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We explore the experiences of school science teachers as they enact three linked national curriculum and assessment policy reforms in Sweden. Our goal is to understand teachers’ differing responses to these reforms. A sample of 13 teachers engaged in 2 interviews over a 6–9-month period. Interviews included exploration of professional background and school context, perceptions of the aims of the policy reforms and experiences of working with these reforms in the classroom. Analysis was guided by an individual-oriented sociocultural perspective on professional agency. Here teaching is conceptualised as an ongoing interplay between teachers’ knowledge, skills and personal goals, and the characteristics of the social, institutional and policy settings in which they work. Our analysis shows that navigating the ensuing continuities and contradictions results in many different expressions of teacher agency, e.g. loss of autonomy and trust, pushing back, subversion, transfer of authority, and creative tensions. Typically, an individual teacher’s enactment of these reforms involved several of these expressions of agency. We demonstrate that the sociocultural perspective provides insights into teachers’ responses to education policy reform likely to be missed by studies that focus largely on individual teacher knowledge/beliefs about reform or skills in ‘implementing’ reform practices.  相似文献   

The science curriculum is a focus of repeated reform in many countries. However, the enactment of such reforms within schools rarely reflects the intended outcomes of curriculum designers. This review considers what we know about the experiences and reflections of teachers in the enactment of externally driven school science curriculum reform. ‘Externally driven’ signals a focus on studies of teachers who did not make a proactive choice to adopt a particular curriculum reform initiative. This is a very common experience for teachers in many school systems, and one likely to highlight issues of professionalism and authority that are central to the work of teachers. The review analyses 34 relevant studies. These include studies of teachers’ experiences of national curriculum reform, and also studies focusing on more regional or local curriculum reform activities. The studies examine individual teachers’ beliefs, practices and reflections associated with curriculum reform, the response of teacher communities to reform (e.g. within school departments), and teachers’ (and other stakeholders’) experiences across school systems. A wide range of factors influencing teachers’ responses are identified. These are characterised in terms of personal, internal and external contexts of teachers’ work. The review also highlights issues of authority, professionalism and the process of meaning-making in response to external curriculum reform. The discussion section identifies important areas for future research and gives recommendations for the design of curriculum policies that recognise and support the professionalism of science teachers.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate socio‐cultural factors underpinning curriculum change by examining teacher beliefs in the context of professional development. Scottish teachers in the study were participating in policy implementation based on formative assessment. Teachers were selected who were positive about the formative assessment initiative, so as to examine the inter‐relationships amongst beliefs, policy, and practices when teachers intended to implement curriculum innovation. The aims of the study were to investigate: (a) the nature of teachers’ beliefs about teaching, learning, and the professional development programme; (b) how those beliefs influenced the teachers’ mediation of reform policy in their own classrooms; and (c) points of resonance or tension between teacher’s beliefs and the council’s philosophy towards and management of policy implementation. A qualitative interpretive cross‐case study approach was used with five participant teachers from different secondary subject areas. Results suggested that the unique stance of district administrators to give teachers the opportunity to create their own reform methods, a ‘bottom up’ mode of implementation, appeared to be a significant factor in promoting the reform policy.  相似文献   

语文教师的课程主体意识   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
在原有教学文化中,各种外在因素对于语文教师课程权力的侵占,同时语文教师自身专业素养也存在一定程度的缺失,造成了语文教师课程主体意识的淡薄。课程改革背景下,语文教师应重建课程主体意识,实现课程主体意识的自觉,并在课程实践中深化课程主体意识。  相似文献   

在新课程改革的众多环节中,教师是课程改革的直接实施者和操作者,他们对新课改的适应状况直接关系到新课改的成败,而且教师自身的专业发展水平又影响着教师对新课改的适应状况。该研究通过问卷调查的方法,分析了广东省粤东地区四市高中教师对新课程改革的适应状况与教师专业发展的重要性。结果表明,粤东四市的高中教师总体上正处于"适应困难"与"适应良好"之间的过渡性反应阶段。因此,提高教师的专业发展素质,是进一步改善高中教师对新课改的适应状况,提高教学效果的有效途径。  相似文献   

This study focuses on the different ways in which teachers relate their situational agency and professional assignment to the national curriculum content and curriculum dilemmas. It builds theoretically on transactional realism and empirically on analyses of interviews with teachers, exploring the nature of teacher agency during the enactment of a new Swedish curriculum reform. To uphold a dual perspective of teachers’ relation to the curriculum as both collectively and individually experienced and as both an ideal and realistic–practical relation, we term the future as ‘projective experiences’, the presence as ‘practical-evaluative experiences’ and the past ‘iterational experiences’ in relation to agency. Especially, we are interested in the ‘what’ in the curriculum – what the teachers find intriguing, important or impossible and what affects how they relate to the curriculum as part of the multidimensional structures influencing their agency. This approach reveals that the crucial issue of teacher agency is related to the policy discourse on knowledge and equity as standards and the uniformity of assessment and its pedagogical consequences.  相似文献   

