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1. Japan(日本):the country of cherry blossom樱花之国2.Canada(加拿大):the country of mapleleaves枫叶之国3.Philippines(菲律宾):the country of coco-nuts椰子之国4.Cuba(古巴):the country of sugarcane甘蔗之国  相似文献   

Canade(加拿大):the country of mapie leaves(枫叶之国)Colombia(哥伦比亚):the country of gold(黄金之国)Japan(日本):thecountryofcherry blossom(樱花之国)Singapore(新加坡):the country of gardens(花园之国)Switzerland(瑞士):the country of clocks andwatches(钟表之国)The Netherlands(荷兰):the country of freshflowers(鲜花之国)Detroit(底特律):thecityofautomobiles(汽车城)London(伦敦):the city of fog(雾城)Munich(慕尼黑):the city of beer(啤酒城)Oxford(牛津):the city of universities(大学城)Venice(威尼斯):t…  相似文献   

.印度尼西亚(Indonesla)一千岛之国(theeountry of a thousand islands)尼加拉瓜(Niearagua)几卡万千山之国(t he eountry of a thou3.沙特阿拉伯(Saudi一沙漠之国ountains) (t heco“ntryofdese哟一漪4.新力「l坡(Sj ng a Pore)一花园之国(the COuhtry of gardens)韶产5.喀麦隆(C日meroon)—龙虾之国一_(the co。ntry。flobsters)_值阿尔巴尼亚(Albania)—山鹰之国eountry 0.:mountaineagle)(the7.肯尼亚〔K〔戴 eount以of ost亡iehs)8.新西竺(New Ze日1日nd)汾六寸绵羊之国(the country orsneep)·、;一’9.巴西(Brazil)—咖.非之国…  相似文献   

1.China(中国)—the Divine Land(神州)2.Japan(日本)—the country of cherries(樱花国)3.Cuba(古巴)—the country of sugarcane(甘蔗国)4.Panam a(巴拿马)—the butterfly country(蝴蝶国)5.M alaysia(马来西亚)—the rubber country(橡胶国)6.Egyp(t埃及)—the country of  相似文献   

李敏 《海外英语》2004,(5):20-21
If you think that the typical Africa countryside doesn’toffer you rolling emerald1 hills,snow capped mountains,misty forests and deep,crystal clear lakes then you haven’tbeen to Uganda.Even though Uganda is a small country,itoffers all of this and a lot more-white water rafting,gorilla2tracking,game viewing and some of the best trekking inAfrica.Most importantly,the friendly and relaxed locals allspeak excellent English.What more could you ask for fromall exotic holiday destination?  相似文献   

Albania(阿尔巴尼亚)The country ofm ountain eagle(山鹰之国)Brazil(巴西)The country ofcoffee(咖啡之国)Cam eroon(喀麦隆)The country oflobsters(龙虾之国)Colum bia(哥伦比亚)The country ofgold(黄金之国)Fiji(斐济)The country oflongevity(长寿之国)H olland(荷兰)Th  相似文献   

The Chinese Olympic Committee (COC) is a non-governmental,non-profit national sports organization of a mass character,with the objective of developing sports and promoting the Olympic Movement in the country.  相似文献   

Recently, a monthly exam organized by a high school in Wuhan City ( 武汉市) has attracted the attention of the media all over the country.  相似文献   

李晓林 《海外英语》2012,(21):92-94
Ethnic Minorities account for a small proportion of a country’s total population,but play an important role in the country’s development in almost all aspects.China,with a total population of 1.3 billion(National Bureau of Statistics of China,2003),is the most populous country in the world.Among the total 56 ethnic groups,Han ethnic group has the greatest popula tion.Since 2000,the total population of other 55 ethnic groups is 106.43 million,accounts for 8.41% of the total population of the whole country(Information Office of the State Council of the PRC,2009).The illiteracy rate among minority students was always high,and even over 95% before 1949(Information Office of the State Council of the PRC,2000).The learning achieve ment gap between majority and minority students do exist,and has been one of the biggest problems for the further development of education in China.  相似文献   

Australia   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Australia is a very. large country. It covers an area (面积)of 5,882,000 square kilometres,nearly as big as Europe. Only a small part of Australia is suitable(适合)for crops. But about 30%of the country hast enough rain for grass.  相似文献   

