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With an increasing focus on developing a theoretical understanding of everyday life information behaviors, researchers need to consider the appropriateness of the methods and techniques utilized in empirical research in this area. Progressively, studies articulate the need for a person-centered approach to researching human information behavior, yet research methods can be adopted that do not encourage the study participants to express freely their views and experiences. This article proposes that narrative and episodic interviewing techniques are qualitative research methods that sustain a person-centered paradigm of human information behavior and that provide a particularly useful methodological framework for studies of everyday life information-seeking behavior. Furthermore, the author discusses her own work-in-progress that involves narrative interviews.  相似文献   

Mobile messaging systems, particularly those that incorporate social networking capabilities, affect how individuals socially interact and how they exchange information. This paper reports the impact of a mobile-device-based social networking service that enables users to form groups and send both text and photos to co-members. Survey and system usage data from 19 participants over 16 months were analyzed using information ground theory, which focuses on how people share everyday information in informal social settings. This study was novel in applying the theory to an online environment. In addition to how the mobile system functions as an information ground, the results highlight the types and usefulness of information shared, the role of information shared in everyday life, and how the system fits into participants' communication and social “ecosystem.” Usage analyses describe message sending frequency and system participation levels in relation to other factors, such as length of time in the system. Findings are discussed in the context of the information ground framework's seven propositions, to which we propose adding an emergent concept: “information capital,” i.e., an individual's capacity to access information based on his/her information grounds extent, and degrees of social capital and information literacy.  相似文献   

Much of information policy is focused on establishing the parameters of information access—ensuring or limiting access to certain types of information. Given how central information access is to virtually every aspect of society, policy can be seen as one of the most significant forces influencing the information society. Recent events, however, have fueled changes in the ways that some governments use policy to shape access, none more significantly than the United States. This paper examines the meanings of and relationships between policy and access, as well as their key roles in society and democratic participation. Following an examination of the historical and social impacts of policies about access, the article analyzes the perspectives of the Bush administration on how policy should shape information access as an illustration of the relationships between policy and access. The paper examines the issues raised by the Bush administration’s views on access and policy and the implications of their policies for the United States, for the global information society, and for research related to information. Ultimately, the paper raises questions about the extent to which information policies about access can be used for overtly political purposes, what might be described as “information politics,” without significantly altering the meaning of information access in a society.  相似文献   

This article presents preliminary findings from a research grant on the everyday life information-seeking (ELIS) behaviors of urban young adults. Twenty-seven teens aged 14 through 17 participated in the study. Qualitative data were gathered using written activity logs and semi-structured group interviews. A typology of urban teens' preferred ELIS sources, media types, and query topics is presented. The typology shows friends and family as preferred ELIS sources, cell phones as the preferred method of mediated communication, and schoolwork, time-related queries, and social life as the most common and most significant areas of ELIS. The results indicate a heavy preference for people as information sources and that urban teens hold generally unfavorable views of libraries and librarians. The conclusion lists questions that information practitioners should consider when designing programs and services for urban teens and calls for researchers to consider this often-ignored segment of the population as potential study participants.  相似文献   

This paper describes an interactive Web-based survey tool that was developed by researchers at the University of Illinois at Chicago to advance a community planning process. The team used a process taken from the work of Jack Nasar (1998) that involves surveying residents to create an “evaluative image” of the community that could guide future design and development. While Nasar’s original method used a phone survey, UIC researchers developed a Web site through which participants interacted with a map that was linked through a server to a GIS program. This project builds upon an earlier version of the survey by increasing the complexity and the coverage area of the interactive map (Al-Kodmany, 2000).  相似文献   

指出早期用户信息行为研究主要集中在结构化的工作、学习信息查寻行为方面,而日常生活信息查寻行为由于其随机性与高度环境依赖性没有得到足够的重视。从日常生活信息查寻行为的概念界定、行为特征及其影响因素、理论成果与研究框架以及研究方法等方面梳理对该领域的研究进展,凝练出日常生活信息查寻行为研究中值得关注的一些问题,以期能为进一步的研究工作提供参考。  相似文献   

