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运用文献资料等方法对体育特色学校的建设误区进行反思,认为由体育特色项目到学校体育特色,再到特色学校文化最后发展成为体育特色学校,这是一个局部到整体不断推进的过程。体育特色项目立足于使个体习得某项体育知识与体育技能,而体育特色学校立足于文化引领。指出从体育项目到学校文化、体育与艺术相结合以及开发体育特色课程是"健康第一"指导思想下体育特色学校的建设途径。  相似文献   

采用文献资料等方法对体育特色学校建设进行分析。主要结论:以体育项目为特色进行学校建设应致力于培育学校体育文化、打造体育特色课程与教学、促进体育教师专业成长以及关注学生体育需求。建议:体育特色学校应积极凝练体育项目背后承载的体育精神与体育文化,使之成为引领全校师生发展的群体价值观念,应在"素质教育"、"健康第一"、"和谐发展"的教育理念下定位与思考。  相似文献   

总结体育特色学校建设的实践模式,有助于进一步科学创建体育特色学校。采用文献资料等方法分析体育特色学校的内涵、创建模式以及典型个案。研究认为:学校体育文化、体育特色项目、体育特色活动、体育特色课程是构建体育特色学校的重要内容,其中学校体育文化是核心;体育特色可以与其它特色并存共建特色学校;创建体育特色学校的过程,也是部分薄弱学校走向优质学校的过程。  相似文献   

张英英  邬燕红 《湖北体育科技》2012,31(4):473-474,494
中国各地区经济发展不平衡,区域间、民族间多方面存在着差异,基于地区间不同的区位优势,各地区、各院校选择以体育特色项目教育为发展方向和办学模式,将是体育教学改革一个不可避免的趋势。通过对相关文献的检索与参考,论证了高校体育特色项目建设的必要性,界定了体育特色项目概念,分析了目前主要存在以内容为特色、以民族和地域作为特色、以传统体育项目为特色的三种主要类型,以及急功近利、缺乏稳定性、特色逐渐消失等目前存在的主要问题,从理论上对高校体育特色项目建设进行了研究与剖析。  相似文献   

篮球是我校的传统特色体育项目,2005年实现学生人手一球,2008年被确定为市体育传统校,以篮球项目为突破口,打造篮球特色项目学校,我们遵循“特色项目——学校特色——特色学校”的三步发展过程,打造学校品牌,推进魅力篮球特色学校的建设工作,为此我们作了如下探索和实践。  相似文献   

在深化体教融合的背景下,体育传统特色学校是将教育系统体育特色学校和体育系统体育传统项目学校合并,由体育和教育部门基于政策驱动共同命名的青少年体育组织。以已形成体育发展特色和具有较好体育工作业绩的普通中小学校为调查对象,运用实地考察、专家座谈、问卷调查等方法分析认为,专业体育资源、组织服务与管理、体育师资队伍和社会服务融合是影响体育传统特色学校创建的主要因素;创建体育传统特色学校存在体育和教育系统未共担专业体育服务、共建双重培养目标、共创师资保障机制和共寻社会治理路径等壁垒;合并命名旨在共破壁垒、互补资源,实现以体育教学专业化和体育课程专项化为手段普及体育运动技能,以及以体育项目布局网络化和学校体育精英化为手段培养体育后备人才的目标定位。基于此,提出有序开展体育传统特色学校活动、合理规划体育传统特色学校发展、灵活调配体育师资和招收特长生、强化体育传统特色学校外部治理等对策,旨在通过依规治校、依标创校、依策荣校、依评促校等路径实现功能再造。  相似文献   

高校体育特色项目建设因校园体育文化建设更具特色,校园体育文化建设因高校体育特色项目建设得更为完善,主要表现在高校体育特色项目与校园体育物质文化、精神文化、行为文化、制度文化之间互融互通、相互促进的和谐互动关系.在实践过程中,重视对活动主体——学生的关注;加大对特色体育项目硬件设施的投入,构建两者互动的桥梁;营造特色体育项目的活动氛围,构建互动的环境;多维度打造两者和谐共建的途径,实现高校体育特色项目与校园体育文化的和谐共建.  相似文献   

采用文献资料法、经验总结法,对学校特色体育项目建设的选择因素、条件基础及方法途径进行分析,认为:学校特色体育项目建设是学校群体行为,需要全校师生共同参与。特色体育项目的选择必须结合学校的文化传统、体育教师的专业能力、学生兴趣爱好以及体育设施条件等因素综合考虑;特色项目课程、特色项目活动和特色项目竞赛是学校特色体育项目建设的三条主要路径。  相似文献   

