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综合实践活动课程作为新一轮课程改革中的一个亮点,不是其它课程的辅助和附庸,而是具有独特功能和价值的相对独立的课程形态,对于学生体验人生,关注社会,解决实际问题,培养创新精神和实践能力有着重大而深远的意义。  相似文献   

课程资源与课程实施有着密切地联系,小学综合实践活动课程作为一种形态独立而又特殊的课程更需要进行课程资源开发。围绕小学综合实践活动课程的特点,对如何有效地开发小学综合实践活动的课程资源进行了探讨,为更好地进行小学综合实践活动课程资源开发提供思路。对教师的多级和多元培训、激励机制的建立、多层次和交互式管理库的建设、社会网络系统的形成等方面进行了探索,旨在寻求综合实践活动课程资源开发与利用的有效途径。  相似文献   

综合实践活动课作为一种活动类的综合课程,与其它各学科课程领域有着本质区别,它是一种以学生的经验和生活为核心的实践性课程,是学科课程与知识类综合课程的一种补充形态。目前,在综合实践活动课的实施中还存在许多问题有待解决,本文对综合实践活动课程如何有效实施进行研究与探讨。  相似文献   

刘云峰 《山东教育》2012,(13):54-55
"综合实践活动"是一种与各学科课程领域有着显著区别的新的课程领域,是我国基础教育课程体系的结构性突破。它立足于学生的经验和生活,倡导课程向学生生活世界的回归,基于学生的直接经验、密切联系学生自身生活和社会生活,体现对知识的综合运用的课程形态。它是一种以学生的经验与生活为核心的实践课程。因此,综合实践活动课程目标关注的核  相似文献   

综合实践活动课程的基本规定   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
要切实落实综合实践活动课程,实现其课程价值,我们必须准确把握这门课程的基本规定和核心理念,提高对综合实践活动课程价值的认识,结合学生实际和社区背景,创造性地实施综合实践活动课程。综合实践活动是一种具有其规定性的课程形态综合实践活动课程是教师引导下,学生自主进行的综合性学习活动,是基于学生的经验,密切联系学生自身生活和社会实际,体现对知识的综合应用的实践性课程。它包括研究性学习、社区服务与社会实践、劳动与技术教育等领域,并渗透信息技术教育。(一)综合实践活动的课程性质综合实践活动课程是一种经验性课…  相似文献   

综合实践活动课程论纲   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
综合实践活动课程是当前我国基础教育课程改革的一项新举措,是对课程结构的新突破。它以学生的直接经验和体验为基础,密切联系学生的生活世界和社会生活实践,在以学生自主探究活动为特征的实际操作过程中达到对知识的综合运用,从而实现学生对知识的自主建构。作为一种新课程,综合实践活动课程在基本特征、目标、内容、实施和评价等方面与其他课程有着本质的区别。  相似文献   

新一轮基础教育课程改革明确要求,从小学到高中设置综合实践活动课程并作为必修课,从而正式确立了综合实践活动课程在中小学课程体系中的重要地位。综合实践活动课程是基于学生的直接经验,密切联系学生自身生活和社会生活,培养学生综合运用知识解决问题之能力的一种新型课程形态。  相似文献   

自2001年我国启动新一轮基础教育课程改革以来,综合实践活动课程就承载了创新课程形态、转变教与学方式、促进学生综合素质提升的重要教育功能。在实践探索的过程中,综合实践活动课程的内涵也在发生变化,以回应社会变革的挑战和教育改革的新要求。综合实践活动课程将出现如下可能的发展趋势:在课程内容上,与劳动教育课程深度整合,使劳动教育成为综合实践活动课程新的生长点;在课程功能上,综合实践活动课程实践育人的功能进一步凸显;在课程形式上,综合实践活动课程与其他学科的整合与渗透进一步加强。  相似文献   

小学综合实践活动课程作为一种新的课程形态,与学科课程有着很大的差异。如何能够使该新型课程有效实施成为了基础教育研究的焦点。项目学习作为一种以活动为主的教学模式,与小学综合实践活动课程的教学理念高度一致。本文在探究了项目学习运用在小学综合实践活动课程的合理性基础上,结合案例对项目学习在小学综合实践活动课程的实施进行了分析,以期能为小学综合实践活动课程的实施提供一些借鉴。  相似文献   

综合实践活动是基于学生的直接经验、密切联系学生自身生活和社会生活、体现对知识的综合运用的课程形态。是一种以学生的经验与生活为核心的实践性课程。它与其他学科课程领域有着本质的区别,是我国基础教育课程体系的结构性突破。  相似文献   

新一轮基础教育课程改革在改革课程结构方面有了重大的突破,提出了综合课程这一新的课程形态.新生事物的发展必然不会一帆风顺,综合课程在其发展过程中遭遇了理论研究与实践应用两方面的困境,但这并不是不可逾越的鸿沟,而是新生事物向前迈进的必经之路,只要经过适当的调适,提出相应对策,它反而会成为综合课程前进的动力之源.  相似文献   

超验主义源于美国19世纪的思潮运动。它出自对宗教改革的需求,对人性进行了更为全面的诠释。随着时代的进步,课程观念的不断发展,原有的课程观念不得不面临整合及重组。以超验主义的核心思想建构一种新的课程观,能对当下受工具理性支配的传统观念提供借鉴,以期更好地发掘课程理论的价值,并在实践中能对课程本身所具有的意义赋予全新的思考。  相似文献   


