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学校的办学水平很大程度上取决于教师的专业水平。促进教师专业发展的方式一方面靠学校文化,更重要的是靠学校的教师评价制度。教师评价制度一般分为奖惩性评价制度和发展性评价制度两类:前者重在鉴定,主要功能是对教师工作绩效进行考核;后者重在诊断,主要功能是帮助和促进教师的专业发展。为提升我区教师的专业水平,2009年6月我们与北京师范大学合作,对全区的初中教师进行了发展性评价测评,并利用测评结果引导教师发现自身的不足,改进自己的教育教学行为。  相似文献   

学校的办学水平很大程度上取决于教师的专业水平.促进教师专业发展的方式一方面靠学校文化,更重要的是靠学校的教师评价制度.教师评价制度一般分为奖惩性评价制度和发展性评价制度两类:前者重在鉴定,主要功能是对教师工作绩效进行考核;后者重在诊断,主要功能是帮助和促进教师的专业发展.为提升我区教师的专业水平,2009年6月我们与北京师范大学合作,对全区的初中教师进行了发展性评价测评,并利用测评结果引导教师发现自身的不足,改进自己的教育教学行为.  相似文献   

学校对教师的评价工作,已成为加强教师队伍管理,提高办学质量,促进学校持续发展的重要举措。 近年来,对教师的评价工作已逐步建立,并形成了制度。教师经过自我诊断、多元化评价、多渠道获得信息,从而纠正了自身和工作的偏差,增强了教师内省的自觉性。教师的整体素质有了明显的提高,教学质量有了显著的飞跃。特别是针对教师多元化的评价内容,在对教师全方位评价的基础上,教师职业道德、心理品质、团队精神等基本素质的评价得以重视和加强。  相似文献   

提高中等职业学校教学质量需要学校和教师结合专业和课程的要求,从自身的实际情况出发,提高课堂教学的有效性。本文提出了中职教学质量评价制度——抽考制度,以其引导学校和教师提高课程质量。  相似文献   

影响教师评价学生的因素探析及应对策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
影响教师评价学生的因素,主要有学校考核制度、家庭关系和心理素质。要从改革教育评价制度与教师自身方面人手,提高教师评价学生的能力和水平。  相似文献   

本文在阐述发展性教师评价制度内涵的基础上,分析了它在高等学校运用的可行性,认为它对青年教师成长、纯化学术道德,以及促进教师自身的发展需要和学校需要的融合,促进教师的心态与学校氛围的融合,促进教师现实表现与未来发展的融合等方面都具有重要意义,并尝试构建了高等学校发展性教师评价体系,然后结合具体的评价者探讨了高等学校发展性教师评价体系的实施。  相似文献   

关于发展性与奖惩性教师评价制度相结合的几点思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
当今世界经济和教育的现代化、国际化大大提高了社会对劳动力创新素质的培养要求,改革现有教师评价制度已经是一个极具紧迫性和使命感的重要问题。中国的家长们和一些教育工作者迫切要求改革现行教师评价制度。而现今英国许多学校采用的发展性教师评价制度(它是由形成性教师评价制度发展而来的),确实取得了良好的效果,因此教育界要求学校抛弃传统的奖惩性教师评价制度(也叫终结性教师评价制度),采用发展性教师评价制度的呼声越来越高。但笔者认为奖惩性教师评价制度虽然有较多弊端,但仍有其可取之处,它与发展性教师评价制度存在互补性,有着…  相似文献   

农民工子女进入学校后面临来自学校、教师、同学以及自身学习、心理等方面的问题;其成因在于国家的制度藩篱、学校和教师教育缺位、社区教育空缺等方面;要解决这些问题,拆除制度藩篱是制度前提,建立"教育共同体"是根本措施,加强学校和教师管理是关键,填补社区教育空缺是重要保障。  相似文献   

关于发展性与奖惩性教师评价制度相结合的几点思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
当今世界经济和教育的现代化、国际化大大提高了社会对劳动力创新素质的培养耍求,改革现有教师评价制度已经是一个极具紧迫性和使命感的重要问题。中国的家长们和一些教育工作者迫切要求改革现行教师评价制度。而现今英国许多学校采用的发展性教师评价制度(它是由形成性教师评价制度发展而来的),确实取得了良好的效果,因此教育界要求学校抛弃传统的奖惩性教师评价制度(也叫终结性教师评价制度),采用发展性教师评价制度的呼声越来越高。但笔者认为奖惩性教师评价制度虽然有较多弊端,但仍有其可取之处,它与发展性教师评价制度存在互补性,有着其他评价制度起不到的作用。我国与英国国情有很大不同,此种教师评价制度在现阶段中国仍有存在的必要性,必须根据各地区、各学校的实际情况,将发展性与奖惩性教师评价制度有机结合、取长补短地操作实施。  相似文献   

新课程改革的一个倍受关注的研究领域,教师评价的改革如何跟进,是新课程实施的十分重要、关键的环节。教师是课程实施和研制的主体,建立以促进教师不断提高和发展的评价体系,强调教师自评对自身教育教学行为的分析、反思和改进,完善以教师自评为主,学校、教师、学生和家长共同参与的教师评价制度。已成为新课程继续推进和教师评价改革的首要任务之一。  相似文献   

宋囡  程靖 《四川教育学院学报》2012,28(4):108-110,124
义务教育阶段学校实施绩效工资分配制度,能够深化中小学事业单位人事制度改革,建立科学合理的激励机制,促进教师的自身发展及学生的全面进步,也推进了素质教育的继续发展。但是现如今县级中小学教师绩效工资体系并不健全,对县级中小学教师绩效评价的研究相当薄弱,缺乏公正科学的绩效评估方法。因此,如何更好地完善对县级教师绩效工资的考核成为目前研究的重点。  相似文献   

