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运用文献资料法、问卷调查法、访谈法以及数理统计法等,对合作学习教学模式在高校软式排球教学中应用的可行性进行论证与研究,旨在为促进该教学模式在高校软式排球教学中的应用与推广以及提高学生的学习兴趣提供参考。  相似文献   

运用文献资料法、实验法、问卷调查法以及数理统计法等,对高校软式排球教法改革对学生健康艺术素质能力发展的影响进行了分析与研究。结果表明:对软式排球教学方法的改革,使高校学生在健康素质、艺术素质、审美能力以及创新能力等诸多方面均取得较大程度的提高,由此证明了软式排球教学在实现学生全面发展的过程中具有重要的促进作用。  相似文献   

试论软式排球运动的发展价值   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文运用文献资料法和专家访谈法,从软式排球运动形式与特点来探讨软式排球运动的现实发展价值,认为:软式排球运动具有艺术上的美学欣赏价值、大众广泛参与的锻炼价值、以及软式排球运动对整个排球家族的推动作用。  相似文献   

通过文献资料法和逻辑分析法,阐述软式棒垒球特色课程在广东的发展概况、人文历史和地域的优势,以及软式棒球运动的特点、锻炼价值与教育功能。研究结果表明,软式棒垒球特色课程极易在校园推广,对促进学生德智体美全面发展和提高学生身心健康水平、满足学生多样化体育课需求和促进中外文化交流的作用较强,对开拓师学国际视野、汲取世界优秀体育人文理念和培养具有国际体育观人才有一定社会价值和现实意义。  相似文献   

由于近年来在"奥运战略"的影响下过于强调武术竞技化的发展,致使武术的存在形式逐渐单一化.为了打破当前武术发展单一化的局面和突破武术入奥失败后的发展瓶颈,运用文献资料法、对比分析法、综合分析法对竞技体育的软式化发展理论进行了探析,就软式化发展理论运用于武术的发展进行了科学的解析.结果表明:武术软式化发展将是武术可持续发展的重要方略之一;武术软式化发展的途径主要有继承、分化和派生;武术软式化发展的基本技术路线是武术项目通过减少运动负荷强度、降低技术难度、增强运动的娱乐性和提高运动的文化品味等软式化过程之后,形成软式化的武术项目,然后通过这些项目的普及、推广反过来促进武术的可持续发展.  相似文献   

我国普通高校软式排球运动发展现状及对策研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文主要采用文献资料法和问卷调查法,对软式排球运动在我国普通高校的发展现状进行了统计研究。研究结果表明:软式排球运动在普通高校的普及程度表现出地域性差异;软式排球给普通高校排球运动的发展注入了新的活力;普通高校软式排球的科研有待提高。最后,提出了我国普通高校软式排球运动发展的相关对策,以便进一步促进该项目在我国普通高校的发展。  相似文献   

运用文献资料法、教学实验法、问卷调查法和数理统计法,对普通高校女生软式排球在技术、比赛、心理等方面的教学效果进行实验研究,结果表明:软式排球适合女生的生理、心理特点,能够较好地实现排球运动的价值。  相似文献   

采用文献资料法和专家咨询法,对软式排球运动在我国普通高校发展的特点和前景进行了全面的阐述与分析,并根据目前我国高校软式排球运动的发展水平和社会经济发展水平,提出了高校软式排球运动的三个发展阶段与相应策略。  相似文献   

文章通过对山西体育职业学院二年级学生的调查,根据学生一学期学习软式排球的结果,对软式排球的特点、技术、社会价值以及软式排球的各项内容进行分析,找出发展软式排球的捷径。  相似文献   

浅析软式排球在高校体育教学中的地位与作用   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:7  
就软式排球的基本特点,以及软式排球在高校实施过程中的情况分析。阐述了软式排球在高校体育教学中的地位和作用,以及开展这项运动存在的问题和改进措施。  相似文献   

对日本青少年足球发展进程的研究   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
通过对日本足球的快速发展所取得的成就和青少年足球发展进程的研究 ,发现日本足球水平的迅速提高主要得益于对青少年足球运动员的培养 ,其中确立青少年足球运动发展的地位、建立自下而上的日本型的训练体系、培养社会有用人才的同时培养运动员、坚持长期一贯的训练指导思想、以世界的视点进行发展等是日本足球成功的重要原因  相似文献   

Talent identification at a young age is deemed essential for many national sporting organisations to increase the chances of success for their players on the international stage. Talent identification methods can be imprecise and national tennis associations and coaches often identify talent based on performances at youth tournaments and junior rankings. However, not much is known about the relationship between the international competition performances of young tennis players and later success. This relationship is explored in this study using comparisons based on: (a) the results of 3521 players at U14 youth tournaments; (b) the rankings of 377 junior players (U18) by the International Tennis Federation; (c) the rankings of 727 professional male players by the Association of Tennis Professionals; and (d) the rankings of 779 professional players by the Women's Tennis Association. Junior performances (U18) and performances at youth tournaments (U14) appear to have a low success rate in predicting later success. No distinct age was found at which players should start to perform in order to be successful at the professional level. It is concluded that even though good performances at young ages increase athletes’ chances to become elite players, they are not a precondition for achieving later success. Therefore, this study informs talent scouts, sport development officers, coaches and high performance managers of the role that performances at international youth competitions may play in talent identification in tennis.  相似文献   

