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目的:本研究旨在探讨大学生社会比较倾向与嫉妒的现状及其关系。方法:以392名大学生为研究对象,采用社会比较倾向量表与嫉妒量表进行了问卷调查。结果:1.大学生的社会比较倾向处于中等水平;2.大学生的嫉妒水平低于中等水平,人际嫉妒上存在显著家庭背景差异(t=-2.236,P<0.05)和显著的年级差异显著(F(3,388)=3.256,P<0.05);3.社会比较倾向与嫉妒存在显著性正相关(r=0.238,P<0.01),能力比较对嫉妒有显著预测作用。结论:大学生社会比较倾向对嫉妒具有重要影响。  相似文献   

唐风 《现代企业教育》2009,(20):140-140
嫉妒是一种很普遍的社会现象,只要不引起非理智的行为就可以说是正常的。但是,如果我们不用理智的方法对待它,就有可能导致心理变态。嫉妒存在于社会各阶层的人身上,不受知识,身份,年龄,种族以及经济状况的影响。它是一种负面情绪,对生活,事业都会产生消极影响。我们要正确时待生活中产生的这种不良情绪。消除它的负面影响。  相似文献   

许多成人认为,孩子没有在社会上攀比、竞争的经历,不该有嫉妒心理。但研究资料显示,有不满周岁的婴儿看到母亲给其他婴儿哺乳时,就出现心率加速、面色潮红等不良反应,甚至哭闹起来。当孩子长到5、6岁时,妒意会更频繁地袭上心头。那么什么是幼儿的嫉妒行为,成人应怎样正确对待呢?一、幼儿嫉妒行为的表现嫉妒是一种别人比自己优越时所产生的一种憎恨情绪。幼儿的嫉妒是幼儿将自己与别的小朋友作比较而产生的消极情感体验,是指当幼儿看到他人某些方面比自己强,自己当时却无法拥有或胜过时,所产生的一种不安、烦恼、痛苦、怨恨,并企图破坏他人优…  相似文献   

文章结合《红楼梦》具体文本,从嫉妒的根源、嫉妒的萌芽、嫉妒的深化、嫉妒的升华四个方面对贾环的嫉妒心理进行了剖析,认为贾环对宝玉的嫉妒从委屈性的一般嫉妒膨胀到报复性的黑色嫉妒,最后转变为竞争性的白色嫉妒。  相似文献   

嫉妒心理是情感范畴的一种心理现象,是对别人的优势所产生的以心怀不满为特征的不悦、自惭、怨恨、恼怒,甚至带有破坏性的一种负面情绪,这种心理多发生在具有竞争性的群体和情境之中.随着市场经济的建立,社会竞争性大大增强,竞争的领域也不断扩大.成人的社会竞争日趋激烈,而学生在接受教育的过程中,也同样充满了竞争.但是,由于学生的心理发育尚未成熟,自我调节和控制能力较弱,容易在竞争中产生一些不良的心理反应.嫉妒心理就是比较常见的一种.如不能得到及时的教育和疏导,势必导致不良的后果.因此,加强对嫉妒心理的研究,注重对学生的心理调控,是每一个教育工作者必须引起重视的课题.  相似文献   

嫉妒是一种"负面情绪",会加剧不良的个人心理体验,对幼儿健康成长产生消极影响,成人必须加以正确引导。文章就幼儿嫉妒的表现、原因及教育引导进行论述。  相似文献   

嫉妒心理对大学生人际沟通的影响及对策分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
嫉妒心理是普遍存在的一种心理现象,这种心理对大学生产生的消极作用远大于积极作用.文章就嫉妒心理进行了剖析,分析了嫉妒产生的根源及对人际沟通的影响,并提出了相应的对策.  相似文献   

行为主义嫉妒理论是现代六大嫉妒理论之一,该理论鲜明的理论观点和卓有成效的治疗方法独具特色。本文对这一理论的理论倾向、发生和发展观、分类观以及治疗策略进行了系统研究,并从实证的角度出发,测量了大学生的嫉妒行为反应,最后,对这一理论进行了评价。  相似文献   

