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郭万盛 《青年记者》2006,(18):46-47
中西新闻传播不同的价值取向严格意义上讲,中国新闻事业的诞生是近代“西风东渐”的结果。中国近代报刊从编辑、经营到发行都几乎全面模仿西方。但是中国的媒介功用与西方却并未协同一致,中国媒介追求价值观念的传输,在西方媒介则主要追求新闻信息的传播。中国近代报纸从诞生之  相似文献   

社会新闻是都市类报纸的主要内容之一,它与时政新闻、经济新闻、国际国内新闻、文化体育新闻等共同构成了都市类报纸丰富的新闻内容,深受广大受众的关注和喜爱。因为社会新闻广受关注,所以研究社会新闻的价值取向具有重要的现实意义。很多时候,一张都市  相似文献   

我国的现代报纸,是从古代报纸、近代报纸演变发展而来的。作为今日报纸重要组成部分的新闻,其语言也经历了一个演变和发展的过程。这种演变和发展的过程,首先表现为从文言新闻变为白话新闻。这是我国新闻史上的一项重大变革。从文言新闻到白话新闻,大致经历了三个时期: 一,文言新闻占统治地位的时期从现有的材料看,我国古代报刊的新闻都是用文言写的。1815年出版的《察世俗每月统计传》,标志着我国近代报刊的开始。从那时到戊戌维新时期的八九十年间,新闻语言仍然是文言占统治地位。  相似文献   

一、报纸版式设计的基本原则版式是报纸内容的表现形式,首先要符合新闻传播规律,方便读者阅读新闻;其次受制于排版、印刷条件的限制;它与当时的社会政治经济的发展、人文审美价值取向  相似文献   

金臻庠是宁波民国报刊史上一位重要的报人。他将一生的主要时间和精力都用于报刊活动,共创立两份报纸,即《詹詹报》和《时事公报》。其中《时事公报》是宁波近代报刊史上刊行时间最长的民营报纸,是金臻庠追求独立办报的新闻理念和新闻实践活动的集中体现,也是金臻庠一生报刊活动的成功大作。  相似文献   

方汉奇,新闻史学家,1926年生,广东普宁人,1946年考入苏州国立社会教育学院新闻系,毕业后从事报刊史料整理研究工作,后在多所大学执教,现任中国人民大学新闻系教授,博士研究生导师,主要著作:《中国古代的报纸》《中国近代报刊史》等。  相似文献   

方汉奇,新闻史学家,1926年生,广东普宁人,1946年考入苏州国立社会教育学院新闻系,毕业后从事报刊史料整理研究工作,后在多所大学执教,现任中国人民大学新闻系教授,博士研究生导师,主要著作:《中国古代的报纸》《中国近代报刊史》等。  相似文献   

创办于1884年的《述报》是近代早期国人创办的重要报刊之一,该报以报道中法战争而享有盛誉。而作为地方性的报纸,该报也对广东地方新闻较为关注,包括对广东时局、社会新闻和民俗风情等方面的报道。因而该报对研究当时的社会状况有较为重要的文献价值。  相似文献   

在中国封建社会中,历代统治者在思想文化领域均实行文化专制政策,社会民众不具有任何的言论自由,更罔论以舆论监督政府的权利.随着近代报刊在华的产生、发展以及西方资产阶级新闻思想的传入,一部分先进的中国知识分子开始对报刊等大众传播工具及其舆论监督作用有了初步的认识,时人开始以报纸为舆论之机关.①《申报》对“杨乃武案”的报道正是诠释了早期报纸的舆论监督作用.在这宗案件中,《申报》作为外商在华创办的营利性民间报刊,充分发挥了报纸积极参与社会公共事务,并在政府施政过程中进行监督的功效,借助公众舆论的力量影响案件的发展和审判结果.《申报》对此案的报道开启了近代报刊舆论干预社会生活、监督政府施政行为之先河.  相似文献   

