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当前 ,计算机辅助教育活动已是轰轰烈烈 ,但大多还只是把计算机及辅助设备当作信息处理、存储、呈现的工具。利用计算机信息技术创设教育教学活动情境 ,优化教育教学环境 ,是现代教育信息技术的真正意义之所在。活动情境的营造是计算机教育信息技术的核心技术 ,这是一门综合性技术 ,涉及心理科学、认知科学、思维科学、教育科学、计算机科学、通信科学、文化艺术 (活动内容的 )、学科知识及该学科的研究和学习方法等。运用计算机信息技术营造教育教学活动情境 ,除要通晓或熟悉以上相关科学或技术外 ,还应有全新的理念、开放的思维、丰富的教…  相似文献   

该文以美国《2020 CSTA计算机科学教师标准》为分析文本,从美国计算机科学教育政策、课程发展角度理解其相关背景,从目的与内容角度描述、分析其基本结构与内容,从应用角度解释该标准是如何为计算机科学教师及专业发展相关人员提供行动指南等。  相似文献   

模型是对目标系统的简化的表征,模型建构是一种基于模型的学习活动。模型和模型建构是现代科学教学极为关注的课题。本文对国外关于模型与建模的内涵、计算机模拟与基于计算机的建模、计算机建模工具、计算机建模对科学教学的意义的研究作了概述,以期对我国的中小学科学教学改革有所启迪与借鉴。  相似文献   

模型和建模研究目前已成为国际科学教育的重要研究议题之一,越来越多国家的科学教育标准强调模型和建模的作用,并将其纳入学业要求中。深入理解模型是科学教育研究者和教师有效开展模型和建模研究及进行模型相关教学的重要基础。模型定义和模型分类是认识模型的两个重要方面。模型定义的核心内容为模型是事物的表征,事物的内涵广泛,包括实物、事件、过程、概念、观点和系统等。基于模型功能的视角可以将模型分为八类:尺度模型、类比模型、图像和符号模型、数学模型、不表示数学关系的图表和表格、理论模型、概念-过程模型、系统模型。每类模型的功能和适用范围各不相同,但都可以用于理科教学之中。  相似文献   

文章通过分析构建农村学前儿童科学教育目标的理念,对农村学前儿童科学教育的构建模型与实施方略展开探讨,旨在为黔东农村地区相关学前教育工作者基于构建农村学前儿童科学教育目标的理念如何提升教育水平研究适用提供一些思路。  相似文献   

结合当前高校大学计算机基础教育存在的问题,分析了大计算机科学教育的思想,提出了大计算机科学教育解决计算机基础教育问题的思路和方法,从课程体系、教学方式、教学目标三个方面说明大计算机科学教育的必要性。  相似文献   

分析中等职业学校计算机基础教育存在的问题,课堂教学重理论轻实践是造成学生所学与实际需求产生差距的主要原因,在此基础上提出了树立科学的计算机基础教育观、改革计算机教育体系、突出实践教学的相关对策。  相似文献   

基于论证的科学教学活动注重证据的收集与获取、强调社会交互过程的知识建构,已经成为西方科学教育的关注焦点之一。近年来出现的一些基于实证的教学研究过程及结果更是凸显了论证教学在科学教育中的重要地位以及可行性。本文在介绍图尔敏论证模型的基础上,对其在科学教育中的相关研究进展进行了阐述,并提出了后续的研究方向。  相似文献   

在早期数学和科学教育中,如果运用得当,计算机也能发挥重要作用。"与最初的担心相反,计算机并不会使儿童自闭。相反,它们还是社会交往的潜在催化剂"。研究表明,运用某些材料和活动能够促进儿童数学和科学概念的发展。幼儿是具体的、动手型的学习者。他们需要操作材料来形成关于物体的物理性质及物体性质转变的概念。自发性探究一般使用可拆分的游戏物品,如积木、建构材料或拼图,以及可变化的连续性材料,如沙子、水和橡皮泥。儿童倾向于在建筑或制作模型的活动中更频繁地进行数学和科学探究。在早期数学和科学教育中,如果运用得当,计算机也能发挥重要作用。  相似文献   

计算机科学教育是立业之本。我国计算机科学教育水平低是导致信息技术产业落后的根本原因,而振兴我国计算机科学教育必须解决计算机科学教育中存在的三个主要问题:教学计划问题,师资问题,科学研究问题  相似文献   

自20世纪后半叶以来,不同学科背景的研究者将基础研究与教育实践相结合,直面人类的学习问题,探究人类思维和学习的过程,设计新的学习情境,提出新的理论和方法论,催生了学习的新科学。学习科学是指面向复杂的真实世界需要的"整合"科学,涉及认知科学、神经科学、教育心理学、计算机科学、人类学、社会学等多元领域,它不仅发展了学习理论,而且对教授科学也做出了贡献。通过围绕知识的本质、学习的实质、学习的方式与形式、以学习为中心设计、学习环境及其支持、学习效果的评价等方面,来探讨学习科学研究的重要问题及学科方法论,进而对其未来研究的发展趋势做出预测。  相似文献   

