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女童教育对女童个人、家庭、民族和社会的发展与进步有着重要的意义。近十年来,我国农村地区、少数民族地区的教育有了很大的发展,然而少数民族地区女童的教育却仍受到制约。主要表现为:瑶族女童辍学现象较严重;想继续学习,但缺乏兴趣,没有学习热情;不安全因素增多。究其原因,"男尊女卑"性别文化依然在瑶族社会占据主导地位,"女孩读书无用论"成为女童晚入学及辍学的主要原因,就业中的"性别偏见"使女童教育再遇挑战,"性别刻板印象"以及较少关注女童情感,是造成女生学习热情不高的重要原因。因此,进行性别平等教育,让性别平等意识深入到每一个角落,是教育者优先要做的工作。  相似文献   

农村初中学生辍学已严重影响了民族地区教育均衡和协调发展.就西藏而言,党和国家不断增加的教育投入不仅大大改善了学校的教育教学条件,而且通过"三包"政策免除了学生上学的一切费用,但农村初中多数学生辍学的情况并没有得到根本性改变.这一现象说明西藏农牧区学生辍学不同于一般意义上的辍学,而是表现为学生不喜欢学校教育,继而表现为学校教育未能满足学生的教育需求.学生辍学这一现象的本质即为民族地区学生由于所生活的自然环境和社会环境的差异有着与其他地区不一样的教育需求.解决学生辍学问题关键在于明确学生有什么样的教育需求,进而根据需求提供学生满意的教育.  相似文献   

文章针对海南省少数民族女童受教育程度的现状,就海南省少数民族贫困地区女童教育的特殊性、复杂性、长期性、艰巨性,提出富有实践性的女童教育的公共教育政策建议。以期能有利于降低女性文盲率,解决贫困地区女童与妇女教育问题,开发妇女人力资源,促进海南省民族地区人口素质的整体提高和贫困地区经济社会的全面进步,开创新世纪的特区文明。  相似文献   

文章针对海南省少数民族女童受教育程度现状,就海南省少数民族贫困地区女童教育的特殊性、复杂性、长期性、艰巨性,提出富有实践性的女童教育的公共教育政策建议。以期能有利于降低女性文盲率,解决贫困地区女童与妇女教育问题,开发妇女人力资源,促进海南省民族地区人口素质的整体提高和贫困地区经济社会的全面进步,开创新世纪的特区文明。  相似文献   

女童教育是人口、妇女,民族、宗教、贫困等社会问题在教育上的综合反映。女童的入学及在读巩固率、毕业率是女童教育成败的关键所在。当前女童教育问题的焦点是流失与巩固之间的矛盾。笔者以酒泉移民区女童教育为研究对象,通过生态移民区女童教育现状尤其是辍学情况的调研,分析其存在的问题,旨在尝试提出相应解决策略,以期能为移民区女童享受公平教育机会、提高教育质量起到借鉴和促进作用。  相似文献   

全纳教育的核心是教育要民主、平等,教育要容纳一切学生,尊重儿童的个性差异,关注儿童身心发展的不同需求.少数民族女童,特别是西北少数民族女童教育有很多来自家庭、学校和自身的原因.她们有许多特殊的需要,而这正是我国教育中需要特别关注的部分.本文将试图分析少数民族女童的特殊需要,并在全纳教育的视角下探究如何从家庭、学校等方面更好的帮助少数民族女童教育的发展.  相似文献   

她们为什么不上学了?-河北某县女童辍学问题案例分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一段时期以来 ,人们发现入学率的提高不一定就能够自然保证农村中青少年完成九年义务教育 ,辍学成为了人们普遍关注的问题。针对女童辍学问题 ,我们在河北省某县开展了深入的研究。该研究发现 ,辍学虽然不是女童的特有现象 ,但是女童辍学和女童辍学早则往往处于被忽略状态。女童辍学的原因包括 :厌学、教学质量差、离学校距离远、贫困和学校对女童教育关注程度低等综合因素。解决农村的辍学问题需要从教育本身存在的问题入手。  相似文献   

民族地区女童在社会中属于弱势群体,这种弱势性来源于民族地区欠发达的经济、传统的文化观念与习俗,不同的宗教观念等,这决定了民族地区女童教育的特殊性.根据我国十一五规划中提出的构建和谐社会的要求,政府在社会政策上应为弱势群体提供制度性保障.在民族地区女童教育上,政府的政策支持与保障尤为重要.该文通过对广西融水县女童教育的发展情况进行分析,以期为今后以促进女童教育发展为目标的政策制定提供借鉴.  相似文献   

资料显示,2004年,我国女童小学入学率为98.93%。男女性别差异进一步缩小——从1995年的0.70%缩小到0.04%。这样的变化是令人振奋的。但是还应看到,由于经济文化发展的不平衡,我国平均每年因家庭困难而失学的100万名儿童中,女童占了70%。尽管从1989年实施“春蕾计划”以来,我国在扶助女童受教育上取得了很大成效,但在贫困地区,女童受教育仍然困难重重。这条路还很长。为什么西部贫困地区、少数民族地区和部分山区还有这么多的大龄女童失辍学,甚至其生存和发展都出现了危机呢?  相似文献   

