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温州市大中小学生气质、心理适应性和意志品质的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
运用测验量表法对1255名大、中、小学生的气质、心理适应性和意志品质的发展规律进行了测试考察,探讨9~22岁学生的气质、心理适应性和意志品质的年龄特征、性别特征和城乡特征,为我国学生体质研究工作提供参考。  相似文献   

运用多元统计典型相关分析法,对女大学生气质、心理适应性、意志品质与体质的相互依赖和相互影响进行研究,从总体上揭示出女大学生非智力心理因素与体质典型相关的某些特点和规律,为制定女大学生身心的全面发展战略提供理论依据。  相似文献   

中小学生气质、心理适应性和意志品质的测试与分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,国内外的心理学研究中,越来越多地运用测验量表法。研究者针对所要研究的课题,先分析出某一问题所包含的因素及各因素所占权重,再编出若干问卷题,用等级法或是非法编制答案,请受试者加以选择,据此来发现儿童和青少年个性发展的规律性。实践证明,这种方法是研究个性心理特性发展的一种有效方法。笔者利用这种方法对838名中小学生的气质、心理适应性和意志品质的发展规律进行测试考察,旨在为我国学生体质研究工作提供参考。1研究方法与对象1.1测验量表(1)气质量表。采用陈会昌1982年编制的气质测验量表,经检验,该量表信度系数为0.86,效…  相似文献   

大学生军用枪射击比赛要想在短时间内取得较好的成绩,学生除了应提高技战术水平、身体素质以外,具备良好的意志品质和心理状态也是极其重要的。本文从培养学生注意力品质、调节学生心理状态、培养意志品质三个方面探讨了大学生军事射击运动员的心理调节与控制问题,并提出了具体训练方法,对军事射击教学具有现实的指导意义。  相似文献   

体育大学生心理健康问题的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本研究运用心理测验法对辽宁省21所具有代表性的高校的体育大学生与普通大学生5027名本、专科学生进行了人格特征、道德品质、意志品质、兴趣特征、自我意识、适应环境的能力、自我心理调节能力、恋爱观等8个方面进行心理健康水平的测试。结果表明:辽宁省体育大学生在人格特征、自我意识、兴趣品质、意志品质等方面表现出良好的心理特征。在体育大学生与普通大学生心理健康因素比较中发现,体育大学生心理健康水平优于普通大学生。对不同性别、不同年级、不同组别的辽宁省体育大学生心理健康因素的比较结果表明:男生优于女生;一、四年级心理健康水平较高,二、三年级则相对较差;非独生子女优于独生子女,城审与乡村学生心理存在差异并各有其特点。  相似文献   

高校速度轮滑教学中学生畏惧心理的消除方法   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0  
刘雪凯  刘文礼  陈忠 《冰雪运动》2006,(5):35-36,41
针对在速度轮滑教学中学生畏惧心理的表现,分析了畏惧心理产生的原因,认为应从加强学生的思想品德、组织纪律教育,培养良好的学习动机、意志品质和个性特征,教会学生自我保护,按人体机能变化规律进行教学等几个方面消除学生的畏惧心理。  相似文献   

平地花式轮滑课学生畏惧心理的克服   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
黄起东 《冰雪运动》2009,31(5):45-48
平地花式轮滑是一项新兴的体育运动,由于平地花式轮滑运动动作难度较大又容易受伤,使学生在轮滑的学习过程中极易产生畏惧心理。通过研究认为学生在平地花式轮滑学习过程中产生畏惧心理的主观因素有身体素质与运动能力差、学习目的不明确、课前准备不足、学生害羞心理、状态焦虑水平高、意志品质薄弱、轮滑的理论知识掌握少;客观因素有技术动作难度大、教学环境差、教师教学手段和方法不当等;并针对主客观因素提出加强学生身体素质的训练和运动能力的培养、培养学生正确的学习动机、培养学生顽强的意志品质和克服困难的精神、科学地选择和运用教学方法与教学手段、重视动作示范和保护措施、优化课堂教学氛围、加强学生的心理训练等克服畏惧心理的对策。  相似文献   

要明确的是,当代大学生在意志品质方面存在不同程度缺失,包括轻易放弃、说谎、自私、胆怯、焦虑、抑郁、攻击等等,高校作为培养人的教育场所,不仅要教给学生理论知识,更要关注学生的意志品质培养,培养学生优秀的三观和人格,培养学生健康的心理和良好的意志品质,培养出更优异的人才,意义重大,而结合武术训练,对高校大学生良好意识品质的培养有积极作用,会让学生变得坚韧、勇敢、自信、勤奋刻苦等。本文从武术训练对高校大学生意志品质的影响,以及如何高效开展武术训练两个部分展开分析阐述。  相似文献   

