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This paper presents results from a qualitative longitudinal study of students' transition into higher education engineering. The study aims at comparing upper-secondary school students' expectations of engineering with their actual experiences when encountering the engineering programme. It explores how this encounter provides a platform for students to become integrated during first year. We find that students' expectations are poorly met by their first-year study programme. In their attempt to bridge the gap between their expectations and their experiences, the students apply three strategies: some endure the gap, some constantly try out different study strategies and some compromised their expectations and identities to become more aligned with the study programme. The findings show that even when students successfully manage to bridge the gap, their strategy may turn out to be counterproductive from a learning point of view. The implications of the study are discussed.  相似文献   

Considerable attention has been devoted to factors affecting the persistence of women and historically underrepresented ethnic groups in their science education trajectories. The literature has focused more on structural factors that affect longitudinal outcomes rather than classroom experiences. This exploratory survey study described relationships among high school chemistry students’ perceptions of a constructivist learning environment (CLE) and STEM career expectations. The sample included 693 students from 7 public high schools within the San Francisco Bay Area. Students’ perceptions of a CLE predicted their expectations of entering a science career, but not engineering, computer, health, or mathematics-related careers. When all groups of students perceived the learning environment as more constructivist, they were more likely to expect science careers.  相似文献   

This study investigates the effects of a competency‐oriented course and the effects of feedback training on students’ reflection skills. Thirty‐one nursing students enrolled in a conventional course with lectures and assignments following a traditional test. Subsequently, they enrolled in a competency‐oriented course, which included more performance‐oriented tasks based on competencies and a performance‐based assessment. In both courses, half of the students received feedback on their assignments from tutors who were trained in feedback skills (experimental group), while the other half of the students received feedback from non‐trained tutors (control group). After each course, all students wrote a reflection report. Results show that students’ reflection reports after the competency‐oriented course were of a higher quality than the reports after the conventional course. Contrary to our expectations, the quality of the reflection reports of the control group (students supervised by non‐trained tutors) was significantly higher than the quality of reflection reports of the experimental group (students supervised by trained tutors). This study shows that a competency‐oriented design of courses enhances students’ reflection skills, but that the training in feedback skills needs to be reconsidered.  相似文献   

Teachers incorporate information from various sources as they form their academic expectations for students. The student record of prior achievement is the most salient factor that educators use to form their expectations for children’s achievement. Research on the factors that influence educator expectations has primarily focused on the ways teachers assimilate various pieces of information about students. More recently, there is an interest in moving away from this perspective and focusing more on teacher factors that may influence these differing expectations. The purpose of this research was to explore the factors that contribute to the formation of educator expectations in Full-Day Kindergarten. This study presents an in-depth examination of reports from Early Childhood Educators (ECEs) and teachers on their teaching philosophies, roles, teaching practices, and interactions that support students in meeting curriculum expectations. This study elucidates the differences in the two groups in terms of how their expectations are formed and in turn how they may affect processes leading to child outcomes. Furthermore, this research responds to existing gaps in the educator expectation field by extending the research to include the early years.  相似文献   

职业预期对中职学生职业能力的培养以及就业有着极为重要的作用,但这一核心理念并没有受到应有的重视。通过对中职学生与企业员工的问卷调查发现,两者的职业预期在学习进修、晋升空间与自我实现方面存在显著差异,且两者的职业预期所受到的影响因素上也同样存在显著性差异。由此可见,学校、企业和社会要更加关注中职生的职业预期,这样他们才会形成正确的人生观、价值观与择业观。  相似文献   

利用中西部十省份的数据,运用回归分析方法,探讨了大学生在大学期间的实习经历对其就业期望的影响状况。结果表明:大学生的就业期望在性别和家庭城乡背景上具有显著性差异;大学生的实习经历会对他们的未来工资收入预期来带一定影响,会明显地影响他们对不同就业部门的选择;理科和工科学生在大学期间有过实习经历会在一定程度上降低他们对未来工资收入的预期,在一定程度上则会增加文科学生对未来工资收入的预期;文科和工科学生在大学期间有过实习经历会明显地倾向于选择到国有部门就业,而对理科学生的影响则不具有显著性;大学生对未来工资收入的预期明显地影响着他们对就业部门的选择,收入预期越高越倾向于选择国有部门,且对文理工科学生的影响都是一致的。  相似文献   


The purpose of this investigation was to determine the degree of congruence of expectations between teacher and student within and among an innovative, process-oriented social studies program and conventional, content- oriented programs since congruence is theorized to be related to program satisfaction. The Watson Analysis Schedule (WAS) was designed to inventory the perceptions of seventy-one expectations for student behavior. It was administered in three similar suburban schools enrolling a total of 1,732 students taught by twenty-nine teachers in their eleventh grade social studies programs. The congruity of expectations for students and teachers was found to be greater for the two content-oriented programs than for the process-oriented program. However, on the basis of a previous phase of this investigation, the process-oriented program was characterized by positive responses of satisfaction by the students while the content-oriented programs were characterized by negative responses. Results lead the investigators to question the hypothesized relationship of satisfaction to congruence and to view satisfaction as more highly related to the nature of the role assigned to the learner.  相似文献   

