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The two decades from 1950 to 1970 were a crucial period of educational reorganization in Malaysia that stemmed from the decolonization after the Second World War. This educational reorganization sought to address the perennial issue of nation building via educational language policy. The development of Chinese education was under severe threat as the British colonial government opted for a national school system that used English and Malay as the media of instruction in place of the segregated vernacular school system that had existed during the colonial period. Much to the relief of the Chinese, the national school system failed to materialize due to the lack of financial resources to reorganize the entire educational system. But the Chinese were unable to maintain the Chinese school system within the ambit of the national educational system advocated by the postcolonial Alliance government. The Alliance government had only allowed the Chinese to undergo Chinese education at the primary level. At the secondary level, it opted for a monolingual system of education based on Malay as the main medium of instruction in order to foster national integration through a common language. The Chinese had to switch to this medium of instruction if they wanted to remain in mainstream education. Such a system of transitional bilingual education was aimed at incorporating the Chinese into the nation building process.  相似文献   

In this article, we: (1) offer a conceptualisation of what it means for Greek Cypriot teachers to be ‘reconciled’ with the ‘other side’ (i.e. Turkish Cypriots) in Cyprus; (2) examine Greek Cypriot teachers' emotional responses to the new educational objective of cultivating peaceful coexistence in schools; and (3) investigate how Greek Cypriot teachers' perceptions of reconciliation and emotional responses to the new educational objective of cultivating peaceful coexistence are entangled, and what implications these entanglements may have for educational reform efforts. This investigation is based on data collected in a national survey of Greek Cypriot primary and secondary teachers. The study is important not only for the Greek Cypriot educational system, but also for educational reform efforts in other conflict-ridden areas in Europe because it addresses a fundamental issue in relation to reconciliation: Can teachers, who may still carry traumatic experiences from a conflict and thus be (potentially) emotionally unready to engage in reconciliation, be convinced to put the past behind and promote peaceful coexistence in schools? The findings highlight the teachers' multiple ambivalences, yet they also identify openings for promoting reconciliation and peaceful coexistence in schools. The implications are discussed in terms of educational policymaking, curriculum development, and teacher training.  相似文献   

The case of the British colonial education 'lending' policy in Cyprus is very interesting, firstly, because Cyprus possessed cultural characteristics very different from those of almost all the other British colonies (African and Asian) and, secondly, because the colonial policy influenced to a great extent the post-colonial educational structures and practices in the island. This article will show that the British colonial education policy applied in Cyprus had the two main features of the colonial policy applied in almost all the other British colonies, namely, (a) it was an 'adapted education' policy and (b) it was very much dependent on the will of the governed people. There were, however, two essential differences: (a) the 'adapted education' policy was very elusive and took diverse forms, and (b) politics played a much more important role in Cyprus than in the other colonies in the formulation of this policy, both positively and negatively. The result was that the 'adapted education' policy explicitly applied during the first fifty years was later reversed and became an open and fervent policy of cultural and educational lending. The contention of the author is that this last policy was a form of implicit 'adapted education' policy .  相似文献   

Dilek Latif 《Compare》2019,49(1):30-46
History education has been continually challenged by political competition in Cyprus. The education systems on both sides of the divide reflect the ongoing ethnic conflict and suffer from ethnocentrism. In particular, the history textbooks are used to convey and legitimise official narratives and reinforce identities defined vis-à-vis the other. As a result of the political debates in the early-2000s, a challenging process of educational reform and revision of history textbooks started in North Cyprus. This paper provides a historical perspective on the changes in the Cypriot history textbooks, and undertakes an in-depth comparative analysis of the old, revised and re-revised Cyprus history textbooks that have been used in schools from 1971 until the present day. The data was collected from document analysis of the textbooks used in lower- and upper-secondary schools both before and after the education reform.  相似文献   

Background:?In the context of Cyprus’ accession to the European Union (2004) and a noteworthy increase in immigration towards Cyprus, the Cypriot state was called upon to build more complete and coherent policies addressing culturally diverse educational settings. Cypriot education has historically enforced the nation-building project. However, since its accession negotiations to the EU, Cyprus received calls for harmonising its intercultural education to European standards.

