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One form of educational inequality is the disparity that exists between urban and rural settings. Equal distribution of quality education is a challenge for developing countries due to the unavailability of resources. Various approaches to equal distribution are distance learning, telecast learning and e-learning; however, these approaches cannot achieve the desired objectives due to their limitations. This research aimed to investigate the interesting question of whether mobile technology can bring urban and rural settings closer together. A mobile application for learning Urdu grammar was designed to measure the learning gains of fourth-grade students at two different schools from urban and rural settings. A quantitative technique, the quasi-experimental pre-test and post-test method, was used to measure the effectiveness of the mobile application. The comparison of the students’ performances at the urban and rural schools illustrated the role of mobile technology in mitigating the educational gap. The present study provides evidence that children from different social backgrounds may benefit equally from mobile technology.  相似文献   

This study examines the effects of parental SES, school quality, and community factors on children's enrollment and achievement in rural areas in Viet Nam, using logistic regression and ordered logistic regression. Multivariate analysis reveals significant differences in educational enrollment and outcomes by level of household expenditures and parental education, especially mother's education. Mother's status is more important in determining school enrollment than educational outcome. In contrast, father's education increases the probability of learning. Once school quality is taken into account, differentials between the majority Kinh and ethnic minorities are not significant. Girls still do not have equal access to education, since girls doing badly in school drop out, while their male counterparts remain in school. The presence of a school in poor village does not override the effects of family background on educational enrollment. Controlling for school quality actually increases gap in educational enrollment by household expenditures and village income. Although educational costs consume, on average, one quarter of household expenditures per capita, school fees do not determine school enrollment, because many of the poor already receive exemption from or reduction in these fees.  相似文献   

更新师范生教育信息技术能力培养理念;合理定位教育信息技术学专业的培养方向;制订激励政策;开发教师教育资源;通过实施集中骨干培训、校本教师培训、构建教师学习共同体、开展整合实践和小课题行动研究等环节,构建农村教师教育信息技术能力发展的长效机制,确保农村基础教育信息化可持续发展。  相似文献   

Smartphone technology is penetrating world markets and becoming ubiquitous in most college settings. This study takes a naturalistic approach to explore the use of these devices to support student learning. Students that had never used a smartphone were recruited to participate and reported on their expectations of the value of smartphones to achieve their educational goals. Instrumented iPhones that logged device usage were then distributed to these students to use freely over the course of 1 year. After the study, students again reported on the actual value of their smartphones to support their educational goals. We found that students' reports changed substantially before and after the study; specifically, the utility of the smartphone to help with education was perceived as favorable prior to use, and then, by the end of the study, they viewed their phones as detrimental to their educational goals. Although students used their mobile device for informal learning and access to school resources according to the logged data, they perceived their iPhones as a distraction and a competitor to requisite learning for classroom performance.  相似文献   

Flipped learning approach combines video-based instruction (VBI) outside the classroom and problem-solving activities inside the classroom. The success of this instructional approach largely depends on students’ acceptance to learn the video presentation at home during pre-classroom activities. However, there are still very scarce insights regarding the evaluation of students’ eagerness to learn VBI. This paper aims to extend UTAUT model by adding learning–family conflict, perceived control over time and task-fit technology factors to investigate urban–rural high school students’ acceptance of VBI in flipped learning approach. 400 randomly selected students from urban and rural senior high school were used for the study. Structured equation modeling and multi-group analysis using t test were employed to analyze the survey data. The results showed that facilitation condition, task-fit technology, perceived control over time, performance expectancy, and learning–family conflict have positive influence on students’ behavioral intention to use VBI. Surprisingly, the t-test analysis indicated significant differences between groups, suggesting that students in the rural schools have low learning–family conflict, high perceived control over time, and high intention to use VBI than urban students. Detailed results and educational implications are discussed.  相似文献   

本研究考查了我国初中生教育期望的城乡差异现状,并从个人家庭与学校社会两个视角探究了差异产生的机制。研究发现,我国初中生对于获得普通高等教育的期望存在显著的城乡差异,城市户籍学生的教育期望高于农村及流动学生。这种差异受学生认知能力、家庭背景及学校环境共同影响,其中家庭背景的影响大于认知能力,学校户籍结构的影响作用最为明显。研究认为,营造良好学校教育氛围、缓解学校户籍分割、增强学校融合是促进我国教育公平与社会公平的重要举措。  相似文献   

