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纵横汉字编码法是具有直观性和科学性并按照字形和字义对汉字进行分类的汉字编码法。它用0-910个数字作为基本码元,同时也作为笔形部首及整个汉字的编码。实践证明,纵横汉字编码是一种适应性强、重码少的编码,简单易学,尤其适合银行系统应用。它的一条最基本规律是纵横取码法。所谓纵横取码法就是将取码对象分成上下(纵)两部分,分别取左右角(横)笔形码,其它各种取码规则都可由“纵横取码法”推出。因此,这种编码法是一种一学就会的优秀汉字编码。我校在计算机课程的教学过程中增加了纵横码的内容,通过不断的教学实践,收…  相似文献   

文章根据数学教学中的一些实际困难提出纵横联系法在数学教学中的作用,并结合典型的例子通过分析阐明了纵横联系法的重要性及其意义。  相似文献   

古代汉语教学要根据学生实际,充分注重并运用好古今对照联系法、中外参照联系法、纵横贯通联系法等联系式教学方法,全面提高学生古代汉语的学习能力和学习兴趣.  相似文献   

一问题的提出我们通常使用的地名索引大概可分三类:一是经纬法;二是分段纵横交叉法;三是经纬分段纵横交叉并用法.《中华人民共和国地图》地名索引就是经纬法的实际例子.《中华人民共和国分省地图集》(汉语拼音版)地名索引属于分段交叉法.《The Times Atlas of the  相似文献   

随着纵横码的迅速推广应用,对于纵横码辅助教学系统的功能要求愈来愈高.本文介绍了一个基于Windows环境的汉字纵横输入法辅助教学集成系统NBU-CKC,它包含了纵横小键盘指法、纵横学习、纵横游戏、纵横测试、纵横比赛、纵横码本管理等模块,功能完善,界面友好,在实际训练中发挥了较好的作用.  相似文献   

在中学历史教学中运用图示法应抓住两个关键:一是强调知识整体结构,突出概念,纵横联系;二是充分发挥图示法直观、鲜明、简约的特征。  相似文献   

在生物课复习中,可引导学生采用单元归类法、纲要网络法、纵横比较法、概念串连法、综合训练法进行复习,以培养他们的综合能力.  相似文献   

“诸子百家”知多少   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
“子”是春秋战国时期对男子的美称。“诸子”包括先秦各家学派。西汉司马谈《论六家指要》中说“诸子”有儒、道、阴阳、法、名、墨、纵横、杂、农、小说十家,《隋书·经籍志》中说“诸子”有儒、道、法、名、墨、纵横、杂、农、小说、兵、天文、历数、五行、医方十四家。  相似文献   

要使议论文写作时纵横捭阉,就要纵横拓展议论文的写作思路。议论文的写作思路,是议论文写作过程中思维运行的轨道。如果不懂得纵横拓展思路,写作时就会“山重水复疑无路”,就会“冰泉冷涩弦凝绝”;如果善于拓展思路,写作时就能“柳暗花明又一村”,就能“间关莺语花底滑”。那么,该怎样纵横拓展议论文写作的思路呢?这里介绍一种有效的方法即腹部开花法。  相似文献   

在生物课复习中,可引导学生采用单元归类法、纲要网络法、纵横比较法、概念串连法、综合训练法进行复习,以培养他们的综合能力.  相似文献   

谈大学生论文写作   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
大学生写作论文需要培养积极健康的写作心理。初学论文写作,可以借助“纵横扫描法”、“KJ”法、“信息交合论”等方法解决选题定题、立论取材方面的困难。论文写作的语言运用切忌沾染玩弄词藻的不良风气。  相似文献   

介绍了多管落球法测量重力加速度的新方法。采用外推法设计实验,实现了斯托克斯公式所要求的横向和纵向均为"无限广延"的条件。测得的重力加速度值与公认值相比相对误差为2.3%。  相似文献   

Uniaxial compression experiments on horizontal and vertical samples of first-year freshwater ice in a res- ervoir were conducted at different temperatures and strain rates with an electronic universal machine equipped with low temperature cabinet. The results show that there is no difference between the strengths of two horizontal samples with grain sizes ranging from 1 to 4,mm and 4 to 14,mm, while the strength of the 1-4 mm vertical samples is 1.4 times higher than that of the 4-14 mm vertical samples because of the change of crystal structure. For different loading directions, the strengths of the horizontal samples do not differ from those of the vertical samples with the same grain sizes. The relation among the uniaxial compressive strength, strain rate and temperature was established through data analysis in both the ductile and brittle regions.  相似文献   

