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自高校开始对高考体育考生进行扩招以来,高考体育考生人数开始了逐年增多,每年都会有几十万人加入到这项专业的竞争当中.本文采用了文献资料法、访谈法、逻辑分析法等研究方法对高考体育考生的心理训练进行研究.通过对当前高考体育考生心理特点的发展情况研究,阐述了心理训练是运动一个重要环节,了解心理训练的作用,进而避免类似"克拉克现象"的发生,使高考体育考生在体育考核中赛出自己的成绩、赛出自我的风采.  相似文献   

在近年3 X的高考模式中,体育考生除了体育术科要上线外,还要文化科上线,才能真正成为大学生。然而大部分的体育考生的文化科成绩偏低。每年均有相当一部分体育成绩优秀的考生,因文化科成绩没有上线,而高考落榜。体育考生如何学好文化,成为当前学校体育高考备考的重要工作。本文通过明确指导思想;建立良好的学习风气;学校、班主任、科任、体育教师和考生家长达成共识,齐抓共管等方面,对如何抓好体育考生学习文化工作探讨。  相似文献   

一、体育高考的特点 体育考生是一个特殊的群体,他们不同于普通的考生,也不同于其他专业训练队队员。体育考生除了要在体育训练中提高专业技能外,还必须学好各学科的文化知识,只有体育、文化课程并进,才能取得体育高考成功。  相似文献   

作为我国体育人才选拔的一个重要环节,高考体育考生的素质在我国整个竞技体育发展中的突出作用愈加明显。推行科学合理的高考体育训练方法是提高体育考生素质和成绩的关键所在,也是推动我国竞技体育发展的应有之意。结合多年教学实践,探讨如何通过改进训练方法提高考生成绩。  相似文献   

文章采用文献资料法、访谈法、数理统计法等研究方法,以2019—2021年广西体育高考综合成绩为研究对象,通过分析总结出广西体育高考的一些情况:综合成绩的计算比例有所侧重,考生体育专项成绩和文化成绩难以均衡;部分体育专项报考人数甚少,考生选择考试项目过于集中;压线考生与临线考生人数接近,二者成绩差距不大。继而,文章提出具有可行性的对策及改进措施,为优化广西体育高考综合分计算提供理论基础:维持综合成绩的相对稳定,逐步均衡体育专项成绩与文化成绩的计算比例;优化体育高考考评标准,促进体育高考考试项目设置多样化;优化征集志愿录取条件,可考虑双降分后按综合成绩择优录取。  相似文献   

<正>体育高考前心理准备的好坏是决定体育高考考生是否正常发挥原有水平、取得好成绩的关键,本文结合理论和实践,运用体育心理学、运动训练学的有关知识,参考有关的文献和资料,结合体育高考生在高考中存在的问题,简要分析了体育考生在高考中产生心理障碍的原因,总结了克服学生高考存在的心理障碍及训练方法,对以后提高高考体育的成绩有一定的参考作用。  相似文献   

本文通过问卷调查法对参加体育高考考生的考前产生焦虑的原因作了分析,研究发现考生离考试时间的远近、考生考试的专项、考生对成绩的归因以及考生自我调节与焦虑的关系等等反应现象,提出了克服体育高考考生焦虑的心理的调控方法,为教练员及考生的心理训练提供参考建议。  相似文献   

运用文献资料法,对高考体育考生考前心理状态、考前心理准备与考中心理调整三方面进行了分析,提出了相应的建议,旨在为体育高考考生的心理训练提供参考。  相似文献   

高考体育术科考试是由100米跑、800米跑、铅球、二级蛙跳组成的综合项目,对考生的身体素质和体育技术水平要求较高。如何使体育考生在短期内提高运动技能,使其以较好的状态迎接高考,取得理想的运动成绩,与教练如何布置与安排考生的赛前训练密不可分,更与考生的心理素  相似文献   

根据高三体育考生的实际情况,教师应科学安排运动训练,处理好文化学习和运动训练的关系;合理调控体育专业考试全过程。在高考体育专业考试结束后,还应继续关注体育考生的文化课学习,指导他们科学合理地填报志愿,力争达到较高的高考录取率。  相似文献   

The authors describe how growing state occupational license laws that require candidates to pass pencil and paper examinations create a large demand for education. In building contracting, insurance, and real estate, for example, that demand often is met by profit‐seeking examination preparation schools. The paper reports research from a large sample of applicants of the more than 20,000 each year who take the California contractors’ license examination. Some prepared for the examination, which is primarily business and law, through examination preparation schools, while others prepared on their own. Results show that while those who attended a license‐preparation school were somewhat less advantaged than those who prepared on their own, they had a somewhat higher probability of passing the examination. The paper also reports, however, that a large minority of license candidates were dissatisfied with their method of preparation, often expressing a need for a more comprehensive educational program in business and law, rather than in rote drill offered by many license schools. Added evidence is presented suggesting the need for more thorough preparation of license candidates that could result in greater social equity, indicating an important role for public community colleges in meeting this emergent demand.  相似文献   

