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Computer-supported collaborative learning (CSCL) is an approach to learning in which learners can actively and collaboratively construct knowledge by means of interaction and joint problem solving. Regulation of learning is especially important in the domain of CSCL. Next to the regulation of task performance, the interaction between learners who work in a CSCL environment needs to be regulated as well. Despite its importance, the regulation of learning in CSCL has received relatively little attention in research. In the contributions of this special issue different labels are used for various forms of regulation of learning during CSCL. During collaborative learning, the regulation of activities can take place at different levels of social interaction: the individual level, the dyadic level, and the group level. Regulative activities of all three levels are presented in the three studies. All studies have investigated whether the use of regulative activities affected performance, and have found that regulation at the dyadic and/or group level was positively related to group performance. In sum, these three contributions provide a constructive overview of the role of regulation of the (collaborative) learning process in CSCL, both in terms of the impact of regulation on learning processes and learning results as well as the influence of different kinds of support on the regulation of collaborative learning.  相似文献   

CSCL环境中的社会交互   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
现在有很多关于计算机支持下协作学习(CSCL)异步环境中分布式学习团体(DLGs)的实证研究。研究表明当前的CSCL环境并不能完全满足人们对其支持交互的团体学习、知识共享、知识的社会建构及能力的培养的需要。在CSCL环境中,主要有两个因素阻碍我们取得预期的社会交互的成果:一是将社会交互看作是自然而然发生的,二是忽视与学习任务本身无关的社会心理交互。当前解决这个问题的办法主要是依靠教育者和教师鼓励协作学习,为了让教师从这样的负担中解脱出来,我们必须改进CSCL环境,激发和支持学习者的社会交互。  相似文献   

This article proposes 7 core affordances of technology for collaborative learning based on theories of collaborative learning and CSCL (Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning) practices. Technology affords learner opportunities to (1) engage in a joint task, (2) communicate, (3) share resources, (4) engage in productive collaborative learning processes, (5) engage in co-construction, (6) monitor and regulate collaborative learning, and (7) find and build groups and communities. We elaborate our framework using in-depth explorations of how technologies are actually used to support collaborative learning in CSCL research and identify representative design strategies and technology examples. While technology can play an important role in addressing the demands of collaborative learning, it needs to be considered in conjunction with pedagogical strategies and other social and cultural supports for collaborative learning. The supports also need to remain at an appropriate level so as not to interfere with long-term learning goals.  相似文献   

交互行为分析是CSCL(计算机支持协作学习)研究中,特别是网络协作学习研究中的重要内容之一。为了有效地分析学习交互和找到促进学习交互的方法,有必要建立从微观层面对交互行为进行分类的框架。该研究首先提出了微交互行为的概念,然后鉴于基于文本的交互仍然是当前最重要的交互形式,建立了一个微交互言语行为的分类框架。该框架从交际功能的角度,把微交互言语分为展示型言语、质询型言语、解释型言语、支持型言语、发展型言语等15种类型。本文也介绍了该微交互言语分类框架的确定和发展过程,最后通过实例讨论了其在CSCL系统中的应用价值。  相似文献   

国际学习科学协会(ISLS)前主席,皮埃尔.狄隆伯格(Pierre Dillenbourg)教授是瑞士洛桑联邦理工大学(EPFL)培训及其技术研究与支持中心(CRAFT)的主任,也是《计算机支持的协作学习丛书》(CSCL Book Series)的主编。本次访谈为中国读者提供了一个关于计算机支持的协作学习(CSCL)的研究与发展概要。狄隆伯格教授认为,CSCL的贡献不仅在于为专业培训领域提供了增进知识生产的学习技术,更在于其所包含的一系列的概念、思想和取向等对整个教育系统的渗透。协作学习,无论有没有计算机,都不是一个可以自动导致预期学习结果的处方。CSCL研究者已经研究了导致小组(或团队)生产积极学习结果的必要互动类型,并将技术运用于设计、研究和增进必要的互动。应当从一个"整合的学习"的视角认识CSCL,可以借助对情节的设计和不同工具的支持,将CSCL活动嵌入到正式或非正式学习场景更为综合的活动系列中。与此相应,CSCL研究者提出了十个方面的研究主题:即社会互动与个人化、媒体有效性、共享知识的建构、模仿倾向、中介作用、脚本、互动分析、表征、计算装置和虚拟共同体。  相似文献   

Business needs in many corporations call for learning outcomes that involve problem solutions, and creating and sharing new knowledge within worksplace situation that may involve collaboration among members of a team. We argue that work-based activities (WBA) and computer-supported collaborative learning (CSCL) are appropriate components for courses in such learning situations. Via this approach, collaborative work situations become the core of a course. We further describe how activity theory can provide a framework for the design of courses that involve WBA and CSCL as part of a workplace-oriented activity system for learning. The use of this design approach for courses offered by the Learning and Leadership Development organization of Shell International Exploration and Production is described and an example is elaborated. Finally, we identify four main issues and challenges that arose during the use of the design approach.  相似文献   

