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《Higher Education Policy》2001,14(3):201-212
This article looks at the higher education reform in Estonia since 1988. Author shows how over a few years ‘university education’ as the meaning of higher education was replaced by much broader ‘post-secondary education’. Another important issue to be covered is the dynamics of the legislative reform—starting with the creation of normative regulations for new institutional groups, and as a second step bringing them into conformity with the Civil Code adopted in 1994. The final part of the article discusses various implications of the new legislation—related to funding, content of studies, and governance—on higher education. Particularly as related to private education it is concluded that most recent reforms do not encourage private initiative to offer higher education, and support orthodox positions with regard to content of higher education studies. This is considered of being not helpful for the development of the learning society.  相似文献   

The article by Benton and Hoyt provides data that creates an opportunity for a significant discussion concerning the role of educational psychologists in education reform. Education reform in teacher education has three identifiable stages. The first stage is the series of proposals that have been generated by a number of groups implying that education reform efforts will bring about positive change. The second component has been reactions or debates surrounding the proposals and significant changes proposed by national reports. Finally, there have been component parts of the proposals implemented in experimental ways in schools and colleges of education. Clearly, a segment of the educational psychology academic community has been involved in all three phases of education reform, and the need for maintaining a research posture and a demand for documentation of improvement is necessary from all educators—and in particular educational psychologists. The 1980s were the years for proposing and reacting. The years between now and the twenty-first century will be the time of implementation and evaluation of changes. The opportunity is present for active involvement of all interested educational psychologists. The article by Benton and Hoyt is a meaningful article for educational psychologists because it points out our differing opinions and provides some basis for us to understand our differences concerning specific issues in teacher education reform.  相似文献   

英国教师教育的变革趋势   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
本文概述了英国教师教育改革近三、四年来的新举措 ,分析了英国教师教育的改革特点 ,指出目前正雄心勃勃要办世界一流教育的英国将教师教育改革作为实现这一目标的突破点 ,英国的改革将为全世界教师教育改革提供了一个观察与借鉴的窗口  相似文献   

The four decades since reform and opening up have seen dramatic changes in China’s higher education system. Focusing on international dimensions, the analysis supports the view that reform and opening up was not merely an economic and political reform, but an opening of the mind to the outside world, after the disaster of the Cultural Revolution. But it is important to be reminded that China’s relations with the outside world have a much longer history, with the spread of Confucian ideas to East and Southeast Asia, and the importation of Buddhism from ancient India; both during the Tang dynasty. The article points to key ongoing debates in China about the extent to which it can incorporate ideas from outside, while still retaining a Chinese essence. The rise of China as a knowledge hub and destination for international students is also charted, and the prospects for further development are assessed.  相似文献   

The status and context of change in mathematics education in Malawi   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This article analyses the context and status of mathematics education reform in Malawi. It describes four interrelated developments in the reform of secondary education in general, and mathematics education in particular, in Malawi. These developments are concerned with attempts to increase access to secondary education for a majority of Malawians and to provide a mathematical education that is relevant to the needs of the current society. Although these are promising developments in line with the political context of Malawi, and although they aim at developing a more suitable curriculum for Malawi, I suggest that they are limited in two ways. First, participation in these reform processes has involved only a few individuals and neglected teachers and students from distance education centres who comprise the majority of participants in secondary education in Malawi. Secondly, the reform processes have proceeded with little empirical justification and qualitative understanding of the realities of schooling in general, and mathematics education in particular, in Malawi. The analysis in this article suggests that these limitations in the reform process are a function of an inadequate understanding of the social-contextual aspects of mathematics learning and what it means to provide an education that more broadly recognizes its democratic nature.This revised version was published online in September 2005 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   