Purpose:?This study aims to examine the content of intercultural policies in Cyprus, which have been initiated and/or developed by the national state and particularly the Ministry of Education and Culture. Furthermore, it explores the ways in which Cypriot policies are shaped by European influences, and the implications of this process for national constructs of intercultural education.

Sources of evidence:?We collected a purposive selection of thirty policy documents regarding intercultural education that were produced by the Ministry of Education and Culture in Cyprus. In addition, six Cypriot policy-makers working in the MEC's departments were interviewee participants. They were selected purposively according to the level of their involvement in the development of Cypriot intercultural policy.

Design and methods:?Data were coded to identify groups of concepts, issues, perceptions and behaviours and interrelationships within a theoretical model. Data triangulation contributed to the development of thematic categories that emerged from the data.

Results:?The analysis of the documentary evidence in this study suggests that the language of European policy has imbued the Cypriot socio-political environment with inclusive discourses enhancing intercultural education. Analysis in this study identifies that the Cypriot Ministry of Education and Culture maintains an assimilationist orientation in its broader educational goals, despite adopting such (inclusive) discourses.

Conclusions:?This study argues on the basis of this evidence that Cypriot intercultural policy appears symbolic, indicating ‘simulated’ development and implementation processes. Arguably, there remains a high degree of ambivalence towards the process of transformation needed to Europeanise intercultural policy in Cyprus.  相似文献   

This article examines Britain's colonial education policy in Cyprus in the late 1930s, and more specifically, its efforts to establish a university on the island. The British unpublished plan for a university in Cyprus is considered in the light of the particular social and political context of Cyprus and also in relation to Britain's broader colonial education policy. Primary source material is used as the basis for investigation and analysis.  相似文献   

This article draws a comparison between the Portuguese in relation to British and French discourses on overseas educational policies at the turn of the nineteenth to the twentieth century until the 1930s. It focuses on three main colonial educational dynamics: school expansion (comparing the public and private sectors); State–Church relations (comparing these relationships at the European and colonial levels); and missionary competition (comparing Catholic with Protestant strategies towards educational incorporation). Colonial discourse is seen here as a power‐knowledge discourse aimed at constructing the colonial subjects as individuals, enabling them to imagine themselves as belonging to a particular cultural polity. The article intends to show how cross‐national discourses on education affect the principles on which theories of schooling are built and the ways in which they influence the first attempts to systematize pedagogical and school models in the colonial peripheries. On the other hand, it tries to understand, within government technologies of domination, the conflicting views, negotiations and ambiguities between global policy formulation and local school system implementation. In this sense, the author sought to analyse the different ways in which concepts such as ‘assimilation’, ‘civilizing mission’, ‘adapted education’, and ‘learning by doing’ were mobilized and appropriated into the colonial education discourses in order to legitimize particular governmental strategies. Two main ideas run through the text: the first attempts to demonstrate the existence of discontinuities between official educational ideologies at home and local system and school expansion strategies in the colonies. The second claims that educational borrowing from other colonies at the Empires' peripheries was, more often that is thought, a crucial feature of colonial educational discourse.  相似文献   

在民族院校对新生开展民族团结教育对我们进行社会主义现代化建设具有重要意义。强调以民族团结教育为重要内容的入学教育,通过课堂教学、开展校园活动等途径,进行马克思主义民族观和党的民族政策、中国特色社会主义民族团结理论等内容的教育,使少数民族大学生切实担负起维护祖国统一和民族团结的重任,推动教学管理的顺利进行。  相似文献   