鸦片片战争前后,随着外国传教士在中国办报活动的开展,西方资产阶级的新闻思想逐渐传人中国.林则徐作为"开眼看世界"的第一人,也成为重视近代报刊的第一人,他与魏源致力于译报活动,为国人自办报刊的创办打下了基础.中国人自办近代化报纸,发端于洋务运动时期,1873年,艾小梅在汉口办的<昭文新报>,成为国人国内创办的第一份近代报纸.自办传媒的真正产生,有其一定的历史条件和社会基础.  相似文献   

This article assesses the potential for US news coverage offoreign affairs to influence US public opinion about foreigncountries during the latter part of 1989 and early 1990, a timeof dramatic changes in central Europe. The study draws on twosources of data: content analysis of US network news and wireservice coverage of nine countries (West Germany, East Germany,the Soviet Union, Hungary, Poland, Great Britain, France, Japan,and Israel) over a six month period, and a nationally representativesurvey of 1,117 US adults which measured opinions about thesecountries, conducted in early 1990. The study shows that thereis an important relationship between the visibility of foreigncountries in TV news and US public opinion about these countries.TV is more important than newspapers for influencing publicopinion about foreign countries. And attention to foreign affairsnews, rather than simple exposure to news, best predicts generalliking of a country. Finally, attention to television news coveragehad a positive and significant influence on sympathy with Westand East Germany in 1990, even if one had German friends, relativesor ancestors, or had visited Europe.  相似文献   

王志刚 《编辑之友》2018,(5):107-112
英国报业面对销量与收入的整体下滑,在实施裁员、减少印刷成本等措施的同时,加大了数字新闻市场的开拓力度.其中,大数据技术在新闻生产、受众服务和广告开拓方面得到广泛应用.在新闻内容生产方面,体现为新闻信息源的大数据甄别、新闻写作的人工智能应用和新闻作品的可视化呈现;在报业受众服务方面,体现为利用大数据强化社交媒体的充分运用和付费墙的不断调整;在商业运营方面,体现为广告市场的精准服务和数据资源的深层加工.  相似文献   

This paper examines journalists' changing sourcing practices in the context of an emerging media ecology initiated by processes of globalization, digitization, commercialism and concentration. Social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter or YouTube provide the means to access a more diverse range of sources, including civil society organizations and ordinary citizens. We developed a quantitative content analysis to examine to what extent Belgian news coverage showed signs of diverse sourcing practices during the 2011 uprisings in three Arab countries. We analysed a total sample of 1121 news items about the street protests in Syria, Egypt and Tunisia, in four Belgian newspapers (two popular and two quality dailies) and two Belgian broadcasters (the public broadcaster VRT and the commercial channel VTM). The analysis shows that ordinary citizens and non-mainstream groups are important news sources and that social media platforms are consulted relatively often compared to everyday foreign news coverage. In terms of inter-media differences, the findings show that broadcasters' dependency on video footage and eyewitness accounts is reflected in their use of ordinary citizen sources and amateur footage. Moreover, the analysis confirms that quality newspapers display more diverse and more innovative sourcing practices than popular newspapers.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes how major U.S. print and broadcast news media framed depression causal and problem-solving responsibilities at individual and societal levels over the past three decades. Results from the content analysis showed that the media placed more causal and problem-solving responsibilities on individuals than the society. However, references to societal solutions increased moderately over time. Organizational differences emerged in news attribution of responsibilities, as print media presented more individual-level causes while broadcast media focused more on solutions at both individual and societal levels. Additionally, local newspapers put more problem-solving responsibilities on individuals than national newspapers, while a cable news channel allocated more time to the discussion of overall depression responsibilities than network TV. Findings are discussed in the context of cultural orientations, organizational constraints, changing practice and trends in health news reporting, and the broader political/social environment in which the news media operate. Practical implications for health journalism, mental health communication and advocacy, and public health policy-making are discussed.  相似文献   

