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1984年11月福建省科协举办了首场科技月谈会.至今,科技月谈会已坚持17年,共举办107场,先后有省领导240多人次与3000余人次专家学者座谈,共同就福建经济、科技和社会发展中的重大问题进行探讨,取得了丰硕的决策成果.我省科协这一在领导和科技工作者之间架起对话桥梁、促进领导决策科学化、民主化的创举,在全国传为佳话,多次被中国科协表扬.  相似文献   

5月 18日下午 ,中共福建省委、省人民政府在福州市召开“福建省工、青、妇、科协、侨联工作座谈会” ,在闽考察工作的中共中央政治局委员、全国人大常委会副委员长王兆国到会听取福建省五家群团的工作汇报。福建省科协党组成员、副主席陈震 ,柯少愚出席座谈会。陈震在会上作了福建省科协近年重点工作汇报。在听取了省科协的工作汇报后 ,王兆国对福建省科协组织广大科技工作者为经济建设服务 ,开展“科技月谈会”、“院士八闽行”等活动及大力开展对台、港、澳的科技交流作了充分肯定 ,特别是对福建省科协近期专门编印了 12 0万件防治非典科…  相似文献   

李波安 《科技广场》2009,(10):24-25
近年来,随着江西工业化、城镇化的速度加快,江西的能源消费总量增长速度高于全国的平均水平,照此发展必将给江西的节能减排带来压力.本文对江西能源消费总量、能源消费品种的数据进行了分析,指出改善我省能源消费品种单一,结构不合理的途径之一便是大力发展低碳能源.  相似文献   

由广州市科协、市市政园林局、市经贸委共同主办的广州市“百名专家企业行”系列活动之一——“发展清洁能源、创建绿色广州”论坛于11月6—7日举行。论坛以促进自创新为主线,“发展清洁能源、创建绿色广州”为主题,搭建科技工作者为企业自主创新服务的平台。本次活动邀请了中国工程院院士、燃气供应专家、华北设计研究院李猷嘉教授,中国石油天然气股份有限公司勘探开发研究院规划所胡素云所长等专家来穗为广州天然气能源企业发展出谋献策。  相似文献   

能源蔗制乙醇是"泛珠三角"生物质能源科技合作的突破口   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张威  安玉兴 《科技管理研究》2005,25(12):306-308
为解决当前全球能源匮乏的问题,充分利用生物质能源,利用可再生能源部分替代日渐枯竭的化石能源,已成为当前许多国家的能源战略。“泛珠三角”的广东、广西等省(区)应充分发挥地理及科技优势,开展以甘蔗等农作物为原料,制作燃料乙醇的研究与开发工作,推进科技合作、资源共享、成果共享,探索出  相似文献   

山东的能源形势和任务   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
<正> 山东是我国能源资源和能源生产的大省。 全省至1995年底煤炭探明储量291.1亿吨,含煤面积占全省1/3。煤的种类齐全,煤质较好,灰份、硫份较低,热值较高。胜利油田位居全国第二,至1995年底已发现67个油气田,已探明石油地质储量34.2亿吨,天然气储量299.41亿立方米。我省还有丰富的可再生能源,其中太阳能和生物质能遍布全境,其总量分别达到5000~5800兆焦/米~2年和6000万  相似文献   

降低碳排放、提高能源效率,加快能源转型是中国实现经济绿色增长的必然途径,而技术创新在推动能源清洁低碳转型中发挥着关键作用.阐述了能源转型的内涵,提升能源效率,节能降耗降,低化石能源消费总量,发展可再生能源最大限度替代不可再生能源,实现能源绿色低碳发展.从能源技术创新、节能减排技术创新和信息技术创新3个层面阐述了实现能源转型的技术创新途径.分析了技术创新对能源转型的影响,提出技术创新有利于提高能源效率,优化能源系统,调整能源结构、助力能源治理,加快能源转型.  相似文献   