台湾地区大学图书馆电子书使用现况调查   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
由于数字出版的发展,电子书已在台湾的大学及技专校院图书馆占重要地位。为了解大学师生对这些电子书的使用状况,台湾学术电子书联盟于2010年进行了大规模的使用调查。调查问题包括:大学师生是否使用过图书馆的电子书,使用频率为何,透过何种管道查询电子书,使用电子书的意愿为何,使用电子书的动机为何,使用电子书遇到的问题及需要协助的困难为何,哪些是用户重视的电子书质量及功能,对于台湾学术电子书联盟引进的电子书满意度如何。调查采用在线问卷,共有91个学校,26,120位教职员生填答。调查发现,大学教师、研究员及研究生使用过电子书的比例高达六成以上;在同时有纸本书及电子书的情况下,半数以上的教师、研究员及研究生会优先选用电子书,但大学生仍喜爱纸本图书;对于电子书的质量,用户重视的是全文影像是否清晰、搜寻功能是否良好、使用接口是否易于操作、浏览方式是否便利、全文阅读方式是否符合需求等。另外,找不到所需的电子书,是读者最常遇到的困扰,显示图书馆的电子书种类仍不足以应付使用者的需求。  相似文献   

[目的/意义] 农村处于市场经济最薄弱而又受传统社会结构影响最深的地区,社会因素对农民获取日常生活信息的影响不容忽视。本研究旨在探索社会资本对农民日常生活信息搜寻行为的影响机理。[方法/过程] 采用问卷调查法收集了334份江苏省农民日常生活信息搜寻行为的数据,综合利用Logit回归、单因素方差分析和多元线性回归对数据进行分析。[结果/结论] 研究发现:第一,社会资本对是否选择朋友、家人、报纸、电脑和手机作为信息源有显著正向影响,农民选择日常生活信息源的个数虽然与社会资本有显著正向相关关系,但相关性却较低。第二,社会资本对农民日常生活信息搜寻绩效会产生显著正向影响,主要体现在社会资本的共享和网络维度。第三,江苏省农民日常生活信息搜寻绩效在收入、自由自配时间和区域不同水平上存在显著差异。建议今后农村信息服务机构在提供信息服务时,需要提高农民的社会资本和满足农民的信息需求。  相似文献   

College students with a life experience of chronic illness and impairments grow into young adulthood as health information monitors as well as communicators with healthcare professionals. This interview study focused on the health information management practices of college and graduate students living with disabilities and chronic illness. SEIPS (Systems Engineering Initiative for Patient Safety), a work system model drawn from human factors engineering, was used as a conceptual framework for qualitative analysis. This revealed the importance of other people, particularly parents, in patients' information worlds. Digital technologies were ubiquitous; analog tools from business cards to binders were also key components of students' information systems. Using the SEIPS structure to interrogate the data allowed an understanding of how health experiences are integrated into everyday life. The findings of this research may provide health information technology designers and information science researchers insight into how to meet the needs of this population.  相似文献   

Background:To strengthen institutional research data management practices, the Indiana University School of Medicine (IUSM) licensed an electronic lab notebook (ELN) to improve the organization, security, and shareability of information and data generated by the school''s researchers. The Ruth Lilly Medical Library led implementation on behalf of the IUSM''s Office of Research Affairs.Case Presentation:This article describes the pilot and full-scale implementation of an ELN at IUSM. The initial pilot of the ELN in late 2018 involved fifteen research labs with access expanded in 2019 to all academic medical school constituents. The Ruth Lilly Medical Library supports researchers using the electronic lab notebook by (1) delivering trainings that cover strategies for adopting an ELN and a hands-on demo of the licensed ELN, (2) providing one-on-one consults with research labs or groups as needed, and (3) developing best practice guidance and template notebooks to assist in adoption of the ELN. The library also communicates availability of the ELN to faculty, students, and staff through presentations delivered at department meetings and write-ups in the institution''s newsletter as appropriate.Conclusion:As of August 2021, there are 829 users at IUSM. Ongoing challenges include determining what support to offer beyond the existing training, sustaining adoption of the ELN within research labs, and defining “successful” adoption at the institution level. By leading the development of this service, the library is more strongly integrated and visible in the research activities of the institution, particularly as related to information and data management.  相似文献   