程娟 《体育教学》2011,(9):38-39
现在的学生大都是独生子女,从小生活条件优越,娇生惯养,普遍存在怕苦、怕累,意志力薄弱,遭受一点挫折就悲观失望、丧失信心,自觉性、坚韧性和自制力均差等,缺少在艰难环境下的锻炼,缺乏吃苦耐劳的意志品质。根据中小学生意志品质的基本特点,多年来我在体育教学中非常重视对学生意志品质的培养和锻炼。哪怕是一个常规要求,一个简单的动作,一堂体育课的每一个环节、每一个练习内容,我都会科学、合理地设置一定的困难和障碍,有针对性地对学生的意志品质进行磨炼,以此来发展学生的心理承受能力,锻炼学生的意志力,以引导学生的意志向着正确方向发展。以下是我所采用的具体的方法,供同行参考。  相似文献   

北方高校冰上教学中学生厌学心理的成因及对策研究   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0  
传统冰上教学中经常出现学生积极性低、畏惧等厌学心理,在分析其心理成因的基础上,提出在冰上教学中,改进教学方法,帮助学生树立正确的学习动机,激发学生求知欲,培养意志品质,排除厌学心理,为提高冰上教学质量奠定基础。  相似文献   

优秀田径运动员竞技年龄的特征   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
宋广林  孙健 《体育学刊》2006,13(4):128-130
对中国与世界优秀田径运动员竞技年龄特征进行分析研究。结果表明中国与世界优秀田径运动员的竞技年龄具有显著的差异性:世界优秀运动员的竞技年龄与20世纪90年代相比在增大,尤其女子运动员的竞技年龄增大更为明显;而与世界相比中国优秀运动员的竞技年龄要小4~5岁,这从一个侧面反映出我国在田径运动训练和人才培养与管理方面所存在的问题。建议我国要加强科学训练,挖掘运动员的潜力,延长运动员的运动寿命。  相似文献   

生物学年龄与运动员生长发育鉴定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
运动员生长发育鉴定在运动员科学选材中十分重要,而生物学年龄的鉴定又是运动员生长发育鉴定的关键.本文综合文献与选材工作经验,详细介绍了几种常用的生物学年龄:骨龄与第二性征是目前运动员生长发育鉴定中常用的方法;牙龄在运动员选材中应用较少,主要受技术和方法等条件的限制,需进一步探索,增加应用的可行性;端粒DNA长度、线粒体DNA损伤和DNA甲基化水平等分子生物学方法推断年龄是比较新的方法,在运动员科学选材领域尚未得到验证与应用.最后本文展望了运动员生长发育鉴定中生物学年龄发展的前景.  相似文献   


The aim of this study was to investigate counter-movement jump performance and its reliability in children and adolescents with respect to age, sex and activity level. We tested 1835 children and adolescents aged between 4 and 17 years. All participants performed three counter-movement jumps on a force platform with arms akimbo. The participants were divided into six age groups and subdivided by sex within each group, to analyse age and sex effects. Subsequently, jumping performance of active and sedentary participants was compared. Jump height was calculated and the highest jump out of three was used for the calculations of peak force and peak rate of force development. Variability of all parameters was quantified using the coefficient of variation over all jumps. Jump height increased significantly with increasing age while peak rate of force development decreased. Peak force was similar for all age groups. Jump height was significantly higher in male participants and peak force and peak rate of force development was significantly lower in male participants. Variability of jump height and peak force decreased significantly with increasing age leading to reliable data above the age of 10 years. Peak rate of force development showed a high variability and, therefore, should be interpreted with caution. This could be useful information for coaches as they need to know from which age onwards the counter-movement jump is applicable in performance diagnostics and which parameters are sensible for interpretation. Finally, the present study provides data to be used as normative references.  相似文献   


