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Long before his last book, The Gift Relationship: From Human Blood to Social Policy, was published in early 1971, Richard M. Titmuss (1907-1973), a professor of social administration at the London School of Economics, had been a major figure in the debates over the welfare state. The Gift Relationship was the culmination of an eventful relationship with the Institute of Economic Affairs, a think tank that advocated the extension of rational pricing to social services. By arguing that the British system of blood procurement and distribution, based on free giving within the National Health Service, was more efficient than the partly commercialized American system, Titmuss intended to signal the dangers of the increasing commercialization of society. What made for the impact of his book, however, was not merely its argument that transfusion-transmitted infections were much more common with paid than with voluntary donors, but also its reflections on what it is that holds a society together. And here Titmuss argued that a "socialist" social policy, by encouraging the sense of community, played a central role. The eclecticism of Titmuss's work, together with its strong ethical and political flavor, makes it a rich and original account of the "social" at a time when heated debated over social policy, both in Britain and in the United States, raised the question of the division of labor among the social sciences.  相似文献   

以2000年至2011年间我国省际创投资本筹集数据为样本,使用联立方程模型检验了设立政府创业投资引导基金(简称政府引导基金)对社会资金进入创业投资领域的引导作用。研究发现,政府引导基金的引导效应在不同省份间存在明显差异:在创业投资发展成熟省份,设立政府引导基金会挤出社会资金;但在创业投资发展落后省份,设立政府引导基金对社会资金有一定的引导作用。这一结论支持"良性循环"假说,表明在决定是否设立政府引导基金时需充分考虑本地的创业投资发展状况。  相似文献   

从认知障碍角度探讨无障碍网络信息环境的设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文从构建和谐信息社会目的出发,分析了认知障碍人群的认知特征及网络需求,并把他们纳入网页设计目标群中,推荐一系列无障碍网页开发流程和无障碍的网页设计,为认知障碍人群创造一个信息公平的无障碍网络环境。  相似文献   

甘肃省虽然已经具备了实现社会跨越发展的政策机遇和基础条件,但仍然面临着体制机制不够完善、基础保障能力弱、贫困人口多等一系列难点问题.推进甘肃省社会跨越发展,必须立足省情,明确社会跨越发展的重点领域,进一步完善社会跨越发展的体制机制;以保障和改善民生为切入点,进一步推动社会管理方式创新,以保障和改善民生为突破口进一步推进“三个安全网”建设,以三大集中连片特困片区为重点分类实施扶贫攻坚工程;实施文化强省战略,提高社会跨越发展的文化软实力.  相似文献   

A growing amount of scientific research is done in an open collaborative fashion, in projects sometimes referred to as “crowd science”, “citizen science”, or “networked science”. This paper seeks to gain a more systematic understanding of crowd science and to provide scholars with a conceptual framework and an agenda for future research. First, we briefly present three case examples that span different fields of science and illustrate the heterogeneity concerning what crowd science projects do and how they are organized. Second, we identify two fundamental elements that characterize crowd science projects – open participation and open sharing of intermediate inputs – and distinguish crowd science from other knowledge production regimes such as innovation contests or traditional “Mertonian” science. Third, we explore potential knowledge-related and motivational benefits that crowd science offers over alternative organizational modes, and potential challenges it is likely to face. Drawing on prior research on the organization of problem solving, we also consider for what kinds of tasks particular benefits or challenges are likely to be most pronounced. We conclude by outlining an agenda for future research and by discussing implications for funding agencies and policy makers.  相似文献   

赵坤  郭东强 《科学学研究》2016,(7):1086-1095
作为开放式创新范式中的研究路径之一,用户参与创新主要研究企业如何在开发新知识或新创意时与用户进行合作。随着国家战略与政策实施将大众创新驱动作为研究与实践的基本导向,创新管理演进系统进入创新2.0、创业民主化的大众创新模式时代。国内外的苹果、PG、默克、海尔、腾讯等,越来越多的组织以众创模式帮助解决企业最棘手的创新及问题研究。本文先以Web of Knowledge的SSCI数据库为数据来源,进行众创式创新相关主题搜索,通过文献的阅读与梳理,系统归纳了众创式创新的源起、内涵与归因,然后以众创式创新的本质——知识创新为起点与核心,延伸到知识识别、知识创造与知识转化三个维度,建立关于众创式创新的认知性框架,并结合PG和海尔的众创实践予以论证。使我们对众创式创新有一个系统性认识,为进一步的理论创新与实证研究奠定了基础。  相似文献   

William Bateson was one of the pivotal figures in the early history of genetics, having championed the promise of Mendelism to unravel the secrets of heredity. Many refer to the "school" of genetics he directed at Cambridge between 1900 and 1910, but few note that Bateson's group consisted primarily of women. Bateson turned to botanists, zoologists, and physiologists associated with Newnham College, Cambridge, for critical assistance in advancing his research program at a time when Mendelism was not yet recognized as a legitimate field of study. Cambridge women carried out a series of breeding experiments in a number of plant and animal species between 1902 and 1910, the results of which provided crucial evidence that both supported and extended Mendel's laws of heredity. This essay shows how the situation of women in science in the early twentieth century was a factor--along with scientific, institutional, social, and political developments--in establishing the new discipline of genetics.  相似文献   