This study examined the school perceptions and educational aspirations of 6,599 rural high school students, a sample that included 428 students with learning disabilities (LD). Regardless of disability status, rural high school students who had negative perceptions of school had less well‐defined postsecondary educational plans and less often aspired to complete college or pursue an advanced degree. Compared to nondisabled youth, rural students with LD were more likely to have negative perceptions of school and lower postsecondary aspirations. However, students with LD who had positive perceptions of school more often planned to pursue postsecondary education and aspired to complete college or an advanced degree. Implications for research and interventions pertaining to the educational attainment of students with LD are discussed.  相似文献   

信息技术在农村学校教育场域的广泛与深入应用,增加了农村教育资本,拓展了农村教育教学资源,重构了农村儿童学习空间,从而使信息时代的农村课堂教学变革得以可能。在信息时代,农村课堂教学变革需要相应的动力机制,并着力践行全面提升农村中小学教师的信息化素养,构建互联互通的农村教学资源开发管理机制,构建多方合力共办的技术支持体系等三大实践路向。  相似文献   

2005年末,国家提出农村义务教育经费保障新机制,以促进义务教育资源配置均衡本研究使用三个省区的校级和县级数据,基于准实验研究设计,以小学为例,构建倾向分数配对模型对新机制的影响进行实证研究。研究发现,该政策有利于编小生均公用经费、生均预算内公用经费的县域内支出差异,一定程度上促进了义务教育均衡发展,同时生均支出水平、教师平均工资在县域内还存在一定差异。  相似文献   

采用自编的家庭环境调查问卷,对安徽省凤阳县1295名初三学生家庭环境状况与中考成绩进行调查,以考察家庭环境因素与学业成绩之间的关系,结果发现:家庭环境因素中家庭教育背景、家庭结构、家庭学习资源对学业成绩显著正相关;家庭教育态度中其父母参与度、支持度、亲子互动对学业成绩显著正相关,监管度对学业成绩显著负相关.家庭经济水平、家庭教育背景、家庭职业背景、家庭结构均可透过家庭学习资源间接影响学业成绩;而家庭经济水平、家庭教育背景、家庭结构又可透过家庭教育态度间接影响学业成绩,家庭学习资源和家庭教育态度是影响学业成绩的重要因素  相似文献   

教育投入向欠发达地区尤其是农村薄弱学校倾斜,是推进义务教育均衡发展的重要举措,却使得农村中学实验装备低水平重复建设严重。另外由于城镇化步伐的加快,农村生源向城镇大量流动,又造成政府花大力气新配置的农村实验教学资源的空置浪费、城镇基础实验教学资源的相对紧缺,引发新的城乡之间教育资源配置不均衡,造成各类中学学生分组实验开出率低下,制约了实验教学改革。在城乡之间创立区域内中学实验教学资源共享中心,可以解决城乡中学对优质师资、实验教学资源动态的供求变化,使有限的政府教育投入效益达到最大化。  相似文献   

目前我国城乡基础教育校园网络建设、教育信息化资源配置以及信息技术课程开设等方面有着巨大的差距。其原因,一是受城市化倾向与重点学校思维定势的影响,二是建设过程中重硬件轻软件、重设备轻应用;三是以传统纸质图书资源的建设思路建设现代网络数字化教育信息资源。为改变现状,应实行以县为中心建设大型数字化教育信息资源库,实现辖区内各级各类学校资源共享;县域以乡镇为单位,周期性划拨基础教育信息化建设资金;保障基础教育信息化硬件、软件两方面同步建设。  相似文献   

推进手机移动学习:中小学教师态度与需求   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
能否在中小学校普及手机移动学习,这是当前国际教育组织、教育行政部门和产业界共同关注的焦点问题。来自北京市4城区11所学校450名教师和管理者的调查数据表明,绝大多数教师都具有积极的技术产品教育应用意向,但反对中小学生持有手机和利用手机进行移动学习。不同学段的教师对推进手机移动学习的需求差异非常显著,小学教师最为积极,初中教师最不积极。在中小学校推进手机移动学习,应引导学校管理者、教师转变理念,客观认识学生手机,逐步认同手机移动学习;应加强宣传,推进本土实践,吸引学校管理者、教师乐于尝试手机移动学习;应增强手机移动学习产品、资源、服务与教育者、学习者、教学过程、学习过程的融合;在政策推广方面,可以先从小学进行试点推广,中学生手机移动学习可以走社会化推进、产业推动的道路。  相似文献   

