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美国高等院校中的处境不利学生面临着入学和完成学业的双重困难。由于原因并不完全归于经济困境,美国政府以及高等教育机构,为了提高处境不利学生上大学和完成学业的机会,采取了一种全面综合性的早期干预计划,旨在从学术、社会、心理等各方面为处境不利学生提供充分的准备。本文简要介绍早期干预计划,以期对我国贫困学生全面支持体系的建设提供重要的参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

美国跃进学校项目是一种大学、地方、学校伙伴协作支持下的薄弱学校改造模式。它以处境不利学生“跃进式”发展为核心目标,将伙伴协作理念贯穿于薄弱学校改造的全程,经过从试点试验到稳步推进的演变,成为了美国本土和国际上促进“高质量教育公平”的改革典范。  相似文献   

处境不利学生所面临的完成学业困难并不完全来自经济困境。为此,美国联邦和州政府,以及各个高等教育机构,为了提高处境不利学生获得大学学位的机会,非常重视采取补救性教育计划与支持性服务相结合的方式。这两种非经济的帮助,针对阻碍学生成功进入大学或者入学后阻碍其发展的非经济因素。文章通过简要介绍补救性教育计划和支持性服务.以期对我国学生全面支持体系的建设提供重要的参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

1.完善立法 在美国,流动儿童的教育问题很早就引起了社会的关注,早在1960年,美国就针对迁移学生的学习问题发起了“迁移教育计划”,该计划旨在为迁移学生(主要指5-17岁迁移的农场工人的子女)提供补偿教育和服务支持,以降低迁移流动对学生的不利影响。1988年通过的“学校促进法案”又将年龄范围调整到3—21岁。2002年1月,美国通过了“不让一个孩子掉队法案”,其使命是保证美国的每一个学生受到成功的学校教育,消除流动学生与非流动学生的差别。  相似文献   

近年来,许多国家和地区倾向于提供处境不利学前儿童家庭整合干预计划,通过干预计划为学前儿童提供保教服务和家长服务,改善儿童生活的社区环境,全面为处境不利儿童提供发展支持。印度的ICDS项目和云南省临沧市镇康县的幼儿班项目就是其中之一。借鉴其经验,政府应加强对处境不利儿童早期教育的重视与干预,加大对处境不利儿童早期教育的投资,构建处境不利儿童早期发展支持系统,加强学前教育师资队伍建设。  相似文献   

借课后服务之力,帮助处境不利儿童走出困境,产生造福社会的实际效益,是美国社会大众、各级政府及学术界长期以来共同关注的议题。美国非营利性课后服务项目代表——洛杉矶“教育向未来”课后充实计划在联邦政府推动、加州政府响应和民间组织的支持下,依据教育政策和教育理论不断调整并更新其教育目标。其实践演进逻辑与抗逆力的发展高度相似:减少风险因素,为处境不利儿童搭建避风港;增加保护因素,为处境不利儿童提供丰富的教育;恢复适应系统,改善处境不利儿童的教育生态。该计划经过多年发展,在减少问题行为、提升学业表现和改善生活条件等方面取得显著成效。然而,课后服务所起作用有限,要使处境不利儿童脱离风险,还需创造生成的教育,让儿童看见希望、产生期盼。  相似文献   

基于江苏省苏州市50826个初中生家庭教育调查与学业质量监测数据的关联分析,探讨家长参与在促进处境不利学生实现学业抗逆方面的影响作用。研究发现:处境不利学生家长在家长参与各维度的得分均低于非处境不利学生家长;男生、流动学生、走读生以及学习品质低和教学支持度低的学生更可能面临家庭处境不利带来的学业失败风险;亲子交流、共同活动和家校沟通对处境不利学生实现学业抗逆具有正向预测作用,而家庭监管和学业辅导对处境不利学生的学业成绩可能会产生消极影响;等等。建议学校通过系统构建家庭教育支持和服务体系,提升处境不利学生家长的教育胜任力,为处境不利学生实现学业抗逆赋能。  相似文献   

美国政府历来都非常重视对学生的资助项目(或称学生资助计划,其英文为Student—Aid Programs)。在充分辩论的基础上,学生资助项目由国会通过后成为美国联邦法律之一,由美国联邦教育部具体执行。对美国学生的资助法律有《中小学学生拨款法》和《高等教育拨款法》之分。拨款额度严格按法律规定执行,任何人都不能“跑部钱进”。毫无机动性可言。现就《高等教育拨款法》中常见的学生资助项目略述如下:  相似文献   