Active use of information and the media may promote healthy aging. The everyday information behavior of older adults' is examined, and the activating role of the media thereon—that is, the use of television, radio, newspapers, magazines, and the Internet. Enactment, an evidence-based concept, is introduced as a theoretical tool that refers to the phenomenon of information and media use leading to action in concrete daily activities. The research strategy was qualitative, consisting of content analysis of semi-structured interviews of 13 retired teachers and the media diaries of 306 older adult Finns. Fifteen categories of information and media use were proposed and grouped into four forms of enactment on the basis of their temporal nature, namely, direct or indirect engagement: 1) general routines and housework, 2) healthy lifestyle, 3) cognitive tasks, and 4) interaction with others. Enactment takes place when older adults' everyday information behavior leads to observable actions, such as organizing their daily activities, preparing food, exercising and engaging in healthy activities, practicing language skills, or filling in crossword puzzles. These findings support the notion that use of information and the media can motivate older adults to stay active in life. Therefore, the concept of enactment may prove useful in gaining a better understanding of certain physical, cognitive, and social aspects of everyday information behavior and their impact on people's well-being. However, the findings should be validated in a broader population.  相似文献   

For many academic librarians, scholarly research is required in order to attain tenure or promotion and it is widely acknowledged that many early career librarians find this process challenging. Using a survey of >200 untenured or recently tenured academic librarians, this study investigates early career academic librarians' access to and experiences with research support activities designed to develop research skills and confidence. Specific attention is paid to informal mentoring, formal mentoring programs, and writing groups. Responses indicate that early career librarians need supports that target three dimensions of the research experience: research design and methods; work practices and accountability; and emotional elements. Despite this, survey respondents had limited access to formal research supports that offer instruction and guidance in the research process, leaving them to rely heavily on informal mentoring. This study highlights the need for libraries and library organizations to invest their resources in research supports for early career academic librarians, helping them to become more effective and confident researchers.  相似文献   

为揭示新媒体环境下大学生日常生活信息获取行为特点及其内部网络结构,文章采用问卷调查法和访谈法调查Z大学某班级同学的各类日常生活信息获取路径及其人际关系,运用UCINET对数据进行可视化和相关性分析。研究发现:以微信为代表的新媒体拓宽了大学生对购物、旅游、班级活动和校务等信息的获取渠道;传统社会网络关系对大学生学习信息获取的支撑作用仍然很明显;新媒体弱化了以宿舍为单位的日常生活信息获取途径;不同类型的日常生活信息获取关系网络差异较大。  相似文献   

This study uses in-depth qualitative interviews to explore the information seeking behavior of 25 mature undergraduates at one Canadian university. It explores the complex interweaving of these students’ everyday and academic information needs in light of Reijo Savolainen’s framework for the study of everyday life information seeking. Findings include the role of social and cultural capital in these students’ information seeking, the diverse ways that everyday and academic contexts inform one another, and the importance of not separating the everyday from other life situations in studies of individuals’ information behaviors.  相似文献   

“信息社会中的新型贫困问题与管理学的新走向”学术研讨会于2019年11月在兰州召开,会议以“信息致贫的微观机理与信息减贫的宏观制度”为研讨主题,来自国内20余家高校和科研机构的120余位科研人员及师生围绕电信普遍服务、信息贫困问题研究的理论基础、信息贫困者的共性和个性特征、导致信息贫困的主观因素、社会结构因素与信息贫困的关系等议题展开了深入讨论。  相似文献   

Collection development and the management of access to electronic resources in large academic libraries increasingly requires close cooperation between collection development librarians, public service librarians, and systems librarians and staff. Many libraries, both public and academic, have created new positions or converted existing ones with titles such as ‘electronic resources librarian’ or ‘electronic information coordinator.’ Two years ago, the Washington State University (WSU) Libraries decided to take a different approach to managing these two vital library functions by creating the new position of Assistant Director for Collections and Systems. This paper explores the convergence of collection development and systems in a research library. It sets forth the philosophical underpinnings of that convergence, and it discusses issues encountered in the integration of the two services in the WSU Libraries. Finally, it explores strategic issues for future collection development and management from the perspective of this new organizational paradigm. [1]  相似文献   