This article explains the conceptual link between the special assessment needs of disabled; GCSE examination candidates and the assessment needs of ordinary, non-disabled; candidates within the context of the available guidance. It reports the results of a study sampling the views and experiences of 66 ordinary GCSE mock examination candidates by questionnaire or interview. The findings indicate a range of potential insufficiencies in ordinary examination arrangements which are testimony to the value of a student perspective in the EP assessment of assessment needs. The results challenge the validity of the distinction between special and ordinary assessment needs as presently constructed and also suggest the utility of more evidence-based functional data. Future research could usefully elucidate how the range of GCSE examination assessment needs are manifest and for whom. This may lead to examination arrangements that are maximally inclusive and offer equality of opportunity to both disabled and non-disabled candidates alike.  相似文献   

The educational needs of mentally handicapped children in the ‘new’ day special schools are examined from three major perspectives. First, as a result of the examination of questionnaires received from headteachers of 88 schools; second as a result of the examination of the skills of 151 mentally handicapped children in 44 of these schools, and third as a result of an examination of questionnaires completed for 52 parents of mentally handicapped children. The results of the investigation highlight the effect of these schools being in the ‘educational wilderness’ until April, 1st, 1971; the low level of achievement in certain social skills, and parental problems and attitudes.  相似文献   

The ability of teachers to enter candidates for appropriate combinations of differentiated papers is considered. The results of experimental work suggest that teachers would be able to predict their pupils’ examination performance accurately enough to enter almost all pupils at appropriate levels of such examinations; and that they would be able to do this as early as the January preceding the examination. However, they will be able to enter candidates effectively only if the standards required for the overlapping grades are the same at all levels of an examination. There is some evidence to suggest that this condition may not always hold. In addition, results from some Joint 16+ examinations suggest that there may be a considerable number of inappropriate entries to GCSE examinations which use differentiated papers.  相似文献   

宋朝科举考试制度的渐趋完善使出身于各个阶层的读书人均有机会通过科举考试进入官僚阶层,官员的选拔与其家世不再发生直接的联系。但宋初太平兴国五年进士的情况表明,家世与官员选拔仍然保持着间接的、隐性的联系,它与从前世家大族控制选官已完全不同。出身于高级官员家庭的进士人数大大减少,且在仕途的升迁上并不顺利;出身于中下级官员家庭和寒素家庭的读书人开始在进士科考试中迅速崛起,尤其是中下级官员家庭出身的进士,成就最为显著,以至于对宋朝的政治、经济、文化等各方面均产生重要影响。  相似文献   

我国硕士研究生入学考试科目改革刍议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
梳理我国硕士研究生入学考试科目改革的历程,总结出改革的特点为:减少初试科目;走向国家统一命题、统一考试;考试内容从单一的学科考试走向综合能力考试。在此背景下,对2007年全国统一硕士研究生考试改革的原因、内容、优缺点进行详细分析,继而提出作者的建议。  相似文献   

立足于以人为本的理论视角,提出用现代考试观统领高考改革的思路,坚持高考服务考生全面发展,服务高校选拔人才的原则,实现高考考试内容、考试方式、考试标准的多元化,依法维护考生正当权益。  相似文献   

The regression equations for second quarter freshman grade point averages on SAT scores were calculated for Anglo-American and Mexican-American students at the University of California, Riverside. These regression equations differed significantly for the two groups. However, the use of the regression equation derived from the Anglo-American sample to predict grades of Mexican-American students resulted in overprediction. An examination of the standardized regression weights revealed a significant difference in the weight given to SATM. A replication on a much larger sample revealed a similar outcome. These results were considered as a possible heuristic to suggest a scholastic "'strategy" difference between the two ethnic groups.  相似文献   

该挖掘了电磁学发展过程的科学方法,并进一步说明重视科学方法的教育将有利于完成从“应试教育”向“素质教育”的转轨,达到培养创造型人才,提高全民素质的目的。  相似文献   

高考改革推进过程中不同利益主体基于风险收益权衡选科决策,引发了选科决断异化风险。澳大利亚制定了"考试中心指引、高校专业限定、高中选科支持、家社协同指导、成绩科学赋分、录取综合评定"的科目自选支持体系,但其也涌现出了"选科倚重成绩、走班编排冲突、大学限定缩水、考生趋易避难"的异化风险。以往鉴来,应配备学生发展专兼职指导教师,把生涯发展规划贯穿科目选择全过程;优化高中教学组织编排管理,建立规范、高效、有序的选科走班运行机制;激发高校科目限定主动权,提升大学人才培养与高中自主选科的关联度;优化科目加权赋分机制,防控"田忌赛马"机会主义风险;落实多元评价方式,提升生源甄别选拔精准度。  相似文献   

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