人的距离知觉与距离感觉在非语言符号传递过程中,会影响其情绪的变化并由此产生某种行为反应。我们所说的嫉妒的距离性,既有一维时间距离,也有三维空间距离,还有四维心理距离。招致嫉妒情绪的距离,有时是其一,有时是其二,有时则三者兼而有之。心理距离最终是产生嫉妒与否的关键性因素。嫉妒距离性的实质,即嫉妒主体与嫉妒实体之间的关系能否沟通,以及这种沟通受时空、心理距离影响的程度问题。人们在生活或工作中应掌握好嫉妒的距离艺术,这包括两个方面:不嫉妒的距离和避免嫉妒的距离  相似文献   

论嫉妒心理的发生机制及调节   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
嫉妒是人的一种消极情绪体验和行为表现。它的发生发展大致有潜意识嫉妒、需要及时控制的显意识嫉妒和危险的变态嫉妒三个层次。嫉妒是个体和集体遗传、个人童年经验和社会文化综合因素的产物。主要调节策略包括善于觉察、监控、调适自己的过敏性情绪体验;培养正确观念,保证正确思维;调控情绪,保证正确思维的人格化与条件化三种。  相似文献   

Mate value discrepancy (MVD), the perceived difference in resource value between self and partner in romantic relationships, may impact both forgiveness and jealousy. One hundred seventy-nine participants rated their own and their partner's mate value, and self-reported forgiveness and jealousy. MVD was associated with forgiveness in romantic relationships in that the higher the value of one's mate in relation to self, the more likely an individual would forgive that partner's transgression. Similarly, MVD played a role with jealousy in that the higher the value of the partner, the more likely an individual experienced jealousy. Additionally, individuals were more likely to forgive transgressions when their partners had higher mate values than theirs, even when jealousy is experienced.  相似文献   

This study examined how (a) affection received from a partner and (b) love styles (i.e., eros, ludus, storge, pragma, mania, and agape) predicted the use of jealousy-evoking behaviors in romantic relationships. Participants were 197 undergraduate students currently involved in a committed romantic relationship, who completed a survey reporting on their partners' expressions of affection and their own perceived love styles and uses of jealousy evocation in their relationships. Results indicated that (a) after controlling for relationship length, the amount of affection received from a partner was inversely correlated with the use of jealousy-evoking behaviors, and (b) after controlling for relationship length and received affection, the ludus and mania love styles remained positive predictors of jealousy-evoking behavior. No other love styles were significant predictors.  相似文献   

This study examined jealousy situations among married versus dating relationships, the uncertainty jealousy induced, and communicative responses. Participants (N = 155) described situations, and analytic inductive procedures identified 9 jealousy situations. Comparisons indicate the Presence of Attractive Romantic Alternative and Choice of a Non-Romantic Other situations are most common among dating partners, whereas Choice of a Non-Romantic Other and Never Experienced Jealousy are most common among married couples. Dating partners experienced greater partner uncertainty following jealous situations. Situations differed in production of partner and relational uncertainty, satisfaction, and impact on other aspects of life.  相似文献   

There is a general confusion about the precise meanings of the words envy and jealousy. This paper explores the significance of this observation for clinical work. When their meanings are clear the clinician is able to hear things in the psychotherapy situation not previously heard and understand psychic and conflict in a new and useful way. With this new perspective envy and jealousy can be seen to be specific biopsychosocial response patterns of the perceptual, cognitive, affectve and intentional mental functions keyed to the two basic conditions of human existence, not having (envy) and having (jealousy) advantages deemed requirements of life. These response patterns are evoked by perceptual events which inform the individual of one's relative position vis à vis the requirements of one's life. A dynamic relationship is observable between envious and jealous dispositions; one begets the other. Each connotes a threat to the established sense of self. Various unconscious mechanisms of defense can be employed to ward off the threat posed by not having or losing whatever or whomever has come to be regarded as a requirement of life. Maladaptive solutions give rise to maladaptive character traits and psychopathological syndromes. A syndrome frequently seen in students is paralysis of intention, one manifestation of which may be procrastination, which is described and analyzed from the perspective afforded by the pscyhology of envy and jealousy. An inference based on observation of similar themes in many individuals is that the states of envy and jealousy become internalized as structured dispositions, the Beloved Ideal and the Nemesis. The psychology of envy/jealousy has internal consistency and therapeutic precision in its application. The paper concludes with a report of the application of the new frame of reference in the treatment of two students seen in brief psychotherapy.  相似文献   