我国职业足球运动人力资源现状及对策研究   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:7  
运用文献资料调研、专家访谈、数理统计等方法,对我国职业足球运动人力资源现状进 行研究,主要结论:1)我国职业足球运动的专业管理人才匮乏,急功近利思想严重;2)裁判员面 临信任危机;3)教练员队伍数量猛增但质量不高;4)运动员的流通渠道不畅,运动员的价值评价 体系尚未建立;5)后备力量数量少且存在地域发展的不平衡性;对策:1)大力吸纳职业足球运动 的急需人才;2)建议司法介入、建立财产监察制度,实行裁判职业化;3)严格教练员的培训制度, 成立教练员培训学校;4)实行国内运动员自由转会,建立职业运动员的价值评价体系;5)加大贫 困地区和足球不发达地区的后备力量培养力度。  相似文献   


This paper explores the migration of female basketball players from Taiwan to China. Governance theory is adopted as the framework in this study to analyze the phenomenon of players’ migration and to understand how it was shaped over the years. The empirical work draws on a qualitative approach, which is based on a review of documentary materials and semi-structured interviews; coding and analysis were undertaken with a content analysis approach in order to investigate the decision-making processes and their consequences for the players’ migration. The feature of systematic governance for the development of women’s basketball has been revealed in this study. Stakeholders with personal interests caused the downturn of women’s basketball development in Taiwan, and it eventually led to the players’ migration abroad. Through the lens of governance theory, it has been revealed that a number of factors – namely, political, financial, personal, socio-economic, and cultural – all intertwine with one another dynamically to influence the female players’ decision to move abroad. This finding broadens the scope for the research of Taiwanese athletes’ migration to China, extending the focus from only business or industry to other aspects, thereby highlighting the fact that the subject is more complex than previously understood.  相似文献   

The Civil War between the Kuomintang (KMT) and Communist Party that ended in 1949 caused a confrontation between the ‘Free China’ in Taiwan claimed by the Republic of China, the KMT that retreated to Taiwan, and the ‘New China’ established by the People’s Republic of China. The sport policies of the ‘Two Chinas’ were based on the respective political positions, which were affected greatly by the Cold War. Taiwan, ruled by the KMT affiliating with the camp of the capitalists led by the USA, was the revival base to connect with Chinese in several East and Southeast Asian countries and to connect with other Asian anti-Communist countries. Political and military policies contributed to Taiwan women’s basketball development during the Cold War in East Asia and the first national team named Liangyou thus emerged. The Liangyou’s life symbolized the beginning and the phased ending of women’s basketball development in Taiwan, and skilful players of noble character practised loyal diplomatic missions and publicized the strong body-mind heroine image of Free China. Their healthy and cheerful character along with a passion for basketball provided new ideas of women’s roles in post-war Taiwan. Trips for overseas competitions let players experience the outside world.  相似文献   

运用文献资料法、问卷调查法、专家访谈法,对我国高等体育院校培养高水平篮球运动员的现实困境及发展思路进行了研究。认为体育院校项目扶持政策急功近利、竞赛制度缺失、培养目标定位存在认知偏差、人才竞争劣势、经费匮乏是制约体育院校培养高水平篮球运动员的根本原因。高等体育院校应以扭转人才培养观念为先导,以整合纵向与横向资源为突破口,以参与高水平篮球赛事为杠杆,以拓展融资渠道为保障,推进高水平篮球运动员的培养工作。  相似文献   

This paper discusses one aspect of competitive youth team soccer in the US: the tension between loyalty and success. Teams use rituals to encourage parents and players to place loyalty to the team over individual goals and self-interest. But competitive teams value team success over loyalty to its players. And youth learn to place self-interest over loyalty to the team, even at the cost of friendships. This becomes an important lesson for youth in a competitive economic system, where success in adulthood is often defined in economic terms. Thus, competitive youth soccer reproduces an upper-middle-class habitus familiar to many of the families that participate in youth sports in the US. The pursuit of desirable careers typically demands geographic mobility and the routine abandonment of significant others. It is a taken for granted aspect of the upper middle-class worldview, learned at a young age in competitive team sports such as soccer.  相似文献   

The success or failure of any team lies in the skills and abilities of the players that comprise the team. The process of player selection and team formation in multi-player sports is a complex multi-criteria problem where the ultimate success is determined by how the collection of individual players forms an effective team. In general, the selection of soccer players and formation of a team are judgments made by the coaches on the basis of the best available information. Very few structured and analytical models have been developed to support coaches in this effort. We propose a two-phase framework for player selection and team formation in soccer. The first phase evaluates the alternative players with a fuzzy ranking method and selects the top performers for inclusion in the team. The second phase evaluates the alternative combinations of the selected players with a Fuzzy Inference System (FIS) and selects the best combinations for team formation. A case study is used to illustrate the performance of the proposed approach.  相似文献   

影响篮球运动员比赛成败的心理归因研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于运动心理学理论,对影响篮球运动员比赛成败的心理因素进行总结归纳,并提出了调节影响篮球运动员比赛成败心理因素的路径,为以后篮球教学、训练提供参考,并在一定程度上帮助运动员积极有效地克服比赛中的各种心理障碍.  相似文献   

西安市中学生篮球运动员心理控制点类型的研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
运用文献资料法、量表测量法、专家访谈法和数理统计法,对196名西安市中学生篮球运动员进行调查和测试。结果表明:西安市中学生篮球运动员对于运动成功或运动失败在总体上具有适宜的心理控制点结构;女运动员比男运动员更具有偏向于内部控制的趋势;在成功内控的得分上,后卫比中锋、前锋更具有偏向于内部控制的趋势,在失败内控的得分上,无显著性差异;主力运动员比非主力运动员更具有偏向于内部控制的趋势。  相似文献   

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