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在借鉴《幼儿园教师专业标准(试行)》和调查问卷的基础上,笔者调查了乌鲁木齐市、县(镇)及乡村地区入职1-3年的幼儿园教师专业发展现状。结果表明:新疆新入职幼儿园教师专业发展水平总体中等偏上,但发展不平衡,专业理念与师德较专业知识与专业能力发展较好。其中,激励与评价、反思与发展的能力较为薄弱;幼儿发展知识了解不深入、通识性知识水平较低。为促进新疆新入职幼儿园教师专业发展,做了如下讨论与建议:第一,完善师资培养机制,在实际的师幼互动中提升新入职幼儿园教师激励与评价的能力;第二,提升新入职幼儿园教师反思与发展的能力;第三,重点提升乡村新入职幼儿园教师的专业能力;第四,开展职后培训,弥补因学历造成的新入职幼儿园教师的知识短板,实现教师自我知识重组与建构;第五,提高薪酬待遇,营造心理环境的支持,重塑教师的自我专业发展意识。  相似文献   

《课程·教材·教法》第7期刊发鲁东大学教育科学学院院长苏春景教授的《小学新入职教师的自我突破策略初探》一文。摘编如下:新入职阶段是小学教师成长的关键期,怎样尽快地使教师由"新手"转变为"熟手"乃至"专家型"教师,直接影响着教师角色的自我完善,更关系到未来的教师专业化发展。引导教师科学地掌握自我突破策略,可以帮助教师尽快实现一般教师-优秀教师-专家型教师的合乎逻辑的发展过程。新入职教师即"新手",指已取得国家规定的教师资格证书,走上教  相似文献   

在我国,小学新入职教师作为基础教育的重要力量之一,其专业发展的要求不但是促进自身发展的前提,也是学校重新审视新入职教师的现状、重视新入职教师的成长、并有针对性地组织对新入职教师的职业培训的动力源泉。目前,社会在极大程度上只是一味地要求新入职教师尽快适应工作环境、进入工作角色,但是却缺乏对新入职教师专业发展方面的关注。要想促进教师专业发展,建立一个高素质的教师专业发展群体,极其需要社会、行政部门、学校等各方面力量的支持。本文拟通过对小学新入职教师对专业发展现状的研究,促进教育机构着眼教师专业发展现状,有针对性地制定小学新入职教师培养策略,推动这些教师在自身专业发展。  相似文献   

入职初期,新教师会面临众多的问题与独特的专业发展需求,可以说,教师入职期的专业发展在某种程度上决定了整个职业发展的成败和进度。帮助新入职教师顺利实现角色转换,成功开展职业生涯规划,可以将基于云计算的服务应用到新入职教师的专业发展过程中,依托云服务平台百会在线构建个性化的发展环境,在虚拟社区中形成专业发展共同体,借助专家的引领、新入职教师之间的互助、行动学习项目的开展,有效推进新入职教师的专业发展进程。  相似文献   

孙亚丽 《江苏教育》2023,(2):12-15+22
建构新时代新入职教师高质量发展支持体系是促进新入职教师高质量发展的必由之路。新入职教师高质量发展支持体系是由发展主体、支持主体、保障主体及各种资源要素组成的文化生态系统,支持内容分为专业支持、心理支持和生活支持,其基本特征表现为以共赢为目标、以教师为中心、以素养为导向。建构的基本策略是精准发现教师发展需求,努力协调各类主体力量,着力激发自我发展动力,奋力实现主体共同发展。  相似文献   

教师培训是促进教师专业发展的重要路径,对于新入职教师而言,教师培训显得尤为重要。作为成人学习者,教师的经验对自身的学习和成长起着不可忽视的作用。因之,以分析经验学习的特质入手,探究其在新入职教师培训中的实践路径,对于促进教师的专业成长、提高教师培训质量有着积极的理论意义和实践价值。新入职教师培训须注意经验学习的自我调控,把握经验学习的问题情境,关注经验学习的合作交流。  相似文献   