Research on news coverage of social protest has yielded evidence of a “protest paradigm,” a framework of common news attributes that contribute to the marginalizing of protesters as social deviants. Analysis here investigates whether adherence to the protest paradigm varies by structural characteristics of the communities in which news organizations originate. More specifically, news organizations in less pluralistic communities may exhibit lower tolerance for social conflict than news organizations in more pluralistic communities. This research compares newspaper coverage of social protest from communities with varied levels of pluralism. Results showed that newspapers in less pluralistic communities were more critical of protesters when local government was the target and were less likely to quote protesters in stories. Further, newspapers in less pluralistic communities were more critical of protesters when stories were on the front page than those appearing elsewhere in the newspaper. Implications for understanding the protest paradigm and influences of community structure on news coverage patterns were explored.  相似文献   

There is a paucity of research examining the everyday-life information seeking of young people, especially investigating the role that the news media has in providing information to young people for use in their everyday lives. A qualitative, interpretivist approach is adopted, involving 34 students, ages 18 to 25, from an Australian university. First, 20 students were interviewed about their news seeking (including topics and sources). Then 14 students participated in verbal protocol analysis, which involved a series of tasks concerning online and print newspapers. Lastly, students were interviewed about how they sought everyday-life information and whether they thought that they had incidentally acquired or encountered information on everyday-life topics in online or print newspapers in the recent past. Findings indicated that, contrary to expectations, traditional print media still played a role for young people, and social media were perceived as important for communication with friends, rather than for news gathering. Purposeful information seeking was more likely to occur online, but both print and online newspapers retained an incidental role in providing information to students for their everyday lives. Participants used a range of media to suit their particular needs and purposes. Thus, access to a wide variety of sources is important for everyday-life information seeking (ELIS) by young people.  相似文献   

This five-country study examined the extent to which the news coverage of the Iraq war by newspapers from India, Sri Lanka, Indonesia, and the Philippines and by one news agency from Pakistan is framed according to the principles of war/peace journalism outlined by Johan Galtung. The findings, based on a content analysis of 442 stories from eight newspapers, suggest a slight peace journalism framing. Two important factors shaping the news framing of the conflict and support for the war and for the protagonists in the war (Americans/British vs. Iraqis) are religion and sourcing. Newspapers from the non-Muslim countries, except the Philippines, have a stronger war journalism framing, and are more supportive of the war and of the Americans/British than the newspapers from the Muslim countries, which are more supportive of the Iraqis. Stories produced by foreign wire services have a stronger war journalism framing, and show more support for the war and for the Americans/British than stories written by the newspapers’ own correspondents.  相似文献   

Still the Same?     
《Journalism Practice》2013,7(4):373-389
This article analyses whether a specific news event is reported differently online compared to print newspapers. The question is hardly new but has increased in importance as more readers pass from print newspapers to online news. The conditions of news selection and production are discussed departing from the theories of market-driven journalism and media logic, and are related to aspects of audience needs and gratifications, as well as professional norms and standards. A content analysis of news reporting during the 2010 Swedish election campaign reveals no significant differences between how major newspapers reported the aspects, issues and actors online compared to in print. Individuals using online news received the same information about the election campaign as those reading the print paper, which indicates a displacing rather than complementary effect of online journalism on print journalism.  相似文献   

A content analysis of 4,507 tweets from 60 local news organizations in the United States was conducted to examine Twitter strategies used by the local news industry. Results indicate that local news organizations in the United States mainly used Twitter as an additional platform for news dissemination. While local TV stations and newspapers differed significantly in their use of tweet structures, content, and strategies, both followed the similar practices of their traditional media portals. In addition, the number of followers and total tweets of a news organization’s Twitter account, use of photos, hashtags, usernames, and tweet content predicted audience engagement with the site. Overall, local news organizations in the United States did not appear to use Twitter to cross-promote and/or supplement their traditional business practices. This research calls for more systematic, multi-dimensional social media management in local newsrooms.  相似文献   

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