课程伦理是一种应用性的伦理,存在于课程实施的各个环节,体现教育伦理的精神,也是专业伦理在课程领域的体现,旨在为课程价值的实现服务。基础教育课程改革也存在相应的伦理要求。然而,受文化价值、教师素质等方面的影响,教师的课程权力、义务以及教师在课程中的角色并未得到广泛认同,课程伦理在事实上表现出一定的相对性,这也体现出课程伦理现实性与理想性的统一,继而体现出课程伦理的适宜性。  相似文献   

教师专业发展问题已成为国际教师教育改革的趋势,受到许多国家的重视。课程改革背景下,教师角色及工作方式等都面临挑战,课程改革为教师的专业发展提供了实践舞台。为了促进教师的专业发展,必须强化教师的研究意识,开展校本培训,培养教师的反思能力和合作精神。  相似文献   

教师课程权力是教育法律法规和国家课程政策赋予的教师实施课程实践活动的权力,包括学校课程决策的参与权、课程开发权、课程实施权、课程创生权和课程评价权等,具有制度规定性、目的指向性、价值多极性和复杂相关性等特征。  相似文献   

科学合理的课程体系和内容是高职教师教育专业培养合格师资的重要保证。在教师资格证国考的背景下,高职院校如何将国考内容与教师教育专业课程进行有机融合,既能保证师范生的教师资格证的通过率,又能保证教师教育专业的人才培养质量,是摆在每一个教师教育工作者面前的一个重要课题。文章分析了教师资格国考对高职教师教育专业产生的影响,阐述了教师资格国考内容与高职教师教育专业课程融合的必要性,并以数学教育专业为例提出了教师资格国考内容与高职教师教育专业课程融合的策略。  相似文献   

为了积极推动、配合我国新一轮基础教育课程改革,加强全国课程专业委员会的学术研讨与交流,中国教育学会教育学分会课程专业委员会特主办第四次全国课程学术研讨会。会议的主题是:“基础教育课程改革的反思和评价”。与会代表主要研讨五项议题:新基础教育课程改革的理论创新和反思;新课程的实施与评价;地方课程、校本课程、综合实践活动课程的开发与反思;新课程与教师专业发展;基础教育课程改革的政策分析与课程管理的反思。会议取得了丰硕的成果。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to examine teachers’ perceptions and concerns about the implementation of the preschool curriculum developed over 10 years (2005–2015). This paper reports findings from an interpretive case study design in four preschool settings in Tanzania with 12 teachers and 8 parent participants. Data were generated using interviews and documentation. The research focus was on how teachers have implemented the 2005 preschool curriculum. The findings indicate that the implementation of the curriculum was problematic due to teachers’ lack of knowledge of a child-centred pedagogy. In addition there were no teachers qualified to work with young children, overcrowded classrooms, poor teaching and learning environments, and insufficient teaching and learning materials and facilities. This study recommends that to improve the current situation and attain quality provision of early education, teachers need to develop their professional knowledge through in-service training. The government policy planners need to provide initial teacher education, professional development, and conducive teaching and learning environments with available resources for effective teaching and learning practices.  相似文献   

学科教师专业能力是实现学科课程教学目标的首要保障。本文以我国中小学英语教师专业能力研究现状为基础,探讨英语教师专业能力的内涵、特征与内容结构。与已有英语教师研究所不同的是,作者分析了教师专业能力的动态特征,探讨了英语教师专业能力结构的四大维度及其内容结构,以期明确中小学英语教师职前教育与在职发展方向,提高中小学英语课堂教学效率,确保中小学英语课程标准目标落地学校课堂。  相似文献   

园本课程是当今幼儿园课程改革的热点之一。理想中的园本课程领导主体需由园长和教师构成,园长应是专业权威与良性制度的构建者,教师应扮演多重角色,首先他们既是实践者又是研究者,其次他们既是课程决策者又是课程实施者。现实中的园本课程领导主体缺乏专业信念、专业知识及专业能力。应该定制园所长期发展计划,开展多主体、多样化培训,构建合作性园所文化,以提高课程领导质量。  相似文献   

信息技术课程价值都是一个亟待解决的研究课题。通过对20位中小学信息技术教师访谈的整理与分析,研究者得到如下结论:信息技术教师对信息技术课程价值普遍持有肯定态度;对信息技术课程价值的认识普遍偏低;对信息技术课程价值认识存在功利主义取向;对信息技术课程价值认识存在技术化倾向;不同学段的教师对信息技术课程价值认识有所不同;课程政策与教材成为影响信息技术课程价值实现的最关键因素。  相似文献   

基于对上海地区四所小学的田野调查,考察教师在“赋权增能”政策条件下,如何处理课程改革中所面临的问题,及其所处教师共同体的影响。研究发现:课程改革给教师造成的压力客观上推进了教师发展和教师专业学习共同体的构建;课程改革在赋权增能的同时赋予教师高度问责,造成教师不愿承担赋权,而教师专业学习共同体以群体分责来支持教师的赋权增能;未来课程改革应当寻求赋权、增能和问责的平衡,并推进教师专业学习共同体的建设,从而支持教师真正成为课程改革的“代理人”。  相似文献   

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