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With funding from the National Library of Medicine HIV/AIDS Community Information Outreach Program (ACIOP), librarians at the University of Florida Health Sciences Libraries partnered with university and community groups to facilitate collaboration, develop new information resources, develop information-seeking skills, and raise general awareness surrounding HIV/AIDS risks, prevention, and treatment. This article describes the skills development elements of the project, including development and implementation of an HIV/AIDS information resource curriculum for health care providers, social services professionals, and public librarians within the project’s partner organizations.  相似文献   

Teaching computer literacy to library patrons is an entirely appropriate activity for librarians in their role as liaisons between information and those who are seeking it. At the Norris Medical Library of the University of Southern California there are four main computer activities: information management workshops, provision of a microcomputer laboratory and classroom, formation of user groups, and installation of a campus-wide electronic bulletin board. Benefits to the library include: increased computer knowledge for librarians, better understanding of the information needs of the campus community, mutual respect and friendship between librarians and patrons, and introduction to the library of patrons who may otherwise never have come.  相似文献   

Teaching computer literacy to library patrons is an entirely appropriate activity for librarians in their role as liaisons between information and those who are seeking it. At the Norris Medical Library of the University of Southern California there are four main computer activities: information management workshops, provision of a microcomputer laboratory and classroom, formation of user groups, and installation of a campus-wide electronic bulletin board. Benefits to the library include: increased computer knowledge for librarians, better understanding of the information needs of the campus community, mutual respect and friendshid between librarians and partons, and introduction to the library of patrons who may otherwise never have come.  相似文献   

Access to health information for health workers in Zambia is limited and inadequate, especially to those health workers that are not affiliated with institutions such as the University of Zambia. In order to meet their information needs, it is important to devise and implement appropriate health information access methods. One such method is an Outreach Program. This article is an audit and a review of the health information outreach programs that the University of Zambia Medical Library has implemented over many years.  相似文献   

《Public Library Quarterly》2013,32(3-4):119-137

Despite well-publicized advances in the development of antiretroviral therapies, HIV infection remains an incurable condition. Worldwide, the disease threatens to gravely impact a wide range of developing nations, especially in Sub-Saharan Africa, South and Southeast Asia and South America. In the United States, the poor and particularly women of color are at great, and increasing, risk for infection. Public libraries, as trusted public institutions for the dissemination of information, can continue to play an important role in promoting public health information surrounding HIV/AIDS prevention and education. Public libraries are not immune, however, to the political and value-driven public discourse surrounding HIV infection. Through carefully identifying the issues, taking a nonjudgmental service approach, and building collaborations with community based organizations, public libraries can become common ground for providing proactive prevention-focused information services. This article examines the current state of epidemic HIV/AIDS infection, reviews the literature on public library responses, and identifies highly select consumer health and biomedical monographic, serial, audio-visual and Web-based HIV/AIDS information tools.  相似文献   


Access to health information for health workers in Zambia is limited and inadequate, especially to those health workers that are not affiliated with institutions such as the University of Zambia. In order to meet their information needs, it is important to devise and implement appropriate health information access methods. One such method is an Outreach Program. This article is an audit and a review of the health information outreach programs that the University of Zambia Medical Library has implemented over many years.  相似文献   

Although a portion of the HIV/AIDS population has long been active in seeking out information in support of self-care, little work has been done to examine closely the information needs and information-seeking behaviors of this community relative to the provision of medical reference. This exploratory study provides insight into the types of information HIV positive individuals seek and the resources they consult in gathering information to bolster health and well-being. Having a better understanding of the information needs and information-seeking behaviors of individuals with HIV/AIDS will facilitate information intervention for this community.  相似文献   