《Research Policy》2022,51(3):104453
In an era of rapid technological advances, individuals have access to a plethora of open and closed forms of problem solving. We introduce and test a framework that compares different forms of problem solving and determines how individuals make choices among them. Our analyses of 4,556 problems solved by 398 individuals reveal that high problem complexity and strong implicit social norms of open exchange increase the probability that individuals will seek external solutions rather than solve the problems themselves. Our analysis also shows that they prefer individual experts (contacted directly or via open call) over aggregated crowd knowledge. We also find that strong implicit social norms of open exchange weakened the positive impact of complexity on the probability of solving problems externally. Interestingly, this effect is more subtle when the use of aggregated crowds is compared with individual experts: while strong implicit social norms strengthen the positive impact of problem complexity when experts are contacted directly, they otherwise weaken the use of open call experts. We discuss and examine the nuanced effects between problem complexity and social norms of open exchange. The study contributes to a stream of the open innovation literature that uses a problem solving perspective to better understand under what circumstances certain forms of problem solving are utilized, and it then combines it with a novel empirical setting based on real-life experimental data.  相似文献   

网络众包的知识价值化过程与组织响应分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
王姝  殷凤春 《科研管理》2017,38(9):35-42
知识价值化与网上技术交易是"大众创业、万众创新"的实践形式,本文根据无形资产网络在线交易过程的特点,从网站用户掌握选择权和话语权的现实出发,对众包模式的第三方在线交易平台进行了组织响应过程的系统分析。从体现知识产品生产、过滤、传播和评价等几个方面对知识资源的有效配置和众包平台网站的服务响应机制进行关联分析,并通过多层次比较分析的因素量化方法确定众包服务的指标权重,反映组织响应各种因素对知识价值化的重要程度,为第三方知识服务和平台网站的职能模块设计的权重分配提供参考。  相似文献   

童锋 《未来与发展》2010,(4):102-105
在功利主义高等教育哲学盛行的今天,大学的改革和发展面临严峻考验。大学应该根据社会发展的需要而进行适当调整,但这种调整必须以一定的理性分析和价值观念为基础,而不应随波逐流,迎合时尚。大学的主要职能是文化教育和培养人才。针对暨南大学侨校的特点和当前的各项改革,提出大学应该培养具有丰富的知识经验、探究问题的兴趣、适应社会的能力,以及推进各种具体事务的能力的社会精英。  相似文献   

Thanks to their decades of painstaking efforts, Chinese S&T historians recently saw two book series on ancient Chinese history of science and technology and astronomy in print. Coordinated by the CAS Institute for the History of Natural Science, these anthologies are regarded as the most systematic and authoritative works ever authored by Chinese scholars to demonstrate the S&T development in China's history. History Series of Science and Technology in Ancient China,  相似文献   

"死亡之谷"是发明到产品之间的鸿沟,美国高级研究计划局(DARPA)在短短50多年时间里,为世界带来了互联网、GPS等技术与产品,常常成功跨越鸿沟。从产业发展角度,跨越"死亡之谷"需要物质、智力和社会等三种资本,还要跨越技术培育和转移各个关键阶段。DARPA利用其独特的政治地位、雄厚的资金和有远见的战略思想,依靠优秀项目官员、办公室主任和局长的协同合作,以及长年培育的"DARPA社区",一次次成功跨越"死亡之谷"。近年,DARPA为缩短跨越"死亡之谷"的时间,还采取了"众包"等一系列新举措,最后总结了DARPA成功跨越"死亡之谷"的关键。  相似文献   

Statisticians R.A. Fisher and Joseph Berkson have become infamous for ending up on the "wrong" side of the debate over the evidence linking smoking and lung cancer during the 1950s, and scholars have speculated about their personal motives in the controversy. But there were many senior biostatisticians and epidemiologists voicing similar concerns about the quality of the evidence at the time, albeit with less inflammatory rhetoric. This debate occurred during a time when epidemiological research methods commonly used today were understood by few and were only just beginning to work their way into public health and medicine. All of the participants in the debate over smoking and lung cancer saw the need for explicit and rigorous standards for evaluating etiological hypotheses, but they held conflicting views about what those standards should be. The differing opinions on the evidence reflected two different models of etiological research--controlled experiment as the crucial, objective test of a causal hypothesis versus inferential judgment based on a diverse body of evidence. This debate has relevance for current epidemiological practice, as tension between these two views still remains.  相似文献   