Business studies has enjoyed a remarkable change of status in the 14‐18 school curriculum since 1986. This change has been interpreted by Williams and Yeomans (1994) as a case of the ‘new vocationalism’ put into practice. It is argued here that this transformation has been rather more complex. If a school subject changes its status in the academic/vocational spectrum it is pertinent to ask whether this is a sign of an overall change in the curriculum (e.g. the ‘new vocationalism') or the development of a single subject title within a broadly static curriculum structure and philosophy. These alternatives are summarized and the recent history of business studies is reviewed. It is suggested that the changing status of business studies reflects the way in which it has successfully responded to the academic values which dominate the secondary school curriculum in England and Wales. However, it has achieved this transformation while, according to a deputy head interviewed in this study, retaining the image of being ‘vaguely vocational’. This ambiguity has enabled the subject to flourish in vocational (GNVQ) as well as academic (A level) contexts, but it leaves it vulnerable in each sphere. GNVQ advanced business1 teaching in schools can bear a very close resemblance to A level teaching, prompting the question of whether a ‘vocational course’ is really providing a distinctively relevant preparation for future employment. The association of business studies with the vocational curriculum leaves its academic credentials under question.  相似文献   

综合实践活动课程是基于学生直接经验的、密切联系学生自身生活和社会生活的、体现对知识的综合运用的一种新的课程形态。与学科课程相比,其最大的特点之一就是没有现成的固定的教材,强调的是学生亲身经历和实践,具有整体性、实践性、开放性、生成性、地方性特点。要采取有行政和社会支持的、相关管理措施和评价体系配套的"弹性课时制"来安排综合实践活动,集中时间来开展,使综合实践活动的开展更具灵活性和可操作性。  相似文献   

综合实践活动课程是当前我国基础教育课程改革的一项新举措 ,是对课程结构的新突破。它以学生的直接经验和体验为基础 ,密切联系学生的生活世界和社会生活实践 ,在以学生自主探究活动为特征的实际操作过程中达到对知识的综合运用 ,从而实现学生对知识的自主建构。作为一种新课程 ,综合实践活动课程在基本特征、目标、内容、实施和评价等方面与其他课程有着本质的区别。  相似文献   

新课程改革中,新的知识观对我国课程的理论与实践产生了很大影响。但现在对知识观与课程关系的研究出现了一些片面现象。因此,对知识观与课程关系的研究现状进行梳理,明确研究的思路和框架,并指出研究的不足和研究的方向是很有必要的。  相似文献   

In the 2000s, the new national curriculum, dubbed as the ‘yutori curriculum,’ introduced a new subject for project-based learning ‘Integrated Study’ as its prominent feature. Comparing curriculum orientations in project-based learning in three historical periods after the WWII including Integrated Study, this paper aims to offer a genealogy of postwar Japanese school curriculum primarily based on a critical reading of the national curriculum guidelines on project-based learning, which is emblematic of the extending power of postwar Japan's curriculum authorities. Although Integrated Study was purportedly child-centered and put emphasis on each child's personal relevance and each school's autonomy, the finding of this study shows that Integrated Study in the yutori curriculum was rather a technology that disciplined schools, teachers, and classroom processes to shape children into morally good and cognitively flexible Japanese nationals. Despite its rhetoric of child-centeredness and personal relevance, the introduction of Integrated Study as part of the yutori curriculum was ultimately part of the state's move to gain further control over schooling.  相似文献   

A new study in Melbourne, Australia, has investigated curriculum change in religious education against the background of literature on curriculum change in education in general. Amongst its several findings, it was ascertained that clear information and theoretical understanding about a curriculum change in religious education is just as important as it is in any other field of study. In the absence of such information and understanding the leaders who were responsible for implementing the curriculum change in religious education made certain curriculum accommodations, and emphasised particular professional development activities for teachers that were not in keeping with the theoretical underpinning of the change. The implications for ‘top down’ curriculum change, such as those mandated by Church authorities or state authorities, are significant.  相似文献   

调查发现,中职教师课程实施认知能力表现为多元取向并存,但与实际行为有不一致的现象。中职教师课程实施实践能力方面,技术工艺生产属性有待进一步融入;关注学生综合职业能力发展,但不了解新技术职业对人才素质要求状况;学生与教材内容、教学设计之间的差距迫使教师在课程实施中不得不灵活调整;在课程内容更新中,与企业生产实践对接的常态化不足;尝试使用新的教学方法,但是还不能完全轻车熟路。中职教师课程实施反思能力表现为有反思但是自觉程度有待提高。中职教师课程实施能力的培养需要加强职前教师教育的课程素养教育、开展职后中职教师企业实践的培训、优化中职教师课程实施的外部环境。  相似文献   

Grant-funded curriculum development efforts can substantially impact practice and research in science education. Therefore, understanding the sometimes-unintended consequences of changes in grant priorities is crucial. Using the case of two large funding agencies in the United States, the current portfolio review provides insight into these consequences by examining shifts in the characteristics of K-12 science curriculum materials funded during two time periods with differing funding priorities. Findings revealed a move away from comprehensive curricula, increased reliance on technology-based materials, a growing trend towards open access, but also a decrease in teacher supports. While these shifts may enhance teachers’ flexibility to shape curriculum, they also increase the challenge of ensuring curricular coherence. Recommendations are outlined for policymakers, science education researchers, and curriculum developers.  相似文献   

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