嫉妒是人类普遍存在的一种心理现象。女研究生的嫉妒既有与其他群体的共性,也有自己独特的特征。女研究生的嫉妒表现在学业、实践能力、感情生活以及求职择业等方面,并对人对己都有一定的危害性。女研究生应该学会利用各种自我调节的方法,减少自己的嫉妒心理,以便进一步提升心理健康水平。  相似文献   

Jealousy is a social emotion that has received little attention by developmental researchers. The current study examined sibling jealousy and its relations to child and family characteristics in 60 families with a 16-month-old toddler and an older preschool-age sibling. Sibling jealousy was elicited in social triads consisting of a parent (mother or father) and the two siblings. Positive marital relationship quality (i.e., love and relationship maintenance) was a particularly strong predictor of the older siblings' abilities to regulate jealousy reactions in the mother sessions. Younger siblings' jealous affect with mothers was linked to the child's temperament, whereas older siblings' jealous affect with mothers was related to the child's emotional understanding. Younger siblings displayed more behavioral dysregulation in the mother-sibling triads if there was greater sibling rivalry reported by mothers. Session order (i.e., which sibling was challenged first in the jealousy paradigm) had a strong effect on both the affect and behavioral dysregulation displayed by the older and younger siblings. Results are discussed with respect to the need for future research to consider social relationships as developmental contexts for young children's emotion regulation.  相似文献   

嫉妒与大学生心理健康   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
嫉妒是影响大学生心理健康的重要因素.嫉妒既具有破坏性又具有动力性.大学教育应引导大学生消除嫉妒消极影响,进而把大学生嫉妒心理升华为促进大学生个体发展的动力.  相似文献   

This study investigated concurrent links between adolescent romantic couples’ reports of aggression (relational and physical) and relationship functioning (e.g., attachment security, conflict prevalence, coping strategies, jealousy, and affiliative and romantic relationship quality) using a pattern-oriented approach. The sample included 194 romantic partner dyads (Mage = 16.99 years for females and Mage = 18.41 years for males). A hierarchical cluster analysis identified five distinct subgroups of dyads based on male and female reports of relational and physical aggression, ranging from nonaggressive couples (42%), to those characterized by aggressive females (18%), aggressive males (14%), physically aggressive females (20%), and mutually aggressive females and males (6%). Clusters in which one partner was perceived as either relationally or physically aggressive were characterized by higher rates of conflict, less adaptive coping, and more jealousy (particularly in males). The mutually aggressive couples showed the least adaptive relationship functioning, with high rates of conflict, a deficit in reflection and emotion regulation in conflict situations, and a lack of affiliative relationship qualities. The discussion focuses on the formative character of aggression in these early romantic relations, the aggravating impact of mutual aggression on relationship functioning, and the gender-specific functions of aggression in relationships characterized by unilateral aggression.  相似文献   

在纯粹追求效率、教育正义缺场的时代,教育中的妒忌日益普遍化,造成人与人之间的冷漠、怨恨甚至仇视,侵蚀着师生的健康心灵并使得教育媚俗、功利、残酷。妒忌普遍化的内在机制主要是正义理想被搁置导致的教育恶性竞争的白热化、教育伦理关系的弱化、教育工具价值的过度膨胀。要消解教育中的妒忌,必须重新确立教育正义的地位,建构符合正义诉求的教育制度,培养具有坚定正义感的学生,促进和谐教育的新生。  相似文献   

莎士比亚的著名的四大悲剧之一的《奥赛罗》曾经引起无数的争议,其中“嫉妒说”长期在《奥赛罗》研究中占据了统治地位,尽管一批著名莎学家、文学家从各种角度对嫉妒一说进行了否定,指出“嫉妒”并不能令人信服地全面解释《奥赛罗》中蕴涵的人文主义思想光辉。从“他者”文化身份认同危机的角度,可以看到不断被强化的文化身份认同危机是造成悲剧的根本原因。中国改编莎剧也注意到《奥赛罗》中文化身份的差异。  相似文献   

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