Competition in the market is a perennial and ever‐increasing problem for independent schools. How schools can meet this pressure and find ways to attract (the best) students is a continuing question and one that will get more onerous as the government funding for education is, in relative terms, decreasing. One of the ways in which schools can show their worth is the attraction of the best teachers and being able to show potential clients how their staff contribute to the academic success of their graduating students. This study considers the relationship between teachers’ attitudes toward their work and the expectations and the extent to which their attitudes and expectations predict the academic achievements of their final year students. Results found that academic achievement is enhanced when school leadership provides an academically oriented context where values and expectations of high academic achievement are part of the school culture. Other teacher variables found to improve academic achievement are the teachers’ need for greater input into decision‐making at their schools; less formalisation of rules, procedures and process; and support through personnel, facilities, finances, equipment and resources.  相似文献   

The demands of modern industry contexts (so‐called Industry 4.0) are going to reshape the working world of future engineers. It seems obvious that these technological developments will affect higher education institutions with increasing intensity. For years, there has been a vivid discussion on the IT competences, which need to be developed by students in order to face emerging technology changes. To tackle the question regarding industry expectations towards future engineers, in this article a remote laboratory at a German university is analysed to identify potentials for future‐oriented teaching and learning in the light of the required competences for “Working 4.0”. Current scientific studies and industry agendas about Working 4.0 competences are identified, connected learning objectives are derived and the focused remote laboratory is linked to these objectives. As a result, it can be shown that this educational setting has the potential to reflect the complexity of Working 4.0. However, the results also show that the examined laboratory addresses only some of the competences in the context of Industry 4.0. Furthermore, it is argued in how far industry demands serve as the only basis for educational development efforts. The scientific studies and the industry agenda offer a limited and more political perspective on educational development. Nevertheless, based on the research in this article, it can be argued that remote labs (and online labs in general) have the potential to lift traditional laboratory‐based engineering education to a modern engineering education 4.0.  相似文献   

The university lecture rooms are the main work places where universities can develop their intermediary function between students and society. This function can be influenced by some factors: diploma curriculum, entrepreneurial environment and teacher research. The primary objective of this paper is to integrate these three factors in the lecture room. For that purpose, we started a new field in our centre: the innovation of quality in education. This field will provide the students with a work methodology in agreement with the professional world and will allow continuous improvement in the educational methodology. The experimental intervention was based on the application of the tools of quality to the problem-solving in telecommunications engineering. As a result, we detected the most significant troubles and we obtained guidelines to improve the design and development of the laboratory practices. Two main conclusions were obtained. First, we show that these quality techniques have been revealed as a powerful educational tool for continuous improvement. Second, the students made a good valuation of this way of making them approach their future engineering work. This work will lead us to new activities in the same field.  相似文献   


Over the past 50 years, research has shown that teacher expectations can influence student outcomes. Many studies have examined within-year effects. There is, however, a paucity of research that has investigated the stability of teachers’ expectations across a single year, and there are no studies that have examined stability beyond 1 year. The current study examined the stability of 94 teachers’ expectations within 3 separate years and across 3 years in mathematics and reading. In both subject areas, teachers’ expectations remained relatively stable from beginning to end-of-year for each separate year and also across 3 years. Additionally, teachers who under- or overestimated their students by more than half a standard deviation continued to do so across all periods in the study. This was despite the teachers having different students each year. The study suggests that teachers view students’ capabilities similarly despite having different student cohorts.  相似文献   

为考察研究生职业期望的现状及其与家庭经济压力、自尊的关系,对1673名研究生开展调查研究。结果发现,研究生职业期望重要性排序为自我发展、稳定性和声望地位;家庭经济压力对研究生职业期望没有显著影响,自尊水平对研究生职业期望有显著影响。应加强公平正义的职业发展环境建设,加强对女性就业权益的保护,同时学校教育层面应加强对学生自尊水平的培养和保护。  相似文献   

问卷调查安徽省53所学校校长、4 010名初三学生,运用两水平多层线性模型,探查影响学生学校适应性的因素。研究发现:(1)学生学校适应性校际差别不大。(2)在学生个体层面,兄弟姐妹数量越少、家长学习期望越大、家长学习参与越多、个体知觉的同学关系与师生关系越积极,学生学校适应性就越好。(3)在学校层面,未发现有影响学生学校适应性的因素。  相似文献   

利用2019年"中国本科教与学调查(CCTL)"数据,对中国高校工科本科生主动学习特征及其影响因素进行了实证分析。分析结果显示,工科本科生主动参与频率显著低于总体。不同性别、不同学校类型、不同年级工科本科生主动学习水平存在显著差异,男性工科生主动学习水平显著高于女性工科生,普通高校工科生主动学习水平显著高于一流大学高校与一流学科高校,大一、大四工科生主动学习水平高于大二、大三工科生。在影响因素方面,教师主动教学与教学满意度是制约工科生主动学习水平的主要因素,教师采用讨论与实地调研等主动教学方法越多,工科生主动学习水平越高。  相似文献   

