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网络空间中存在结构化的媒介话语、民间政策话语和主流政策话语3种教育政策话语形态。与报刊、广播、电视等传统媒体关于公共问题的讨论相比,网络的话语主体更加多元化。网络拓展了公共议题的讨论平台,在一定程度上影响了政策的公共议程,为公众参与教育政策制订过程提供了机会,但是也存在明显的局限性。  相似文献   

以分析1999年以来年大学生创业政策的嬗变历史与演变趋势为逻辑起点,依据"双创"理念提出后政府出台的80份创新创业政策文本,采用文本量化研究方法,尝试勾勒政策议题、解析政策场域、描绘政策网络,致力将政策话语转换为具有解释性的学术话语,以期帮助大学生对当前政策环境作出正确研判.实证发现"双创"时代呈现出新的特征:一是政策场域扩大,大学生"双创"活力和改革红利得到进一步释放;二是政策议题切换,"创新—创业—就业—服务"成为"双创"时代新的话语逻辑;三是政策环境优化,以政府为主体的多元体系及创新创业教育环境不断健全.  相似文献   

教育政策的制定与实施可以看作是各种利益相关群体的话语表达、对话和理解过程。通过政策话语、学术话语、媒体话语和公众话语的展现去理解政策的形成和实施,是一种贴切、有效的途径。结合素质教育政策议题这一典型案例的分析,可以更加深刻地理解四种话语对素质教育政策所产生的不同影响。并且,随着新媒介时代的到来,如何应对各种话语充分展现给教育政策制定和实施所带来的机遇和挑战,将成为一个新的、值得思考的课题.  相似文献   

话语运动与议题建构:国家助学贷款政策的议程设置分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
对作为政策行动者话语登台、互动表现载体的媒介进行内容和语义框架的分析,可考察国家助学贷款政策议程设置过程中各政策行动者可能承担的角色。研究表明,尽管国家是建构这一议题的主导者,但该议题的演化已不完全是国家理性设计的结果,而是由政府有意图主导、媒介市场化改革及更广泛的社会心理氛围共同契合形成的话语运动所推动的。  相似文献   

以《中国日报》、《纽约时报》对中国2007年两会报道为个案,分析比较了在同一新闻事件的报道中,中关两国呈现出的巨大差异。通过不同的主题建构与新闻话语,两报塑造了迥然相异的中国媒介形象。这一案例深刻地印证了西方学者福柯的话语理论及传播学批判学派的观点:意识形态既是新闻话语背后无形的推手,又是新闻话语建构的目标,它深刻地影响和决定着新闻话语说什么和怎样说。  相似文献   

自2006年"办人民满意的教育"的政策目标提出至今,中国的教育政策开始通过公共舆情来密切关注民意所体现的对教育的满意程度。然而,现实中民众对教育议题的回应往往与政府的关注重点存在显著的差异甚至冲突,公共舆情正是彰显了政府与民众对教育议题与现实教育影响认识之间的共融与张力。本文以教育舆情为切入点,将2012年两份十大教育新闻榜单作为具有广泛影响力的一类典型民意呈现,应用话语研究中对证据的语词化分析与內容分析,勾勒出以新闻榜单为代表的民意与政府对教育政策的议题关注差异和背后的价值表达,展现出"办人民满意的教育"的教育政策目标在公共舆情中所面临的挑战与可能性。  相似文献   

《民办教育促进法》确立了我国民办教育的法律地位和作用。在多源流理论框架中,民办教育政策议题的问题源流是教育供给与教育需求的尖锐矛盾以及民办教育规模扩展引发的一系列问题;政策源流是政府官员、研究者以及民办教育举办者等提出的各种意见主张;政治源流是指党和国家"效率优先,兼顾公平"、"科教兴国"以及"依法治教"等意识形态。第八届全国人民代表大会第四次会议通过民办教育立法议案是触发机制。在触发机制的作用下,政策之窗打开,三源流汇合,促使民办教育政策议题形成。  相似文献   

"高校去行政化"已成为公众的教育舆论热点。以议程设置过程为视角,可以分析"高校去行政化"议题的提出过程及其成为公众舆论焦点的原因。在"高校去行政化"议题形成中,政策议程和政府官员起着决定性作用;媒介议程主要起着上情下达的宣传作用并且引导公众议程;公众议程在此过程中影响力相对较弱,更多受到政策议程和媒介议程的影响。  相似文献   

