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真理问题一直是哲学史上争论不休的问题。马克思主义哲学的产生从根本上驱散了笼罩在真理观上的迷雾,露出了真理的真面目,原来真理只能是客观的。但旧矛盾解决了,新的矛盾又产生了。真理是客观的,这已为人们所公认。可是,该如何理解客观真理呢?至今仍在争论。有同志提出:“真理的客观内容就是存在于人类经验之外的、不以人的意志为转移的客观存在。”就这个论断中,把真理的客观内容和客观存在对举看,二者似有区别;但就使用了“就是”二字看,二者又似乎无差別了。如果去掉其中  相似文献   

高等教育学研究范式及其演进   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
库恩的"范式"理论认为成熟学科的标志应该是某个科学共同体围绕某一学科或专业所具有的理论上或方法上的共同信念.这种共同信念规定了科学共同体所拥有的共同的基本理论、基本观点、基本方法,为其提供了共同的理论模型和解决问题的框架.依"范式"标准衡量来看,高等教育学并不是一门成熟的学科,但是在研究中存在经验体系研究范式和理论体系研究范式,从最初的经验体系研究范式向理论体系研究范式的转变展示了高等教育研究的历史脉络,在未来的发展中则应逐渐向问题取向的研究范式转变.  相似文献   

直布罗陀海峡是地中海与大西洋之间的唯一通道,这儿的海水表层从大西洋流向地中海,底层海水从地中海流入大西洋。关于此处海流的形成类型一直为广大地理教育工作者所争论,但笔者认为,影响该处海流尤其是表层海流的形成因素是多元化的。 直布罗陀海峡两侧海水的密度差异是客观存在的,密度差异是导致海水流动的最主要原因。在同一深度,由于直布罗陀海峡两侧海水盐度的差  相似文献   

中西方艺术里时空意识的差异是客观存在的。西方艺术所表现的瞬间物质形态所具有的时空存在形式,以及由它们相互关联构成的外部世界,与中国艺术静观和体悟的审美方式所描绘的内在世界,实在是大异其趣。中国艺术时空风貌的获得,决定了中国艺术思维致思是导向于人的内心而不是外在感官世界。因此,在中西比较的框架中,可以进一步凸现中国艺术中所表现出的时空意识的美学特性和民族特色。  相似文献   

网络文学的客观存在,不但引发了文学内部对文学本质和特性的争论,也从外部引发了关于当代文学的价值、功用等方面的质疑与反思。网络文学要想摆脱目前的地位悬疑和身份危机,必须在当代文化转型和建设中,找到自己的终极性价值取向,在关注现实、民生与民族问题上找准价值评判的标准,才能够渐渐被精英文化与社会所认同。  相似文献   

怎样提高语文课教学质量 ,培养学生创新能力 ,这已成为广大教师关注的热点问题 ,而要提高课堂效益 ,最重要的方面 ,必须让语文课活起来。活能使人产生激情 ,活是兴趣的源泉。培养起学生自如地争论能力 ,对激活课堂 ,激发思索 ,加深理解 ,增强记忆不失为一种有效方法。下面将我们的这一尝试述诸笔端 ,以期抛砖引玉。本文所提的课堂争论 ,指的是在语文课堂教学中树立以学生为本的思想 ,创设民主和谐的氛围 ,激发学生参与热情 ,在老师精讲点拨的基础上 ,或由老师提出问题 ,或由学生提出问题 ,师生共同或在商榷中求同存异 ,或在探讨中深化内容 ,…  相似文献   

英语和汉语一样,表示颜色的词丰富多采,颜色作为一种客观存在,英汉民族有共同感觉,但其象征意义及其所反映的社会文化内涵却差异较大,深深地打上了社会文化的烙印,具有丰富的文化象征意义。  相似文献   

关注消费的负外部性共同创建和谐社会   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
消费的负外部性问题,由于其分散性的特点,容易被人们所忽视,但其对环境和人们生活质量的影响是客观存在的。本文就其基本含义,现象罗列,解决办法等方面提出自己的拙见,希望能够引起人们的关注,从小事着眼,从现在做起,共同构建和谐社会。  相似文献   

《中原音韵》是一部元代的曲韵韵书,它的声母系统问题,学界还未取得一致意见,其中知庄章三组的分合问题是争论的焦点之一。《中原音韵》时期知庄章三组两分是客观存在的,知庄章在商洛方言中的演变就是一个明证。  相似文献   

什么是教学模式?虽然目前说法不同,但归纳一下可以发现,它们所阐释的共同属性是"有清晰的理论框架,是特定的教学程序和结构"等。共同的要素是"理论基础;教学目标和内容;教学过程,主要指教学工作的操作程序,尤其是课堂教学的基本步骤结构;教学的基本操作策略;教学评价策略"等。缺少要素中的任何一个或几个,原则上是不能称其为"教学模式"的。从目前学校教育和教师队伍的现状来看,让每所学校或每位教师都来发明创造属于自己的教学模式,这还不现实。因此,当别人有了成功的经验、成熟的教学模式之后,我们实施"拿来  相似文献   

Forty-five undergraduates discussed a moral issue with a confederate who had the same opinion (no controversy) or opposite opinion (controversy). Subjects in the controversy conditions discussed within either a cooperative or a competitive context. Subjects in the controversy conditions indicated more conceptual conflict or uncertainty, engaged in more information seeking behavior, and were more accurate in taking the cognitive perspective of the confederate than were subjects in the no-controversy condition. These results support Piaget's and Kohlberg's views of the role of controversy in perspective-taking and cognitive development and Berlyne's theory of conceptual conflict and epistemic curiosity. Subjects in the competitive-context conditions experienced more uncertainty, engaged in more information-seeking behavior, and were more accurate in cognitive perspective-taking than were subjects in the cooperative-context condition. Subjects in the competitive-context condition also experienced more cognitive dissonance, derogated the confederate and the confederate's position and arguments to a greater extent, and indicated greater closed-mindedness in responding to the confederate and the confederate's arguments than did subjects in the cooperative-context or the no-controversy conditions.  相似文献   

