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加拿大作为实施宏观鉴定战略的"第一人",其经验被澳大利亚、新西兰、南非等国家所借鉴,而中国则是处于引进介绍的阶段.本文以加拿大宏观鉴定战略为例,分析得出该战略的成功实施有其现实需要的推动、鉴定理论的铺垫、多方协作的助力和鉴定框架的奠基四个必要条件,并针对宏观鉴定战略的适用性问题,分析其在中国运用的障碍因素,发现中国目前并不适合实施宏观鉴定战略.  相似文献   

从荷兰、加拿大、澳大利亚三国的档案鉴定实践出发,通过依次论述各国宏观鉴定理论下档案鉴定工作环节具体划分、不同鉴定主体的职能范畴,进而分析各国宏观鉴定理论下档案鉴定主体的组织与实践特点.希望能给我国的档案鉴定工作带来一些借鉴和启示.  相似文献   

宏观鉴定概念是我在1989年形成的,1990年起,我在加拿大国家档案馆(现为加拿大国家图书档案馆)负责将其应用于实践,一直到8年后我离开该馆到大学任教。宏观鉴定是进行档案鉴定的一套综合性理论、战略及方法。现代国家政府组织结构复杂、区域化严重,不仅形成了数量浩瀚的纸质文件,更面临大型数据库和办公自动化产生的电子文件或数字文件的保存危机,正是在这种充满挑战的背景下,宏观鉴定被提了出来。当然,这个方法也一直应用于其他类型的机构环境中。  相似文献   

本文对外国的“年龄鉴定论”、“行政官员决定论”、“职能鉴定论”、“文件双重价值论”、“利用决定论”、“宏观职能鉴定论”等档案鉴定理论进行了简析。认为这些档案鉴定理论都存在缺陷,并对这些档案鉴定理论进行了思考。对“外国档案鉴定理论发展了吗?”、档案价值是可知的吗?”、怎样保存‘社会记忆’?”谈了看法。  相似文献   

王烁 《兰台世界》2012,(5):32-33
宏观鉴定战略是重要的档案鉴定理论.在加拿大,宏观鉴定战略已经得到了良好的应用.那么到底什么是宏观鉴定战略呢?其真正的含义是什么?如何得到广大应用发展?在电子环境中能否继续得以应用?本文将对以上问题进行阐述.  相似文献   

本文从加拿大宏观鉴定理论产生的背景入下,阐述了该明理论的主要内容,并认为我国的档案工作从中可以得到几点启示:一是我国的档案鉴定理论应当从国家模式向社会模式转变;二是档案工作者应从被动档案保管者转变为积极的文件干预者;三是在进行微观鉴定之前有必要对文件整体实施宏观鉴定。  相似文献   

宏观职能鉴定理论近年来风靡档案学界,国内不少专家学者视它为进行电子文件和档案价值鉴定的法宝,并积极地运用于实践。笔者对这一移植而来的理论尚存疑义,认为对此还须理性思考慎而待之。一、宏观职能鉴定论的理论基础存在重大缺陷宏观职能鉴定论的主要内涵是:依据档案文件形成的职能来判断档案价值。加拿大T·库克指出:档案价值取决于社会结构,并通过社会职能来体现。宏观职能鉴定论通过鉴定文件反映的形成者的主要职能、计划和活动来确定档案价值。运用这种鉴定方法在认识判断档案价值时其理论基础是档案价值的客体属性论。要判定档案的…  相似文献   

本文从背景、具体实施等角度介绍了宏观鉴定理论在澳大利亚的具体实践,尤以职能分析为核心环节,并对比了宏观鉴定与职能鉴定的不同之处,希望为我国宏观鉴定理论和实践的发展抛砖引玉.  相似文献   

论来源原则与档案鉴定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
论来源原则与档案鉴定任宝兴加拿大档案学家T·库克先生在13届国际档案大会报告中,系统地总结分析了本世纪档案理论与实践的发展,提出“档案价值取决于社会结构,通过社会职能体现出来”的“新来源观”,并在本国推行了“新宏观鉴定接受战略观”和“后保管模式”,从...  相似文献   

档案理论已经发展了一百多年.档案工作者和档案学者提出了一些理论来选择和保存档案。将这些档案理论串联起来的一条线索是围绕档案鉴定的讨论。鉴定是档案工作中的一个重要环节,是关系到为什么称其为档案的问题。档案工作者是否应该或者怎样来选择成为档案的材料,已经成为理解档案理论的许多问题的关键,鉴定已经成为档案理论的代表。20世纪以前,档案工作者并没有注意到档案鉴定对档案理论的影响,但是随着时间的推移,  相似文献   

宏观鉴定实践的先驱——荷兰PIVOT项目研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
作为宏观鉴定理论实践的先驱,荷兰的PIVOT项目无论在荷兰还是国际上的影响都是深远的。本文介绍了荷兰PIVOT项目的背景和以机构研究报告和保管方案为核心的具体实施过程。在此基础上,分析了它的积极意义以及一些不足,希望为宏观鉴定在我国的发展抛砖引玉。  相似文献   

The author, who is Guest Reviews Editor for this special issue on macro-appraisal, introduces and provides context for four review articles, written by archival educators from Canada, the United States, and Australia, that discuss the most important works they use to teach macroappraisal and why these works are chosen. While each article demonstrates the unique characteristics of the archival education program in which the author is situated, they are united by a common theme—the need for educators to prepare students, as best they can, to take their places as practising professional archivists.  相似文献   