1.China(中国)—the Divine Land(神州)2.Japan(日本)—the country of cherries(樱花国)3.Cuba(古巴)—the country of sugarcane(甘蔗国)4.Panama(巴拿马)—the butterfly country(蝴蝶国)5.Malaysia(马来西亚)—the rubber country(橡胶国)6.Egypt(埃及)—the country of th  相似文献   

The effects of price leadership strategies and branding strategies on the export performance of indigenous Chinese exporters with a focus on developing country markets and developed country markets are examined based on the principles of strategy-environment co-alignment and marketing segmentation theory. Findings suggest that when focusing on developing country markets, the use of a branding strategy is more likely to enhance export performance. When focusing on developed country markets, neither the use of a price leadership strategy nor the use of a branding strategy enhances export performance. Finally, theoretical and managerial implications of the findings are discussed.  相似文献   

Once upon a time, and in a country a long way off, there was a king who was very ill. All the doctors of the court (宫廷) attended him but, in spite of all they could do, he got worse instead better. At last in despair (绝望) they called in a famous doctor from another country.He came, looked at the king, and then, looking very grave (沉重) , said,"Your Majesty (陛下) , there is only one thing that can cure you."" What is that?" said the king, " Whatever you want shall be brought for you."  相似文献   

于海 《海外英语》2012,(14):266-267,276
America remains a very religious country nowadays,an indication of deep influence from the early forefathers of America-the Puritans,a group of extremely pious people,who has left a rich legacy on the American culture.It is the most materially prosperous country in the world.Puritanism was the dominant religious force in the early colonial America and is held as the root of American culture.Individualism,enterprising spirit,desire for material wealth through hard work are all spirits that make America a special country and their roots can all be traced back to the early Puritanism.Puritanism in shaping the spirit of America is a most important factor we cannot afford to overlook.  相似文献   

On a famous forum,the result of the ten most influential persons born in 1980s of the year 2007 selected through the Intemet has been disclosed,which has drawn the public attention immediately and is re- garded as the most objective ranking list truly reflecting the opinions of the netizens(网友)all over the country.  相似文献   

Uganda is a highlight of the African landscape.With its 1)dense and misty forests,snow-peaked mountains,glassy lakes and 2)sprawling 3)savannas,it is no wonder that Winston Churchill 注1 4)dubbed this "the pearl of Africa."  相似文献   

ACROSS2which famous city does the NBA team76ers belong?8which city does the Big Ben locate?9a European country where the famous philosohper Aristotle once located10the place of origin of Renaissance11Against which country did the United States start a war in early21stcentury?213451196781012!!!!!!!!!!!!"!"!!!!!!!!!!!!!"12where is the main part ofAmazon River?DOWN1a south Asian country whichpreserves Angkor Wat3the continent where theSouth Pole locate4the province in south-westChina w…  相似文献   

九寨沟(Jiuzhaigou)位于我国四川省阿坝藏族羌族自治州境内。There aresnow-capped(积雪盖顶的)mountains,greenforests,beautiful lakes and all kinds of birdsand animals.走进九寨沟就好像走进了一个童话世界。You may wonder why this beautiful placeis called Jiuzhaigou.过去由于交通不便,这里几乎成了一个与世隔绝的地方。只有九个藏族村寨坐落在这片崇山峻岭之中,所以人们就给它取名九寨沟。Jiuzhaigou is a world of water.There are108lakes.Some of the lakes are in valleys.这里的湖水非常透明,可以看透几米深呢!据说水色…  相似文献   

Unit 20一、各课重点解析Lesson 771.the development of printing…句子的 of 表示动宾关系,常置于一个具有动词意义的句词之后。如:the study of English:学习英语;love of one's country:热爱祖国;the build-ing of a new country:建设一个新国家,等。试比较:to study English;to love one's country;to build a new country.2.People had to use other ways to record information.But later,people developed a way of printing.way 可以接动词不定式或 of 动名词作定语,表示“做某事的方法”,意  相似文献   

To protect his country a king decided to build a wall made out of stone along the border. The wall had to be 3 meters thick and 5 meters high. Theborder of the country has a length of 500 kilometers. Assuming that onecubic meter of stone weights about 3000kg, how much heavier becomesthe earth by building, this wall?  相似文献   

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