2020年是中国脱贫攻坚战的收官之年,也是全面建成小康社会目标实现之年。无论是在前几年脱贫攻坚还是今年疫情防控中,中国图书馆界都积极响应,全力参与,在数字扶贫、精准服务方面发挥了图书馆应有的社会作用。饶权指出,中国对全球脱贫事业做出了巨大贡献,各级各类图书馆在文化扶贫、信息扶贫中始终发挥着积极作用。今年是脱贫攻坚战收官之年,图书馆界要从"大水漫灌"到"精准滴灌",提升扶贫工作精细化水平;从"单兵作战"到"合力攻关",构筑一体化扶贫工作网络;从"授人以鱼"到"授人以渔",激活扶贫对象内生动力。进入"后扶贫时代"的图书馆,要在提高脱贫人口信息化素养和科学文化素质方面积极作为,使脱贫人口真正有能力开创和拥有属于自己的美好生活;杰拉德·莱特纳认为,联合国《2030年可持续发展议程》及其可持续发展目标描绘了全世界走向更强大、更公平、更绿色的经济和社会的路线图。他指出,这些年来国际图联一直强调联合国工作与图书馆工作之间存在着联系,图书馆通过履行自己的使命也为促进联合国使命做出了贡献。他同时深信,中国各级各类图书馆在国家、地区和全球范围内都将做出重大贡献,并为全球图书馆营造更强大的声音;孙坦认为,继全面脱贫攻坚之后,图书馆助力脱贫将进入助力乡村振兴战略实施的新阶段,必须更加重视为广大农村居民提供高质量的公益性信息内容和信息服务,并提出了图书馆助力脱贫的路径;陈超认为,助力消除贫困是公共图书馆应尽的职责,图书馆要当好"助攻手",打好攻坚战;吴建中指出,中国图书馆界早在2016年习近平总书记提出"精准扶贫、精准脱贫"的时候就已经行动起来,加强精确识别、精确帮扶、精确管理,着力因地制宜、因人施策、因势利导,以图书馆数字化服务专业优势,将各类数字服务送到千家万户,为全面脱贫战略提供有力信息支撑。并提出,下一步要在着力推动公共数字文化服务转型升级、互联互通的云平台建设、创新数字文化服务的模式与方法三个方面下功夫;任竞指出,重庆图书馆作为中国图书馆学会图书馆扶贫工作委员会主任单位,组织、动员和引导全国公共图书馆以及社会各界力量,通过"四联四帮",挖掘区域联盟资源优势和潜力,以助力政府攻坚、助力区域脱贫、助力文化发展为目标,逐步实现公共文化服务普遍均等,改变城乡之间文化资源不平衡,保障人民群众的基本文化权益;马艳霞认为,文化扶贫作为国家扶贫工作的重要组成部分,发挥着独特的脱贫功能。河南省公共文化系统围绕送书送戏下乡、帮扶留守儿童、补齐文化基础设施等措施聚焦文化扶贫,取得一定成绩。未来应强化政府主体责任、创新多元供给模式、推进跨界融合为中原脱贫攻坚持续贡献文化力量。  相似文献   

This article identifies information provision services in emergency settings using Zambia as a case study by identifying innovative ways of providing library and information services. The thrust of the article is to analyze information management practices of organizations that work within refugee camps and how they take specific cognizance of the cultural sensitivities, fears and insecurities, and diverse disparities of the community in terms of literacy levels. It highlights aspects of library and information services provision in emergency situations so that successful ones can be adopted into policy and practice.  相似文献   

E-books are an important part of library collections. Allowing patrons to easily find e-books in a library’s online catalog requires properly cataloging these materials. Miao Jin, Catalog Librarian at Hinds Community College, gave a presentation titled “Cataloging e-Books: Dealing with Vendors and Various Other Problems” at the Mississippi State University Libraries’ eResource & Emerging Technologies Summit held in the Mitchell Memorial Library on August 2, 2013. Jin provided information on cataloging her library’s e-books and adding them to the library’s online catalog. She presented strategies for loading e-book machine-readable cataloging (MARC) records, and shared her experience working with vendors.  相似文献   

This paper surveyed the users’ patronage of Nigerian academic libraries at two universities: Federal University of Technology, Owerri (FUTO) and Evan Enwerem University, Owerri (EEU). Four research objectives and five research questions were formulated by the researchers. Uzoagulu’s (1998) statistical formula was adopted for the stratified sampling. Data were collected through questionnaires and analyzed by using tables and simple percentages. The results identified inadequate relevant current information material; a library environment not conducive to use; and inadequate reading accommodation as the major problems that hampered full patronage. The provision and acquisition of more current and relevant information materials and a comfortable and conducive reading environment would greatly improve the patronage of the libraries under study.  相似文献   

This article focuses on the health information needs of the State of Oklahoma, which ranks 45th among all 50 states in the health status of its citizens. A deficit in collections technology, a lack of knowledge about medical information in service staff, and poor marketing and outreach efforts in lightly populated counties and towns have worked against the provision of solid health information to the populace. The author points out how grants have provided funding for collaboration, partnerships, and training to certification (Medical Library Association’s Consumer Health Information Specialist Certification [CHIS]) for many staff as health information specialists. Although the issue of health information is still significant in Oklahoma, the Oklahoma library community has made inroads in handling a severe community problem in which the author believes that U.S. public libraries should be heavily involved.  相似文献   