西方经济学和马克思主义经济学的地位与作用之争一直是经济学界关注的焦点之一,它往往折射出改革进程中的种种问题。西马之争的本质不应是一个孰优孰劣的问题,而是一个适应性的问题,任何经济理论的应用都应植根于本国具体国情,开放性地、有选择性地和创造性地使用。  相似文献   

The issue whether creationist accounts of the origins of life should be taught in science education alongside or even instead Darwin’s theory of evolution is controversial in many countries. In 2002 there was a controversy around teaching creationism in science classes at a secondary school in England. The research presented in this paper uses this controversy around teaching creationism/evolution as case study to find out more about the public representation of science education. Here it focuses on the question who the experts were that appeared in the press coverage and examines the role of scientific experts in this controversy. Expertise is a key resource in many public controversies involving science and can also have an impact on decision-making processes and on the public opinion. Also the way expert sources are presented in media accounts of socio-scientific controversies can have an effect on how their credibility is perceived and the arguments being made.  相似文献   

The effects of two types of structured academic conflict, controversy and debate, were compared with individual study in a study on desegregation. Seventy-two sixth grade students were assigned to conditions on a stratified random basis controlling for sex, reading ability, and ethnic membership. In all three conditions students studied a controversial issue with materials representing both pro and con views. In the controversy condition each learning group was divided into two pairs representing the pro and con sides. In the debate condition each member of a learning group was assigned a pro or con position to represent in a debate with the other three members. In the individualistic condition subjects were told to learn the material without interacting with other students and each student was given all the pro and con materials. The results indicate that controversy promotes the most cross-ethnic verbal rehearsal and exchange of the assigned material, the most concern that all students master the assigned material, the most active search for more information about the topic being studied, the most reevaluation of one's position and incorporation of opponents' arguments, the most liking for the subject matter and the instructional experience, the highest self-esteem, and the most accepting and supportive relationships among minority and majority students. The debate condition generated higher levels of these dependent variables than did individualistic study.  相似文献   

The effects of controversy and concurrence seeking and participation is age-homogeneous and age-heterogeneous cooperative learning groups were compared on achievement, achievement motivation, perspective-taking accuracy, and interpersonal attraction. In addition, the interaction among students within the cooperative learning groups was observed. One-hundred-twelve 4th-, 5th-, and 6th-grade students were assigned to conditions on a stratified random basis controlling for age, sex, reading ability, and homerooms. In all conditions, students studied two controversial issues with materials representing both pro and con views. In the controversy condition each small group was divided into two halves representing the pro and con sides. In the concurrence-seeking condition each small group studied pro and con materials on alternating days and were told to learn the material without arguing or disagreeing with one another. In the multi-age conditions 4th-, 5th, and 6th-graders were placed in the same learning groups, while in the single-age conditions students were placed in small groups with peers of the same age. The results indicate that controversy promoted higher achievement, greater achievement motivation, and more accurate perspective taking than did concurrence seeking. Multi-age learning groups had greater achievement motivation than did the single-age groups.  相似文献   

从受贿罪的概念、构成要件及相关法律规定;“为他人谋取利益”是否应为收受型受贿的必备要件的争论及认定;“为他人谋取利益”应为收受型受贿的客观要件还是主观要件的争议及认定等三个方面层层递近的分析了“为他人谋取利益”这一要件于认定收受型受贿的必要性、客观性。同时,从刑法原理及刑法解释学的角度,以经过理论完善的新客观说中的许诺说为基准,分析了“他人”与“利益”的基本含义及“为他人谋取利益”客观表现形式,对“为他人谋取利益”这一要件予以了厘清。  相似文献   

对丢失枪支不报罪的罪过形态问题理论界分歧很大,过失说或复合罪过说都存在明显缺陷.解决问题的关键在于找准评价的基准问题.应着眼于不及时报告来考察罪过形态,依此,丢失枪支不报罪应该是一种故意犯罪.  相似文献   

自动投案是一般自首成立的条件之一,但是在司法实务中,自动投案的情形多样而复杂,有诸多争议。尽管最高院对自首的"自动投案"情形进行了细化规定,但是在司法实践中,对于这些相关"自动投案"的司法解释应如何理解以及应如何运用适当,成为了一个现实的亟待解决的问题。以自首的司法解释的实践应用为视角,对于司法实务中所涉及的相关自动投案诸多疑难问题进行探讨,将有利于行为人是否存在自首情节的判定。  相似文献   

30年代的“本位文化”与“全盘西化”的论战   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
1935年1月,十教授发表《中国本位的化建设宣言》,引起本位化派和西化派的激烈论战。论战主要围绕对中国实情的分析、对中西化的认识以及对中国化出路的选择等问题展开;与此同时,在西化派内部围绕全盘西化问题也有激烈争论。与五四前后的东西化论战比较,30年代的这场化论战对化的民族性与时代性、中国化与西方化以及西化与现代化等问题的认识有了进步。  相似文献   

诗歌语言的特殊性使诗歌翻译领域出现了仁者见仁、智者见智的局面,许渊冲、江枫二人之间的论争就是这方面的代表。若从三个方面对他们论争的焦点进行具体分析,便可看出诗歌翻译领域存在的共性问题。  相似文献   

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