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This article covers the origins, growth, rationale, calibration, and inspiration of an international pool of certified Quality MattersTM (QM) Peer Reviewers. From the beginning in 2003, as a U.S. Department of Education, Fund for the Improvement of Postsecondary Education funded project, QM was developed as a faculty-centered, peer-based approach for quality assurance and continuous improvement in online education. Development of a pool of qualified peer reviewers grew out of the QM professional development sequence that faculty found transformative for their own course development and teaching practice. Rigorous processes for maintaining the integrity of QM Peer Reviewer certification are discussed. The case is made that QM Peer Review is scalable and affordable for academic institutions. Rather than limiting the execution of quality review to a particular unit or administrative role, engaging faculty in the review function allows for a greater number of reviewers to handle the review tasks at a lower cost to the institution. For peer review to remain “a gift, and not a burden” for faculty and to ensure fit for purpose, the QM Peer Review process will need to evolve to respond to new needs for quality assurance.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to assess the effect of the introduction of peer review processes on the quality of multiple-choice examinations in the first three years of an Australian medical course. The impact of the peer review process and overall quality assurance (QA) processes were evaluated by comparing the examination data generated in earlier years (2008) with those held under the new QA regime (2009 and 2010) from the same blueprint. Statistical analysis and comparisons of overall examination performance were made by year. Regarding multiple-choice questions (MCQs), item analysis was used to compare the proportion of difficult and discriminating items and functional distractors on summative examinations in 2008 (pre-implementation of peer review) and 2009 and 2010 (post-implementation). The impact of peer review processes resulted in a decrease in the number of items with negative discrimination; increases in reliability, appropriate item difficulty, and numbers of items with significant discrimination. There was an associated improvement in the effectiveness of distractors for the MCQ items. The trend of overall improvement in the quality of MCQ items continued in 2009 and 2010. The introduction of QA processes, specifically peer review of MCQ items has resulted in a sustained improvement in the quality of MCQ items within our examinations.  相似文献   

As higher education begins to operate increasingly in a European framework, consequences for the assurance of quality in higher education are bound to become evident. A pilot study to develop a methodology for the comparison of quality across different higher education systems is described. The project involved comparison of ten study programmes in economics in Germany, the Netherlands, and the United Kingdom. A design derived from general considerations about the concept of quality and about the nature of higher education and different systems incorporated two stages. First was the collection of information and the processing of this information into manageable data sets; second was the assessment of the information by way of peer review. The proceedings and principal findings of both stages followed the overview of the project design. The article concludes by highlighting some implications of this pilot project for the future of quality assurance in higher education on a European scale.  相似文献   

The view taken in this article is that Total Quality Management (TQM) in the new universities (the former Polytechnics) and the development of a so‐called managerialist ideology has led to the inevitable adoption of an approach to Human Resource Management (HRM) policy and practice that is functionalist. The criteria favoured by managerialism represented by TQM is not only inappropriate in higher education, but more importantly, it limits the productive activity of individuals. This limitation occurs to the extent that at the level of the individual academic in higher education organizations, quality control and assurance, that has traditionally been a localized process of self‐ and close‐peer review, has become formalized by externally imposed systems and procedures ‐ a necessary condition under the current funding arrangements for enabling internal quality assurance systems to meet the requirements of external agencies. However, the authors suggest that only a truly professionalizing, soft, individualistic, and user‐focussed collegial culture will provide a sufficient condition for total quality enhancement to become a reality.  相似文献   

专业质量的保障是高等教育质量提升的基础。通过分析英、美等世界高等教育发达国家的专业质量保障模式可以看出,外部行业协会介入的专业认证和同行学术评价的专业保障相结合模式对高等教育专业质量保障起了重大作用。我国的专业评估自20世纪80年代开始实施以来,在实践方面取得了重要成效,对我国高等教育质量的保障与提高起了重要作用,尤其是工程教育类专业认证的成功经验也为我国专业评估的改革开辟了道路。但是我国的专业评估体制仍存在许多问题,举步维艰。借鉴英、美的经验及我国工程教育专业认证实践成功的范例,应建立我国的专业认证与同行学术评价相结合双轨并存的专业评估制度。  相似文献   

