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The responses of three groups of teachers to a rating task in which they were asked to indicate how many of their pupils were “bright”, “above average”, “below average” and “dull” were compared. In two of the groups, teachers had been provided with test information based on performance on nationally standardized ability and attainment tests. In the third group tests had been administered but no results were provided.

No differences between the groups were found in terms of the extent to which teacher ratings of ability levels correspond with mean ability test scores. In addition, teachers, irrespective of the group to which they belonged, were found to display a tendency to place more pupils in the above average categories than the below average categories. Finally, no support was found for an hypothesis which suggested that test information would differentially affect the ratings of teachers of classes with pupils who were typical and untypical with respect to age.

The fact that the correlation between mean ratings and mean test scores were found to be fairly high in all three groups (they ranged from .51 to .60) suggests a reason for the failure of test information to impact on teachers’ judgements. The degree of agreement between teachers and tests that the correlations reveal means that there is less scope for a convergence of ratings on tests to occur than might otherwise be the case.  相似文献   

Success in collaborative school‐based consultation depends on whether teachers implement interventions suggested by consultants. In business literature, Rational Persuasion (RP) has been identified as one potentially effective way to influence consultee perceptions about proposed interventions. RP includes intervention information, why it is important to decide to use the intervention, and potential objections to the intervention with arguments against those objections. The influence of these RP elements on potential school‐based consultees has not been studied. This preliminary analog study investigated whether presenting RP importance and objections for behavioral interventions influenced teachers' ratings of acceptability, effectiveness, and commitment‐to‐implement. Participants included 71 teachers enrolled in graduate education courses. The within‐subject design included three video vignettes of each of three conditions for three different behavioral interventions (total of nine possible videos, three presented to each group). Results suggest that the influence of RP on acceptability, perceived effectiveness, and commitment‐to‐implement ratings was inconsistent. Implications for research and practice are discussed. © 2003 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Psychol Schs 40: 627–640, 2003.  相似文献   


Theories of self-concept usually maintain that the individual’s self-esteem is reflected in peer ratings. The purpose of this 6tudy is to isolate factore of self-esteem and of peer ratings and to determine significant relationships between the derived factors. Over two hundred elementary pupils were selected from two metropolitan areas.

Approximately half were black, disadvantaged pupils; the remainder were white with above average cultural advantages. The Coopersmith Self-Esteem Inventory (SEI) and a semantic differential (SD) were administered to all students. From a factor analysis of responses to the SEI, four factors of self-esteem and a lie scale emerged.

Three SD factors were obtained from a factor analysis of the peer ratings. One significant canonical correlation (.325 p = .01) resulted from the correlation of the three SD factor scores with scores on the five SEI factors. “Activity” dominated the relationship between peer feelings and self-concept dimensions.  相似文献   


Constructing scientific arguments is an important practice for students because it helps them to make sense of data using scientific knowledge and within the conceptual and experimental boundaries of an investigation. In this study, we used a text mining method called Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) to identify underlying patterns in students written scientific arguments about a complex scientific phenomenon called Albedo Effect. We further examined how identified patterns compare to existing frameworks related to explaining evidence to support claims and attributing sources of uncertainty. LDA was applied to electronically stored arguments written by 2472 students and concerning how decreases in sea ice affect global temperatures. The results indicated that each content topic identified in the explanations by the LDA— “data only,” “reasoning only,” “data and reasoning combined,” “wrong reasoning types,” and “restatement of the claim”—could be interpreted using the claim–evidence–reasoning framework. Similarly, each topic identified in the students’ uncertainty attributions— “self-evaluations,” “personal sources related to knowledge and experience,” and “scientific sources related to reasoning and data”—could be interpreted using the taxonomy of uncertainty attribution. These results indicate that LDA can serve as a tool for content analysis that can discover semantic patterns in students’ scientific argumentation in particular science domains and facilitate teachers’ providing help to students.


