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In baseball and softball, there is a rule that allows the home team to have the last at-bat and thus the final opportunity to win the game. However, in tournament play, this rule is often set aside and, instead, batting order is decided by other means (e.g. tournament rules, the flip of a coin). The purpose of this study was to examine the impact of the batting last rule on game outcome in NCAA men's regional tournament baseball. It was hypothesized that host (i.e. home) teams would win a greater percentage of the games in which they batted last compared with when they batted first. This hypothesis was not supported. Closer examination of the last inning of play showed home teams were no more likely to have won the game during their last bat than visitors playing other visitors. The results suggest that the batting last rule contributes minimally, if at all, to home advantage in NCAA tournament baseball.  相似文献   


Previous research has shown that experts exhibit superior response selection and skill execution during performance in youth sport. The purpose of this study was to examine differences in cognitive and skill execution components of game performance in young baseball players (N = 159) with, varying levels of expertise. Three levels of expertise (low-, average-, and high-skilled players) were identified at each age level (7, 8, 9, and 10 years of age). Game performance was videotaped, and measures of skill execution (throwing accuracy, throwing force, fielding, catching, batting average, and batting contact) and cognitive components (positioning, decisions) were developed from observational analysis. The results indicated that baseball skill execution during game play maximally discriminated expertise levels.  相似文献   

中美大学生篮球联赛赛制的比较研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
通过分析比较中美大学生篮球联赛的赛制,笔者发现CUBA联赛的基层预赛普遍采用的赛会制时间跨度短、比赛场次少,同时剥夺了多数院校的主场机会,未能真正体现基层预赛作为联赛基础的重要性;CUBA联赛分区赛存在名额太少,同时多数院校失去的主场机会;分区赛存在名额太少、各分区缺乏交流的机会以及强队过于集中等缺陷。而NCAA64强赛赛制科学、合理,为各队提供了公平竞赛的机会;为此,建议借鉴NCAA联赛的经验,改革目前CUBA联赛赛制。  相似文献   

棒球运动是以击球跑垒、跑垒得分的进攻行为与投球、接传球的防守行为相对抗为特点的运动项目.在棒球比赛中,投手的球投得好,就能控制击球员的击球,全面控制对方的进攻.因此投手投球的技术战术和心理战术起着十分关键的作用,决定了全局的比赛.通过结合近年来国内、外学者对棒球投手的运动生物力学研究成果,探讨投手投球技术战术及技术战术...  相似文献   

我国普通高校棒垒球协成立已经9年了,但我国普通高校棒球运动发展速度较慢,我国普通高校棒球联赛水平与想象相差甚远。通过对出席2012年7月"全国棒垒球联赛"开幕式领导的访谈、及对参加全国棒垒球联赛所有普通高校教练员及运动员调研。经过整理、分析问卷,找出我国普通高校棒球人才培养的途径,提出相应的解决对策。在现实训练、比赛及我国普通高校棒球运动的发展中具有重要意义。  相似文献   

通过对中国棒球队近10年来的重大洲际比赛进行追踪和分析,并与世界一流强队,亚洲三强(日本、中国台北、韩国)作对比研究,发现90年代初期我国成年棒球仍落后于亚洲三强的主要原因是击球技战术落后,多垒打率低。以技促击,以“多垒打”为主的击球技术,是我国成年棒球冲出亚洲的突破口。  相似文献   

In soccer, home teams win about 67% of decided games. The causes for this home advantage are still unresolved. There is a shortage of research on the psychological states of actors involved. In this study, we examined soccer coaches’ expectations, goal setting and tactical decisions in relation to game location. Soccer coaches (N = 297) with different expertise levels participated in an experimental, online management game and were randomly assigned to one of two groups, “home game (HG)” or “away game.” Participants received information on the game for which they were asked to make decisions in multiple points. The only differing information between groups was game location. Regardless of expertise, HG coaches had higher expectations to win, set more challenging goals and decided for more offensive and courageous playing tactics. Possible consequences of these findings concerning home advantage in soccer are discussed.  相似文献   

棒球挥击速度的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
应用高速动态分析仪对部分运动员挥击速度现状的解析参数进行了研究.得出从启动──中球的挥击时间:斜碰撞时是在棒速下降时进行的.现要求棒的挥击时间在100ms以内,投手球飞行至本垒前3.4m左右时棒开始启挥.  相似文献   

