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A variant of the h-index, named the stochastic h-index, is proposed. This new index is obtained by adding to the h-index the probability, under a specific stochastic model, that the h-index will increase by one or more within a given time interval. The stochastic h-index thus extends the h-index to the real line and has a direct interpretation as the distance to the next higher index value. We show how the stochastic h-index can be evaluated and compare it with other variants of the h-index which purportedly indicate the distance to a higher h-index.  相似文献   

Recently Woeginger [Woeginger, G. H. (2008-a). An axiomatic characterization for the Hirsch-index. Mathematical Social Sciences. An axiomatic analysis of Egghe's g-index. Journal of Informetrics] introduced a set of axioms for scientific impact measures. These lead to a characterization of the h-index. In this note we consider a slight generalization and check which of Woeginger's axioms are satisfied by the g-index, the h(2)-index and the R2-index.  相似文献   


Upon aging, paper documents and books become progressively damaged. Paper deacidification is a fundamental conservation intervention. In this study, we report on the use of nanoparticles of titanium dioxide (TiO2) and magnesium hydroxide (Mg(OH)2) associated with hydroxyethylcellulose (HEC) to inhibit acidification, photo-induced degradation, and biodeterioration of paper. With the aid of ultrasound, Mg(OH)2 nanoparticles with a narrow size distribution can be obtained through homogeneous precipitation in water. Furthermore, to demonstrate the efficacy of the nanocomposite and the performance of treated and untreated paper, photo- and thermal-induced degradation is discussed. The results show that using the controlled double-jet precipitation (CDJP) it is possible to synthesize Mg(OH)2 particles with a narrow size distribution (18–87 nm). The nanocomposite of Mg(OH)2–TiO2–HEC increases the durability of paper by imparting fungal growth resistance (D = 34.6 mm), moderate alkalinity (pH = 8.4), mechanical reinforcement (from 817–896 N/m), and UV protection. Additionally, there is a slight color difference (ΔE* = 0.8) between the treated and untreated paper. Both photodegradation and thermal degradation indicate that the paper treated with this nanocomposite (Mg(OH)2–TiO2–HEC) has increased stability.  相似文献   

This paper presents the first meta-analysis of studies that computed correlations between the h index and variants of the h index (such as the g index; in total 37 different variants) that have been proposed and discussed in the literature. A high correlation between the h index and its variants would indicate that the h index variants hardly provide added information to the h index. This meta-analysis included 135 correlation coefficients from 32 studies. The studies were based on a total sample size of N = 9005; on average, each study had a sample size of n = 257. The results of a three-level cross-classified mixed-effects meta-analysis show a high correlation between the h index and its variants: Depending on the model, the mean correlation coefficient varies between .8 and .9. This means that there is redundancy between most of the h index variants and the h index. There is a statistically significant study-to-study variation of the correlation coefficients in the information they yield. The lowest correlation coefficients with the h index are found for the h index variants MII and m index. Hence, these h index variants make a non-redundant contribution to the h index.  相似文献   

The Federal Register Act statutorily mandated an official gazette for the Federal Government to provide better accountability for administrative regulations, rules, and orders, and greater transparency in the creation of such law. The later establishment of the Code of Federal Regulations and the enactment of the Administrative Procedure Act added enhancement and incentives to the original act. The National Archives and Record Administration recently celebrated the seventy-fifth anniversary of this publication. The overview of the origins, development, and legacy of the Federal Register provided here was prepared as a background text for an invited lecture by the author at National Archives headquarters marking the creation of the Register and its heritage.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung  Die Medizin ist gepr?gt sowohl durch ihren besonderen unmittelbaren und existenziellen Bezug zu Menschen als auch durch ihre zunehmende ?konomische Bedeutung. Ein Medizinisches Informationssystem ist das umfassende System aller Informationsverarbeitung einer medizinischen Einrichtung oder Region. W?hrend die Architekturprinzipien des rechnerbasierten Teils solcher Informationssysteme wenige Besonderheiten aufweist, bündelt das Management dieser Informationssysteme viele Herausforderungen und Probleme, die wegen der besonderen Bedeutung der Medizin besondere Priorit?t bei der L?sung haben müssen. CR subject classification  C.2.4 ; J.3 ; J.1 ; K.4.3 ; K.6  相似文献   