This paper considers different conceptualisations of school discipline within both UK education policy and wider educational and philosophical literature. Initially, it is noted that notions of “behaviour management” dominate discourses about school discipline. It is suggested that this is unhelpful as behaviour management skills are underpinned by a behaviourist understanding of learning that denies pupils an important degree of agency over their own development – pupils are rather portrayed as unruly and morally deficient. It is therefore maintained that discipline needs to be reclaimed as an educational concept as it can be a valuable personal quality whose possession indicates a capacity to set important goals for oneself and see them through even in the face of difficulty. With reference to the diverse philosophies of Dewey, P.S. Wilson, Durkheim, Oakeshott, and MacMurray, it is contended that a re-conceived notion of school discipline might enable less controlling and behaviourist and more educational discipline in at least three ways: the ethical (by guiding the ethical development of pupils), the humanising (by encouraging pupils to act for the sake of others rather than only think about themselves) and the epistemic (by supporting pupils to engage in the pursuit of valued interests and knowledge).  相似文献   

Pupil involvement in planning is one way in which teachers listen to the “pupil voice”. This paper focuses on pupil involvement in planning class topics using KWL grids. The opinions of teachers, teacher education students and primary school pupils in Northern Ireland were sought on this using questionnaires and interviews. The vast majority of teachers and student teachers responded positively, many commenting that the pupils had reacted favourably, enthusiastically or with enjoyment, and that they seemed to be more motivated, responsive and interested in topics in which they had some “ownership”. Negative opinions expressed by teachers included arguments about difficulties in incorporating pupil ideas into their planning as well as practical concerns about using a KWL grid with younger or less able pupils. More fundamental were fears about loss of teacher control, teacher authority being undermined, and “interference” in teacher planning. One of the outcomes of the study is a list of recommendations for good practice when using KWL grids.  相似文献   

It can be especially controversial when pupils are transferred to the “Hauptschule”, which is the lowest of three tracks in the German secondary school system. The acceptance of this type of school is very low for both parents and pupils. By contrast with the transfers of pupils to the high ability grammar school (“Gymnasium”), there are no recent studies on transfers to the “Hauptschule”. Analyses using data from the Bavarian partial sample in the KOALA-S study show that the discrepancy between the aspirations of parents and pupils on the one hand and the school type recommended by teachers and the pupil registrations on the other hand is particularly large when pupils are transferred to the “Hauptschule”. Discrepancies concerning transfers to the “Realschule” (intermediate track; commercial/technical secondary school) or “Gymnasium” are less severe. Unwanted attendance at the “Hauptschule” most frequently affects children from families with lower social or educational status. Analyses with an elaborated simulation procedure (counterfactual calculations) show that attendance at the “Hauptschule” mainly results from poor school achievements, whereas social selectivity due to parents decision making or transition regulations is far less important.  相似文献   

在存在主义现象学的框架下比较奥特加与海德格尔的技术思想,一直都是西语和英语学术界关注的焦点。两人技术思想的分歧根源于他们各自的存在论。人在存在方式上是“生活”还是“生存”,决定了他们分别从人类学和存在论的角度追问技术;对技术中人的要素的地位和作用的不同认识,导致他们采用不同的标准划分技术历史的阶段,并在现代技术和自由的问题上得出不同结论。  相似文献   

“人的发明”意味着一个重大的教育学问题,斯蒂格勒为此提供了一种技术哲学解释。通过解读爱比米修斯原则与普罗米修斯原则,斯蒂格勒确立了发明问题的先行缺陷结构,即人的意外悬临必须求助于体外“义肢”。在此基础上,借助现象学方法,通过整合多学科性的技术哲学理论,特别是深描勒鲁瓦-古兰确认的考古人类学成果,斯蒂格勒指认,人是一种“义肢”性存在,“人的发明”乃是区别于动物遗传性获得的“后种系生成”,其隐秘机制即“谁”与“什么”的双重“延异”。教育作为一种“义肢”,与“人的发明”具有深度意蕴关联。“教育即‘人的发明’”这一命题可以在家庭教育、学校教育与社会教育三个层面得到解释,三者构成一种个体生命进阶的教育性秩序,主要表现在个体教育生命原初背景的奠定及其进一步在异质性场域的打开,以及作为一种延展性生命空间的拓宽。随着“义肢”生命助产性滑向对人的本质性奴役,教育必须警惕臣服性技术接受,重视抽象性思维能力塑型,以及强调泛在性具身认知以抵御现代技术的座架风险。  相似文献   

