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学校评价在教育评价体系中处于核心地位,它直接影响着对教师评价和学生评价的原则以及学校的发展方向。运用增值评价学校效能是当前学校评价研究的重要内容。对河北省保定市普通高中学校效能进行实证研究结果表明60%~80%的高考成绩校际差距都不是学校本身所导致的,在提高学生进步幅度方面,不同学校间存在明显差异。增值评价结果与高考分数评价结果存在较大差异;学校效能在不同学科间没有显著差异;学校对不同学生群体的效能无差异。学校效能的增值评价对于创新学校评价体系具有重要的参考价值。  相似文献   

随着学校效能研究的深入和统计技术的进步,学校效能增值评价日益成为学校效能评价的主流。以学生学业成绩和学生适应性为学校效能评价的指标,运用两水平线性模型对我国西部地区85所农村初中进行增值评价,发现:在提高学校效能方面,学校间存在明显差异;按原始分数获得的学校排名与按增值评价获得的排名存在较大差异;不同学科间的学校效能显著相关;学校效能在不同省份间存在较大差异;学生学习基础仍然是造成学生成绩差距的主要原因;学校基本条件对学生学业成绩作用明显等。据此,提出有利于提高学校效能的建议,如以增值评价为手段,建立增值评价指标体系;合理制定学校发展规划,走学校特色发展之路;教师应针对不同起点学生因材施教等。  相似文献   

任春荣 《中国考试》2007,(4):12-16,38
增值测量法通过测量学生在一段时间内,与同一抽样中其他学校的起点相似的学生相比,所取得的某方面或各方面的相对进步,计算学校增值,以学校增值作为统一标准评价学校效能。这一方法考虑了每个学生个体的增值,排除了生源差异、学校办学条件的差异等因素对学校效能评价的干扰,有利于减轻考试分数至上的压力,促进教育公平,对我国有着重大现实意义。  相似文献   

基于浙江省某县某农村学区参加2022年中考的学生数据以及学校规模等信息,以七年级上期末考试成绩为学习起点,中考成绩为后测成绩,采用成长百分等级模型计算每位学生在在各门学科和总分的增值。运用相关性、方差分析、线性回归等方法,分析了中考成绩分别与学科起点和学科增值的关系。在此基础上,进一步比较了不同规模学校的中考成绩和学科增值的差异,以及不同规模学校对不同学生群体发展的影响。研究发现,学科起点与学科增值几乎可以完全预测中考成绩;虽然中大规模学校中考成绩优于小规模学校,但小规模学校对成绩增值的贡献均高于中大规模学校。可见,应从增值的角度肯定农村小规模学校的办学业绩,发现和认可小规模农村学校在乡村振兴中的价值与贡献。  相似文献   

利用某市84所高中学校首届新高考数据,使用多水平线性回归模型和多水平线性分位数回归模型进行学校增值评价分析,比较两种模型增值估计效果。结果显示:多水平线性分位数回归模型更适用于新高考数据下的增值评价;在正向进步学校划分方面,多水平线性分位数回归模型比多水平线性回归模型更能体现学科差异,在对高水平群体的增值估计表现中相对更好。建议使用新高考数据进行增值评价时,可优先考虑采用多水平线性分位数回归模型;对学校进行增值评价时,还应注意选择适切的增值评价技术,平衡增值评价和结果评价之间的关系,拓展非学业增值评价。  相似文献   

以某区域21所小学的样本为例,探讨区域增值评价的实施策略。借助多层线性模型,将前测成绩和两次后测成绩进行平均分、增值分等多重对比,进而测量学校教学质量提升幅度,考查并评价学校或教师对学生学业成绩影响的净效应,其评价结果更能体现教师教学努力的程度和学校教学效能的水平。探讨增值评价运用给区域教育发展带来的“增值效应”,并为进一步运用评价结果促进学校及师生发展提出建议。  相似文献   

教育增值评估在控制学生背景因素的基础上评价学校效能,是教育评价方法中一种较为有效的评价方法。对上饶市30所高级中学语文学科的增值评估结果显示:增值分与原始分的评价结果有显著差异。公办学校与民办学校的效能有显著差异,重点学校与非重点学校的效能有显著差异。学校对不同性别的学生没有显著的效能差异,但对不同学习能力水平的学生有显著的效能差异。  相似文献   

