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高等师范院校“综合型”教师人才培养模式的探索   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文针对当前我国高等师范院校教师教育培养模式存在的问题,以及基础教育新一轮新课程改革对新型师资规格的需求,总结了当前部分高师院校进行的综合型教师教育改革试点的状况,提出了构建适应基础教育改革需求,特别是适应西部民族贫困地区基础教育改革的高师院校教师教育"综合型"教师培养模式,包括主辅式、整合式、分—综式(专升本)培养模式等。  相似文献   

全面分析了现行高师培养模式与中学素质教育的矛盾 ,对高师培养模式进行了重新定位 提出了高师实施素质教育的新思路  相似文献   

高校教师的教学、科研水平影响着高等教育的质量,而通过培训则能够提高教师的教学、科研水平。文章以美国几所高校为例,分析了美国高校教师的职前培训、教师培训内容以及培训的保障措施,并提出了美国高校教师培训对我们的启示。  相似文献   

高师公共课程体系的科学设置对培养合格的中学教师具有极其重要的作用.我们在昆明地区中学教师中进行了广泛深入的调查.调查涉及到中学教师对高师公共必修课、选修课的具体认识及改革建议.调查结果表明,多数中学教师认为高师公共必修课程对中学教育的适应性较高,并认为在高师开设丰富多彩的公共选修课很有必要.同时,针对高师公共课程体系存在的滞后性的问题、及其改革提出了建议.  相似文献   

针对当前我国高等师范院校教师教育培养模式存在的问题,以及基础教育新一轮新课程改革对新型师资规格的需求,总结了当前部分高师院校进行的综合型教师教育改革试点的状况,提出了构建适应基础教育改革需求,特别是适应西部民族贫困地区基础教育改革的高师院校教师教育"综合型"教师培养模式,包括主辅式、整合式、分—综式("3+2"专升本)培养模式等。  相似文献   

As China transitions from teacher education to teacher training, its vocational teacher development system should focus on vocational and technical teacher education institutions with the participation of other higher education institutions. The advantages and unique functions of vocational and technical teacher education institutions should be fully used and recognized in order to adapt to the transition and build an open development system for vocational teachers.  相似文献   

市县教育行政部门可考虑对教育教学研究和教师培训两大工作机构的调整、建设。新组建的教科室(院):打破教研、教科研分设的工作框架,继续强化研究、服务,逐步淡化原教研室的管理职能。教师研训中心:行使原教师进修学校培训教师的管理职能;对接于省教师培训中心,自“上”而“下”培训教师;衔接于同级教科室(院),导引教师研究教育教学,促进教师专业发展。  相似文献   

This article contributes towards the current debate over the role of higher education in initial teacher training. It begins by outlining the background to the debate, and then focuses upon two of the main issues; that of contestability, which concerns whether or not schools significantly challenge, or threaten, the pivotal role in initial teacher training which higher education has traditionally held, and that of financial costs, which concerns whether or not student teachers can be trained cheaper outside of the higher education sector.
The article presents findings of the authors'research, a study comparing teacher training carried out by higher education institutions, in partnership with schools, with a newly established model of training provided by consortia of schools. The implications of these findings for the role of higher education in initial teacher training are examined, and recommendations are made for policy which would allow schools and higher education institutions to work together to provide improved teacher training.  相似文献   

面授和网上教学有机结合的整合式教学越来越成为高校教育和培训的主要模式。本文旨在介绍和分析香港理工大学教学发展中心(简称EDC)如何通过网上教学平台的功能,与面授教学结合起来,发挥面授教学和网上教学的各自优势,使教师培训更加有效。EDC的实践表明,在大学教师培训课程中,发挥网上教学的优势,能帮助学员弥补由于有限的面授教学产生的师生之间、学员和学员之间互动的不足。在网上学习中,通过互相的学习观摩和观念碰撞,能激发学员的学习兴趣,有效地促进学员之间进行探究性学习,同时,这种集体学习的方法,能促进在职教师之间的友好交往和学术交流。  相似文献   

