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从英语和汉语两种语言造句法的不同,即英语重形合,汉语重意合,探讨在英译汉中英语词、词组、从句和句子的拆译,认为以词组和从句为基本切分单位是可行的。  相似文献   

英语、汉语在语言学上有很多区别。汉语注重意合,注重功能、意义。常常不用或少用连接手段,语言中词与词、句与句的组合主要是凭借语义上的关系和联想达成的;而英语注重形合,注重句子结构、形式的完整和逻辑的合理。正确认识英语重形合,汉语重意合的特点及其相对性,对于汉英翻译有很大的实践意义。  相似文献   

英语重形合,汉语重意合。从事英汉互译的人对英语中的形合与汉语中意合的特点是比较了解的。本将从翻译的角度分析英汉语的形合与意合的特点,希望能为正在学习翻译的语言开拓们起点辅助作用。  相似文献   

本文对英语和汉语名词复数的形式、意义、非对应性及数的一致性等问题进行了对比研究,印证了“英语重形合”、“汉语重意合”这一结论。  相似文献   

形合和意合既是英语和汉语的基本语言特征,又是这两种语言的重要区别。英语重形合,汉语重意合。翻译时,我们要尽量保持英语形合及汉语意合的特点,但是也要具体问题具体分析,不可一概而论。  相似文献   

形合和意合是篇章语言学和英汉对比研究中的一个重要论题。一般来说英语重形合,强调结构的完整性和形态的严谨性,而汉语重意合,强调内容和表意的完整性。正确认识英语重形合、汉语重意合的特点及相对性,对于翻译有很大的实践意义。  相似文献   

形合与意合   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文以英语和汉语为研究对象,探讨英语重形合和汉语重意合的原因.文章认为英语的综合性、聚集性和汉语的分析性、流散性是表层原因,而西方人强调对立、重理性、讲究和谐美和汉人强调统一、重直觉、讲究中和美的哲学观、思维习惯和审美观则是深层原因.  相似文献   

英语重形合,汉语重意合,但这一结论不能绝对化。英汉两种语言在句子及以下层面中,英语重形合,汉语重意合;而在句子以上层面如篇章层面,英语也使用词汇手段等意合组织方式,汉语篇章中也采用重复和骈偶等形合手段。英汉语的研究尤其是其对比研究要强调辩证的方法,以期对英汉语中的形合与意合研究更加客观和科学。在翻译实践中,这一辩证关系有利于改进过去那种教条的英译汉(形合变为意合)和汉译英(意合变为形合)翻译的模式。  相似文献   

杭亚静 《海外英语》2010,(2X):161-162
语言与思维之间是辩证的关系。语言是思维的表现形式和载体,文化和思维方式受语言的影响。汉语思维偏重整体综合,英语则重分析演绎。在语法结构上,汉语重"意合",英语重"形合";在语言风格上,汉语较模糊、含蓄,英语较直露、精准。  相似文献   

1.不能准确理解和把握英语中连词的作用英语与汉语在句子结构方面最基本的差异是:汉语句子重意合,英语句子重形合。也就是说,汉语并不追求形式上的完整,往往只求达  相似文献   

The current study examined the construct of word-reading skills within and across English and Chinese. One hundred forty-three 5th graders who were native Chinese (Mandarin) speakers learning English as a second language completed 19 tasks representing phonological awareness, orthographic knowledge, and word decoding in both English and Chinese. Confirmatory factor analyses were conducted within each language, and the results showed that the best-fitting model for both languages was the 3-factor model involving phonological awareness, orthographic knowledge, and word decoding. Across the 2 languages, the language-specific model fit better than other models with 1 or 2 language-general factors. These results suggest that word reading is not a unified, language-general ability within and across English and Chinese among Chinese children learning English as a second language. Instruction and intervention may need to target phonological awareness, orthographic knowledge, and word decoding in each language.  相似文献   

英汉语序差异较大的主要是主语、同位语、定语和状语的语序。英汉语序的差异可以从语言形式和文化思维这两个角度进行分析。从语言形式本身分析,汉语是典型的分析型语言,语序较固定;英语是综合-分析型语言,语序既相对固定又灵活多变。文化思维差异也会影响英汉语序的不同,其中包括:主体思维和客体思维的差异、社会关系中群体和个体侧重点的...  相似文献   