农村辍学问题的根源在于教育收益率低下,因此,要从根本上解决农村辍学问题,就需要在降低农村教育成本的同时,提高农村教育能够带给学生 (家庭) 的教育收益.严格实施"一费制"、提高农村教育的质量以及科学地定位农村教育的发展方向,是解决农村辍学问题的重要举措.  相似文献   

In 2010, there was a slight decrease in the number of out-of school adolescents from 75 million in 2009 (UNESCO, 2009) to 71 million in 2010, of which 55% are girls (UNESCO, 2010). In Kenya, only 17% of girls have secondary education (CBS, 2004). This paper analyzes the role of families in girls’ secondary education in two schools within Nairobi province, Kenya. Data were obtained from interviews with adolescent girls attending Kamu and Lafama1 schools in Nairobi province, the dropouts, and a sample of teachers. Results show girls’ lives and opportunities were socially constructed and this permeated into the families, influencing the way parents treated their daughters. This further provided a fertile ground for sexual harassment that plagued girls within their own families. The Kenyan Government needs to influence women and girls perceptions, through increasing campaigns from the grassroots on the importance of being committed to girls’ education.  相似文献   

The educational challenges girls face are often explained by economics. However, gender norms and identities, constructed historically but subject to change, also play a crucial role. In Kenya, little attention has been paid to the negative social constructions that keep girls from attaining the education they want. This article analyses the role of social construction among girls who are in and out of two secondary schools in Nairobi province, Kenya. Data were obtained from interviews with adolescent girls attending the schools, female dropouts previously affiliated with those two schools, and teachers at the schools. All the challenges that girls faced in attempting to secure secondary education were linked to social construction; they were deeply rooted in gender roles as defined by the cultural context and reinforced by socialisation. Based on the results, the authors hold that women must lead community efforts toward changes that will enhance their daughters’ educational opportunities.  相似文献   

Eighty-six students with mild disabilities living in a rural area who had graduated (n = 52) or dropped out of (n = 34) high school were interviewed at two points in time (7 months apart) about their employment, residential status, and participation in postsecondary education and training programs. Information was also collected on students' high school experiences (educational, vocational, and work) and the reasons they dropped out of school. Of the students who had graduated (Caucasian = 26, black = 25, and other = 1), 31 were male and 21 were female. Of the students who had dropped out (Caucasian = 18, black = 15, and other = 1), 22 were male and 12 female. It was found that the majority of graduates and dropouts were employed full-time at both interviews, and held jobs that paid above minimum wage and provided employee benefits, as well. Nevertheless, by the time of the terminal interview, graduates had worked proportionally more time since high school than dropouts and had been employed in their current job more than twice as long. Neither group of former special education students was particularly active in pursuing postsecondary education or training programs. Finally, these former students had participated in a limited range of educational and vocational experiences during high school, both in terms of diploma tracks and vocational education programs. The implications of the findings for long-term employment and community adjustment are discussed.  相似文献   

关于少数民族女童学校教育特殊性的初步分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
少数民族女童教育是我国义务教育中的难中之难,如何认识影响少数民族女童教育发展的因素是重要的和迫切的问题。影响少数民族女童学校教育发展的外部因素有经济发展水平、地域环境、宗教信仰、文化传统与习俗和语言文字等,内部因素有教育目标、办学形式、师生状况、课程设置、教材和教学设备等。  相似文献   

Indonesia has dramatically increased school enrolment at the secondary level over the past several decades, as reflected in national statistics. However, significant variation in enrolment rates remains across regions and genders. In some areas, nearly all youth complete secondary school; in others fewer than half attend. This study investigates the reasons for secondary school dropout in Banten and Aceh, two provinces of Indonesia with lower-than-average secondary school enrolment rates. We interviewed 28 out-of-school youth and conducted focus groups and observations at non-formal education programs serving dropouts. We find that high costs for secondary school were the overwhelming reason for dropout, with a subset of boys also reporting behavioural issues as a contributing factor. While costs affected adolescent boys and girls equally, the options facing them after dropout differed sharply. The findings point to the need for easier paths back into formal education for youth who have dropped out.  相似文献   