针对家庭收入不同,儿童接受教育机会不平等的状况,特别是弱势家庭学生表现欠佳的问题,由英国政府出资设置的教育辅助机构"教育支援"(SHINE—Support and Helpin Education),在2001年开始广泛推行"星期六教育支援"(SHINE on Saturdays)项目。"教育支援"(SHINE)机构成立于1999年3月,它的目的在于为那些以提高6-18岁处境不利学生的学业成就为目标的公益性项目提供  相似文献   

美国处境不利学生是指来自社会经济地位较低家庭且学业成绩处于弱势的学生,主要包括有色种族群体、特殊需要群体、英语不熟练群体三类。其形成的原因主要包括不同类型学校的教育经费投入不均衡、相关教育法案对处境不利学生特殊性的忽视、高风险标准化测验过于统一的标准产生的不公平等。为改善这些亚群体的处境,除了政府投入更多专项教育经费外,还需要改革标准化测验的评价体系、改革学校绩效问责的模式、加强特许学校的监管、扩大处境不利群体的民主参与程度等一系列措施来支持。  相似文献   

倾斜性招生政策是近年来我国面向贫困地区弱势学生实施的重要举措。使用国内某“双一流”大学追踪调查数据,分析国家专项与高校专项两类学生的在学发展情况。研究发现,两类专项学生受惠于倾斜性招生政策得以被录取,尽管高考成绩显著更低,但在各类能力自评得分方面没有劣势。不过,进入大学后,国家专项学生在自我认知方面和高校专项学生在批判性思维发展方面的自评得分均存在显著劣势。此外,高校专项学生入学时的毅力优势也在大三消失。在学业成绩方面,受学业基础较差影响,两类专项学生大一课业成绩显著偏低,且均在人文学科方面表现不佳。国家专项学生所获得的高考降分越多,大一挂科率和挂科数均显著越高,平均成绩显著越低,且在人文学科中尤为明显。研究认为,“双一流”高校在制定和实施国家专项招生政策时,应根据各自往年生源情况科学分配各学科专项招生名额,给予专项生更多的志愿填报指导,尝试放宽专项生转专业限制,并为专项生提供富有针对性的发展支持,在保障弱势学生入学机会的同时,更好地促进其在大学期间的良性发展。  相似文献   


This study is an investigation of the college and career counseling needs of economically disadvantaged, academically gifted minority students. Two groups of students were studied and compared ‐ one group of 50 low‐income students, predominantly minority, who were chosen for a special college counseling program, and a second group of 42 middle to high income students, predominantly Asian and Caucasian, who were participating in a summer academic program. Students were compared on college plans and preparations, aspirations and expectations about higher education, support from others, motivation, values, and career interests and maturity. Results showed that the gifted disadvantaged students had lower educational aspirations, felt somewhat less prepared for college and less confident about being admitted, had unrealistic ideas about how to finance college, and perceived that college life would be more frightening and lonely compared to nondisadvantaged students. Student groups were similar in motivation to attend college, support from significant others and values. Disadvantaged students had better skills related to selecting a career but expressed less confidence in making a career decision. The results suggest a need for differentiated college counseling programs for disadvantaged minority students.  相似文献   

School improvement initiatives are needed to better meet the needs of underprivileged students, to reduce underachievement and to break a continuing cycle of disadvantage. This article describes part of a school improvement initiative in New Zealand that provided additional funding for school nurse and social worker services in nine secondary schools with the most disadvantaged students in New Zealand. It describes the nature and delivery of services provided by the social workers in these schools. In addition, the article reports changes over time in staff and student views about school climate including a comparison with non-participating schools of similar socioeconomic status. The findings indicated that school climate is a useful intermediate measure of the effectiveness of school improvement initiatives. There were significant improvements in staff views about school climate over time, with staff views about school climate becoming more favourable on scales measuring Improvements in the Last 12 Months and Support for Ethnic Diversity compared to eight non-participating schools. Student views were more favourable on scales measuring Satisfaction with School, Support for Achievement and Support for Ethnic Diversity, compared to the non-participating schools.  相似文献   