This paper reviews a number of studies comparing Thomson Scientific’s Web of Science (WoS) and Elsevier’s Scopus. It collates their journal coverage in an important medical subfield: oncology. It is found that all WoS-covered oncological journals (n = 126) are indexed in Scopus, but that Scopus covers many more journals (an additional n = 106). However, the latter group tends to have much lower impact factors than WoS covered journals. Among the top 25% of sources with the highest impact factors in Scopus, 94% is indexed in the WoS, and for the bottom 25% only 6%. In short, in oncology the WoS is a genuine subset of Scopus, and tends to cover the best journals from it in terms of citation impact per paper. Although Scopus covers 90% more oncological journals compared to WoS, the average Scopus-based impact factor for journals indexed by both databases is only 2.6% higher than that based on WoS data. Results reflect fundamental differences in coverage policies: the WoS based on Eugene Garfield’s concepts of covering a selective set of most frequently used (cited) journals; Scopus with broad coverage, more similar to large disciplinary literature databases. The paper also found that ‘classical’, WoS-based impact factors strongly correlate with a new, Scopus-based metric, SCImago Journal Rank (SJR), one of a series of new indicators founded on earlier work by Pinski and Narin [Pinski, G., & Narin F. (1976). Citation influence for journal aggregates of scientific publications: Theory, with application to the literature of physics. Information Processing and Management, 12, 297–312] that weight citations according to the prestige of the citing journal (Spearman’s rho = 0.93). Four lines of future research are proposed.  相似文献   

《Communication monographs》2012,79(2):252-270
This study surveyed German heterosexual men's interest and engagement in a variety of dominant behaviors observed in recent analyses of pornography. Interest in watching popular pornographic movies or more frequent consumption of pornography was associated with men's desire to engage in or having already engaged in behaviors such as hair pulling, spanking a partner hard enough to leave a mark, facial ejaculation, confinement, double-penetration (i.e. penetrating a partner's anus or vagina simultaneously with another man), ass-to-mouth (i.e. anally penetrating a partner and then inserting the penis directly into her mouth), penile gagging, facial slapping, choking, and name-calling (e.g. “slut” or “whore”). Consistent with past experimental research on the effect of alcohol and pornography exposure on men's likelihood of sexual coercion, men who had engaged in the most dominant behaviors were those who frequently consumed pornography and regularly consumed alcohol before or during sex.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung  Diese Arbeit stellt ein Modell und ein System zur Steuerung von Exoskeletten mit Hilfe von elektrischen Signalen vor, die an den Muskeln des Benutzers gemessen werden. Anhand dieser Signale wird der eigene Drehmomentbeitrag des Benutzer zur gewünschten Bewegung abgesch?tzt, und ein einstellbarer Faktor bestimmt das vom Exoskelett hinzugefügte Drehmoment in Bezug auf den Beitrag des Benutzers. Die Signale werden durch ein komplexes biomechanisches Modell ausgewertet. CR subject classification  J.3 ; J.7 ; I.6.5  相似文献   


Calcarenite stone samples from a historic building (Bizerte, Tunisia) were collected and treated under different environmental conditions with several consolidating products: alkoxysilane (ethyl silicate), a surfactant-templated novel sol–gel, Ca(OH)2, and SiO2 nanoparticles. These were subjected to marine aerosol accelerated aging cycles and studied by several non-destructive tests and techniques to assess the stability of the products. Results show that weathering caused by salt crystallization is not inhibited but it is slowed down due to the enhancement of superficial mechanical properties (surface cohesion and micro-hardness) achieved after one month of treatments application. A high or low relative humidity of the consolidation environment significantly affects the final mechanical and aesthetical physical properties and therefore conditions the durability of the treated substrates, even producing higher damage than observed in the blank specimens, depending on the product.  相似文献   

A new coating system for archeological bronze protection that consists of a primer coating and a top coating was prepared in this study. The primer coating was prepared by mixing water-based acrylic emulsion with 1,2,3-benzotriazole, and the ultraviolet (UV) light-resistant top coating was prepared by mixing water-based acrylic emulsion with nano-sized TiO2 and SiO2 particles. UV light resistance and visible light transmission, contact angle, corrosion resistance, and mechanical properties of the new coating system were investigated and the results showed that UV resistance, hydrophobicity, oleophobicity, glossiness, and corrosion resistance all were improved. Application of the new system on real archaeological bronzes showed that the coating film was colorless, odorless, transparent, soft low-lustre, removable, and the original appearance of the archaeological bronze was well maintained.  相似文献   

通过对图书馆的内部环境和外部需求分析,根据需求特点,在传统图书馆结构的基础上,增加并设计了发展规划部、物流配送部和用户服务部等部门。以研究、了解与更好地满足用户的中长期需求,满足用户获得资源的便利与途径的多样性,增强用户与图书馆的沟通,从而全面提升图书馆的服务。  相似文献   