当今根据省普通高等学校体育特色项目建设的指导意见,探讨高校体育特色项目建设发展的基本设想。因此在信息全球化、多元化的时代背景下,体育运动文化也需要体现更加强烈的时代性、民族性以及它的全面教育性。所以高校在各种体育文化的冲击下会自主自觉地进行特色体育文化的选择,本文通过分析如何构建适合本高校发展的特色体育项目和文化,并做出相应对策。  相似文献   

民族传统体育融于高校体育不仅是当前高校文化建设的需要,也是在全球化进程加速发展的今天,文化传承对高校体育教育提出的新要求宣扬民族体育文化;加强项目研究和人才培训,让更多民族传统体育项目进入高校体育课程。  相似文献   

Physical education's role in public health   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
The public health community is becoming increasingly interested in the potential contributions of school physical education to child health. School physical education is seen as an ideal site for the promotion of regular physical activity because up to 97% of elementary school children participate in some sort of physical education program. For maximal public health benefit, school physical education programs should prepare children for a lifetime of physical activity. This public health goal for physical education may require some changes in current approaches. Physical educators are challenged to collaborate with public health professionals in developing and evaluating school physical education programs that will improve the health of the nation's youth.  相似文献   

校本教研是体育教师专业发展的有效载体   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用问卷法、文献法、观察法、数理统计法。对三明梅列区教师进修学校三年初中体育校本教研课题进行了实验研究,为的是解决当前学校课程改革下体育教师教学设计、课堂教学方式、说课、学生发展性评价存在的问题。结果表明:提高教师设计教案有能力,明确说课程序,研制符合我区学生发展性评价手册,对推动我区体育教学质量的提高有着极为重要的指导作用。  相似文献   

The authors analyzed data from the School Health Policies and Programs Study 2000 to assess the associations between the presence of a district physical education coordinator and district-level physical education policies and practices recommended by federal government agencies and national organizations. The authors also examined the relationship between teacher qualifications and staff development related to physical education and self-reported implementation of recommended teachingpractices. District-level data were collected by self-administered mail questionnaires from a nationally representative sample of school districts. Classroom-level data were collected by computer-assisted personal interviews with teachers of randomly selected classes in elementary schools and randomly selected required physical education courses in middle/junior high and senior high schools. Nearly two thirds (62.2%) of districts had a physical education coordinator, and those were generally more likely than other districts to report having policies and practices that corresponded with national recommendations for high-quality physical education programs. More than two thirds of teachers (66.9%) met the criteria for teacher qualifications based on their education and certification. These teachers were more likely than others to report use of certain recommended physical education teaching practices. Teachers who participated in staff development also were more likely to use recommended teaching practices in their classrooms. Using a district physical education coordinator and teachers with appropriate qualifications as well as offering staff development opportunities on physical education may enhance school physical education programs.  相似文献   


This study was undertaken to determine the status of the health and physical education program for boys in 101 Ohio secondary schools and to determine the relationship of school size, community size, accreditation, geographic area, type of school district, and consolidation to this status. According to the results of this study, accreditation and school size have considerably more influence upon the quality of the program than any other factor studied. Schools enrolling 500–999 students have a significantly better health and physical education program than schools enrolling less than 500 students. Enrollment above 1,000 tends to have a slight negative influence upon the quality of the program.  相似文献   


A statewide program assessment was established to make positive change in physical education school programs in South Carolina. Reform efforts depend both on balancing accountability for change and teacher support for change (Odden &Anderson, 1986). The purpose of the study was to determine teacher perceptions of the South Carolina Physical Education Assessment Program and its effects across six related themes including: changes in teaching and learning, changes in curriculum and instruction, teacher awareness of the assessment program, teacher support for the program, work place conditions, and the advocacy role of the program. It was also the purpose of this study to determine if the survey responses were in any way related to teacher and school variables. The overall results of the study indicated positive change and support for the assessment program, supporting the viability of the standards, assessment, and accountability reform effort to positively impact physical education programs.  相似文献   