Nationally approved adult numeracy teacher training programmes were started in September 2002 following the introduction of subject specifications by the Department for Education and Skills and the Further National Training Organisation in England. These programmes delivered by higher education institutions and further education colleges were found to consist of a wide variation of course structure and delivery style. This article offers a conceptual typological framework to classify the diversity of these programmes. It uses examples of adult numeracy courses drawn from a research project which investigates the diverse curriculum approaches to teaching the subject specifications, the issues around implementation, and the way that subject knowledge was translated into classroom skills. The typology uses Bernstein’s theories on curriculum knowledge, transmission and recontextualization of pedagogic processes as a framework to classify and enhance our understanding of the raison d’etre of this subject area of teacher training courses, that is, to teach trainees how to be teachers of adult numeracy. The article also offers an ‘ideal’ teacher training course where some of its elements are drawn from best practices identified in the project. Finally, this article might act as a platform for practitioners to critically assess how adult numeracy teacher training courses might be structured and classified.  相似文献   


Post‐compulsory teacher training in England has been under review, and standards developed by the Further Education Staff Development Forum were to be launched in January 1999 as a precursor to a mandatory qualification for teachers in further education in England and Wales. Until now, many further education colleges have worked in partnership with higher education institutions to run Certificate in Education programmes, which aim to develop both practical teaching skills and critical knowledge and understanding of teaching and learning in a post‐compulsory context. A review of one such programme is outlined here. In a context where further education teachers must help to widen participation and promote lifelong learning, it is argued that any new arrangements for initial teacher training and continuing professional development need to include ‘competence’ in the practical skills involved in teaching and learning, but must also go beyond this, and aim to develop critical knowledge and understanding of the changing context in which staff work. It is argued that turning the new Further Education National Training Organisation standards for further education teachers in England and Wales into a National Vocational Qualification (NVQ) is inadequate to this task. A strengthened partnership between further and higher education providers to develop more robust and coherent approaches to professional capability is advocated.  相似文献   

法国教师教育大学化的传统与变革   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
法国是世界上教师教育机构建立最早的国家,教师教育具有悠久的历史和传统。20世纪60年代法国大学开始真正介入教师教育。1991年后,法国在各大学区创建大学教师培训学院,将之作为全国统一的大学水平的教师专业培养机构。法国教师教育大学化模式的基本特点在于:教师职前培养达成综合大学水准,教师职前教育与教师职后教育有机整合,从而努力实现教师专业化。面向21世纪,法国针对教师教育中存在的问题,采取各种措施不断改进大学化教师教育模式。  相似文献   

教师教育特色是指举办教师教育的不同类型、层次的高等院校,在促进教师发展的长期办学实践中所形成的独特的、持久稳定的办学模式和学校文化。其本质特性表现为培养目标的针对性、课程设置的特殊性、品德教育的重要性、教育实践的人本性、教育文化的民族性。教师教育特色在培养对象和模式等方面有不同的表现形式。科研优先,引领方向;教研并重,打造特色;教学为本,服务地方分别是建设有教师教育特色高水平研究型大学、教学研究型大学、教学服务型大学的路径选择。  相似文献   

合作伙伴关系是20世纪90年代以来国际发展援助的新趋势之一。在美国政府资助下,美非高等教育机构在师生交流、教师培训、合作科研、联合开发课程、远程教育及人力资源培训等领域开展了广泛的合作。学术合作取得积极成效的同时,也产生了一些消极影响,如加剧了双方的不平等、导致非洲高等教育机构的内部分化、容易受政治因素影响等。因而,美非高等教育机构需建立有助于问题解决、真正平等的合作关系。  相似文献   

面向农村:城市化进程中的地方师范院校科学定位   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高等教育的大众化、高师院校的转型和教育系统内部人事制度的改革,使师范教育逐渐被边缘化。师范院校办学定位模糊,师范体系内部缺乏合理分工,学校缺乏有效的教育引导.学生“农”的意识淡薄,师范生就业率持续走低,而农村教师依然存在着结构性紧缺。在我国城市化进程加快发展的大背景下.地方师范院校应将面向农村基础教育作为自己办学的科学定位,改革教师教育人才培养模式,加强师范生的教育实践,强化师范生“农”的职业责任教育,从而为农村基础教育培养高素质专业化师资。  相似文献   