"台湾"一直是中美关系中的重要议题。笔者从话语模糊性的角度着重分析了中美三个联合公报及《与台湾关系法》等美国对台政策的重要依据及原则。通过对中英版本的对比及解读可以看出,双方的分歧并非措辞的原因,而在于原则及立场的不同。笔者以此为出发点,希望借此探求美国模糊性话语背后的动因、根本目的及其对双方战略博弈的影响。  相似文献   

美国《2016国家教育技术规划》体现了官方、学术、公众三重话语并置一处的鲜明特色。借用巴赫金"复调话语理论",梳理这三重话语在文本层面体现出的各自功能,分析其在实践层面为官方、学术、公众三类主体打开的话语空间,使他们既发出体现各自价值的声音,又相互构成对话,共同实现"三声部共鸣"的"复调"效应,推动政策实践。分析该教育信息化文本复调话语特色,可以为创新我国立体化政策话语体系,推动教育实践,提供借鉴。  相似文献   

通过对新中国成立以来《人民日报》中的职业教育相关报道进行话语分析,透视国家层面在不同时期对于职业教育的定位以及长期以来职业教育在官方媒体话语中的形象。研究发现,职业教育在国家政策层面越来越受到重视,整体形象良好。职业教育在报道中经常和发达经济体和地区一起出现,良好的地域形象有助于提升职业教育的媒体形象。职业教育被视为国家经济发展的动力,但同时职业教育和社会发展之间还存在脱节现象。《人民日报》越来越关注职业教育的具体发展措施和发展方向,其发展形象也逐渐由笼统抽象变得明确具体。媒体在职业教育形象的建构和传播过程中起着重要作用,尤其是国家主流媒体对于职业教育的报道是形成职业教育形象社会认知的基础。  相似文献   

回望2018年被社会公众高度关注又被媒体舆论广泛议论的高等教育话题,有利于在鲜活的历史记录的基础上,及时发现公众关注的高等教育热点问题、反思存在的高等教育现实问题、总结高速发展的高等教育改革问题,进而寻求促进高等教育持续发展的思路和道路。基于此,对浙江师范大学教育评论研究所网站"每日教育评论"栏目搜集每日高等教育热点话题,通过分析其影响程度并与"百度"搜索量进行比对和筛选,在确定每月一个高等教育热点话题的前提下,参照媒体舆论对每月热点话题的各种议论,以教育评论的视角进行理性梳理与简要评论。  相似文献   


Discourse has featured in studies of educational policy as an analytic and methodological tool, theoretical frame, realm of implication, and even a foundational definition of educational policy itself (e.g.) Despite the centrality of discourse as a frame for exploring educational policy and its implications, the ways that discourse is defined or operationalized in educational policy research are often left implicit which can lead to murky relations to larger onto-epistemological questions of how we construct findings from data as well as the nature of policy. In this interpretive analysis, we synthesize a corpus of 37 peer-reviewed journal articles that bring together educational policy and analyses of discourse from varying theoretical and methodological perspectives in order to better understand the breadth and scope of how discourse is defined and operationalized in studies of educational policy, including in ways that are sometimes incommensurate with authors' stated theoretical and methodological positions. After first laying the theoretical groundwork for analyses of discourse in the field of educational policy, we then illustrate how discourse analysis is used differently, and sometimes inconsistently, within contested paradigmatic landscapes. We conclude with an argument for discussions across theoretical frameworks and methodological paradigms about how the concept of discourse lends itself to different epistemological vantage points on educational policy.  相似文献   

The aim of this article is to examine the discourse of Icelandic compulsory school teachers on inclusive education. From 1974 and onwards, the education policy in Iceland has been towards inclusion, and Iceland is considered to be an example of a highly inclusive education system with few segregated resources for students with special educational needs. In particular, the article focuses on what characterises and legitimises teachers' discourse on inclusive education, the contradictions in the discourse and how teachers have involved themselves in the process. We use the approach of historical discourse analysis to analyse the discourse as it appears in interviews with teachers and media articles on education as well as in key documents issued by the Parliament. The article provides an insight into the complexities of this topic and draws attention to underlying issues relevant to inclusive education.  相似文献   