Two experiments aim at describing the impact of friendship during a synchronous collaborative information retrieval (SCIR) with young pupils (recruited in Grade 3). In the first study, 68 pupils were asked to look for 13 answers in one of the three following conditions: on an individual basis (condition “Single”), as part of a designed duo with social friendship (condition “Affinity +”), or as part of a designed duo without social friendship (condition “Affinity ?”). In the second experiment, we investigated more precisely the impact of friendship on verbal interactions between partners. Main results obtained in these two experiments are the following: (1) pairs retrieved effectively more answers, more correct answers and were more efficient than singles; (2) pairs composed of pupils without social friendship retrieved more answers, more correct answers and were more efficient than pairs composed by friends; (3) pairs composed of friends produced significantly more irrelevant queries; and (4) pairs composed of friends produced more verbalisations related to conflicts, while pairs composed of pupils without social friendship are engaged in a great deal of consensus seeking. Finally, educational implications are discussed.  相似文献   

High-ability pupils in primary schools often do not achieve up to their full potential and teachers seem to face difficulties to motivate these pupils. In this study 891 primary school pupils (463 high-ability pupils) were asked about their views on desired characteristics of good teachers by means of an open teacher-spider-questionnaire. The characteristics reported, were analysed using the three “basic needs” from the Self-Determination Theory. The answers of high-ability pupils were compared to answers of pupils from regular primary education. For both groups, teaching characteristics fostering relatedness, followed by competence, were mentioned most. It was autonomy which was mentioned less frequently by both groups. The answers of the two groups of pupils mostly corresponded, although some differences emerged in specific subcategories. High-ability pupils more frequently mentioned characteristics attuning to their needs (understanding) and encouragement (challenge), and mentioned “providing choice” less often. There were also some differences found between characteristics mentioned by (high-ability) boys and girls.  相似文献   

The demand for naturalistic, fine-grained methods in counselor training and counseling process research has supported use of the videotape-assisted recall (VAR) method. By reviewing videotapes of counseling sessions, clients can, for example, provide ratings of specific counselor behaviors or of their own moment-to-moment experience. The reliability of ratings made with VAR is not well established. This article includes reliability data from a test-retest procedure. Twelve participants met individually with a counselor for 20 minutes each to discuss a “minor but real personal concern,” and the interviews were videotaped. The videotape recall was conducted twice. Participants made ratings of two types of recalled affect at times of occurrence of each of six counselor nonverbal gestures. Stimulus order was disguised from the first recall to the second. Reliabilities of ratings ranged from .508 to .822.  相似文献   

服饰是人类的"第二肌肤",由于它不可或缺的实用价值和日益增长的审美欣赏价值,越来越受到人们的青睐和重视。民族服饰是民族文化最直观的表达,是区别于与其他民族的形象标识和视角符号,甚至被当作是某种意义上的"族徽"。布依族服饰的形成、分布及演变,经历了漫长的历史过程,布依族服饰艺术是布依族的历史载体和情感表象,充分表现了布依人深厚的文化素养和丰富的审美内涵。  相似文献   