Today Indian society is at high risk. AIDS, the most devastating disease humankind has ever faced, has become a conflagration on the Indian subcontinent and nearly 5.134 million people in the country are estimated to be HIV-positive. There is a perceived need for public libraries to provide necessary information to make the community aware of the threat of HIV/AIDS. Today's challenge is to reinvent the public libraries to respond to community needs. This paper explores the avenues created by ICT-enabled networking processes in providing HIV/AIDS information to the unprivileged population in India. It concludes with a number of recommendations that are intended to address the core problems and thereby improve the overall situation.  相似文献   

北欧四国公共图书馆事业发展启示   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
朱荀 《图书情报工作》2008,52(4):142-142
位于北欧的丹麦、芬兰、瑞典和挪威这四个国家公共图书馆事业发展水平之高,从全国图书馆的密度与人均拥有藏书册数这两个指标上就可以看出。它们高度发展的原因可以归结为以下几点:重视公共图书馆立法;有良好的阅读传统;重视教育,将公共图书馆视为教育的辅助系统,同时将公共图书馆事业看成是社会福利的一部分,让每个公民都享受到图书馆的服务。北欧国家公共图书馆发展的成功经验可以为我国公共图书馆事业的发展提供借鉴。  相似文献   

This study is aimed at examining the impact of an institution's medical library on the clinical decision-making of medical officers in two Nigerian University Teaching Hospitals. Medical information sources consulted by medical officers in Nigeria University teaching hospitals were examined. The results of the study revealed that the information provided by the library was appropriate to their clinical decisions. Medics rely mostly on their institution's library and personal data collections for information. Information is sought for the purposes of managing patients, evaluating new drugs, and support for the diagnosis of ailments. Scientific and technical journals, Index Medicus, Excerpta Medical, CD-ROM (MEDLINE) databases and foreign magazines are widely consulted. Respondents judged the library collection as fair. The study recommends that the existing medical libraries and information centers in Nigeria be well stocked for the retraining of librarians in modern information technology.  相似文献   

This study is aimed at examining the impact of an institution's medical library on the clinical decision-making of medical officers in two Nigerian University Teaching Hospitals. Medical information sources consulted by medical officers in Nigeria University teaching hospitals were examined. The results of the study revealed that the information provided by the library was appropriate to their clinical decisions. Medics rely mostly on their institution's library and personal data collections for information. Information is sought for the purposes of managing patients, evaluating new drugs, and support for the diagnosis of ailments. Scientific and technical journals, Index Medicus, Excerpta Medical, CD-ROM (MEDLINE) databases and foreign magazines are widely consulted. Respondents judged the library collection as fair. The study recommends that the existing medical libraries and information centers in Nigeria be well stocked for the retraining of librarians in modern information technology.  相似文献   

In the United Kingdom, librarians are adapting their roles to support researchers with the Open Access publication of their research in a post-Finch world, including grappling with reporting requirements at the institutional level. Particularly challenging is the need to provide high-level analysis for strategy makers while also extracting low-level detail for service provision and reporting in order to meet the needs of stakeholders across the university and numerous national external bodies. David Walters of Brunel University London describes how the library maximized its reporting capability by using the research management information in the university’s instance of Symplectic Elements, along with other Open Access data sources to establish the effective management of the institution’s Open Access publications data. Monitoring institutional data in real-time is guiding the development of library services and has allowed library staff to tailor appropriate training to researchers in very different disciplines.  相似文献   

公共图书馆在构建和谐社会中的作用   总被引:65,自引:17,他引:65  
吴慰慈 《图书馆》2006,(1):1-2,10
文章论述了公共图书馆的性质和作用。强调在建设社会主义和谐社会中,公共图书馆必将起到缓解社会矛盾、缩小社会差距,维护信息公平、保障公民权利,活跃文化生活、提高教育水平,弥补数字鸿沟、推动和谐发展的作用。指出公共图书馆的一些新理念,如维护信息公平,保障公民权利等,是进入新世纪后才提出并逐渐认识的。要加强对这些新理念的宣传和研究,原有的一些教科书显得陈旧,有必要重写。公共图书馆是图书馆体系中的重要类型,要加强公共图书馆研究。  相似文献   

Home to almost 600,000 people, Glasgow is a vibrant city with a long history of public library provision. Today, the city boasts Scotland’s largest public library service. However, over the past ten years it has become increasing apparent that libraries in Scotland and indeed worldwide must adapt in order to stay relevant to society’s changing needs. Glasgow Libraries’ comprehensive Vision for Glasgow Libraries, developed through detailed research and consultation, seeks to address these challenges to ensure that the city’s vital, life changing library service remains integral to the needs of the people of Glasgow for years to come.  相似文献   

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