This article explores the important role that the religion of Islam plays in the education of Egyptian children. The scrutiny under which the Islamic world finds itself in the after-math of September 11, 2001 has resulted in calls for educational reform, not only from the outside world, but also from the Muslim world itself. The author has a personal interest in the educational reform debate in Egypt as she has two granddaughters who attend a private Christian school in Cairo. Research for the article is grounded in direct interviews of students, teachers, and parents during a 5-month stay as well as analysis of Arabic and social studies textbooks. This study reveals that while education of children in Egypt is essentially Islamic, the question is: What kind of Islam will prevail? Will it be the Islam of the moderate Islamists who see the purpose of education to be the advancement of the ideals of Islam above all other concerns? Or will it be the Islam of Egyptian President, Hosni Mubarak, and his government, which promotes national unity and non-sectarian ethics? In this article the author gives a brief review of early Arab education, surveys challenges in Egyptian education today, discusses ways in which the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) is attempting to help reform education in Egypt, and, finally, focuses on students and teachers at New Ramses College in Cairo and how they are handling some of the challenges.  相似文献   

随着我国基础教育课程改革的推进,校本课程开发已经成为中小学教育实践的一项重要任务.然而,人们对校本课程开发还没有足够的认识,不能满足基础教育课程改革实践的客观要求.本文对校本课程开发的本质、意义及途径进行了分析探讨,以期对中小学进行校本课程开发有所启示.  相似文献   

数学天赋教育是数学教育改革的重要分支,美国最近20多年的数学教育改革提供了关于数学天赋教育的有价值的经验,天才班并不是培养数学天赋学生的唯一选择,数学教师必须努力在一般课堂中识别数学天赋学生并开发他们的潜能;必须学会运用基本的策略来调整课堂教学以提高对天赋学生教学的能力;必须逐步建立自己的信念,调整自己的知识结构来培养数学天赋学生。  相似文献   

关于教育产业化的讨论   总被引:49,自引:1,他引:48  
对教育产业化的讨论进行综述, 运用经济学的理论, 对教育应否产业化进行了分析。认为在市场经济中, 教育是具有巨大外部效益的准公共产品, 应由政府与市场共同提供,教育管理体制必须进行适应市场经济体制的改革,但不应产业化即市场化,教育市场化将导致严重的后果  相似文献   

Mok  Ka-ho 《Higher Education》2005,50(1):57-88
This article sets out in the context of globalization to identify, examine and discuss issues related to structural adjustment and educational restructuring in China, with particular reference to university merging and changes in higher education governance models. While it is basically an historical and documentary analysis of policy change in Chinese higher education, this article focuses on restructuring strategies that the Chinese government has adopted to make its university systems more competitive and efficient in the global market context. University merging in China should not be simply understood as a pure higher education reform but rather a fundamental change in higher education governance model from an ‘interventionist state model’ to an ‘accelerationist state model’. Rather than globalization bringing about the decline of the nation state, this article shows transformations taking place in Chinese universities may not necessarily diminish the capacity of the state but instead make the Chinese government a more activist state in certain aspects.  相似文献   

It is frequently claimed that the ‘competition state’ responds to external competition by making competition increasingly central to its internal processes as well. This article discusses education reform in Singapore as departing from the opposite position. In Singapore ‘excessive’ competition in education is now targeted by policy-makers as a major obstacle to making Singapore education competitive in the global ‘knowledge economy’. Nevertheless, the consequence of education reform does not seem to be a reduction of educational competition as such, but rather a transition from an ‘academic’ to a ‘holistic’ form of competition, raising new questions of educational equity and fairness.  相似文献   

高等职业教育与普通的大学本科教育不同,不是教授学生理论知识,而是主要培养学生们的操作、实践能力,这就决定了其主要方向是以学生的综合动手能力和实际作业能力为主。所以,现代高等职业教育教学就要以增加培养学生实际实践能力为重点来进行。尤其是近些年来,许多高职院校积极使用改变教学方针,对传统教学进行改革,积极探索、大胆突破,为学生获得良好的职业教育方面有着不俗的成绩。并且在改革中使用多种现代教育技术相结合的手段,取得了非常丰硕的改革成果。本文就对高职教学改革中现代教育技术的应用策略做出一些研究。  相似文献   