The conservation of wooden objects is complicated by their response to changes in their environment. In particular, filling voids in wooden objects can be difficult when their dimensions might be expected to alter over time. A short survey of conservators showed that a wide variety of materials have been, and are being used for this purpose. Following conservation work undertaken on a wooden coffin, the author wished to investigate the properties of cellulosic materials and their suitability in the conservation of wooden objects. This paper shares the results of experiments that were conducted to determine the way in which hydroxypropyl cellulose (HPC) and paper pulp fills respond in various conditions, as compared to other fill materials used by conservators. The compatibility of the HPC and paper pulp fills with wood is satisfactory enough to be able to recommend their use in the conservation of wooden artefacts, but ideally further experiments would be carried out, and on a wider variety of fill materials.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung  Durch Einsatz von Softwaretechnik k?nnen immer komplexere Funktionalit?ten in Medizinger?ten realisiert werden. In der computerunterstützten Chirurgie werden Assistenzsysteme entwickelt mit dem Ziel, die Risiken bestehender Behandlungsmethoden zu minimieren und in neue chirurgische Anwendungsbereiche vorzudringen. Um die steigende Komplexit?t solcher Systeme zu beherrschen, müssen anstelle von hardwarenahen Implementierungen Abstraktionskonzepte gefunden werden, die überschaubare Programmstrukturen und problemlose Erweiterbarkeit erm?glichen. Für das bereits klinisch evaluierte Navigationssystem FESS-Control wird mit Hilfe von bekannten Softwaretechnikmethoden ein Modell entwickelt und implementiert, das im Gegensatz zur bestehenden Implementierung die Beschreibung leistungsgesteuerter chirurgischer Instrumente auf einer abstrakten Ebene und deren sichere automatisierte Erkennung erm?glicht. FESS (functional endonasal sinus surgery) ist eine minimal invasive Behandlungsmethode für die Nase und Nebenh?hlen, bei der der Chirurg keine direkte Sicht zum Operationssitus und den Instrumenten hat. Mit dem Ziel, den Chirurgen w?hrend des Eingriffs zu unterstützen, verwendet FESS-Control eine optische Navigationskamera, um die r?umliche Lage eines Shavers bezüglich des Patienten und dessen Bilddaten w?hrend der Operation zu bestimmen. Gleichzeitig erfolgt zum Schutz sensibler Strukturen eine Leistungssteuerung des Instruments. Mit Hilfe des neuen Modells wird die Beschr?nkung des existierenden Systems, welches nur gerade Shaverans?tze navigiert, aufgehoben und die Verwendung weiterer in der medizinischen Anwendung ben?tigter Shaverans?tze erm?glicht. Die neue L?sung für das FESS-Control System ist ein überzeugendes Beispiel dafür, dass Methoden der Softwaretechnik auch in den Anwendungen der Medizintechnik gewinnbringend eingesetzt werden k?nnen. CR subject classification  J.3 ; I.6.5  相似文献   

The history and activities of the Terminological Center of the RAS, along with its contacts, and the creative ties of its specialists are described. The First International Symposium on Terminology and Knowledge and the session of the Technical Committee 37 on Terminology of the International Organization on Standardization are related.  相似文献   

The study is focused on users' opinion as regards the adequacy of library collection and analyzes the level of users' satisfaction about library collection, organization, facilities and services both traditional as well as, IT enabled services. A well structured questionnaire was administered to faculty members, research scholars and students of the AMU to collect data regarding the adequacy of library collection and analyze the level of users' satisfaction. The survey reveals that the library collection in the AMU library is adequate enough for their users. AMU library users were also satisfied with the existing infrastructure of library and organization of their collections. The researcher observed that the overall satisfaction levels of the users regarding the AMU library is good.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung  Wir stellen eine Reihe von innovativen Methoden zur webbasierten multilingualen Fragebeantwortung in offenen Dom?nen vor. Insbesondere werden neuartige Strategien zur Bestimmung optimaler Antwortkontexte und zur Extraktion von exakten Antworten auf Basis von sprachunabh?ngigen, datengetriebenen maschinellen Lernverfahren beschrieben. Es werden zwei alternative Methoden für die crosslinguale Frageanalyse skizziert mit deren Hilfe für eine Anfrage in einer natürlichen Sprache Antworten in Dokumenten einer anderen natürlichen Sprache bestimmt werden k?nnen. Alle Methoden sind detailliert evaluiert und weisen eine vielversprechende Performanz auf. CR subject classification  I.2.6 ; I.2.7 ; J.1 ; K.3.2 ; D.3.3 ; D.2.2  相似文献   

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