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The past two decades have seen an increased need for better consumer reporting in education. This has resulted in part from a variety of education initiatives sponsored by the US Department of Education (ED) and others. The initiatives have increased the number of school improvement options available to educators and encouraged—or sometimes required—that choices be guided by “scientifically-based research.”  相似文献   

从“五育并举”到“五育融合”,已经成为新时代中国教育变革与发展的基本趋势。与最早提出“五育并举”的蔡元培及其时代相比,新时代所提出的“五育并举”,有独特的时代需要和时代问题;“五育融合”给新时代带来的是“教育新体系”;“五育融合”是一种“育人假设”“育人实践”“育人理念”“育人思维”和“育人能力”;“五育融合”难在“日常”“机制”“评价”“主体”和“生态”,它们同时构成了破解“五育难题”的基本维度和基本路径。  相似文献   

Fred Clarke (1880–1952) was a key figure in the internationalisation of educational studies and research in the first half of the twentieth century. Clarke aimed to heighten the ideals and develop the practices of educational studies and research through promoting mutual influences in different countries around the world. He envisaged the Institute of Education at the University of London, England, as having a leading role, and was the director of the Institute from 1936 until 1945. His notion of internationalisation was reciprocal and transnational in nature, with aspirations for partnership within a common tradition. This built on the ideal of a “Commonwealth” that was current in the interwar years, and emphasised the affinities between the dominion nations and in particular Canada, South Africa, Australia and New Zealand. It also drew on the financial support and cultural influence of the Carnegie Corporation in New York. Two specific projects taken forward by Clarke to put these ideas into practice were his “world tour” of 1935 and his role as the “Adviser to Oversea Students” at the Institute of Education. These initiatives helped to convert strategic visions and policies into social practices, and to shape the subject of Education in higher education as a multi-disciplinary field in the generation after the Second World War.  相似文献   

The relationship between university students' approaches to learning and preference for the open- and closed-book examinations was investigated for 144 Greek undergraduate (56 third- and 88 fourth-year) students attending a Philosophy, Education and Psychology Department. The approaches were explored by the Approaches and Study Skills Inventory for Students (ASSIST). Examination preferences for open- or closed-book exams were assessed by 3 self-report questions. Students who preferred the open-book examination scored lower on “Time management”, “Achieving”, and “Unrelated memorising”. The study provides links between the students' study orchestrations/profiles, assessment preference, and achievement. The deep profile students (mainly 3rd-year students) seem to prefer the open-book exam but appear unorganised in their study in a similar extent to surface-profile students. They also reported low achievement. The study cautiously suggests the influence of the year of study on students' assessment preference. The results are discussed in relation to recent literature.  相似文献   

Globalization and the knowledge economy have opened up worldwide agendas for national development. Following this is the emphasis on the social dimension, otherwise known as social capital. Much of social capital includes “soft skills” and “twenty-first century skills”, which broadly cover critical, creative and inventive thinking; information, interactive and communication skills; civic literacy, global awareness and cross-cultural skills. Proactively, the Singapore government is preparing for Curriculum 2015, a new curriculum that would develop student attributes, embedded in the “confident person”, “self-directed learner”, “active contributor”, and “concerned citizen”. Significantly, a new curricular initiative, Character and Citizenship Education, emphasizes the integrative nature of citizenship and twenty-first century competencies and has been implemented in all schools in Singapore from 2011. This future-oriented approach to citizenship education emphasizes the significance of individual initiatives and the intellectual capital of citizens. This paper analyses features of this particular approach to citizenship education, and its strengths and significance, which may be viewed as an integrative “total curriculum approach” with a “whole-society” perspective. In addition, the challenges of teaching twenty-first century skills will also be highlighted. This departs from the conventional paradigm of socialization, but to help students develop attributes for a future society to come.  相似文献   

Nishimura  Mikiko 《Prospects》2019,47(4):393-412

The Free Primary Education (FPE) policy in Kenya created a dichotomy between the widespread notion that the government should be responsible for everything and the reality that the government had stopped recruiting teachers. This article investigates the current state of the accountability system for school governance in public schools in the Maasai community in Loitokitok District, Kajiado County, by focusing on the client power of parents and communities. A case study of eight schools in the Masai community reveals that a sense of “working together” and a substantial degree of client power are present in various school initiatives. Elements that enhance client power include information sharing, collaboration and coordination with stakeholders, critical-thinking ability, respect and trust, and other unique efforts. The study also indicates the limitations of the dichotomous lens of “service provider” and “client” and questions the instrumental approach to community participation in school management.