Engineering educators should motivate and support students in developing not only technical competence but also professional competence including commitment to excellence. We developed an authentic assessment to improve students’ understanding of the importance of ‘perfection’ in engineering – whereby 50% good enough will not be acceptable in industry. Subsequently we aimed to motivate them to practise performing at their best when they practice engineering. Students in a third-year mechanical and mechatronic engineering unit completed a team design project designed with authentic assessment features to replicate industry expectations and a novel marking scheme to encourage the pursuit of excellence. We report mixed responses from students. Students’ ratings of their levels of effort on this assessment indicate that many perceived a positive influence on their effort. However, students’ comments included several that were consistent with students experiencing the assessment as alienating.  相似文献   

Feedback, talk and joint activities that build on knowledge and shared aims are powerful supports for learning. However, several studies of lower secondary students’ perceptions of teachers’ support indicate low teacher support. To investigate the quality of learning support, a content analysis instrument (CLASS) was used in analyses of 56 video-recorded lessons from 28 teachers in four lower secondary schools. This has allowed for a mapping of dimensions of quality feedback interactions, and results show significant and very strong inter-item relationships. The lessons analysed are characterized by a positive climate, and teachers emphasize encouragement, but feedback is found to be more encouraging than learning oriented. The results support previous studies based on students’ perceptions, but provide insights into practices that are necessary if a goal is to influence teachers’ professional learning.  相似文献   

In the literature, there is a general concern that a less number of students choose to study science, technology, engineering or mathematics (STEM). This paper presents results from a Danish longitudinal study which examines students’ choice of whether or not to continue studying STEM after upper-secondary school. In particular, this study focuses on students who held an STEM subject as one of their favourite subjects at secondary educational level, but who chose not to study STEM at the tertiary level. This paper explores how students’ perceptions of STEM relate to their identity work. The data used, primarily consist of interviews with 38 students at the end of upper-secondary school. The analysis explores the students’ expectations of what higher education STEM might be like. These expectations are contrasted with the first-year experiences of 18 of the 38 students who eventually entered a higher education STEM programme. The results show that the students who did not choose STEM, perceived STEM as stable, rigid and fixed, and, hence, too narrow a platform for developing and constructing desirable identities. The experiences of those students who actually entered a STEM programme turned out to be similar to these expectations. However, many choosers would also prefer their studies as less rigid and fixed. If the institutions could adjust to the form and content of the courses, it might both meet the interests of choosers and non-choosers and thereby both increase recruitment and retention at STEM higher education programmes.  相似文献   

通过对上海9所高校大学生工程技术素养的问卷调查,采用描述性统计与回归模型分析发现:大学生工程技术素养存在性别刻板印象,男生的工程技术素养显著高于女生。但在具体维度上男女生各有优劣,男生在工程知识、工程实践维度得分显著高于女生,女生在工程伦理维度得分显著高于男生,在工程技术维度,男女生没有显著差异。影响学生工程素养的因素方面,兴趣与职业期望对男女生的工程技术实践、技能均具有显著影响;学科类别、家庭所在地、学校类别对学生的工程技术知识、技能、实践均有不同程度的显著影响。建议从社会层面构建男女平等的文化氛围,加强女大学生工程技术兴趣培养,开设工程技术类通识课程,强化有德性工程师的培养,营造良好的制度环境等方面着手,提升不同性别学生的工程技术素养。  相似文献   

Too difficult, too abstract, too theoretical – many first-year engineering students complain about their mathematics courses. The project MathePraxis aims to resolve this disaffection. It links mathematical methods as they are taught in the first semesters with practical problems from engineering applications – and thereby shall give first-year engineering students a vivid and convincing impression of where they will need mathematics in their later working life. But since real applications usually require more than basic mathematics and first-year engineering students typically are not experienced with construction, mensuration and the use of engineering software, such an approach is hard to realise. In this article, we show that it is possible. We report on the implementation of MathePraxis at Ruhr-Universität Bochum. We describe the set-up and the implementation of a course on designing a mass damper which combines basic mathematical techniques with an impressive experiment. In an accompanying evaluation, we have examined the students' motivation relating to mathematics. This opens up new perspectives how to address the need for a more practically oriented mathematical education in engineering sciences.  相似文献   

As competition intensifies, higher education providers are facing ever more complex challenges in attracting and retaining students. These new marketing challenges have necessitated a need to more comprehensively understand the factors that lead to positive perceptions of the institutions services, as well as positive referral of the brand. This research focuses on students' perceptions of the importance of satisfaction, trust, and commitment in the development of student loyalty. In particular this research examines whether or not these antecedents differ for male versus female students. A structural equation modelling approach was adopted using a sample of 447 students. Despite literature which characterises males as task oriented, and females as relationship oriented, gender did not influence the salience of the antecedents to loyalty. These results show that first and foremost both gender groups seek to form affective and emotional bonds with their institution and hence a sense of psychological closeness to it. Student satisfaction was found to be the second most important driver of loyalty across both genders. Conclusions, implications and opportunities for future research are presented. From a managerial perspective, it is expected that uncovering the importance of key relationship marketing constructs between genders will enable higher education institutions to develop more targeted relationship marketing programs.  相似文献   

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