以广东能源发展历史轨迹为分析基础,对广东能源利用与保障给出基本判断,结合国际国内能源环境诊断广东能源发展将面临的形势,对广东未来能源走势进行预测分析,并梳理能源发展战略设想,提出保障广东能源健康发展的政策环境.  相似文献   

能源是经济与社会发展的重要物质基础,随着非可再生能源的不断消耗,能源对经济的制衡作用愈发明显,节能降耗作为一项长期的工作引起政府和社会的广泛关注。辽宁省作为能源消费大省,在节能降耗落实工作中能否完成既定目标将十分关键,在了解当前辽宁能源消费现状以及对其存在的问题总结的基础上,采用SWOT方法,对辽宁能源环境进行分析,规范总结未来一段时间能源消费的发展情况,制定出尽可能发挥优势、把握机遇、缩小劣势与规避威胁的战略选择组合策略。  相似文献   

一、从评析《能源与可持续发展》的能源战略构想说起能源和环境问题尤其是能源问题已经成为我国现代化建设日益紧缩的瓶颈。为了支持经济社会的可持续发展必须先实现能源的可持续发展,为此人们提出了不少关于能源发展战略的构想和建议。然而,迄今为  相似文献   

Systems without low-productive sources   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

一、世界和中国能源现状及中国面对的挑战 人类使用的能源有一个历史演变过程。19世纪上半叶以柴薪作为燃料,于20世纪中叶石油超过煤炭。目前,世界上的一次能源主要由石油、天然气、煤炭三种化石燃料所组成。据BP统计,2007年一次能源总量为11099.3百万吨油当量,化石燃料占世界一次能源的88%,  相似文献   

The calculation of the radiation field D(x, y, z) produced by a uniform polygonal source is of considerable practical importance. Fock showed that there are advantages in replacing the traditional surface integral by a contour integral, using Stokes' theorem. This innovation, however, has not yet penetrated very deeply. It seemed worthwhile, therefore, to systematize the procedure and to show how easily results can be obtained by the Fock method. An incidental conclusion of the paper is that the radiation field from a polygonal source often differs by less than one per cent from the field produced by a circular disk of the same area. Thus the simple disk formula can often be substituted for the more complicated polygonal formula.  相似文献   

The rectangular light source is more frequently encountered in engineering practice than any other form. Thus, both for artificial lighting and natural lighting, it is desirable to have convenient methods of obtaining the light distributions produced by rectangular sources. We have attempted to supply this need by calculating pharosage from sources of uniform helios and also for the non-uniform sources representing average overcast skies. Figures 5 to io are found to be particularly convenient in the visualization of light distributions.The results of these graphs are readily extended to any point and to surfaces tilted at any angle, provided that the plane of the illuminated surface does not cut the source.In conclusion, we wish to express our appreciation of the careful work of the computers: Messrs. L. S. Castlemann M. S. Cettei, J. C. Gibbs, A. L. Keller, G. J. Laurent, V. Lippitt, J. M. Margolskee, L. Mautner, J. Topalian.  相似文献   

Complex information sources are modelled graphically, and the related work of P. Zunde is commented upon and further extended.  相似文献   

From the foregoing it appears that there are within the United States large stores of raw materials from which it is possible to obtain ample supplies of potash salts; that the technology of the subject is sufficiently developed to demonstrate the entire practicability of a supply from native sources, so far as physical factors are concerned. We can have “potash” if we really want it and are willing to pay for it. There are, however, serious commercial doubts affecting each of the four possible sources, and concerning the validity of these doubts opinions may well differ. Those most familiar with the problem are the most sanguine of the probability of commercial success.While it is undoubtedly true that governmental efforts can yet furnish assistance, there is a very serious doubt as to how far these efforts should be continued. The time seems to have arrived when the commercial interests should themselves squarely assume the tasks confronting them and the costs of what further experimenting is necessary. This they have been slow to do, but there is rapidly accumulating evidence that these interests are responding to the spur of necessity, and that sooner or later potash salts from American sources are to be upon the market. An early cessation of the European war might delay but can no longer stop the development of our potash resources.  相似文献   

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