重视校本入职教育已成为当前世界教师入职教育发展的一个共同趋势。根据新教师的专业发展需求,开展有针对性的校本入职教育,不仅有益于促进新教师的专业发展,而且也有助于推动学校的整体发辰。澳大利亚的校本入职教育采用以发展性和实践性为特征的实施策略,取得了显著的成效。这些经验值得我们学习,从中可得到一些启示。  相似文献   

高校新入职教师的岗前培训,是帮助他们更有效地适应学校环境并提升教学能力的重要途径。本文通过对比C学院近三年的新入职教师岗前培训课程,探讨了其异同以及教学能力的发展变化趋势。本文从完善新入职教师的培训制度、基于教师需求和校本培训的考量,以及建立岗前培训的评价体系等方面,提出了一系列策略以提升高校新入职教师岗前培训的效果,旨在为高校新入职教师的岗前培训提供有益的参考。  相似文献   

高校新入职教师专业水平的高低,直接影响到我国高等教育事业的发展。如何尽快提升高校新入职教师的教育教学能力,做好教育部新入职教师国培示范项目尤为重要。通过国培示范项目集中培训和返岗教研两个阶段的培训与教学实践,能够提升高校新教师的专业能力,促进新教师专业发展,为其今后的职业生涯发展奠定良好基础。  相似文献   

新入职教师的专业发展始终受到教育行业的关注,现阶段,许多90后幼儿教师进入幼儿园工作,他们本身具备鲜明的特征。因此,文章围绕“互联网+”背景下幼儿园新入职教师的专业发展策略展开探索研究,对幼儿园新入职教师专业发展现状进行深入分析,并提出可行性发展策略。以期为幼儿园新入职教师的专业发展提供些许建议。  相似文献   

陕西省委省政府“十一五”期间对陕南提出突破发展的区域发展战略,商洛作为陕南、乃至全省全国最不发达区域,实施突破发展必然涉及观念突破。在商洛的突破发展中,观念突破是突破发展的战略性选择,其战略性主要体现在观念突破的优先性和持续性上。同时,从实践价值层面看,观念突破是突破发展的主体性活动。结合商洛实际,一要体现在对突破发展的主体性认识的提高上,即要克服认识上的误区;二要体现在对突破发展主体性素质的培育上,即要在发展观念上实施突破,包括发展布局、重点、特色等一系列具体问题上的观念突破,确立新的发展观念。  相似文献   

民营企业的诞生与成长过程,是一个与观念、制度和客观环境不断碰撞与突破的过程,创新是其发展的主线与关键。民营企业经济发展要实现新的突破和可持续发展,唯一可选的道路就是实行全面的制度创新。  相似文献   

Action learning is being increasingly utilised as a strategy to underpin practitioner focused development and research projects in healthcare generally and nursing in particular. Whilst facilitators of and participants in action learning have a variety of resource materials to guide their practice and participation, there continue to be few systematic and/or evaluative accounts of the experience of participating in action learning for potential action learning participants to draw upon. This paper attempts to address this agenda. The paper presents an interpretive evaluation of the experience of nurses participating in action learning as the learning strategy underpinning a 3-year emancipatory practice development/practitioner research programme. In particular, the paper focuses on the experience of ‘joining a learning set’. This focus has been adopted as the theory of action learning emphasises the principle of ‘voluntariness’, but yet action learning is increasingly being pre-prescribed as a component of development and research programmes. Such was the case with the programme reported on in this paper. The paper describes an approach used to evaluate learning that was adopted in this programme and in particular the initial evaluation stage that focuses on participants' feelings about joining an action learning set. The data collection and analysis processes are described and the key themes arising from the analysis (‘self-preservation’ versus ‘development of self’) discussed. It is concluded that working with principles of enlightenment is essential to successful action learning and the transformation of workplace cultures.  相似文献   