For youth in disadvantaged schools, university expectations and participation are often limited by access to social and cultural capital that support expectations. This study investigated the utility of creative arts outreach initiatives (CAI) in supporting students’ university expectations and building cultural capital in homes, schools and neighbourhoods in the southwest corridor of Perth, Western Australia. Cultural capital was operationalised as discussions about university with parents, teachers and friends as important socialisers. The CAI provided task-based programs that connected students with industry professionals and university academics to access new social and cultural capital, develop skills that satisfied learning objectives and increase navigational capacity for higher education participation. Multi-group latent growth models were estimated for university expectations across 3 time points and university discussions with important socialisers at time 3 using a propensity-score matched sample comprising 176 students aged between 11 to 18 years from eight high schools (program group?=?88, control group?=?88, females?=?64%). Results indicated stability in levels of university expectations for program participants and increased discussions about university with parents, teachers and friends. Findings support the inclusion of people-rich, co-curricular creative arts programs such as CAI in disadvantaged schools to build social and cultural capital that supports and potentially widens higher education participation in this region.  相似文献   

Schools represent the primary setting where refugee children learn about Australian life and culture. They serve as a broad context for acculturation not only for academic development and language acquisition but for cultural learning too. This paper focuses on the after‐school homework tutoring programme that uses University of Western Sydney (Australia) secondary teacher education students as tutors for African refugee students in secondary schools to facilitate their inclusion into Australian society. African refugees may receive lower returns for education in comparison with other Australian migrants. Using Bourdieu’s theory of social capital and cultural reproduction as a conceptual framework, this paper discusses the part played by schools in constructing barriers that prevent under‐represented groups such as refugees participating in the education process. It aims to explore the success of community engagement programmes like Refugee Action Support, which is designed to act in the interests of others (refugees) characterised as socio‐culturally disadvantaged.  相似文献   

Parallel Support (PS) is a co-teaching program designed to deliver education services in inclusive settings in Greece. In this quantitative study, 236 special education PS teachers from six major educational regions participated in a survey. The findings indicate that PS is similar to the One Teach, One Assist approach, constituting a static model, which typically provides services to one or two students with disabilities. Deeper cultural characteristics of the Greek educational system may shape the PS's peculiarities. In our transcultural hypothesis, the PS model is a compromise between a highly demanding collaborative approach and a pre-existing low collaboration school culture.  相似文献   

大学生就业难问题受到社会普遍关注,将创新创业教育和实践活动成果有机结合,积极创造条件扶持大学生实现自主创业已成为高等学校的共识。帮助大学生实现自主创业途径很多,以引导学生创办微型企业为切入点,提升学生的综合素质,提高学生创业能力,扩大学生就业面,促进创新创业教育内涵发展的做法值得借鉴。  相似文献   

The number of Asian international students pursuing graduate degrees in social work in the U.S. has increased dramatically in recent years, especially among Koreans. Despite the growth and the need for culturally competent practices in higher education, no research has been devoted to the adjustment problems of this population. This study is the first of its kind in exploring stress and coping strategies of Korean international students in graduate social work education. Concept mapping revealed five major clusters of stressors: academic problems, financial difficulties, cultural barriers, psychological problems, and family concerns. Five major coping strategies emerged as well: psychological coping, physical coping, problem solving, social support, and entertainment. Social work schools and departments should demonstrate cultural competence with this population by providing support services to help these students cope successfully with their new environment.  相似文献   

In the Urban Teacher Fellows (UTF) program, Student Support Specialists are responsible for recruiting, advising, and supporting students on the teacher pathway, beginning at the community college and continuing through the four-year university degree and credential programs. This is a program designed specifically to address serious concerns about the success of community college students in transferring to universities and completing teaching credential programs. The California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office (2013) reports that only 25.4% of the 2007–2008 statewide cohort transferred to a university after four years. This qualitative study, conducted by us as participant-observers of the UTF program, describes one of the strategies currently in use that may increase opportunities for community college students to successfully navigate this challenging transition. In particular, it presents findings on the role of the UTF Support Specialist based on interviews with the first two Support Specialists in the UTF program and a survey of the first cohort of students to work with them. Our study shows that this long-term scaffolded relationship evolved throughout the pathway program in response to students’ needs. Starting as a mostly technical role, it became a family-like role; and finally, it became a smaller role as students themselves took on those support activities for each other. Based on these findings, our recommendations are to identify and select Support Specialists who are reflective and caring and to carefully plan for the challenges of long-term, cross-institutional student support.  相似文献   

文化育人是我国高校来华留学教育的本质要求,是我国高校来华留学教育的价值体现。当前,我国高校来华留学文化育人面临文化冲突、文化歧视、文化单向输出等现实挑战。文化间性为我国高校来华留学文化育人提供了相应借鉴。在文化间性视域下,我国高校应确立文化间性的育人理念、建设国际化校园文化环境、创新文化教学模式、提高教师文化育人能力、推进中外学生交流互鉴、打造中国文化体验基地等作为来华留学文化育人的实施路径。  相似文献   

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