In 2010, the Ministry of Education and Culture (MEC) in Cyprus introduced a ‘new’ national curriculum for all public schools of the Cypriot republic. The overarching purpose of this study is to examine how the ongoing educational reform in Cyprus could set a different ideological framework, within which intercultural education may be developed and implemented. To this end, it provides a number of important insights into the intercultural dimension of the ‘new’ national curriculum by exploring the formal and the ideological levels of the curriculum. More specifically, it indicates the ways in which the ideological curriculum has been formed by the complex and often counteractive discourses of monoculturalism, multiculturalism and interculturalism due to the socio-historical context of Cyprus. The conclusions of this study assert that further research should be conducted to examine the implications pertaining to teachers’ practice and student learning with regard to intercultural education.  相似文献   

彼得·凯里的小说创作有对殖民历史、民族主义的反思,有对澳大利亚当下幸福生活方式神话的解构,有对现代澳大利亚人自我认同的探讨。追寻凯里小说中的认同迷踪,我们可以看到澳大利亚国家认同如何从含混走向澄明,民族认同如何在危机中出现转机,文化认同如何在困境中走向超越,自我认同如何关联现代性反思和现代人的焦虑。从作家的生活经历,作品反映的殖民历史和认同现实,以及澳大利亚历史上的民族主义这三个方面分析缘何可以从认同问题入手来研究凯里的小说。  相似文献   

This paper provides a framework for understanding inclusion in Cyprus. The evidence base is the result of a six-month qualitative research study in five Cypriot mainstream primary schools. Despite the rhetoric in favour of inclusion, it seems that the Cypriot educational system is still highly segregating in its philosophy and does not fully support the active inclusion and participation of all children in the school life. Overall, the framework is grounded on three key themes emerging from the research: inclusion is concerned only with the education of specific groups of children; the medical model is still prevalent within inclusion discourse; and inclusion is understood as consisting of different levels. As a result, a restructuring and transformation of inclusive education are necessary so as to reduce marginalisation and exclusion of many children and in particular those who have been identified as having special educational needs.  相似文献   

杨思信 《教育学报》2012,8(1):113-121
20世纪20年代发生的收回教育权运动从教育思想、教育学派、教育制度、教育编纂四个方面对中国现代教育产生了重要影响.教育思想方面,该运动提出了“教育为国家主权”、“教育与宗教分离”、“国家主义教育”三大观念.教育学派方面,该运动时期所形成的国家主义教育学派,丰富壮大了中国现代教育流派的队伍.教育制度方面,该运动促使政府形成了较为成熟的管理教会学校的体制.教育编纂方面,该运动时期提出和形成的“教育侵略”论、“文化侵略”论,成为中国近现代教育史上最有影响的学科研究话语范式.  相似文献   

蒙养学堂是在西方现代教育的冲击下,于清末改造书院运动中形成的童蒙教育的举措,后又融入近代学制系统,兼具幼稚园和初级小学的性质,是一种短暂的过渡形式。德租时期青岛的蒙养学堂虽然是殖民政策的产物,但是在客观上,通过对传统私塾教育的改良,初步实现了小学教育的现代化。它存在时间较长,发展较为充分,是中国近代蒙养学堂的典型。  相似文献   

晚清民国时期校董会制度经历了从清末民初的法外生存与制度失序,到北洋政府时期的进入立法与权力规范,再到广州、南京国民政府时期的立法强化与权力转向等发展阶段。校董会制度的教育立法进程受到制度来源、制度试验,以及国家战争、民族主义、教育经费、文化观念、教育权力等多重因素的交互作用,遵循着历史制度主义的路径依赖、断裂平衡原则,并借国家政治权力的介入,从民间试验走进国家立法,从制度失序走向制度规范,从制度危机走向制度平衡。晚清民国时期校董会制度的立法进程,实质是政府与学校、社会、教会等多元办学群体的一场教育权力博弈,并在学校所有权与治校权的离合之中,最终完成了校董会权力的合法性转向。  相似文献   