从2002年起渥太华市档案馆一直致力于探索建立城市电子文件管理体系,为此渥太华市档案馆进行了一系列的工作,包括将各种形式的现行和非现行的文件管理与其档案价值联系起来,按照业务分类法对各类电子文件进行分类管理,依据宏观鉴定方法确定档案保管期限与处置方案,并通过在线联合目录的方式为政府和公众提供利用服务等。渥太华市档案馆基于文件连续体理念,正在探索多元主体协同的信息治理新方案。  相似文献   

[目的/意义]宏观职能鉴定通常被认为是档案鉴定由“国家模式”走向“社会模式”的转变,从哲学基础、鉴定客体和价值追求来看,档案宏观职能鉴定的真正内核无疑是反映和尊重“社会”,但其是否为完全的“社会模式”、是否实现“知行合一”却有必要作进一步探析。[方法/过程]分别以“国家性”和“社会性”作为基本考察对象,分析阐述宏观职能鉴定对于两者的体现情况与程度。[结果/结论]宏观职能鉴定存在“国家性”有余而“社会性”不足的问题,若欲真正实现档案鉴定向社会模式转变的目标,应当将宏观鉴定与微观鉴定相搭配,将“自上而下”和“自下而上”的鉴定路径相结合,同时在鉴定时划分正式场域与非正式场域。  相似文献   

谢玉雪 《档案学研究》2020,34(3):122-128
融合可视化理论、叙事学理论拓展了数字档案资源服务的内涵。本文在数字档案资源的可视化叙事服务理论指导下,以案例研究形式对美国、英国、澳大利亚、加拿大典型数字档案资源—— 线上展览予以解析,基于其资源入口、展示界面、媒介形式、推广渠道的可视化和资源主题、结构、视角、语言的叙事性经验,总结出可视化叙事数字档案资源服务的一般模式,并从理念、制度、资源、平台四个方面提出具体实现策略。  相似文献   

It has been well documented that forms of media help create new communities, such as the public sphere and the nation. However, the origin of one major political institution has rarely been considered in this light: the political party. This paper brings together the theory on early party formation in North America and the theory on mediated communities to argue that the first public political organizations in Canada, which resembled modern parties in many ways, should be seen as constituted by the media. The paper presents the case of Upper Canada (1820–1841) where newspaper distribution linked partisans into new communities, and editors and politicians ‘imagined’ new political communities in the pages of their newspapers. Modern political parties should thus be seen as essentially mediated communities.  相似文献   

“Macroappraisal, the next frontier” describes a records disposition pilot project which was based on a refinement of the current macroappraisal methodology in use at Library and Archives Canada. Still very much a work in progress, the refined approach builds upon macroappraisal theory and methodology, and this paper presents its application to Fisheries and Oceans Canada, a major federal government department in the Government of Canada. The project focused on providing the institution with total records disposition coverage based on a single archival appraisal and two Records Disposition Authorities. This paper demonstrates the feasibility of appraising records at the mandate level instead of at the function or program level. It also outlines and points to the benefits and advantages of appraising large government institutions intheir totality rather than in smaller, discrete sectors, branches, or divisions. We wish to thank the journal’s readers for their comments on an earlier draft of this article. We also wish to thank Candace Loewen for her insights, comments, and encouragement. Thanks are also extended to our colleagues who commented on various aspects of the project during Library and Archives Canada (LAC) appraisal seminars. Kerry Badgley also wishes to thank Sarah, Paul, and Shannon Badgley for providing a daily reminder of why it is important to document the past.  相似文献   

The dilemma of implementing macroappraisal is to transform theory and methodology into selection and preservation of archival records through disposition procedures. Having shifted the focus from the record to the function from which it derives, how does a program or an appraisal project committed to the macroappraisal approach get back to the record to ensure compliance and accountability? This paper uses the experience of Library and Archives Canada (LAC) as a form of case study (a model for success) which examines how applied theory and program practice come to terms with each other. It analyses the tensions, the challenges, and the creativity that inevitably arise when turning macroappraisal from an appraisal methodology into a fully articulated archival disposition program whose final “deliverable” is the archival record. Making things simple, it turns out, is complicated.  相似文献   

Terry Cook 《Archival Science》2005,5(2-4):101-161
Macroappraisal as developed in Canada has had significant currency in archival literature over the past decade, and aspects of its program and ideas have been implemented in other jurisdictions. For the first time, this essay probes the theoretical and practical origins of macroappraisal in Canada since 1950 and why its originators no longer found convincing the predominant status quo on appraisal as articulated by T.R. Schellenberg. The essay then summarizes the theory of macroappraisal as articulated at the National Archives of Canada, and the strategic and program infrastructure developed in the 1990s to turn the new theory into operational reality. As no archival concept is universally locked in time, the evolution and changes in the macroappraisal program, both in theory and strategy, are also analysed in its Canadian home base over its first decade, as well as some internal and external criticisms of it. The essay intends to illuminate the deeper context of macroappraisal, so that an international audience may better understand its strengths and weaknesses. As the author is the principal architect of macroappraisal, the essay consists of equal parts of archival history, theoretical analysis, and personal reflection.  相似文献   

洪丽 《图书馆论坛》2005,25(4):56-58
以社会竞争中竞争对手将零次信息作为竞争决胜突破点为背景,从理论上对零次信息的价值进行了评述,详细论述了零次信息价值的评析方式。  相似文献   

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