A statewide program assessment was established to make positive change in physical education school programs in South Carolina. Reform efforts depend both on balancing accountability for change and teacher support for change (Odden &Anderson, 1986). The purpose of the study was to determine teacher perceptions of the South Carolina Physical Education Assessment Program and its effects across six related themes including: changes in teaching and learning, changes in curriculum and instruction, teacher awareness of the assessment program, teacher support for the program, work place conditions, and the advocacy role of the program. It was also the purpose of this study to determine if the survey responses were in any way related to teacher and school variables. The overall results of the study indicated positive change and support for the assessment program, supporting the viability of the standards, assessment, and accountability reform effort to positively impact physical education programs.  相似文献   

The effectiveness of the Canadian Quality Daily Physical Education (QDPE) program in creating awareness, support, and influencing school based physical education programs was determined using quantitative and qualitative methodologies. Participants included teachers, principals and vice principals, school board officials and trustees, professional agencies and association, and provincial ministry of education officials. Findings showed this national initiative increased awareness and support of QDPE among all participants. Although the influence of this increased awareness and support on school physical education programming was limited, the greatest impact was in time committed to instruction, development of curricula, instruction of classes, delivery of intramural programs, professional development, and student response to physical education. The least impact was on hiring of physical education specialists, the number of staff, and funding for physical education.  相似文献   


Findings from physical education research conducted over the last two decades suggest that girls' experiences in and perceptions of physical education in many team sport‐based programs are less than satisfactory. Team sports taught within a traditional multi‐activity format often permit dominant aggressive male players to control the game, marginalizing and alienating low‐skilled girls and boys. This paper critiques the circumstances often found in sport based physical education and reports the use of an innovative approach to team‐sport curriculum entitled, ‘Sport for Peace’, to enhance girls' levels of engagement and satisfaction in urban high school physical education. In this research, seven teachers and 15 girls were involved in the curriculum innovation in three urban high schools. Teachers trained and mentored using the curriculum implemented the program in two classes in each school. The implementation process was described using observation protocols and the teachers and girls were interviewed formally at the conclusion of the observation period. Data were analysed using constant comparison. Findings suggested that the Sport for Peace curriculum improved the sport environment for girls by enhancing their perceptions of success, promoting ownership of the sport content and the class processes, creating authentic cooperative environments for boys and girls, and encouraging the use of second chances to promote understanding and learning. Boys' altitudes towards girls' ability and motivation became more positive and girls indicated that they enjoyed participating with boys in these sport programs. The findings were analysed within Ladson‐Billings' conceptualization of culturally responsive


If elementary physical education existed just to achieve "present" goals, especially regular exercise, the nature of the program would be clearer and the need for trained teachers less. It is the "future" goal that complicates the debate over the elementary program. It is the "future" goal that requires a broader range of experiences and a developmental approach. Because we are preparing students to implement an active lifestyle in adulthood, the development of sport and dance skills through age/ability-appropriate and sequential lessons is an important as the "present" opportunity for physical activity. Teachers must be knowledgeable in the subdisciplines of physical education and well versed in those teaching methods that promote vigorous activity and maximum participation. The lifetime public health goal dictates we help students develop a knowledge base about exercise and health. This goal requires us to learn more than we presently know about promoting positive attitudes toward and fostering appreciations for healthful living. The hope for improved adult health also requires a K-12 curricular model in which every year continues previous experiences and moves students closer to the goal as those students are changing physically, mentally, and socially. The next debate should focus on the role of secondary school physical education in linking health-related elementary programs to healthy adult lifestyles. Even though we do not fully understand the relationship between school physical education and active adult lifestyles, our best bet is developing a continuous, developmental K-12 curriculum.  相似文献   

The benefits associated with being physically active are well documented, but a significant proportion of the population is insufficiently active. Physical inactivity is a major health risk factor in our society, and physical education programs are consistently identified as a means to address this concern. The purpose of this article is to use the social-ecological model as a framework to examine ways in which physical education programs can play an important role in promoting physical activity. Policies that require time allocations and resources for physical education and physical activity in schools and community designs that provide infrastructure that makes being physically active accessible and convenient are important factors in making schools and communities healthier spaces. It is clear, however, that policies alone are not sufficient to address concerns about physical inactivity. We must consider individual factors that influence decisions to be physically active in efforts to engage children in physical education programs that promote active lifestyles. The learning climate that teachers create determines what students do and learn in physical education classes. Ensuring that students see value in the content presented and structuring classes so that students believe they can experience success when they exert effort are key elements in an effective motivational climate. Efforts to address public health concerns about physical inactivity require a comprehensive approach including quality physical education. It is critical that kinesiology professionals emerge as leaders in these efforts to place physical education programs at the center of promoting children's physical activity.  相似文献   

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