刘铭传在抚台期间,大力发展文治教育,招抚高山族居民,兴建了西学堂、电报学堂、番学堂等一系列新式学堂,建立起一整套具有台湾特色的教育系统。通过刘铭传的教育改革,台湾的面貌发生了巨大的变化,各项近代化事业迅速发展,民族关系得到缓和。刘铭传在台湾教育文化建设方面的贡献是卓著的,其教育思想在中国整个教育思想发展史中也是有重要地位的,应该得到一个公允的评价。  相似文献   

While research has focused on the role of racism in (re)producing ethnic/racial inequalities in education, there is very little research that investigates how variability in minority students’ responses to racism can be explained. By using an ecological approach to integrate existing research on actors’ responses to racism, this study finds that researchers have generally neglected factors and processes situated at the micro- and meso-levels of analysis. Qualitative interview data with Turkish–Cypriot children enrolled in schools in the predominantly Greek-speaking part of the Republic of Cyprus are used to investigate their strategies in response to racism and the factors that explain the observed variability in their responses. The findings suggest the importance of and interactions between factors situated at different levels of analysis, including the level of organizations and social groups and face-to-face interactions in explaining variability in young people’s responses to racism.  相似文献   

Cyprus, the third largest island in the Mediterranean Sea, has never been monolingual. For over four hundred years the two main languages of the island have been Turkish and Greek. Turkish-Cypriots and Greek-Cypriots met each other in the streets, but seldom in the schools. The Greek language had a place in the Turkish-Cypriots' educational system during some periods in history, but the Greek-Cypriots have never given the Turkish language a place in their school system. Until recent years, the majority of Turkish-Cypriots have had communicative competence in Greek. In contrast, there have been very few Greek-Cypriots who had communicative competence in Turkish. The history of Cyprus clearly shows that lack of policies for bilingualism on the island has weakened the good relationship between the two folk groups. The fact that the learning of the global language English is happening to the detriment of the learning of Greek among Turkish-Cypriots makes the integration of the two main cultural groups of Cypriots more difficult. Using the island's historical background, especially the intercommunal dispute during the last four decades as a basis, the author argues for a closer relationship between the economic, social, cultural, including bilingual and educational policy of the two parts of Cyprus. He sees this as the best peace policy for the island.  相似文献   


This paper examines how science education becomes institutionalized in Third World countries using Malaysia as a case study. The findings shows that the development of science education in Malaysia has been greatly influenced by international trends and the country's socio‐political development. Science gained a place in the school curriculum in the midst of British colonial rule. The strong colonial influence on school science continued throughout the early independence period but, in the 1980s, external influences on science education came from both Western and Islamic countries. In each of the historical periods, external world cultural forces interacted with internal socio‐political forces resulting in a national science curriculum which is in accord with world cultural rules but at the same time quite indigenous in character. This study also suggests that while each nation‐state aspires to develop an indigenous form of science education that would best suit the national context, the outcome tends to be more universalistic than particularistic due to global influences.  相似文献   

This article investigates the role of gender in educational choice‐making for post secondary school destinations in contemporary Cyprus. More specifically, it examines the cultural and ideological mechanisms that produce gender differentiation in the way educational choices are made by secondary school students and their families. Drawing on evidence from a qualitative investigation of parents of students graduating from secondary schools it supports that the unequal patterns observed can be partly explained by the diverse ways Cypriot parents perceive gender roles which in turn influence their willingness to invest economic and non monetary resources to support their children’s choices.  相似文献   

印度教育现代化大致经历了英国殖民统治时期和独立后至今这两大阶段。英国的殖民统治给印度带来巨大灾难的同时也拉开了其现代化的帷幕,这其中包括印度教育现代化的发展,伴随着英国殖民统治的终结,20世纪中期印度教育现代化进入全面发展阶段。以印度教育现代化的发展历程为主线,在肯定印度教育成绩的同时也指出了其中的问题,以期在如何看待印度教育,把握印度教育发展轨迹等方面提供些许有益的经验。  相似文献   

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