This paper describes a randomised controlled trial conducted with 10 secondary schools in England to evaluate the impact and feasibility of Fresh Start as an intervention to help new entrants with low prior literacy. Fresh Start is a synthetic phonics programme for small groups of pupils, here implemented three times per week over 22 weeks. The intervention was led by the schools themselves and assessed in cooperation with the independent evaluators. A group of 433 year 7 pupils (first year of secondary school) were identified by schools as having literacy attainment below “secure” KS2 level 4, and individually randomised to a treatment group or a waiting-list control. The pupils were assessed via GL’s New Group Reading Test. Missing data at pre- and post-test amounted to 3% of the total. The overall “effect” size in terms of gain scores from pre- to post-test was +0.24, and this was repeated in a sub-group analysis involving only FSM-eligible pupils. However, there was some imbalance between the two groups at the outset, and this must lead to a slight caution about the findings, and to some doubts about whether one or more schools unwittingly subverted the randomisation. Other than this, the aggregated trial shows that schools can conduct evaluations of their own interventions with firm guidance from experts, and under favourable conditions such as individual randomisation and lack of extended involvement by developers with a conflict of interests.  相似文献   

This article focuses on how the conversation on vulnerability between theologies of disability and religious education (RE) promotes encounter between pupils of different abilities. I argue that talking about the gift of vulnerability in RE can help pupils of different abilities perceive each other as full human beings. Indeed, RE can empower students regardless of their abilities, if it builds on their vulnerability to promote their ability to act. In order to achieve this I suggest a “capacitating” reading of biblical narratives in RE to counter able-bodied beliefs about normalcy and “perfection.”  相似文献   

In this article, we address how the design of educational scenarios can support teachers’ adoption of both technology and open-ended projects indorsing creativity and innovation. We do that by describing how groups of teachers develop digital learning environments supporting using a combination of GeoGebra and Google sites. Both teachers and pupils work with the concept of “game” as something they design, and furthermore, the pupils immerse themselves into the scenarios that the teachers create in a way similar to “playing a game.” We investigate teachers participation in collaborative development and testing through qualitative means, aiming to describe the teachers’ appropriation of (1) GeoGebra as a tool for doing and teaching mathematics, and (2) game as a metaphor supporting open-ended projects addressing creativity and innovation in the classroom. The data from the project suggest that the notion of “game” can support collaborative scenario design is a viable way of introducing technology and open-ended projects to primary school teachers.  相似文献   

Life-Long Self-Construction   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In today’s industrialized societies, the current societal issue underlying personal and career development interventions (counselling or education) can be summed up as follows: “How can individuals be helped to direct their own lives within their own human societal context?” This question can be converted into the following scientific question: “What are the factors and processes of life-long self-construction?” In order to answer this question, three major propositions (sociological, cognitive and dynamic-semiotic) need to be articulated. This articulation gives rise to a theoretical construct that differentiates universal processes and specific processes and contents.  相似文献   

Are certain controversial issues, even though being part of the public debate, more open to discussion than others? We asked 80 French 6, 8, 10 and 12 graders respond to two letters. These letters dealt with either integration of immigrant students at school, or the right to smoke in public places. In France, there is a politically “correct” (officially dominant and valued) social position regarding immigration which could limit a person's willingness to discuss the issue. In contrast, the smoking issue is widely open to discussion, and most ideas and opinions related to it are socially acceptable. The analysis of certain textual operations characterizing the referent degree of openness to discussion (counter-argumentation, conditional modifiers, …), as well as the number of arguments produced, demonstrated the referent influence on the argumentative text. The non debatable referent, target of reigning socially dominant and politically “correct” position, resulted in an impoverished discourse containing few arguments (primarily ones that support the dominant opinion) in which the speaker distanced himself/herself from his discourse by the use of enunciative position (I think that…) and restrictions (only in a case where…). Referents open to discussion, not limited by social pressure, were conducive to a rich and nuanced discourse. In this case, the arguments were numerous and varied, and the speaker openly took a stand and expressed personal value judgments.  相似文献   

小学美术欣赏教学中如何唤起学生的切身的感知和体验,是当前欣赏教学亟需解决的关键问题。笔者以《富春山居图》欣赏教学为例,以生本课堂理论为依托,运用体验式学习方法展开教学,在美术作品欣赏教学中开展"发现—体验—探索"渐进式的以学生为主体的欣赏活动,将传统教学中单向的美术观赏课程转化为双向的、多元的探究式互动欣赏教学,促进了学生艺术知觉的逐步形成。  相似文献   

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