为了改变科学课程学习内容零散且缺乏衔接的现状,学习进阶成为了国际科学教育研究的热点议题。对学习进阶的研究系统追踪学生的认知发展过程,为科学教育中标准设计、课程开发、学业评价和教师培训等多个系统的整合提供了统一框架。基于文献综述并结合自身研究经验,并从学习进阶的定义、进阶研究的基础、进阶研究的模式和研究成果的应用四个方面展开分析讨论后发现:科学教育界对学习进阶内涵理解上的差异逐渐消弭,进阶研究在描述学生认知发展过程上取得了阶段性的成果并在向着精细化发展,在学习进阶中融合知识学习与能力培养、学习进阶与教学实践的交互影响等将是后续研究的核心议题。  相似文献   

计算机支持的协作学习(CSCL)是目前学习科学和教育技术学的热点研究问题。随着计算机和网络技术的发展,CSCL发展迅猛,并逐渐地应用于实践之中。通过对近几年的研究成果分析,介绍了CSCL的研究现状和发展趋势,并提出了在实践过程中存在的问题。  相似文献   

This article presents a critical review and analysis of key studies that have been done in science education and other areas on the effects and effectiveness of using diagrams, graphs, photographs, illustrations, and concept maps as adjunct visual aids in the learning of scientific-technical content. It also summarizes and reviews those studies that have students draw diagrams, graphs, maps, and charts to express their understandings of the concepts and relationships that are present in the text they read or/and empirical data provided (i.e., student-generated adjunct visual productions). In general, the research and theory on instructional aids is fragmented and somewhat unsystematic with several flaws and a number of key uncontrolled variables, which actually suppress and mask effects in the studies that have been done. The findings of these studies are compared to relevant literature and empirical research and findings in the areas of cognitive psychology, computer science, neuroscience, and artificial intelligence that help to clarify many of the inconsistencies, contradictions, and lack of effects found for visual (e.g., diagrams and graphs) instructional aids in the science education literature currently and in the past 20 years. A model and a set of criteria and goals for improving research in this area is then described, as visuals are a first step in the process of learning formal (scientific) models, which are most often visually represented. Understanding how students learn formal models is one the outstanding research challenges in the next 20 years, both within and outside of science education.  相似文献   

In many countries around the world, there has been an increasing emphasis on improving science education. Recent reform efforts in the USA call for teachers to integrate scientific and engineering practices into science teaching; for example, science teachers are asked to provide learning experiences for students that apply crosscutting concepts (e.g., patterns, scale) and increase understanding of disciplinary core ideas (e.g., physical science, earth science). Engineering practices and engineering design are essential elements of this new vision of science teaching and learning. This paper presents a research study that evaluates the effects of an engineering design-based science curriculum on student learning and attitudes. Three middle school life science teachers and 275 seventh grade students participated in the study. Content assessments and attitude surveys were administered before and after the implementation of the curriculum unit. Statewide mathematics test proficiency scores were included in the data analysis as well. Results provide evidence of the positive effects of implementing the engineering design-based science unit on student attitudes and learning.  相似文献   

Multiple external representations (MERs) have been widely used in science teaching and learning. Theories such as dual coding theory and cognitive flexibility theory have been developed to explain why the use of MERs is beneficial to learning, but they do not provide much information on pedagogical issues such as how and in what conditions MERs could be introduced and used to support students?? engagement in scientific processes and develop competent scientific practices (e.g., asking questions, planning investigations, and analyzing data). Additionally, little is understood about complex interactions among scientific processes and affordances of MERs. Therefore, this article focuses on pedagogical affordances of MERs in learning environments that engage students in various scientific processes. By reviewing literature in science education and cognitive psychology and integrating multiple perspectives, this article aims at exploring (1) how MERs can be integrated with science processes due to their different affordances, and (2) how student learning with MERs can be scaffolded, especially in a classroom situation. We argue that pairing representations and scientific processes in a principled way based on the affordances of the representations and the goals of the activities is a powerful way to use MERs in science education. Finally, we outline types of scaffolding that could help effective use of MERs including dynamic linking, model progression, support in instructional materials, teacher support, and active engagement.  相似文献   

Suvi Tala 《Science & Education》2013,22(6):1323-1346
The content of the expertise which young natural scientists try to gain by doing science in research groups is a relatively little-explored subject. What makes learning in such settings challenging is that a central part of the expertise is tacit. This study employs empirical methods together with a contextualized approach and interdisciplinary cooperation in order to reveal practicing nanomodellers’ (N = 10) perspectives on their knowledge-building expertise, and on young scientists’ expertise education. Modelling in the virtual world plays a major role in the science of these nanomodellers, as it increasingly does in many fields of science. This study therefore adds to our understanding of the nature of recent scientific knowledge building and expertise development, which can be used in the education of the scientists of the future.  相似文献   

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