利用区域教育质量监控所获得的数据与信息,对区域内各学校的效能进行细致科学的增值评价,不仅有利于从整体上提高教育质量,而且有利于促进教育均衡发展。运用国际上通用的学校效能评价建模方法——多水平模型,对武汉市H区25所中学的学生在初中三年的考试成绩进行了增值分析,并对学校内各个班级以及各个学科教师的增值进行了排名,有效识别出在促进学生进步方面高效能的班级和教师。  相似文献   

增值性评价作为一种新的教育评价思路,近年来得到越来越广泛的关注。它以"增值"作为评价指标,关注学生的进步,能够实现对学校和教师效能的客观评价。本文采用阶层线性模型,利用新疆双语教学小学五年级汉语学科的相关数据进行增值评价研究。研究计算出了学生、教师、学校的不同增值,对影响学生学业成绩的不同层次因素进行了分析。学习兴趣、学习策略等学生自身因素,教龄、职称等教师因素对学生的汉语学习起着显著的促进作用。据此,本文提出了相应的教学改进及教学质量评价建议。  相似文献   

为探讨区域教育质量增值评价结果运用思路,在济南市部分区域开展了初中生教育质量增值评价,针对不同类型的指标采用两水平线性回归模型、等级变化、百分比变化3种增值分析方法,并从区域教育行政、教研和学校3个层面探讨增值评价结果的运用。研究启示:教育行政部门应全面分析增值结果,关注学校增值特点,使其与结果评价互为补充;区域教研部门应分析本学科不同学校的增值特点,聚焦学科能力;学校应全面分析诊断,关注班级增值特点,关注教师成长,提高育人质量。  相似文献   

Outcome-oriented evaluation of school effectiveness is often based on student test scores in certain critical examinations. This study provides another method of evaluation—value-added—which is based on student achievement progress. This paper introduces the method of estimating the value-added score of schools in multi-level models. Based on longitudinal student achievement data, two measures of school effectiveness in one local education authority in China are compared. It is found that the between-school difference in both test-score and value-added is large comparable with that of Western countries. The results of the two measures of school effectiveness are highly different. The value-added measures lack consistency across different subject areas within schools while the test score measures are highly correlated between subjects. Teachers show their preference for value-added measures over test-score measures of education quality. It is suggested that value-added measures of school effectiveness should be used as a complement to rather than a substitute for test-score measures. The shortcomings of value-added approach are also discussed.  相似文献   

In the UK, USA and elsewhere, school accountability systems increasingly compare schools using value-added measures of school performance derived from pupil scores in high-stakes standardised tests. Rather than naïvely comparing school average scores, which largely reflect school intake differences in prior attainment, these measures attempt to compare the average progress or improvement pupils make during a year or phase of schooling. Schools, however, also differ in terms of their pupil demographic and socioeconomic characteristics and these factors also predict why some schools subsequently score higher than others. Many therefore argue that value-added measures unadjusted for pupil background are biased in favour of schools with more ‘educationally advantaged’ intakes. But others worry that adjusting for pupil background entrenches socioeconomic inequities and excuses low-performing schools. In this article we explore these theoretical arguments and their practical importance in the context of the ‘Progress 8’ secondary school accountability system in England, which has chosen to ignore pupil background. We reveal how the reported low or high performance of many schools changes dramatically once adjustments are made for pupil background, and these changes also affect the reported differential performances of regions and of different school types. We conclude that accountability systems which choose to ignore pupil background are likely to reward and punish the wrong schools and this will likely have detrimental effects on pupil learning. These findings, especially when coupled with more general concerns surrounding high-stakes testing and school value-added models, raise serious doubts about their use in school accountability systems.  相似文献   