Seeking health-related information on behalf of or because of others is a common activity in everyday life and a topic of constant interest across multiple disciplines. The research aims to characterize recent research progress and provide a comprehensive framework of proxy health information-seeking behavior (PHISB). A total of 47 studies published after 2003 were selected, followed by structural encoding. The main contributions include 1) a summary of the key characteristics of individuals who often access health information through proxy seekers; 2) types of health information surrogates sought and sources employed; 3) a classification scheme of factors influencing PHISB; 4) a synthesis of how health information used and its subsequent outcomes; 5) a theoretical framework for proxy health information-seeking. Results point to an intellectual benchmark for future exploring related issues. The findings can shed light on public health intervention and management, especially through guiding search strategies to help people obtain relevant, helpful, and credible health information.  相似文献   

Participatory, arts-based methods generate rich data with which researchers can explore information behavior in context, and may be particularly apt when engaging with youth or participants with low literacy levels. Information world mapping (IWM) is an innovative and interactive drawing-based interview technique for data elicitation. Initially developed for use in a study of young parents’ health information practices, IWM guides participants in depicting their personal social information worlds, including items, places, and relationships. Maps are then used to facilitate critical incident elicitation of participants' stories about, and interpretations of, their information practices. Within the young parent study, three styles of map were commonly seen: the directional map, the mind map, and the symbolic map. Use of IWM requires time and ethical care, but the method enables researchers to center participants’ own perspectives on information practices, triangulate data obtained via more traditional methods, and enrich understanding of social information worlds.  相似文献   

Background:Despite a strong research presence in Lancashire Teaching Hospitals National Health Service (NHS) Foundation Trust (LTHTR), allied health professionals from the organization are underrepresented in developing and publicizing research that is inspired by day-to-day clinical practice and staff experiences. Two LTHTR departments, Library and Knowledge Services (LKS) and Research and Innovation (R&I), came together to enable a group of staff to develop the knowledge and skills that they needed to access information and create new “home grown” research.Case Presentation:A clinical librarian and an academic research nurse created a research engagement program in the diagnostic radiography department at LTHTR, which included the development, delivery, and evaluation of 6 workshops. Sixteen individuals took part in these workshops, and data were collected on library usage, self-efficacy in information literacy, and research output before and after their delivery. Library membership increased by 50% among diagnostic radiography staff, literature search requests from this department increased by 133%, and all participants who attended at least 1 workshop reported an increased Information Literacy Self Efficacy Scale (ILSES) score. An increase in research activity and outputs was also attributed to the program.Conclusions:This project has resulted in a set of freely available workshop plans and support resources that can be customized for other health care professionals and has won several awards for its innovative use of departmental collaboration. Through the evaluation of the program from workshop attendees and non-attenders, we have identified impacts, outputs, and barriers to engagement in order to continue to deliver this content to other departments and embed a home grown research culture at LTHTR.  相似文献   

Background: The relationship between health information seeking, patient engagement and health literacy is not well understood. This is especially true in medically underserved populations, which are often viewed as having limited access to health information. Objective: To improve communication between an urban health centre and the community it serves, a team of library and information science researchers undertook an assessment of patients’ level and methods of access to and use of the Internet. Methods: Data were collected in 53 face‐to‐face anonymous interviews with patients at the centre. Interviews were tape‐recorded for referential accuracy, and data were analysed to identify patterns of access and use. Results: Seventy‐two percentage of study participants reported having access to the Internet through either computers or cell phones. Barriers to Internet access were predominantly lack of equipment or training rather than lack of interest. Only 21% of those with Internet access reported using the Internet to look for health information. Conclusion: The findings suggest that lack of access to the Internet in itself is not the primary barrier to seeking health information in this population and that the digital divide exists not at the level of information access but rather at the level of information use.  相似文献   

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