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马欣 《考试周刊》2011,(84):27-28
月亮是中国传统文学中常用的意象,欣赏中国文学离不开对月亮的欣赏。张爱玲的世界中月亮的意象俯拾皆是,而把月亮这一意象发展到顶峰,则当推《金锁记》。在这片小说中,共六次描写到月亮,有的一笔带过,有的浓墨重彩,汇成一条动人的月亮河。  相似文献   

月亮以其独特的形象和丰富的寓意,自古以来一直受到作家的喜爱和重视,并成为文学创作中一个十分重要而常见的文学意象。本文以老舍和张爱玲为例,通过比较两人作品中月亮意象的异同,分析其差异背后的原因,揭示出月亮这一古老的文学意象在文学创作中的重要作用及其在现当代文学中新的发展变化。  相似文献   

严格说来,初唐并没有自觉地去形成、发展意象理论。但这一时期对“兴”的强调,对情与景关系的思考、对语言形式之美的有意识追求,以及对风骨的大力提倡,都为盛唐“兴象”说的提出作了积极的理论准备。所以,在古典诗歌意象理论的发展史上,初唐是一个非常重要的时期。与之相应,这一时期的诗歌创作也开始呈现出一些与前期不同的特点,盛唐气象初露端倪。  相似文献   

在李白和劳伦斯的作品里,"月亮"的意象占据了重要的位置.中国古代的天才诗人和英国现代的文学巨匠都通过各自的"月亮"表现了巨大的人格力量和深刻的哲理精神.本文将就这一意象的不同内涵及造成这种不同的深层原因展开分析,以揭示作家主体性格与作品意象之间的关系.  相似文献   

试论中国古代诗词中“月亮”意象所隐含的感伤情愫杜道群在浩翰如海的中国古代诗词中,无数次地重复闪现着一个朦胧而美丽的意象──月亮。“月亮”这个意象无数次地在古代诗(词)人的笔下出现,以致于有人说“我们的文学至少有一半是月光文学。”还有人说,“西方文学是...  相似文献   

月亮这一意象在中国文化中象征意义是非常丰富的。它是美的象征,是人类思念的化身,是人生哲理的象征。分析和探讨古代诗词中月的意象,对全面认识和理解诗人诗歌创作的多样化艺术风格和鲜明个性特色有着重要意义。  相似文献   

晏淑君 《文教资料》2006,(20):81-82
张爱玲小说中,月亮意象发展的顶峰当推《金锁记》。本文由张爱玲的生活经历入手,分析了《金锁记》中月亮意象的内涵,指出它对中国文学传统中月亮意象的继承与创新之处。  相似文献   

作为一个常见的文学意象,“月亮”在历代文人骚客笔下早已被吟咏千年:不论是抒情达意式的写景状物,还是寄托愁思般的咏物感怀,月亮总是能在中国作家的意气才情中呈现出氤氲朦胧的古典之美。然而自五四新文学以来,随着国人心灵的现代性裂变,那种唯美优雅的“秦时明月”已不复见于今日。  相似文献   

本通过对唐宋诗词中月亮意象的举例,分析归纳,揭示出月亮意象所蕴涵的象征喻义,并通过对唐宋诗词作的心态分析,揭示出“男子作闺音”现象的社会背景,作的心理原因,以及这一现象在整个中国学史上的独特的学价值。  相似文献   

“月”,是文学中永恒的意象,月亮有着许多的象征意义,最基本的象征之一便是自古以来的女性命运。中国的女性作家中最酷爱月亮意象的非张爱玲莫属,她的文字里的月亮意象可以说是俯拾皆是。《金锁记》是张爱玲小说中成就最高的一部作品。在《金锁记》这篇小说中,月亮统摄着全部的其余意象,用一种连贯的内在延续性显示了故事的悲剧性和悲剧的深刻性与一贯性。全篇共有多处写到月亮,每一种月亮都是不同女性的心境与命运的写照。本文着重分析月亮意象与主人公曹七巧、女儿长安与儿媳芝寿三个女性命运的联系。  相似文献   

徐涛 《四川教育学院学报》2006,22(2):53-54,F0003
充溢着美的课堂教学,能使师生感到心旷神怡。在课堂教学的整个过程中,课前对教材、教辅、教法、学法、学生等的直接观照,构思后形成的清晰完整的教学脉络,进而以充沛的感情生动形象地将其呈现于学生,使师生达到身与竹化的至高境界,是语文教学努力的方向。  相似文献   

ICTs (Information and Communication Technologies) are now widely used in schools: However, despite predictions, they have not revolutionized teaching and learning. Why is this? Does it matter? Should we care? This paper outline seeks to answer such questions and why we should care. School ICTs are informed by a range of different, and often conflicting ideas, with the result that student work is often “digital busywork”. The article argues that if ICTS are to play a useful role in helping us to re-develop our schools for the Knowledge Age, we need to re-examine some of our old ideas about knowledge. In particular, we need to re-examine the place and purpose of the traditional disciplinary knowledge that is the basis of the current curriculum.  相似文献   

Research involving standardized reading achievement tests has been widespread, but there has been little investigation into the relationships among the more widely used tests of reading achievement. In the present study, the Reading subtest of the WRAT, the Reading Comprehension subtest of the PIAT, and the SORT were compared with each other and with the WISC-R. Results showed a high correlation between the WRAT and the PIAT, a moderately high correlation between the SORT and the PIAT, and a very low correlation between the SORT and the WRAT. The WRAT and the PIAT had higher correlations with the various components of the WISC-R than did the SORT. These findings imply that the WRAT and the PIAT measure essentially the same dimension of reading achievement, possibly verbal fluency, but that the SORT is measuring a different dimension, one that is also tapped to some extent by the PIAT.  相似文献   


English language learners (ELL) are students with a primary language spoken other than English enrolled in U.S. educational settings. As ELL students take on the challenges of learning English and U.S. culture, they must also learn academic content. The expectation to succeed academically in a foreign culture and language, while learning to speak and comprehend the language itself, would be a stressful and challenging task for almost anyone. In comparison with non-ELL students, ELL students tend to demonstrate lower levels of academic achievement. The current study examined ELL students' perceptions on teacher power and its' influences on self-perceptions of learner empowerment. Quantitative data was collected measuring perceptions of teacher power use and self-perceptions of learner empowerment. Qualitative data consisted of twenty in-depth interviews with ELL students illuminating their perceptions of teacher power and its relationship to their perceptions of learner empowerment. Differences were found by language in coercive, legitimate, and expert teacher power. Four themes emerged from interviews; what good teachers do, what bad teachers do, what teachers should know, and understanding ELL students. Implications for educators and future research are discussed.  相似文献   

校园建筑规划涉及多方面的问题,诸如成本、不断发展的技术与美学、对环境的影响以及各种相关政策等。四位研究者从不同的角度对有关问题发表了自己的见解。  相似文献   

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