces. Research findings show that school affiliation is related to the ability to attract public funding, appropriations for public schools are significantly higher than for private schools, and tuition for private schools is significantly higher than for public schools; school affiliation is related to output, and the new student registration rate and number of cooperating enterprises is higher for public schools than private schools; and there is a significant positive correlation between the ratio of prefecture-level city schools and the average number of cooperating enterprises for schools in a province, and a significant positive correlation between the ratio of private schools and the average tuition of schools in a province. This paper suggests that to achieve the dual objectives of balance and development, provincial-level governments should adjust their administrations and financing for higher vocational education and decentralize their authority to local governments, in order to build a diverse and flexible new model for higher vocational education governance.  相似文献   

从我国高等师范教育的百年历程中可看到,学费政策经历了从"免费"、"收费"再到"免费"回归的嬗变过程,通过对不同时期高师教育学费政策的描述,分析了师范教育"收费"政策的动因,并对新颁布的"师范生免费"政策进行解读。  相似文献   

教育舆情分析是针对以"教育"作为认识对象和关注内容的舆情进行分析,属于舆情分析的一个社会子系统。以英国高校学费改革政策为切入点,运用教育舆情分析理论,揭示出英国高校学费改革政策面临的情势,考量影响政策启动的综合因素,最终为政策实施奠定科学的理论机制,使教育改革政策在执行过程中得到优化和完善。  相似文献   

The phenomenon of low-cost private schools ‘mushrooming’ in poor areas of sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia, and elsewhere, is now well-documented. Findings from research by the author’s teams and others show that these schools are serving a majority (urban and peri-urban) or significant minority (rural) of the poor, including significant proportions of the poorest of the poor. Concerns are raised in the literature about their implications for social justice. In The Idea of Justice, Amartya Sen asks us to rethink ideas about justice; instead of the quest for a Rawlsian ‘transcendental institutionalism’, he argues for a comparative approach, grounded in the practicalities of human behaviour. Linking Sen’s ideas on justice with the grassroots privatisation leads to the tentative conclusion that those concerned with promoting social justice could agree to help improve access to, and quality in, the low-cost private school sector, rather than focus on the public education sector. Paradoxically, this could be true even for those whose ideal is an egalitarian public education system.  相似文献   

关于不同级别的教育预期收益的差异对不同级别教育需求的影响研究,我们是以2000年国家统计局城镇住户调查数据为基础进行实证研究的。通过对六种不同级别受教育者的预期终生净收益差异的估计,分析了受教育者对各级教育的需求程度。统计数据所显示的政策含义表明,高校扩招是适宜的,中专教育应该减少,而高中教育急待加强。  相似文献   

The authors use population census data to project school enrolment for Kenya. They also employ current education sector budget and national revenue base statistics to model the sector budget and to forecast the revenue base growth required to sustain universal primary education (UPE). The 2003 fiscal year unit cost of education is used as the base value for computing the budget needed to fund UPE through 2015, the year by which the international community aims to achieve UPE. The authors apply econometric analysis in exploring the policy implications for the education sector budget and capacity for revenue generation that would support the budgetary growth needed.  相似文献   

英国教育界认为,隐性课程之于价值教育的意义,与显性课程同样重要,甚至更能有效实现并长久保持价值教育的目标。英国学校的价值教育,不仅力求课堂教学全面涵盖价值性内容,还主张模拟社会氛围创设校园生活,使学校的规章制度、政策声明及环境氛围彰显社会主流价值取向;此外,还主张通过课外活动、精神关怀、学校风气、教师角色和咨询指导等,潜移默化地影响学生的思想和行为,帮助其汲取个人经验,为将来的社会生活做准备。  相似文献   

教育公平视野下义务教育“择校”问题研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
“择校”是我国义务教育领域的一大热点问题,有“收费择校”“关系择校”和“权利择校”之分,尤其是“收费择校”,教育理论界对此褒贬不一。从教育公平的角度,综合分析各家之言,以期对90年代以来我国择校问题的研究进展有一个相对全面的认识。  相似文献   

利用官方公布的数据,对河南省1998—2006年政府投入的普通高中教育经费进行描述统计分析,并对照国内同期其他省市的普通高中教育经费投入情况,认为河南省普通高中教育经费政府分担的比例偏低,提高学费增加普通高中教育经费收入的空间不大,并在此基础上提出政策建议。  相似文献   

本文探讨不同收费政策对教育公平和社会福利的影响。一直以来,理论界认为提高缴费标准,会损害教育公平和社会福利。本文运用统计原理,分析了高等教育缴费标准与失学概率间的理论关系,并指出低收费政策和高收费政策,对于改善教育公平的比较效应,是随不同情况而改变的。进一步的实证分析表明,在当前贫富悬殊较为严重的情况下,低收费政策并不能明显改善低收入阶层的教育机会和社会福利,相反,高收费高资助政策的效应要更加显著。  相似文献   

实施高等教育收费必须不断完善助学贷款制度   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
我国高校经费来源多元化的格局已经形成,学费已成为政府拨款之外学校经费的主要来源。本从高等教育的成本及收益方面论述了高等教育必须收费的理论依据,认为我国高等教育收费是有据可依的,但关键在于要加大对贫困生的资助力度,特别是助学贷款。只有不断完善和创新助学贷款制度,才能确保高校收费政策的顺利实施。  相似文献   

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