农村义务教育学校布局调整是以撤并小规模学校为主要手段,旨在促进教育资源均衡配置的一项重大教育政策。通过广东省某山区县2003—2009年的学校布局规划数据,从物理距离、时间距离和文化距离的分类视角,运用GIS技术和Ordinal Logit模型分析农村学校撤并对学生上学距离产生的直接影响。研究结果表明:撤并农村学校导致学生上学的物理距离和时间距离增加,偏远学生上学难问题凸显;对学生的文化距离同样产生显著的负面影响。在未来学校布局调整的进程中,县域教育决策者应将关注点从一味追求规模效益转移到教育公平和教育质量上来。要保证农村学生就近入学,设定上学距离的限制;促进学校间教育资源的均衡配置,保证所有学生享受同等质量的教育资源;采用科学的规划程序完善布局调整政策的实施。  相似文献   

The college-going rates of rural students lag behind those of more urban students, a gap likely due, in part, to rural students’ lower educational aspirations. These lower aspirations appear to be tied to the dilemma that higher education presents for many rural students: whether to remain in their rural home, working in traditional trades and industries that do not require a college degree, or to leave in pursuit of an education that is often the first step toward an adult life lived away. This study seeks to better understand this dilemma by examining the messages that rural, first-generation students receive about the value of higher education. Drawing upon interviews and observations, it shows that high school guidance counselors, college admissions officials, and the staff of community-based college aspirations organizations adopt a strikingly consistent message: they cite struggling rural economies in their argument for the necessity of a practical degree for all students, one that can be easily leveraged into a career. Despite noting broad parental support for this message, many participants also describe continued resistance from some rural families, a perception that may heighten the dilemma of rural college-going for students.  相似文献   

城镇挤乡村弱是当前我国义务教育阶段最为显著的结构性问题。学校布局作为肇始之基,为更好补齐学校短板提升教育质量,现阶段的工作重点已聚焦至农村两类学校,重心也逐渐转向优化。在城乡义务教育一体化的时代背景下,为实现“就近入学”与“上好学”的优化目标,农村两类学校布局优化工作在农村教育为农与离农的冲突中,应服膺人本理念进行消解;在教育公平优先与教育效率先行的矛盾中,应合理配置教育资源进行平衡;在“由‘小’到‘寄’”与“由‘寄’到‘小’”的纠葛中,应明确两类学校定位进行调适,以助力农村学校布局工作。  相似文献   

教育投入向农村薄弱学校倾斜,是推进义务教育均衡发展的重要举措。调查发现,农村中学实验装备低水平重复建设严重,不适应新课程改革的要求。农村生源向城镇大量流动,造成政府花大力气新配置的农村实验教学资源的空置浪费和城镇实验教学资源的相对紧缺,引发新的城乡之间教育资源配置不均衡。建立区域内实验教学共享中心,能够避免政府对低水平实验装备重复投入,实现教育实验资源的集中投入、最大优化。区域内各学校充分利用共享中心的实验教学资源,使有限的政府教育投入效益达到最大化,有利于推进区域教育均衡发展。  相似文献   

长期以来,我国农村高中教育处于困境之中,师资力量薄弱,生源流失严重,高等教育升学率低。农村高中教育陷入困境主要是由于政府的经费投入太少、农村家庭缺乏投资动力、学生升学信心不足。这将对我国未来整体的人力资源开发产生不利影响,会进一步扩大城乡差距,导致“读书无用论”的重新抬头。因此,未来我国应改变城乡二元的惯性思维,重视改善农村教育环境,提升农村高中的教育质量,为农村青年接受高等教育创造更多的机会。  相似文献   

In late modernity, the marketisation of public services has become a global policy phenomenon. In the case of schooling, this has resulted in parents discursively positioned as consumers of education making a choice between providers of education. To date the majority of research on parental choice has focused on the urban; this paper is concerned with the rural. Using ethnographic data collected through interviews (N = 24) and observations in one English village, it explores the ways in which parents engage with primary school choice. The research draws on Bourdieu's interrelated concepts of field, habitus and capital to discuss how the dispositions and resources parents had impacted upon the school choices they made. In presenting its findings, the paper distinguishes between the long-term residents (villagers) and more recent arrivals (newcomers) to suggest a differentiated commitment to place and schooling.  相似文献   

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