CSCL中成员知识共享的需要特征与激励策略研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
计算机支持的协作学习中,重要的学习方式是成员间的协作交互,目的是促进和达成个体知识建构和集体智慧的发展.因此,成员之间知识共享程度的高低将直接影响协作学习的效果.本文基于马斯洛的需要层次理论并结合CSCL的特点,通过实证研究发现,CSCL中协作小组成员的需要存在着不同层次、各层次需要需求程度均较强烈且类型多样、社交需要需求程度最强烈、自我实现需要需求程度相对较弱且成员态度差异性较大.在此基础上,结合各小组的知识共享情况,研究还发现,在知识共享方面有积极表现的小组对较高层次的自我实现需要需求程度更为强烈.最后,根据成员的需要特征,文章还探讨了促进CSCL协作小组成员知识共享的四项激励策略.  相似文献   

计算机支持的协作学习(CSCL)是近年来教育技术和学习科学研究的热点,协作知识建构是CSCL的主要学习方式和学习目标,如何支持和促进协作知识建构是教育研究者和实践者关注的焦点问题之一。在社会建构主义和对话学习理论基础上建立的基于对话的教学设计和基于研究与实践的协作学习过程模型可以作为一种系统的教学模式,引入到CSCL学习环境中来支持协作知识建构。网络环境下协作学习困难和问题调查,以及CSCL课程实践证明:旨在提高学生对话能力,促进学生不同类型对话产生和发展,培养学生批判性思维能力的促进协作知识建构的教学设计和实施策略是有效的,学生在协作学习中能掌握并运用这些策略来促进协作学习。实现知识建构的目标。  相似文献   

Research has suggested that self or co-regulated learning is very helpful for the development of students’ autonomy, and is particularly important in online learning environments, because such non-linear environments tend to lack focus and teachers’ monitoring. The social cognitive research suggests that highly self-regulated learners have higher motivation and more control of their learning behaviors, and thus generate better outcomes on an individual basis rather on a group basis. This study thus attempts to extend the social cognitive perspective of self-regulated learning to collective regulated learning, and to investigate the relationships among collective beliefs (i.e., collective task value, a newly developed group motivation), collaborative behaviors (i.e., group cohesion, cognitive quality of collaborative interactions), and collaborative performance through collaborative creation in the CSCL environment. A total of 96 college students participated in this study. Both quantitative and qualitative analyses were applied. The results indicate that collective task value is a reliable and valid construct. The results also show that collective task value significantly predicts students’ group cohesion and collaborative performance, although it does not predict students’ cognitive quality of collaborative interactions. Students’ group cohesion and higher level of cognitive quality in collaborative interactions also both significantly predict their collaborative performance through collaborative creation in the CSCL environment.  相似文献   

角色规定了CSCL中学习者所承担的权限和任务,是CSCL研究关注的核心要素。本研究将角色引入问题解决协作学习中,从协作任务和问题解决认知加工两个维度构建了角色设计框架。研究将角色设计框架应用于具体问题解决协作学习中,部分验证了框架包含角色的有效性。研究结论认为,问题解决协作学习活动所采用的三类角色能够增强学习者在线问题解决学习的效果,并提升学习者对学习的主观感知。  相似文献   

远程教育的核心是远程学习,社会性交互是远程学习的重要组成部分,它不但可以促进学习者知识的建构,也是教师开展网上教学的重要手段。回顾近十年来国内社会性交互的相关研究,对社会性交互研究在生生交互、师生交互以及交互策略三方面取得的成果进行了总结,分析目前国内社会性交互存在的问题,同时指出了每个方面研究的具体方向。  相似文献   

By the proliferation of online courses, the social dimension of computer supported collaborative learning (CSCL) is becoming more important than before. Research shows that communicative behavior adaptation to the computer medium is a critical issue in CSCL social relationship development. Two dominant theories in the CSCL field, social information processing theory and adaptive structuration theory, argue that individuals do not simply receive the technology passively but they adapt their behavior to increase benefits from the technology. This paper develops an instrument in order to operationalize the notion of individual’s communicative behavior adaptability in CSCL. Through an exploratory factor analysis performed on a small sample of post graduate students of an online degree in an Australian university, three factors have been unveiled: (1) individual perception of self-representation, (2) individual perception of compatibility, and (3) individual perception of the use of computer technology. Identification of these factors is expected to facilitate understanding of individuals’ social behaviors in CSCL environment, which in turn will guide the design of CSCL systems. In addition, the paper examines the relationships between the extracted factors and four environmental factors: learner’s characteristics, course characteristics, instructor characteristics, and technology characteristics. The results show that none of these characteristics strongly affect perception of self-representation or perception of the use of computer technology. On the other hand, a strong relationship was found between perception of compatibility and learner’s and course characteristics. The reliability as well as validity of the study is examined and findings are discussed. These findings will provide further insights into the design process of CSCL systems.  相似文献   