A broad literature seeks to assess the importance of schools, proxies for school quality, and family background on children's achievement growth using the education production function. Using rich data from the Philippines, we introduce and estimate a model that imposes little structure on the relationship between intake achievement and follow-up achievement and evaluate school performance based on this estimated relationship. Our methods nest typical value-added specifications that use test score gains as the outcome variable and models assuming linearity in the relationship between intake and follow-up scores. We find evidence against the use of value-added models for our data and show that such models give very different assessments of school performance in the Philippines. Using a variety of tests we find that schools matter in the production of student achievement, though variation in performance across schools only explains about 4.4–5.3% of the total (conditional) variation in follow-up achievement. Schools providing basic facilities—in particular schools providing electricity—are found to perform much better in the production of achievement growth.  相似文献   

This chapter reports the results of an investigation into the stability across both years and subjects of school effects in Dutch secondary education. What distinguishes the present study from previous ones dealing with the stability of school effects is the fact that two types of instability have been investigated simultaneously. Not only the instability across years and subjects has been established, but also their interaction. This interaction effect should be interpreted as follows: a school may produce outstanding results with respect to a certain subject one year, while the next year the same school may reveal rather poor results for the same subject. The following specific research questions were addressed:(1) What percentage of the total variance in student achievement per subject can be attributed to differences between schools and to what extent are these effects stable across years? (2) To what extent are school effects stable across subjects? (3) To what extent does the instability across years interact with the instability across subjects?The school effects per subject were found to be fairly stable across years, but schools appeared to produce remarkably divergent results across subjects. A substantial interaction effect of instability across years and subjects was detected as well. The findings largely corroborate the conclusions of recent studies stressing the important role of departments in secondary schools. The general differences between schools with respect to student achievement turned out to be very modest, making up no more than 4% of the total variance in student achievement.  相似文献   

Accountability systems in education generally include indicators of student performance. However, these indicators often differ considerably among the various systems. More and more countries try to include value-added measures, mainly because they do not want to hold schools accountable for differences in their initial intake of students. This study presents a conceptual framework of these value-added measures, resulting in an overview of 5 different types. Using data from Dutch secondary schools, we empirically provide estimates of these different measures. Our analyses show that the correlation between the different types of school effects estimated is rather high, but that the different models implicate different results for individual schools. Based on theoretical considerations, arguments are given to use the following indicators in the value-added accountability models: prior achievement, student-level background characteristics, and compositional characteristics of the student population.  相似文献   

School effectiveness indices (SEIs) based on residuals from regressing test performance onto prior test performance and a socioeconomic status (SES) measure were obtained for 2 consecutive years for 431 elementary schools. The resulting SEIs were found to be reasonably stable year to year, the correlations ranging from. 34 to .66, depending on grade level (1–4) and subject (reading and mathematics). To aid in the identification of the factors that affect the stability of school achievement, correlations of the SEIs across subjects and grade levels were obtained also. It was determined that SEIs reflecting the performance of students at the same grade level were relatively stable, whether the same or different students were involved. However, SEIs reflecting the performance of students at different grade levels were very unstable. This suggests that grade-within-school effects dominate whatever global school effects operate in elementary schools. Implications for effective schools research, the design of school recognition/reward programs, and research and measurement specialists in general are discussed  相似文献   

In this study, researchers compared the concordance of teacher-level effectiveness ratings derived via six common generalized value-added model (VAM) approaches including a (1) student growth percentile (SGP) model, (2) value-added linear regression model (VALRM), (3) value-added hierarchical linear model (VAHLM), (4) simple difference (gain) score model, (5) rubric-based performance level (growth) model, and (6) simple criterion (percent passing) model. The study sample included fourth to sixth grade teachers employed in a large, suburban school district who taught the same sets of students, at the same time, and for whom a consistent set of achievement measures and background variables were available. Findings indicate that ratings significantly and substantively differed depending upon the methodological approach used. Findings, accordingly, bring into question the validity of the inferences based on such estimates, especially when high-stakes decisions are made about teachers as based on estimates measured via different, albeit popular methods across different school districts and states.  相似文献   

增值是学生实际成绩与预期成绩的差异。香港中学增值指标是香港"学校质素保证架构"中学校表现的指标体系之一。香港学校增值数据系统建基于在美、英等国普遍采用的多层模型,能分别估计学校层面和学生层面的增值,反映学校特定年级整体学生学业增值情况。学校亦可通过登入系统编制各种报告,包括与全港学校、相类生源学校及同区学校的比较报告,从增值数据中了解问题,改善教与学。  相似文献   

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