《外国法制史》作为普通高等学校法学专业基础课之一,是法学和历史学的交叉学科,其学习方法亦具有多样性。在学习《外国法制史》的诸种方法中,比较法无疑是首要的和最基本的方法,是学好这门课的一把钥匙。通过纵向、横向和同类等比较法的运用,可以对世界各国各种类型法律制度的产生、发展和演变规律有一个完整的认识,为我国批判地移植外国法提供历史的借鉴。  相似文献   

Infants' oculomotor tracking develops rapidly but is poorer when there are horizontal and vertical movement components. Additionally, persistence of objects moving through occlusion emerges at 4 months but initially is absent for objects moving obliquely. In two experiments, we recorded eye movements of thirty-two 4-month-old and thirty-two 6-month-old infants (mainly Caucasian-White) tracking horizontal, vertical, and oblique trajectories. Infants tracked oblique trajectories less accurately, but 6-month olds tracked more accurately such that they tracked oblique trajectories as accurately as 4-month olds tracked horizontal and vertical trajectories. Similar results emerged when the object was temporarily occluded. Thus, 4-month olds’ tracking of oblique trajectories may be insufficient to support object persistence, whereas 6-month olds may track sufficiently accurately to perceive object persistence for all trajectory orientations.  相似文献   

在美术鉴赏课程中,教师运用比较教学法引导学生理解美术史中的美术作品与社会历史之间的关系,以具体的艺术作品为例进行风格分析,搭建起纵向与横向比较的平台,可以提高学生学习兴趣,拓展思路,帮助学生建立起跨文化思考模式,最终培养其独立鉴赏的能力。  相似文献   

一种等大小矩形碎纸片拼接还原方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
引入边缘相似度概念,利用贪婪算法,解决中英文文件纵向切割后的碎纸片拼接还原问题。对于同时发生纵横向切割的中英文碎纸片,先利用着色反转法对碎纸片文字部分进行反转处理,再利用行聚类筛选法对碎纸片按行匹配度进行分类,最后对每一类碎纸片利用贪婪算法并辅之以人工干预,将碎纸片拼接还原。单面英文碎纸片拼接还原结果表明,该方法人工干预次数少,还原效率高、效果好。  相似文献   

Holistic tin-plating on the outer conductor is one of the key processes in the manufacture of semi-flexible coaxial cable, which is widely applied to the third generation (3G) mobile communication system. However, in the traditional horizontal tin-plating process, disadvantages such as the pinhole defects and low productivity effect cannot be avoided. In this paper, a vertical tin-plating process was proposed to reduce the pinhole defects and improve the tincoating quality. Compared with the traditional horizontal tin-plating process, the immersion length was reduced from 300-400 mm to 10-100 mm and the tin-plating time was reduced from 7 s to 3 s in the proposed method. The experimental results indicate that immersion length and time are key parameters for the tin-plating quality. With this new tin-plating process, the experimental results show that the pinhole defects can be eliminated effectively by controlling the immersion depth below 100 mm and tin-plating time at 3 s. The thickness of tin-coating increased from not more than 5 μm to 12.3 μm with the proposed vertical tin-plating process. Meanwhile, the thickness of the intermetallic compounds (IMCs) layer between the tin-coating and copper wires was reduced from 3.26 μm to 0.62 μm if the immersion time decreased from 30 s to 1 s. Besides, a self-developed flux, which possesses a boiling point or decomposed temperature of active components over 300℃, exhibits a better efficiency in reducing the pinhole formation.  相似文献   

讨论储油罐的变位识别及变位后罐容表的标定。为得出油罐变位后的液体容量,利用微积分的思想建立积分模型、并用实验数据建立插值模型,给出了完整的罐容表标定值,且通过误差分析,验证标定值的正确性。对于实际储油罐的实测数据,利用分层搜索法确定变位参数,并进行灵敏度分析,得出了纵向倾斜的灵敏度远大于横向偏转的结论。  相似文献   

1Introduction Generally,ultrafiltration(UF)asaseparationtech nologyofhighefficiencyandlowenergyconsumption haswidelybeenappliedinvariousindustries.Inin dustrialapplications,therearesixbasicUF modules[1]:(1)tubular,withinnerchannel diameters>4mm;(2)hollowfibers,withinnerdia metersof0.2-3mm;(3)plateunits;(4)spiral woundmodules;(5)pleated sheetcartridges;and(6)rotarymodules.However,hollowfiberUFmoduleis oneofmostimportantmodulesbecauseofitshigh areapackingdensity.Besides,UFtechnologyalsois us…  相似文献   

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