“课程劳育”是指通过主动挖掘各类课程的劳动教育元素,采取融入、渗透形式,对学生进行劳动价值观熏陶和引导,是一种隐性灌输的教育活动。从课程本质维度看,“课程劳育”是指任何课程都服务于人的全面发展,都具有劳动教育的功能;从课程内容维度看,“课程劳育”则是指任何课程都包含了具体、生动的劳动教育元素。高职院校“课程劳育”是坚持社会主义办学方向的主阵地,是落实立德树人根本任务的主渠道,亦是确保劳动教贯穿人才培养全过程的主战场。高职院校有效推进“课程劳育”的路径是:加强教师队伍建设,实现全员参与的“课程劳育”;构建劳动教育课程体系,实现全课程渗透的“课程劳育”;充分挖掘各类课程资源,实现内容全覆盖的“课程劳育”;建立健全联动机制,实现全过程保障的“课程劳育”。  相似文献   

构建"双元结构教师小组"教师模式,得到国家职业教育政策的强有力支持。《国家职业教育改革实施方案》提出多措并举打造"双师型"教师队伍,给出重要的政策信号:探索组建高水平、结构化教师教学创新团队,教师分工协作进行模块化教学。教育部印发《全国职业院校教师教学创新团队建设方案》,评选认定了首批国家级职业教育教师教学创新团队。教育部等4部门印发的《深化新时代职业教育"双师型"教师队伍建设改革实施方案》提出了"‘双师型’教学团队"的概念和建设的具体举措。这些政策的出台,为职业院校"双元结构教师小组"构建的理论研究与实践探索提供了重要的政策支持。  相似文献   

中西哲学的分野不在其是持“天人合一”的观念还是持“主客二分”的立场,而在其“天人”观和“主客”观各有其特征和内涵的侧重。通过对先秦和古希腊哲学的分析,可以得出这个结论。先秦和古希腊哲学都有关于“天”“人”关系的思想,而且可以说都是以“天人合一”思想为核心内容的。其主要区别在于:前者的“天人”观主要是从性情的角度来讨论的,其要解决的核心问题是人的生命活动中的行为实践问题,主要是道德论意义上的,而后者的“天人”观则主要是从理性形式的层面来讨论的,其要解决的核心问题是人的生命活动中的认识问题,主要是认识论意义上的。  相似文献   

高校思想政治理论课教学伞状"学→教间性"模式是以"教、学双主动"为"伞柄",以"教-学-考-研-做"为"伞骨",以数字化教育教学平台为"伞面",多条分支共同构架的伞状教学模式。从大学生视域探析该模式,有助于实现教、学双主动和教、学一体化,有助于进一步推行该模式。  相似文献   

2017年3月,教育部办公厅发布《关于做好中小学生课后服务工作的指导意见》;2021年7月,教育部办公厅发布《关于支持探索开展暑期托管服务的通知》,两份文件中都有“服务”两个字,但是在实践环节,学校更多将其当作“任务”来完成,因此出现了学生“饿肚子”“不快乐”“兴趣爱好得不到施展”等问题,导致很多有托管需求的家庭,不得不放弃申请这项服务。只有理清学校在校内延伸托管期间的职责问题,化被动为主动,化“任务”为“服务”,并且主动与家长沟通才能提高校内延伸托管服务的质量,增强家长的满意度和社会的幸福感。  相似文献   

2017年3月,教育部办公厅发布《关于做好中小学生课后服务工作的指导意见》;2021年7月,教育部办公厅发布《关于支持探索开展暑期托管服务的通知》,两份文件中都有“服务”两个字,但是在实践环节,学校更多将其当作“任务”来完成,因此出现了学生“饿肚子”“不快乐”“兴趣爱好得不到施展”等问题,导致很多有托管需求的家庭,不得不放弃申请这项服务。只有理清学校在校内延伸托管期间的职责问题,化被动为主动,化“任务”为“服务”,并且主动与家长沟通才能提高校内延伸托管服务的质量,增强家长的满意度和社会的幸福感。  相似文献   