美国NCAA篮球联赛的发展历程   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
NCAA篮球联赛经过62年的发展,目前已形成了预赛、64强淘汰赛和决赛(四强赛)3个阶段。NCAA联赛的赛程分为东部、西部、中西部和南部四区,每区有16队,由高种子球队与低种子球队分别捉对厮杀,采取单淘汰制,连胜四场取得分区冠军后,即进入最后四强,由四支分区冠军队伍中再产生总冠军。  相似文献   

在中国武艺职业棒球之际,本对中国棒球队近10年的重大洲际比赛进行追踪和分析,并与世界一流强队,亚洲三强(日本、中国台北、韩国)作对比研究,发现90年代初期我国成年棒球仍落后于亚洲三强的主要原因是击球技术较落后,多垒打率低。以投促击,以“多垒打”为主的击球技术,是我国成年棒球在2008年奥运会取得突破的关键之一。  相似文献   

张天峰  朱菊芳 《体育学刊》2006,13(5):105-107
通过对参加十运会女子垒球决赛的11支运动队的技术进行统计,并与九运会前8名运动队的技术统计进行比较,结果发现:我国女子垒球运动员的击球技术总体水平有明显提高;各队的防守水平较九运会有所下降;受规则修改的影响,投手水平呈下降趋势,优秀投手在比赛中的作用被削弱。建议继续加强击球、防守能力的训练,提高运动员对赛场环境、比赛气氛的适应能力;创新投手训练方法,尽快培养优秀投手。  相似文献   

曹卫华 《体育学刊》2012,(2):109-115
对CBA 2010-2011赛季各队的攻守能力进行研究后发现:联赛成绩较好的球队具有较强且较均衡的攻防能力。据最佳分档准则,结合合理分档数表,可将CBA职业联赛竞争格局分为3档。强队在进攻指标(得分、2分率、3分率、罚篮率、进攻篮板、助攻)和防守指标(失分、抢断、犯规和盖帽)方面占有明显的优势。不同档次球队之间存在显著性或极显著性差异。而比赛中各方失误的几率大致均等,在防守篮板方面也不存在显著性差异。运用TOPSIS法与RSR法对篮球职业俱乐部队综合评价及格局划分具有一定的可靠性和参考价值。  相似文献   

The present study examined the relationship between aggression and game location in rugby league. We videotaped a random sample of 21 professional rugby league games played in the 2000 Super League season. Trained observers recorded the frequency of aggressive behaviours. Consistent with previous research, which used territoriality theories as a basis for prediction, we hypothesized that the home team would behave more aggressively than the away team. The results showed no significant difference in the frequency of aggressive behaviours exhibited by the home and away teams. However, the away teams engaged in substantially more aggressive behaviours in games they lost compared with games they won. No significant differences in the pattern of aggressive behaviours for home and away teams emerged as a function of game time (i.e. first or second half) or game situation (i.e. when teams were winning, losing or drawing). The findings suggest that while home and away teams do not display different levels of aggression, the cost of behaving aggressively (in terms of game outcome) may be greater for the away team.  相似文献   

对现阶段CUBA、大超联赛以及美国NCAA篮球联赛竞赛体制特征进行比较分析。我国两项全国大学生篮球联赛竞赛体制存在比赛场次少、分区不合理、衔接与融合关系弱、没有形成体系等问题。论证CUBA四个分区的合理性,改革CUBA赛制、增加比赛场次,扩充大超联赛参赛规模、理顺大超联赛与CUBA两者之间的关系等建议。  相似文献   

The present study examined the relationship between aggression and game location in rugby league. We videotaped a random sample of 21 professional rugby league games played in the 2000 Super League season. Trained observers recorded the frequency of aggressive behaviours. Consistent with previous research, which used territoriality theories as a basis for prediction, we hypothesized that the home team would behave more aggressively than the away team. The results showed no significant difference in the frequency of aggressive behaviours exhibited by the home and away teams. However, the away teams engaged in substantially more aggressive behaviours in games they lost compared with games they won. No significant differences in the pattern of aggressive behaviours for home and away teams emerged as a function of game time (i.e. first or second half) or game situation (i.e. when teams were winning, losing or drawing). The findings suggest that while home and away teams do not display different levels of aggression, the cost of behaving aggressively (in terms of game outcome) may be greater for the away team.  相似文献   