This paper briefly summarizes the initial development of a computer-supported collaborative learning environment and evaluates its effects in relation to the productivity of CSCL groups. The design of the SIDE-VIEW system is driven by the social identity approach to understanding group behaviour and is premised upon the need to establish congruity between the self-definition of group members and their collaborative learning tasks. We begin by outlining the rationale for the system in relation to productivity and the emergence of team players within collaborative learning groups. We then describe aspects of the design that are intended to enhance both, and report on a field trial of the initial prototype on international groups of higher education students. The preliminary results of the field study indicate that aspects of the design encourage the emergence and influence of team players within groups, with consequential improvements to the quality of the group output. The role of team players in CSCL groups is contrasted with that of group leaders.  相似文献   

话语分析-研究CSCL中协作意义建构的新方法   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
计算机支持的协作学习(CSCL)中学习者主要是通过对话来进行意义建构的,意义体现在话语之中。因此话语成为研发和分析协作意义建构的焦点。在过去的二十年中,研究话语正在成为研究社会情境下学习的一个重要的理论视角,因此通过研究话语来研究网络教育成为该领域的一个新的研究路径。文章在探讨了话语的概念和特点的基础上,阐述了话语分析的发展历程和理论基础。结合CSCL中协作意义建构的特点,提出了适合运用话语分析方法研究问题的要素、原则和方法,最后提出了运用话语分析可以研究的CSCL问题及其意义。  相似文献   

学习空间是指用于学习的场所,它兴起的真正原因在于其蕴含着丰富的隐喻。依托一个学习空间,采用准实验研究方法对比研究了学习空间与传统教室对学生学习的影响。选择学生参与、社会性交互、学习结果作为评估学习空间影响的主要指标。研究结果表明:学习空间能够有效促进学生参与:学习空间可以促进社会性交互;学习空间可以促进学生理解相关概念及掌握基本操作;学生的问题解决能力是否受到了学习空间的影响仍需继续研究。以上结论能够为优化学习空间的设计提供参考依据。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to examine the impacts of transactive memory system (TMS) and interaction platforms in computer-supported collaborative learning (CSCL) on social presence perceptions and self-regulation skills of learners. Within the scope of the study, social presence perceptions and self-regulation skills of students in collaborative groups constructing knowledge in wiki, blog, podcast and Facebook platforms in CSCL processes were compared. The study is designed as a pretest and post-test control group study and was carried out with 97 university students. Social presence and self-regulation scales were administered as pretest in the study. At the end of process, social presence, self-regulation, transactive memory scales and semi-structured student opinion forms were administered as post-test. When the findings were examined, it was seen that interaction platforms and the TMS level of the group did not have a significant impact on social presence perception individually; yet common impact of these two variables was significant. When the impact of interaction platforms and the TMS on self-regulation skills was examined, it was found that whilst interaction platforms had a significant impact, the TMS alone and interaction platforms–TMS common impact were not significant.  相似文献   

CSCL学习活动设计是CSCL研究的核心内容之一,它不仅仅关注表现和内容,更注重学习者的学习体验.但综合分析国内外学者的同类研究,发现CSCL学习活动设计中缺失了对设计策略的系统研究.本研究采用实地调查法、案例分析法等研究方法,提出CSCL学习活动的设计策略为根本目标.同时选取湖南大学工商管理学院会计系2009级本科学生利用Blackboard(1)平台开展实证研究,实证研究的结果有力地证明了设计策略的重要性和有效性.研究最后还提出后续研究将创新研究方法,完善CSCL学习活动设计策略体系.  相似文献   

In any classroom, pupils will be drawn together for many purposes and we can refer to such within classroom contexts as ‘groupings’. The teacher often creates these, and the way that they are set up, and how they are used for particular learning purposes. If the relationships between grouping size, interaction type and learning tasks in groups are planned strategically then learning experiences will be more effective. However, research suggests that the relationships between these elements are often unplanned and the ‘social pedagogic’ potential of classroom learning is therefore unrealised. In this paper we explore the notion of social pedagogy in relation to group work. It is argued that research and theory relevant to group work in classrooms is limited, and that a new approach, sensitive to group work under everyday classroom conditions is required. This paper identifies key features of a social pedagogy of classroom group work, which can inform effective group work in classrooms. It also describes the background to a current large scale UK project which has been set up to design with teachers a programme of high quality group work in classrooms at both primary and secondary phases.  相似文献   

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