This article reports on a case study that investigated how six Japanese American youth interpreted the effectiveness and relevance of extra-curricular diversity initiatives at their Midwestern middle and secondary public schools. These initiatives were intended to raise cultural awareness, but ultimately promoted cultural fetishism and racially derogatory understandings of “differences.” The findings suggest that the diversity-related extra-curricular initiatives produced a range of gendered, racialized, and sexualized stereotypes with/in school spaces that defined the participants and their peers of color in misleading and problematic ways. Recommendations call for more collaborative, critical, and integrated approaches to learning about “differences” with/in school spaces.  相似文献   

Mind in the Making and Vroom are partner initiatives that exemplify a unique “civic science” approach to “bringing developmental science into the world.” Mind in the Making offers families and professionals working with children 0–8 access to developmental research, by engaging them in an active process of professional development and community outreach. Vroom is an outreach and communication initiative that brings “brain building basics” to communities, inviting parents to participate in the science of early learning through partnerships with trusted entities. These initiatives use collaborative, iterative processes in disseminating findings and implications of child development research. Preliminary evidence shows early promise of these initiatives to help promote engaged learning and life skills based on executive function in adults and children.  相似文献   

香港浸会大学谭载喜教授结合西方和香港某些高校所倡导的“全人”培养教育理念,提出了翻译教育中的两个重要概念,即“全人”翻译教育和“翻译教育金字塔”,并运用图表和阐释的方式对其进行描述。这一教育方法使“以人为本”的教育理念在翻译教学中得到充分彰显。  相似文献   

智者与苏格拉底对“技艺”理解的差异,让“技艺”成为哲学的重要话题。智者将“技艺”视作一种基于感觉的能力,能够对“现实”做出判断、给出对策并寻觅操作的适当时机。苏格拉底认为“技艺”是“知识”,是对目标的通晓和熟知,也是对知识体系信仰与实践。智者和苏格拉底“技艺”的观念分别显示出“艺术”和“技术”的意义,在“技艺”观念的变化中,理智化、科学化的“技术”意义逐渐显现,非理性、创造性的“艺术”意义逐渐退却,“技艺”的两种哲学意蕴渐行渐远。  相似文献   

"教育即指导"是杜威教育思想的重要组成部分,也是杜威在透析教育本质的基础上提出的方法论。"指导"是对"疏导"的方向性帮助和对"控制"的调节,"教育即指导"是儿童在解放教育生活的过程中来实现自我。有意义的教育指导需要教育者理智地思考儿童所处的环境和习惯,在教育沟通中进行,帮助他们树立民主生活的信念。"教育即指导"是杜威用来缝合教育与生活之间断裂、辨析教育目的与判断教育价值、透析教育与民主的关系和深化教育主体认识的新尝试。  相似文献   

Professor Jan Kluczynski is Director of the Institute of Science Policy and Higher Education in Warsaw. He also served as Secretary of the Committee of Experts which prepared the “Report on State of Education in Poland” (1973). We give below an article specially written for “Higher Education in Europe”, dealing with the development and future form of higher education.  相似文献   

The Philology of Kinesiology   总被引:5,自引:5,他引:0  
This paper presents a cultural analysis of our field of study through the lens of one word: kinesiology. Through historical, anthropological, and semiological interpretation, the cultural use of the word is discussed within the academic field of physical activity studies in North America. The study of the use, or the philology, of kinesiology within the study of physical activity is traced from its traditionally recognized Greek roots to the present cultural use, which is shown to symbolize the postmodern world. The progression from which kinesiology evolved, fist describing a “course of study,” then meaning a broad academic field, is noted. Throughout the term's existence in the field, common motifs associated with its use are highlighted. These motifs include coupling of the modem word to ancient Greek origins; the signification of “action,” “change,” “unique,” and “special” aspects; the use of the word to denote scientific, disciplinary, and academic characteristics; and the appropriation of the word to symbolize integration and wholeness.  相似文献   

This study identified governing state entities charged with the development of a funding formula for community colleges. Analysis of the data revealed that 40 states utilized a funding formula. Twenty-one states had a “Higher Education” entity with governing control of the formula, 5 states had a “Community College” entity with distinct funding formulas for community colleges, funding formulas in 2 states fell under a “Comprehensive (K-20) Education” entity, and in 12 states control of a state funding formula was the responsibility of a state statute. Findings and implications of funding formula governance patterns are discussed.  相似文献   

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