现代英语是由古英语sov语序发展而来的一种svo语言,与作为典型svo语言的古汉语有着惊人的相似之处。从词法、句法等方面梳理了近二十年来国内在古汉语与现代英语比较研究上业已取得的成果,分析了这一比较研究的宗旨与目的,最后指出了该研究的不足之处,并就此提出了自己的构想。  相似文献   

人类的认知与语言的发展离不开人的感知和体验。基于美汉语料的研究分析发现,英汉语中“脸、面”词义演变的多义网络结构呈现出以下特征:英汉“脸、面”词义的延伸都是围绕其中心意义(即典型),通过隐喻和转喻的认知方式进行的;在两者的词义延伸过程中,转喻不仅是和隐喻同样重要的认知机制,而且是更基本的认知方式;民族文化的异质性使得我们对事物的认知不同,导致英汉语中“脸、面”的词义范畴出现文化个性;语言自身的特点也对“脸、面”词义的概念化产生了较大影响。  相似文献   

These two studies examined the processes underlying English and Chinese word reading in Chinese–English bilinguals in relation to their experiences with their second language (L2), as determined by length of time in an English-speaking environment. Phonological awareness, morphological awareness and vocabulary measures were administered in English and Chinese to adolescents and young adults living in Canada. The results show that similar word reading processes were used to read English and Chinese for the bilinguals who were recent immigrants and had less exposure to English. Specifically, vocabulary knowledge was directly related to English and Chinese word reading in the more recent immigrants. However, phonological awareness was not related to English word reading in this group. Conversely, reading processes in the two languages were less similar for participants who were long-term immigrants. In the long-term immigrant group, English reading was related to phonological awareness. The writing system of the first language (L1) exerted an influence on L2 reading and the degree of influence was related to language experience.  相似文献   

甘田 《海外英语》2014,(10):227-228,274
In English,intonation is the main research object of supra-segmental phonology,it refers to the changes of tone and pitch.English intonation is non-tone language which means the word meaning will not changed with the changing of the independent word's tone,while Chinese is Tone language,in which tone often determinates the meaning of word,different tones are representative of different meanings.Chinese language function exerts differently in tone and intonation,and it is a bit complicated compared with English.  相似文献   

词汇的不断丰富是语言强大生命力的重要表现。杜撰词在英汉两种语言的新词当中占有相当大的比重。本文以PeterNewmark对杜撰词的定义为基础,分析了英汉两种语言中杜撰词构成类别的异同,并以零度和偏离为理论基础,分析了英汉杜撰词的共同本质,即对语言系统的偏离,最后引入关联理论的观点认为英汉杜撰词有着相同的认识过程即第一解读→第二解读→综合解读。  相似文献   

英汉在表达形式、词汇选择、句型结构等方面有很大差异,因此母语迁移中的负迁移对英语翻译的影响极大。学生翻译时大多生搬硬套,有的甚至歪曲语义。大学基础英语教学中有必要在教学活动中围绕教学内容增加翻译理论技巧的讲授及训练。同时要求学生大量诵读英语经典篇章,增强语感,熟悉英语的表达习惯和模式。还要帮助学生深入探究汉英在语言及文化方面的差异,并及时进行对比总结。  相似文献   

英汉两种语言分属于不同的语言体系。英语属于印欧语系,是拼音文字。汉语属于汉藏语系,是象形文字。而定中构词法却在英汉两种语言中共同存在,它在两种语言中的应用有相似之处也有差异,文章试从英汉两民族不同的思维模式、范畴理论、原型理论等角度进行分析,来探讨定中构词法所体现的英汉认知差异。  相似文献   

The current study examined the contribution of cross-language phonological and morphological awareness to reading acquisition in bilingual children. Participants were 140 children (M age = 8.26 years) between Grades 1–4 who learned Chinese as their first language and English as their second language. Awareness of phoneme, onset-rime, compound structures and polysemy (i.e. words with multiple meanings) were measured using conceptually comparable tasks in both languages. Oral vocabulary, single word reading, and reading comprehension were also assessed. Path analysis revealed significant direct effects from Chinese rime awareness to both English word reading and reading comprehension. English phoneme awareness also had a significant direct effect on Chinese word reading. There was a significant direct effect from Chinese polyseme identification to English reading comprehension. Awareness of compound structure in one language also had indirect effects on reading outcomes in the other language via within-language compound structure awareness. These finding provided evidence for bi-directional cross-language phonological and morphological transfer in Chinese–English bilingual reading acquisition.  相似文献   

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