One of the key effects of globalisation is the extraordinary increase in migratory movements. Spain, a country traditionally accustomed to emigration, has seen a considerable rise in the influx of immigrant population, with notable demographic, social and cultural transformations. Particularly, since the early 90s, schools have been experiencing increasing ethnic diversity in their student enrolments. Especially, over the last 10 years, their presence has multiplied 10-fold, reaching 9.53% of the total student body. Thus, along with linguistic difference, class, gender or ability, the most characteristic feature of Spanish schools in recent years is their multicultural nature. For these reasons, it seems reasonable to focus on how Spanish schools, and particularly teachers, perceive and manage cultural diversity. This article reports on a multiple case design study concerning the teachers’ views on cultural diversity and the impact on daily practice in their classrooms. Participants included 16 teachers, with experience ranging from 2 to 20 years of teaching, from four Spanish secondary schools. Semi-structured in-depth interviews with the teachers from each school were chosen as the research method. Additionally, the principal and four immigrant student families from each school were also interviewed. Further information was obtained through a focus-group interview with the four school counsellors. Over a six-month period, all the interviews and complementary field work were carried out by a researcher in each school. While recognising the efforts to accommodate ethnic groups and immigrant populations, the results indicated that teachers perceive cultural diversity as a particular problem whose management is marginalised and excluded from the set of school activities and teaching practices. Teachers agree that the issue is one of adaptation, a problem to be solved by the students themselves with the support of school counsellors and other educational specialists. This way, neither school policies nor teaching practices assume the commitments arising from cultural diversity, so we cannot say that teachers incorporate it in their work, putting culturally relevant teaching into practice in their classrooms. While one of the benchmarks achieved in recent years is the presence of educational specialists in schools to address cultural diversity, the next step is to create the conditions to articulate a joint and collaborative effort between the teaching body and these professionals, bringing cultural diversity management closer to the classroom. Another pending challenge would be determining how we can best prepare teachers for organising and managing their culturally diverse classrooms. Teachers in these schools are doing their job without a professional knowledge base concerning multicultural education. Therefore, pre-service and in-service teacher education programmes should consider questions related to multicultural education and classroom management, which are absent or rarely taken into account in teacher training to date.  相似文献   

The junior middle school phase is one in which students first come into formal contact with science subjects and is a key period in the formation of their attitudes toward the sciences. Any setback in science studies in this period inevitably affects the students' studies in the senior middle school phase and even their future choice of specializations and the direction of their career development. Thus science education during the junior middle school phase is of the utmost importance for the students' growth. Studies by scholars abroad show that the great majority of girls have the same intelligence and ambitions as boys when they enter school, but by the time they graduate from junior and senior middle schools they have much less confidence in their abilities and their self-esteem has conspicuously declined. There is also a big difference between boys and girls in terms of their choice of advancement to higher schools, and a relatively small proportion of girls choose to take science courses in senior middle school. In terms of choice of vocations, most girls remain stuck in the narrow field of traditional occupations for females, such as nursing, health care, and secretarial work, and display a clear tendency toward job gender patternization. The rate of school dropouts and discontinued schooling is much higher among girls than boys.1 Studies by scholars in China show that stereotyped gender impressions among teachers leads to incorrect conduct in education and teaching. For instance, teachers believe that boys are more clever. They make different dispositions for girls' and boys' learning activities, and lavish more attention on boys. Such different feedback to learning information [sic] from boys and girls widens the difference between students of different genders.2  相似文献   

This article discusses research undertaken with a group of ten adolescent school girls about their understandings and perceptions of sexual harassment. The research took place 2 years after the Department of Education, Queensland, had developed and disseminated its Sexual Harassment Policy and Grievance Procedures (1994). In a series of interviews, the research participants revealed their understandings of sexual harassment and the factors they considered when making the decision to report sexual harassment and/or to utilize existing grievance procedures. The research indicates that the elimination of sexual harassment must take into account the complexities and ambiguities at work in the school lives of adolescent girls. At present it would appear that schools are driven by the legal imperative to implement policy, and have yet to focus on the educative responsibility attending the policy. Schools’ educative responsibility for the effective implementation of sexual harassment policy requires that students have opportunities to examine in the formal curriculum a range of discourses that expose the contradictory ways in which gender, power, sexuality and desire are constructed in education and schooling. The findings of this research therefore have significant implications for school communities, curriculum developers and policy makers  相似文献   

This paper shows that while high school dropouts fare far worse on average than otherwise similar high school completers in early adulthood outcomes such as success in the labor market and future criminal activity, there are important differences within this group of dropouts. Notably, those who feel “pulled” out of school (i.e., they say they dropped out of school to work or take care of family) do similarly with respect to labor market and criminal outcomes in their early twenties to individuals with similar pre-dropout characteristics who complete high school. It is only those who feel they are more “pushed” out of school (i.e., they say they drop out for other reasons including expulsion, poor grades, moving, and not liking school) who do substantially worse than otherwise similar high school completers. These results suggest that any detrimental impacts from dropping out of school arise primarily when the drop out does not have a plan for how to use his time after dropping out.  相似文献   


The call by policymakers, education stakeholders, and families for children to enter school ‘ready’ has led to numerous empirical studies that seek to identify how children and their families are or are not prepared for school. In the United States, this empirical work tends to identify particular children and their families ‘at-risk’ for school success and often seeks out ways to intervene so that such risks are addressed. Absent from this work is an understanding of how families conceptualise school readiness, and how those understandings influence their conceptions of whether or not their own children are ready for school. Such work could assist educators and other school personnel in supporting families and their children as they enter their programmes. This article examines this issue by presenting findings from a qualitative metasynthesis of studies that investigated how families conceptualised school readiness. Analysing, synthesising, and interpreting their conceptions of school readiness offers the chance to consider how early childhood stakeholders can be ready for families as they enter their programmes as well as support their efforts in readying their children for school.  相似文献   

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