为迎合时代发展,促进教育质量提升,解决教学弊病,就需要重视教育改革。新课改对其提出很多新颖要求,尤其是学生的学以致用能力和可持续发展素养培养。阅读作为语文课堂必不可少的内容,更要将其作为重要话题。合作学习有助于提升学生的综合学习能力、知识应用能力。本文以小学语文阅读为讨论对象,畅谈语文阅读对合作模式的应用,夯实基础,提高质量。  相似文献   

创新驱动是职业教育改革的动力,也是职业教育改革的目标,更是职业教育改革的实现路径。文章指出创新驱动是职业教育供给侧改革的逻辑起点与价值依归,提出职业教育供给侧改革需确立基于协同创新的现代职业教育治理结构,应构建现代职业教育体系的地方样本。从职业教育供给侧改革研究的现状归纳总结,提出凝聚改革共识、明确改革主体、重塑制度环境、突破机制障碍、激活改革活动力等改革思路。  相似文献   

我国的高校篮球教育在教育体制改革的浪潮中取得了很大的进步,但是在某些方面也还存在问题和不足,如何更好地对高校篮球教学进行改革是目前的当务之急。文章以比赛式篮球教学模式为论述对象,着重分析了比赛式教学在实际运用中的优势和作用。  相似文献   

当前我国职业教育正处于大发展的好时期。职业教育改革和研究受到很大的重视。如何正确认识职业教育,如何进行职业教育改革,我国现代著名的人民教育家、教育思想家陶行知在其《生利主义之职业教育》一文中就有深刻论述,它不仅指导了我国近现代职业教育的发展,而且对当前我国职业教育改革仍有极强的现实意义。  相似文献   

专业教育与普通教育的关系问题始终是课程改革中的一个难题。由于特定的历史原因,日本在战后围绕二者关系的处理所展开的课程改革更显曲折。本文即以专业教育和普通教育的关系及围绕二者的关系所进行的课程设置和组织建制为基本线索对战后日本大学的课程改革进行梳理。以期对我们的课程改革能有一定的启示。  相似文献   

The Finnish education system has received worldwide attention due to the top academic performance of Finnish school students. Physical education, as an integral part of the Finnish education curriculum, potentially contributes to the overall success. The purpose of this article is to summarize Finnish physical education reform during the past decades and to review and critique recent literature that has examined the effectiveness of Finnish physical education programs. This review concludes that physical education has a solid foundation in Finnish schools and that it enjoys strong support in Finnish society. Although physical education contact time has diminished across four decades, the current basic education reform has begun to allocate more time and funding for elementary and middle school physical education. The literature review, however, revealed limited evidence on the effectiveness of physical education programs. In the future, robust studies are needed to provide evidence of the effectiveness of physical education. It is likely that with rigorous research evidence, the current efforts to allocate more time for physical education should be more easily justified and supported.  相似文献   

学术型与应用型两种研究生培养模式应共同发展,而非简单取舍,学术型研究生并未过时。在学术型研究生培养模式备受质疑的条件下,廓清两种规格研究生的涵义和培养目标,进而遵循科学的目标导向,促进研究生内涵发展,这是研究生教育改革的根本取向。基于此,提出了强化研究生研究主体性,建立严格的导师遴选和考评机制,构建和谐共生的师生关系,实行多导师轮换指导与跨学科导师联合指导,实施研讨班式教学等改革的策略建议。  相似文献   

论大学创新教育   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
21世纪的人才应具有创新精神和创造能力。因此,培养创新型人才应是当前高等教育改革的努力方向。未来的大学教育应是创新教育。本文就此问题进行论述,提出更新教育观念是大学创新教育的前提;发展健康个性是大学创新教育的基础;构建知识平台是大学创新教育的支点;树立崇高理想是大学创新教育的灵魂;培养创新能力是大学创新教育的目的。  相似文献   

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