教师教学工作评价已经成为各级各类学校进行绩效管理的主要任务之一。职业教育学校因其发生发展的历程以及人才培养目标和培养模式的特色,在教师教学工作评价方面也应该呈现出不同的倾向性。目前将"学生评教"作为教师教学工作评价唯一方法存在很大的局限性,因此,将"教师职业评价"的概念及具体方法作为一种建议引入职业教育教师工作评价中对教师职业成长具有更重要的意义。  相似文献   


Constructive reflection is seen as an important ingredient in the professional development of teachers, in order to stimulate significant change in approaches to classroom practice and the general provision of science education in schools. This paper explores the use of pupils’ questions in provoking ‘critical incidents’ in the professional lives of teachers. It is suggested that pupils’ questions can be both indicative of their own conceptual change as well as being sophisticated prompts for teachers to examine their own thinking. Case studies of two teachers ‐‐ one primary and one secondary ‐‐ are used to illuminate how such critical incidents can lead to changes in teacher thinking, resulting then in changes in classroom practice in science. Suggestions are made for the use of pupils’ questions as critical incidents in the professional development of teachers.  相似文献   

This paper reports the findings of a study which aims to examine the processes and effectiveness of the collaboration between teachers in their professional learning which some Singapore schools are currently engaged in. The learning process attempted to raise the profile of teacher professionalism in classroom alternative assessment through action research. A total of nine schools participated in this two-year study. Participants included teachers and school leaders. Guided by a university researcher and supported by a cluster superintendent and school leaders, the collaboration helped familiarise teachers with alternative ways of assessing student learning, connect theories with practice in their classroom assessment, and acquire the skills of doing research. Facilitated by a structure that supports the development of partnerships between teachers from different schools, the collaboration focused on teachers working on a common task. The data reveal how teachers took ownership of their own learning through this process and led their peers in their respective schools in curriculum customisation through alternative assessment practices. Such an education reform process, which has driven the effectiveness of the collaborative teacher learning in promoting teachers’ instructional practices, is analysed from four dimensions, namely, (a) macro level (systemic reform), (b) school level (school improvement plans), (c) teacher level (teacher community), and (d) micro level (classroom level). This paper concludes with a discussion of the challenges in sustaining teacher collaboration across schools in Singapore.  相似文献   

优秀的学校必由优质的师资支撑。相对于某一优秀的个体,一支优秀的教师团队对学校的学科建设和整体发展更具推动力。南京市江宁科学园小学在打造"教师发展学校"的实践中形成了有效的途径,主要从目标达成、学习驱动、精神整合、评价与激励四个方面入手,取得了较好成绩。  相似文献   

Six remedial reading teachers in a large, rural school district participated in a form of professional development called Teaching as Intentional Learning, based on an inquiry process. Their topic of inquiry was formative assessment. Professional development comprised both direct instruction and inquiry learning in teachers’ own classrooms. This study describes the strategies they experimented with, their professional growth in formative assessment, and effects on students. All six teachers showed important professional growth, as indicated by their own reflections and also by their supervisor’s observations. In First Grade, at‐risk students assigned to these project teachers had increased reading readiness scores on one measure (DIBELS PSF) compared with at‐risk students assigned to non‐project teachers.  相似文献   

集团化办学现已成为各地推进教育优质均衡发展的主要抓手,而促进集团校教师专业发展亦将成为建设高素质教师队伍的关键。采用个案研究的方式实地考察了江苏省一所集团化小学的教师专业发展状况,研究结果显示:行政力量、多元文化价值和人格魅力是影响集团校教师专业发展的主要因素,这些因素促成教师在观念、实践方面的转变及学生在课堂学习中的转变。以“教师转变”为核心的教师专业发展的生成机理为:中介变量支持教师转变、“双环”驱动教师转变和规则因素全程影响教师转变。依此,集团校教师要融入学校文化生态,增强在诸多规则间的判断力,实现自身的转变;学校要把脉教师专业发展状况,促进各校区间的沟通,为教师转变营造良好的生态环境。  相似文献   

自主选择菜单式校本培训是适合农村小学教师自主需要的学一种校本培训模式,其实施步骤为:学校制定培训目标菜单,教师个体确定专业发展计划,创设富有实效的培训机制,最后考核验收,最大限度地提高校本培训实效。  相似文献   

中小学教师的工作效能对于自身的专业成长和学生全面发展至关重要。考察中小学教师的工作效能,需要辨识教育者胜任工作的特征,考察影响其工作效能的多种因素以及评价中小学教师工作效能在实践中的不同模式。中小学教师工作效能的提升具有多层面的途径和策略,包括基于自我效能感的实践反思、基于专业(实践)共同体的同伴互助、基于学习型组织的学校管理变革。  相似文献   

This paper sets out to outline current discussions in Ireland around teachers being responsible for assessing their own students’ work, and the subsequent impact such a perspective is having (or not) on the delivery and assessment of physical education in Ireland. Our intention is to contribute to assessment considerations, while acknowledging the nuances of the Irish education context, and the positioning of physical education within such nuances. This discussion is particularly timely given the very recent endorsement for the introduction of the new Leaving Certificate Physical Education as a full optional subject. We begin by discussing more specifically assessment in Irish primary and post-primary schools, drawing attention to the limited Irish assessment-related research being conducted in both contexts. We then explore assessment developments related to Irish primary physical education and post-primary physical education and compare the extent to which such developments are limited in comparison to international assessment interests and practices in physical education. We conclude with suggestions related to studying (pre-service) teachers’ and students’ exposure to assessment in order to understand how we could alter the balance of assessment purposes and uses in Irish schools.  相似文献   

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