Recently, the high popularity of social networks accelerates the development of item recommendation. Integrating the influence diffusion of social networks in recommendation systems is a challenging task since topic distribution over users and items is latent and user topic interest may change over time. In this paper, we propose a dynamic generative model for item recommendation which captures the potential influence logs based on the community-level topic influence diffusion to infer the latent topic distribution over users and items. Our model enables tracking the time-varying distributions of topic interest and topic popularity over communities in social networks. A collapsed Gibbs sampling algorithm is proposed to train the model, and an improved diversification algorithm is proposed to obtain item diversified recommendation list. Extensive experiments are conducted to evaluate the effectiveness and efficiency of our method. The results validate our approach and show the superiority of our method compared with state-of-the-art diversified recommendation methods.  相似文献   

安全生产关系人民群众生命财产安全,关系改革开放、经济发展和社会稳定的大局。各级政府一直高度重视安全生产工作。对于机房来说,安全生产就是安全管理,也就是说安全管理第一,因此每个机房管理者应以保障机房设备安全可靠运行为工作目标。本文对计算机机房安全隐患进行综述,并提出应对措施。  相似文献   

《Research Policy》2019,48(8):103727
Equity crowdfunding platforms are at the center of the digital transformation of early-stage venture funding. These digital platforms were originally heralded as a democratizing force in early stage finance, due to their role in facilitating the exchange between entrepreneurs and a multitude of non-professional small investors (“the crowd”). Equity crowdfunding platforms have experienced considerable growth and now attract professional investors including business angels. The presence of angels alongside the crowd on equity crowdfunding platforms has raised questions whether these digital platforms can continue to play their role in democratizing access to capital. Using data from a leading equity crowdfunding platform, we examine the interplay between the investment decisions of angels and the crowd. We find evidence of information flows in crowdfunding platforms between angels, and from angels to the crowd. We find angels play an important role in funding of large ventures, whereas the crowd not only fill the funding gaps for such large ventures but also play a pivotal role in the funding of small ones. The complementarity between angels and crowd investors seems to increase the overall efficiency in an otherwise highly asymmetric and uncertain market, confirming that digitization can indeed bring important benefits to venture investment.  相似文献   

为节约电力资源,基于室内照明节能控制、人群流量监控和灯联网三个技术领域,提出了一种基于电力载波通信网络的室内照明节能控制和人群活动监控系统,可根据行人活动情况实现区域内灯具协同照明控制,达到在不影响照明体验情况下的最优节能控制并可同时实现人群活动热点监控功能。阐述了系统的工作原理及结构设计思路。该设计对于节能控制和人群活动监控具有一定的参考意义。  相似文献   

黄鹏  刘箴 《科技通报》2012,28(7):71-74,101
考虑情绪参数有助于增强群体动画的可信性,基于相关研究,提出了智能体在紧急情况下的情绪模型,构造了情绪值的公式,并给出了逃生算法。采用微软DirectX3D实现一个剧场火灾逃生原型系统,初步的结果表明,该模型可以模拟群体逃生中的情绪传播。  相似文献   

Will the proliferation of devices that provide the continuous archival and retrieval of personal experiences (CARPE) improve control over, access to and the record of collective knowledge as Vannevar Bush once predicted with his futuristic memex? Or is it possible that their increasing ubiquity might pose fundamental risks to humanity, as Donald Norman contemplated in his investigation of an imaginary CARPE device he called the “Teddy”? Through an examination of the webcam experiment of Jenni Ringley and the EyeTap experiments of Steve Mann, this article explores some of the social implications of CARPE. The authors’ central claim is that focussing on notions of individual consent and control in assessing the privacy implications of CARPE while reflective of the individualistic conception of privacy that predominates western thinking, is nevertheless inadequate in terms of recognizing the effect of individual uptake of these kinds of technologies on the level of privacy we are all collectively entitled to expect. The authors urge that future analysis ought to take a broader approach that considers contextual factors affecting user groups and the possible limitations on our collective ability to control the social meanings associated with the subsequent distribution and use of personal images and experiences after they are captured and archived. The authors ultimately recommend an approach that takes into account the collective impact that CARPE technologies will have on privacy and identity formation and highlight aspects of that approach.  相似文献   

In this article, I explore innovation and diffusion from social movements as part of the phenomenon of free innovation in households. The article contributes to the literature on household innovation by illustrating how social movement motivations may differ from motivations examined in prior studies focused on self-rewards, as well as examining the implications for free innovations and diffusion patterns in this setting. Social movement innovators are typically motivated by a common cause (such as a quest for a new life order and societal change) and create innovations that address a cause and “system change” rather than individual goals. I identify and define three types of social movement innovation: behavioral, product, and symbolic innovation. The common-cause motivation also creates a new form of diffusion problem that can only be solved through the spread and consumption of new products, behaviors, or techniques by a sufficiently large crowd. Common-cause motivations should thus encourage innovation diffusion, thereby reducing the risk of the diffusion-failure problem usually observed in household innovation research.  相似文献   

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