Many education systems worldwide have undergone major reforms over the last two decades or more. Educational reform cannot take place without major consequences for teacher education. This article focuses on the way teacher education has responded to education reform in two countries, namely the United States of America and England. In the former, the reform efforts were widespread but each endeavour was guided by different priorities. In particular, the trend towards Professional Development Schools has been viewed as encouraging but ultimately their success must be measured by longitudinal research over a period of time. In England the reform movement can be described as a shift towards school-based training of teachers with schools as the lead partners in educating novice teachers. The experience of these countries has particular relevance for the South African education system. It shows that what is needed is a revitalisation of research on teacher education. Successful teacher education institutions and programmes share distinct features, inter alia, a clear shared vision of good teaching, well-defined standards of practice and performance, intensively supervised practical experiences, and strong relationships between training institutions and reformminded local schools.  相似文献   

Since 1998, the Flanders’ educational government in Belgium has been urging teacher education institutions by decree to implement competences in teacher training programs. Since then, years have gone by, and institutions have acted in order to achieve the competence-based goals. However, have they succeeded in implementing them? This is the research question that is central to the current study. An online survey inquiry was set up in eight elementary teacher education institutions using two questionnaires; one for final year elementary institution pre-service teachers, who were about to graduate at the time of completing the questionnaire (N = 218), the other for teacher trainers throughout the elementary teacher training program (N = 51). Ten years after the decree was issued, results show that competence-based education has become a reality in terms of its implementation. However, the process has not yet come to an end. Whereas some competences are clearly present in the institutions’ policies and practices (e.g. teacher as guide to learning and development, teacher as subject expert), others are poorly represented (e.g. teacher as partner of parents, external parties and as a member of the educational community). Moreover, teacher trainers tend to take four different approaches to the implementation of competences (1) during internship, (2) through the institution’s policy and program planning, (3) by means of their integration in both theoretical and practical components of the curriculum and finally, (4) a lack of implementation because the competences are considered insufficiently applicable by the teacher trainers. In particular, more experienced and subject expert teacher trainers tend to adopt the final approach more often than do younger colleagues and pedagogues. Student teachers’ results, on the other hand, suggest important differences between institutions concerning their understanding of competences and the integration of these competences in the curriculum; suggesting different paces of adaptation between teacher education institutions. Moreover, even within schools, the trajectory towards implementation is not always clear for all members of the teaching team, nor for the students of most teacher education institutions. Consequently, there is still important work to be done in order for successful competence-based change to occur.  相似文献   

The article reviews the general context of the situation that has arisen in Russian education after the new provisions of the Federal Law of 29 December 2012 “On Education in the Russian Federation” went into effect. The law has been enacted in response to the need to develop a new concept of teacher education. Currently, about 270 institutions of higher education, about 30 percent of Russian universities, are implementing programs in the field of teacher education, and the proportion is growing. The author presents the main results of monitoring the activities of teacher training institutions in Russia and notes the new content and organizational challenges facing the project of modernizing teacher education.  相似文献   

南京国民政府时期,初等教育发展较为迅速,中小学教师培训随之进入制度化、规模化和多样化时期,在教师培训体制机制、理念和模式等方面均有创新,为后来中小学教师培训提供了一些重要经验,值得我们今天关注、研究和吸取。  相似文献   

论高师办学与课程实践的互动发展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
培育高素质师资是教师教育改革与基础教育发展的共同责任。实施新课程六年来,中小学教师存在诸多矛盾和困惑,既有教师在职专业持续发展方面的原因,也有职前教育中高师院校办学方面的原因。互动新课程中,基于教师专业化理念,高师院校重审教师教育的优势和特色,实施切实可行的专业引领策略,促进课程改革不断深入,既是坚定教师专业情意态度的职责使然,也是提升教师教育理性价值的现实要求。  相似文献   

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