This paper gives an account of competing public discourses on schooling. In particular, it investigates one newspaper's coverage of the release of an educational report. The paper combines interview data with a critical discourse analysis of newspaper texts to show how media reporting of Queensland schools constructed a preferred discourse on education that represented schools as being in crisis, 'in trouble'. The analysis describes how the paper shaped popular opinion on educational policy through the construction of public discourses of crisis in education. Further, the analysis shows how this discourse positioned particular groups as the authoritative voice on standards in Queensland schools. It shows how, at a time when teacher quality was under question, the media constructed a public discourse that diminished the authority of teachers to speak about education policy, granting that authority to the newspaper's editor, who assumed the people's voice on educational issues. This analysis of the construction of public discourses about education policy gives insights into the media's place in educational policy-making. In so doing, the paper adds to the small body of literature that investigates the relationships between the media and education.  相似文献   

The issue of grammar and its explicit teaching has recently reemerged in Singapore as a topic both within the English teaching profession and in public discourse about education. As studies in other educational contexts have shown, debates about the role of grammar in political discussions and in the popular media typically proceed in terms of a discourse of crisis and falling standards. As such, they recycle certain claims and images characterized by "myth, caricature and limited forms of binary or oppositional thinking" (Green & Beavis, 1996, p. 1). My particular interest is in the ways in which this discourse of crisis constructs Standard English and the local vernacular, as well as English-language teachers and the role of grammar teaching. This article undertakes a critical reading of the media texts around the debate and examines them in terms of their overall generic staging as well as Silverstein's (1996; reviewed in Collins, 1999) semiotic framework that he proposed for the analysis of contemporary preoccupations about standard language in the United States.  相似文献   

研究媒体折射出的残疾人身份对于当前我国构建和谐社会和传播正能量都有着重要的意义。文章从系统功能语法角度,考察情态和评价资源等语言项目,试图揭示新闻语篇中残疾人身份的建构。语料来自China Daily中有关残疾人报道,采用定性分析的方法。研究发现媒体折射出的残疾人具有弱势身份、患者身份和自强身份;媒体在构建残疾人身份时,运用的话语策略,不利于残疾人主体身份的构建,媒体有义务采用有利于话语和谐的策略推动和谐社会的建设。  相似文献   


This critical paper investigates one influential post-millennial initiative – the Daily Mile programme – which is designed to promote the multifarious lifelong enhancing benefits of running-based experiences. A textually orientated discourse analysis of the language used in media, policy and research-related documentary sources of evidence are used to critically review the role stakeholders, academics, researchers, civil servants and key individuals played in the development of the Daily Mile programme. Analysis revealed that the Daily Mile is experiencing some difficulty in being in control of its position and development due to the complex influences of multiple stakeholders. In this light, it is recommended that future research studies of the Daily Mile programme need to have the capacity to report their findings in a context where the full range of evidence are presented and where new findings are not re-contextualised and re-positioned in order to satisfy either the research funders’ or the views of politicians associated with the policy making process.  相似文献   


This paper examines the political economy of artificial intelligence (AI) and education in China, through an analysis of government policy and private sector enterprise. While media and policy discourse often portray China’s AI development in terms of a unified national strategy, and a burgeoning geopolitical contestation for future global dominance, this analysis will suggest a more nuanced internal complexity, involving differing regional networks and international corporate activity. The first section considers two key policy documents published by the central Chinese government, which are shown to implicate educational institutions as influential actors in national and regional strategies for AI development, with a significant role in plans to train domestic expertise. The second section outlines three prominent private education companies: New Oriental Group, Tomorrow Advancing Life (TAL), and Squirrel AI. These companies are selected to represent important aspects of China’s development of educational AI applications, including the influence of a well-established private education sector, and a growing interest in international corporate activity. The paper concludes with the suggestion that while central government policy reserves a significant role for education in the national AI strategy, the private sector is utilising favourable political conditions to rapidly develop educational applications and markets.  相似文献   

在教育全球化时代,地方化因素对于一个国家是否成为教育改革的参考标准依然重要。澳大利亚和韩国两国媒体对亚洲国家和地区PISA成功的描述与话语讨论因国情不同而表现出各自的特点,进而影响着政策借鉴是否可以以及如何发生。基于对澳大利亚与韩国媒体对PISA结果报道的比较后发现,对亚洲教育的刻板印象、国家间的经济关系、潜在参考国家和地区在PISA排名表中相对排名的变化等三大因素影响着一个国家对这些国家或地区"最优教育系统"的政策借鉴。  相似文献   

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