自2004年以来国内外人类学、体育学界研究者通过研究发现,参赛运动员(队)服装的颜色对体育比赛结果有影响,颜色对比赛结果的影响研究呈如下趋势:在个人项目和集体项目比赛中,当双方实力相当时,穿红色服装的运动员和运动队会赢,选手都没有穿红色比赛制服而是穿蓝色或白色,穿蓝色服装的运动员和运动队会赢。颜色对比赛结果的影响机制主要有,不同颜色比赛服装具有其特殊的内隐性;比赛服装颜色会引起植物神经内稳态偏离;不同颜色队服具有不同的视觉属性;不同颜色队服影响队员情绪体验的积极性。  相似文献   

The home advantage is a widely acknowledged sporting phenomenon, especially in association football. Here, we examine the second leg home advantage, an effect that is discussed in the public domain but which has received very little scientific attention. The second leg home advantage effect occurs when on average teams are more likely to win a two-stage knock-out competition when they play at home in the second leg. That is, both teams have a home advantage but this advantage is significantly greater for the team that plays at home second. Examining data from three different European Cup football competitions spanning 51 years, we show that the second leg home advantage is a real phenomenon. The second leg home team has more than a 50% probability to qualify for the next round in the competition even after controlling for extra time and team ability as possible alternative explanations. The second leg home advantage appears, however, to have decreased significantly over the past decade. Possible reasons for its existence and subsequent decline are presented.  相似文献   

Modern organized international badminton began with the founding of the International Badminton Federation (IBF) in 1934, consisting of nine founding member associations. The inaugural men’s Thomas Cup tournament began in 1948 when 10 countries took part. Malaya won the Cup four times in 1949, 1952, 1955, and 1967. When Indonesia took part in the tournament for the first time in 1957, there were 19 competing teams. Indonesia won the triannual tournament seven times from 1957 to 1979. Throughout the 11 Thomas Cup tournaments, only two Asian countries have won the Cup. The only European country, Denmark, qualified to play in the finals five times without a single win. Malaya (later known as Malaysia), Indonesia, and Denmark became leading Thomas Cup teams because they produced singles and doubles players that won many All-England Badminton Championship titles. The winners of these titles were generally considered the world champions. The key sources of information for this research consisted of the IBF annual statutes for listing of participating nations, tournament programmes, and rare specialized books on badminton and the Thomas Cup competition. English language newspapers such as the Singapore Free Press and the Straits Times published historical match results for checking the secondary data collected.  相似文献   

We examined the factors affecting the outcome of cricket matches played in the English one-day county cricket league. In particular, we focused on the home-field effect and the importance of winning the pre-match toss of a coin to determine a team's strategic decision to bat first or second. A home-field effect appeared to be confirmed in that home teams won 57% of all matches with a win/loss result. A logistical regression model was used, with the outcome variable defined in terms of a home team win/loss. We found that while winning the toss is an important aspect of a one-day cricket match, other factors tend to dominate in determining the result, especially team quality and match importance for the home and away teams in the overall league context. Our results also indicate, not surprisingly given the nature of cricket attendance and spectating, that the crowd effect is largely insignificant. The results of our study do not support any rule changes requiring the abandonment of the coin toss to determine batting order.  相似文献   

Although Japanese schools are generally considered to be one of the most gender-equitable social institutions in Japan, they play an important role in helping to reproduce and naturalize the notion of sex-based separate spheres, through endorsing the maintenance of such separate spheres in extracurricular sports clubs, such as baseball, where female student ‘managers’ act as surrogate mothers to the male team members: cooking, cleaning and engaging in other support work. Furthermore, the Japan High School Baseball Federation (JHBF)'s rule prohibiting female teammates from participating in official games (due to the ‘danger’ of injury to smaller, weaker females) discourages more athletically capable females from joining baseball teams in the first place, so that female students who do join high school baseball teams as players tend to be less likely to be athletically competitive. This both reinforces the image of smaller, weaker females and justifies the JHBF's policy, further strengthening the notion of the appropriateness of separate spheres. Moreover, the mass media encourage this, both by applauding the efforts of the female managers, and by giving details on the physiques of female teammates, thus subtly supporting the argument that females cannot and should not compete with males in baseball (or, by implication, in other male-dominated fields). Thus, these practices help to normalize the idea of sex-based separate spheres at a very real experiential level for high school students, as well as at a symbolic/ideological level for society as a whole.  相似文献   

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