The peer review system at all campuses of the University of California is a long standing program of pre- and post-tenure evaluation. All faculty are reviewed on a schedule of 2 to 4 years by department colleagues, the dean, and a campus faculty committee which normally results in a merit increase. This system of pre- and post-tenure review throughout a faculty members' career poses a substantial workload for faculty, departments, and the campus; but it is regarded by faculty and campus administrators as crucial to maintaining a faculty of very high quality. This article describes the well-established review process, which may provide ideas for those institutions planning on enhancing their approaches to peer review .  相似文献   

This paper examines issues in the debate on quality assurance in the English system of higher education as they have developed between the Further and Higher Education Act of 1992 and the review proposed by the Secretary of State at the end of 1994. The main focus is on the development by the Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE) of its method of quality assessment and the call for the restoration of 'self-regulation' in such matters to the institutions. The role of the institutions in developing the methods adopted by the Funding Council is outlined, and the chief criticisms of its effects evaluated. The paper concludes by reviewing options for change in the immediate future and the conditions that will have to be met. It is argued that systems could undoubtedly be improved, but that key elements of 'self-regulation' have already been won in the continuation of external peer review.  相似文献   

提高科技期刊专家审稿质量的途径   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了使专家审稿的过程更加快速有效,从审稿专家的选取、审稿方式和方法的选择、审稿过程的控制等方面对提高科技期刊专家审稿质量的途径进行了分析,只有在正确的审稿专家选择原则的指导下,采用正确的审稿方式和方法,并对审稿过程进行合理的控制,才能使审稿专家对刊物有更加深入的了解,从而更加准确地把握稿件的学术质量。  相似文献   

This article focuses on the role of student feedback in the process of higher education quality assurance. The most recent reforms of the educational systems encourage teachers to enlarge their educational paradigm by experimenting with assessment practices that would go behind accountability and be more responsive to students’ learning needs. In Italy, despite the widespread acknowledgment of the role played by students’ feedback in providing information about the outputs of their education, the quality assurance process has remained, thus far, largely unchanged. Student compliance with rather traditional academic teaching practices and a diffused sense of uselessness of the results coming from end-course surveys represent increasing malpractices in the Italian quality assurance system. In view of the above, the article reports an explorative study aimed to develop a mid-term survey for student feedback. Implications for future research are discussed.  相似文献   


South Africa's new occupational and vocational qualifications require assessment centres with a national footprint to conduct national summative assessments which are convenient and cost effective for learners. This new assessment process requires specialised facilities, but few current facilities can provide these. The research project proposed a model which is able to serve the needs of the quality assurance body and industry and be appropriate to the retail sector occupational qualifications. A qualitative method was used, involving a literature review and secondary data analysis; small focus groups; semi-structured interviews; and follow-up workshops to peer review the findings. The participants included industry experts, education providers and quality assurance experts. Two models were identified and considered, namely: Model A, which involves private businesses that can be accredited to become assessment centres; and Model B, which uses Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET) colleges for all national assessments. The overall finding was that Model B is more suitable.  相似文献   

This article begins by detailing some of the key ideas behind the concept of peers helping peers. The history of peer support schemes in the UK and of the author's particular and important role in this development are explored. The use of Re-Evaluation Counselling in this model is described. She also details the processes of setting up and sustaining peer support schemes in schools. The factors that are key to these processes are identified and exemplified via case studies.  相似文献   

This article opens with a review of current research on peer interventions and their capacity to impact on school climate and bystander behaviour, as well as to meet the aims of fostering altruism. The main focus of the article is a study of an email support group in an all-boys school in the United Kingdom. It was set up in response to an incident of physical bullying and after consultation it was found that email was the preferred mode of support. The article discusses the reasons for this and presents details of how the support system was set up and operated, and reports the outcomes. The authors conclude that email provides a good medium for peer support schemes in schools, as it increases anonymity, and reduces concerns about 'grassing'.  相似文献   

Teaching quality emerged as asignificant issue in higher education duringthe 90s. This led to the implementation ofnumerous quality control, assurance andenhancement schemes as institutions attemptedto stay abreast of demands from variousstakeholders in a rapidly changing educationalenvironment. More recently, with theestablishment of the Australian UniversityQuality Agency (AUQA) in 2000, there is nowfurther impetus to review quality schemes inAustralian universities. This paper describeshow a teaching award programme may impact onplanning and review processes within universitydepartments and highlights how the alignment ofteaching award criteria with external qualityaudit requirements can lead tocross-institutional benefits for enhancing thequality of teaching.  相似文献   