This study examined the disturbing effects of relative age on the talent identification process in the talent development programme of the German Football Association. The bias in the selection rate was examined via the extent of relative age effects. The bias in motor performance diagnostics was analysed by comparing the motor performance of selected players with normal motor development. The mechanisms underlying the relative age biases in motor performance were examined by modelling the direct and indirect effects of relative age on single motor performance tests for sprint, running agility, dribbling and ball passing and control. Data from 10,130 selected football players from the U12 to U15 age groups were collected in autumn 2010. The birth distribution differed significantly from the reference population with approximately 61% of the players born in the first half of the year. The selection probability was approximately two times higher for players born in the first quarter of the year than for players born in the last quarter. Revised motor performance diagnostics showed better results on average for relatively younger players. Path analysis revealed significant direct and indirect relative age effects for physiologically demanding tests and almost no effects for technically demanding tests. Large sample sizes allowed high resolution in relative age with additional informational content and multivariate modelling of the complex relationships among relative age, physical development and motor performance. The results are discussed on how relative age affects the effectiveness and fairness of talent identification and development processes.  相似文献   

In this study, we compared measured maximal heart rate (HRmax) to two different HRmax prediction equations [220 — age and 208 — 0.7(age)] in 52 children ages 7-17 years. We determined the relationship of chronological age, maturational age, and resting HR to measured HRmax and assessed seated resting HR and HRmax during a graded exercise test. Maturational age was calculated as the maturity offset in years from the estimated age at peak height velocity. Measured HRmax was 201 ± 10 bpm, whereas predicted HRmax ranged from 199 to 208 bpm. Measured HRmax and the predicted value from the 208 — 0.7(age) prediction were similar but lower (p < .05) than the 220 — age prediction. Absolute differences between measured and predicted HRmax were 8 ± 5 and 10 ± 8 bpm for the 208 — 0.7 (age) and 220 — age equations, respectively, and were greater than zero (p < .05). Regression equations using resting HR and maturity offset or chronological age significantly predicted HRmax, although the R2 < .30 and the standard error of estimation (8.2-8.5) limits the accuracy. The 208 — 0.7(age) equation can closely predict mean HRmax in children, but individual variation is still apparent.  相似文献   

通过对世界优秀男子篮球运动员的身高、体重、年龄等的统计分析表明 :优秀男子篮球运动员的身高、体重、年龄等有其特点和规律 ,并与其运动竞技水平紧密相关。与之相比 ,我国优秀男子篮球运动员存在明显差距  相似文献   

关于少年田径运动员心功指数评价标准的研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
对1303名少年田径运动员进行了30秒钟30次蹲起机能试验,用所测心功指数进行检验分析表明:无论按生日年龄还是按骨龄年龄分组,同一年龄,同一性别中,男女少年中长跑运动员与男女短跨,投掷运动员的心功指数均值,在绝大多数性别年龄组均存在显著性差异(P<0.05),(P<0.01)。而在年龄、性别之间,以及生日年龄和骨骼年龄之间不存在显著性差异。运用离差法制定了少年田径运动员心功能指数评价表,供机能评定和选材参考。  相似文献   

对NBA、CBA队员的年龄进行比较,结果表明,CBA队员与NBA队员平均年龄存在着显著差异,并指出年龄在现代篮球竞技中的意义,为中国男篮迅速赶超世界强队提供依据.  相似文献   

In this study, we compared measured maximal heart rate (HRmax) to two different HRmax prediction equations [22 - age and 208 - 0.7(age)] in 52 children ages 7-17 years. We determined the relationship of chronological age, maturational age, and resting HR to measured HRmax and assessed seated resting HR and HRmax during a graded exercise test. Maturational age was calculated as the maturity offset in years from the estimated age at peak height velocity. Measured HRmax was 201 +/- 10 bpm, whereas predicted HRmax ranged from 199 to 208 bpm. Measured HRmax and the predicted value from the 208 - 0.7(age) prediction were similar but lower (p < .05) than the 220 - age prediction. Absolute differences between measured and predicted HRmax were 8 +/- 5 and 10 +/- 8 bpm for the 208 - 0.7 (age) and 220 - age equations, respectively, and were greater than zero (p < .05). Regression equations using resting HR and maturity offset or chronological age significantly predicted HRmax, although the R2 < .30 and the standard error of estimation (8.2-8.5) limits the accuracy. The 208 - 0.7(age) equation can closely predict mean HRmax in children, but individual variation is still apparent.  相似文献   

山西省大学教师身体机能状况和健康水平的调查研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
通过对山西省802名大学教师进行的体脂、心搏量等13个指标的测试,发现大学40—49岁两个年龄组的大部分指标与一般人区别不大,但体脂、体重较高,脉压较小,女子的血压也高。60岁以上组的大部分指标较同年龄一般人好,个别指标还较50—59岁组的好。说明中年教师的身体机能和健康水平较差,并针对性地提出了建议。  相似文献   

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