大学生要真正成才 ,必须加强其自我教育。自我教育的一条重要途径就是要善于自我设计。自我设计本质上是自育行为 ,同时要与社会需要保持一致。自我设计的核心是目标定位 ,前提是认识自己 ,关键是行动  相似文献   

深化人才培养改革是我国高校开展创业教育的根本出发点,旨在人才培养改革的创业教育应遵循发展的内在逻辑,坚持行动导向的路线与原则,并基于行动导向理念选择学生自主发展导向的目标定位策略、任务与认知心理导向的内容组织策略、实践取向的方法选择策略、反思导向的学习评价策略。  相似文献   

教育行动研究是幼儿教师成长的重要途径   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
教育行动研究是教师研究自身教育实践中的问题、改善教育活动质量的一种教育研究形式,这种研究形式使幼儿教师可以在自己的教育实践中,开展研究工作,在研究状态下进行教育工作。这对幼儿教师的成长起着重要的作用:可以提升幼儿教师的社会地位和学术声誉,促进其专业发展;唤起幼儿教师的主体意识,促进教师主动发展;幼儿教师的教育行动研究将会成为我国幼教改革“胶着期”的突破口。  相似文献   

Threat assessment is a violence prevention strategy used to investigate and respond to threats to harm others. In 2013, Virginia mandated the use of threat assessment teams for threats to self and to others, effectively subsuming suicide assessment with threat assessment and raising questions about the distinction between the two practices. In a statewide sample of 2,861 cases from 926 schools, there were more threats to self (60%) than others (35%), with only 5% involving threats to both self and others. Threats to self were more likely to be made by females (odds ratio [OR] = 3.38) and students with fewer prior disciplinary actions (OR = 0.48). Threats to self were much less likely to involve a weapon (OR = 0.07), but more likely to be attempted (OR = 1.50) and result in mental health services (OR = 2.96). They were much less likely to result in out‐of‐school suspensions (OR = 0.07), legal action (OR = 0.17), and/or changes in placement (OR = 0.53). Overall, these findings support a clear distinction between suicide and threat assessment.  相似文献   

This paper reports on a paper and pencil concept‐sorting strategy that enables trainee teachers to restructure their knowledge in any one domain of science. It is used as a self‐study tool, mainly to enable them to break down and understand the progression of concepts beyond the level at which they have to teach. The strategy involves listing key ideas in an increasingly complex and inclusive fashion such that a ‘chain’ is developed where the initial statements are simple and the final ones more complex. Evaluation of the strategy with trainees over a five‐year period revealed promising potential for the strategy as a self‐study tool, as well as an audit tool, enabling tutors to more easily identify misconceptions. There was some evidence that trainees found the strategy useful in preparing themselves to teach in the classroom, possibly by enabling meaningful learning to take place according to the Ausubel–Novak–Gowin theory.  相似文献   

培养科技领军人才,提升自主创新能力   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
培养各个行业的领军型人才是企业能够不断提高自主创新能力、立于不败之地的关键,是力争在重要行业和关键领域实现核心技术突破、实现建设创新型国家的战略目标的关键。本文从领军人才的素质要求、领军人才的培养途径和培养机制三个方面进行研究,探讨如何有针对性地培养领军人才,提升自主创新能力。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the relative effects of awareness of purpose and self‐regulated strategies in metacomprehension training. Thirty‐six students identified as having reading difficulties were either trained to cue themselves to the purpose of reading (awareness of purpose alone) or to employ an underlining strategy (awareness of purpose and a self‐regulated strategy) to enhance reading comprehension. Training was conducted during four, 30‐minute training sessions with follow‐up probes taken 7 to 10 days later. Students trained to underline key words and phrases as they read a passage answered more comprehension questions on an acquisition probe and recalled more propositions on acquisition and generalization probes. Although cueing students to the purpose of reading was beneficial, the combination of awareness of purpose and employment of a self‐regulated strategy generated better comprehension performance.  相似文献   

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