In recent years, the world of engineering education has been changing rapidly. Emerging communication technologies offer new means of distance education, the job market is getting narrower and increasingly competitive, and numerous stakeholders are concerned about the quality of education the students receive. To offer quality assurance to interested parties and the general public, engineering faculties in the US and Canada undergo accreditation processes, fostered by the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology and the Canadian Engineering Accreditation Board, which are professional boards. However, some university-level institutions in Europe have turned to the ISO 9000 family of international standards as a framework for quality assurance. This paper provides an outline of these three quality assurance schemes, followed by a comparison of their common elements. It is argued that engineering faculties can establish meaningful ISO 9000 quality systems on the basis of, and integrated with, the accreditation schemes. Finally, recent European initiatives for quality assurance in engineering education are addressed.  相似文献   

In this paper the current national legislations, the quality assurance approaches and the activities of impact analysis of three quality assurance agencies from Romania, Spain and Germany are described from a strategic perspective. The analysis shows that the general methodologies (comprising, for example, self-evaluation reports, peer reviews, on-site visits, assessment reports, follow-up measures) and main subjects of quality assurance in higher education (such as study programmes and institutional structures and processes) are very similar in the sample cases. However, up to now, impact evaluation of quality assurance has not been implemented systematically in the sample agencies (as in many others). This is the more relevant since the European standards of quality assurance in higher education oblige quality assurance agencies to analyse their general findings and observe the effects of their activities. Against that background, it is argued that methodologically sound impact analyses of quality assurance interventions in higher education institutions should be seen as an integral part of the agencies’ own quality assurance because it would make their work more transparent and easier to improve systematically. The paper identifies some professionalisation needs required for impact evaluation competences: staff and peers who are qualified by methodological knowledge but also by ‘soft’ skills such as project and conflict management.  相似文献   


This article begins by detailing some of the key ideas behind the concept of peers helping peers. The history of peer support schemes in the UK and of the author's particular and important role in this development are explored. The use of Re-Evaluation Counselling in this model is described. She also details the processes of setting up and sustaining peer support schemes in schools. The factors that are key to these processes are identified and exemplified via case studies.  相似文献   

External quality audits are now being used in universities across the world to improve quality assurance, accountability for quality education and transparency of public funding of higher education. Some countries such as Australia, New Zealand, United Kingdom, Sweden and Denmark have had external quality audits for more than a decade but there has been limited research as to their impact. This study analyses the extent to which external audits in Australia have improved quality assurance in universities over the past 10 years. The analysis is based on discussions with 40 participants in a workshop on the effectiveness of audits and the review of 60 external quality audit reports between 2001 and December 2010. The research found that while external audits have led to an improvement in systems and processes in Australian universities, they have not necessarily improved the student experience. This lack of impact on the student experience in Australia is similar to other countries, according to the literature review. This study is timely in its analysis on the effectiveness of the current improvement-led audits, as government in Australia is in the process of renewing quality assurance arrangements of higher education institutions with a focus on standards and outcomes.  相似文献   

对韩国37所国立大学(综合类19所、理工类7所、师范类11所)的教师业绩评价有关规定进行政策文本分析发现,部分综合类高校和理工类高校在对教师进行业绩评价时,制定了考虑学科特殊性的评价方案,但大部分师范高校尚未制定考虑学科特殊性的评价方案.国立大学教师评价方案呈现出以下特点:重研究成果数量,轻质量;重国际学术期刊,轻国内...  相似文献   

Starting from the main objective of external quality assurance (EQA) procedures to assure and improve the quality of higher education institutions and its provisions, the paper examines expected impacts of EQA procedures on institutions from the perspectives of three European quality assurance agencies. First, the paper examines the expected impacts of different standard parts of a typical peer review procedure on higher education institutions and assesses when a procedure is most likely to have an effect on the institution. The second part presents the current practices of the three EQA agencies, AQU Catalunya (Spain), Evaluationsagentur Baden-Württemberg (evalag) (Germany) and the Finnish Education Evaluation Centre (Finland) on assessing the impact of their EQA procedures.  相似文献   

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