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国外检测外国留学生英语水平的考试是最多的,有美国教育考试服务处(ETS)主办的TOEFI,GRE、GMAT、LSAT、TSE、MELAB等考试,有英国文化委员会、剑桥大学海外考试服务处和澳大利亚教育国际开发署共同举办的IELTS考试等。学生可以根据自己准备留学的国家,选择其中一种最适合自己的考试即可。  相似文献   

根据考试管理工作的目的、任务、方法及主要规律为依据,开发了考试管理信息系统(EMIS)软件,该软件采用VB编程语言,充分利用微机对考试工作进行有效地宏观管理,有利于实现高校考试的管理科学化,提高其质量和效率.  相似文献   

测试母语为非日本语国家学生语言水平的考试种类很多,据调查,美、澳、英、法、新加坡各国都有各种各样的日本语考试,有为观光旅游的导游开设的日语能力考试,有为经贸人士开设的日语能力测验,也有专为文化交流设立的日语考试。这些考试在我国基本上也都有,但对准备到日本留学的中国学生来说,申请日本学校和签证,最有用的考试是国际日本语能力测试。  相似文献   

针对等级考试的特点,提出了应考的基本技巧和策略。  相似文献   

比较普通话水平测试与大学英语等级考试在测试目的、测试对象、测试标准、测试内容和方法等方面的异同,借鉴大学英语等级考试中可以参照学习的部分,可以扩大普通话测试对象,在普通话测试的内容和方法等方面加以改进,以进一步完善普通话水平测试。  相似文献   

考试策略是受试在考试过程中有意识地选择的解题步骤和程序,是效度验证的必要证据.纵览国外考试策略研究五十年历史(1958-2009),20世纪50年代末到舯年代中期的研究重点是考试智慧策略,之后研究重心向语言学习者策略和考试掌控策略转移.本文综述了这两个时期的研究成果,并指出未来考试策略研究应在平衡研究话题、完善考试策略...  相似文献   

高考前的冲刺,对高考至关重要.2007年高考已经进入倒计时,最后阶段的冲刺正如赛跑,冲刺冲得好就可能后来居上,没有冲刺好就可能前功尽弃.最后冲刺的复习,最忌讳的就是求多、求难,应该认真领悟《考试大纲》,吃透《考试说明》,回归基础,进一步明确考试的难度、语言知识和语言运用能力的测试要求.有针对性地进行最后的梳理,提高最后冲刺的实效性,考出理想的成绩!  相似文献   

结合历年全国计算机等级考试C语言二级笔试试卷,对考试范围、考查知识点、易出错点等进行了系统分析,同时对C语言学习、复习的方法与技巧提出了建议。  相似文献   

一、计算机化考试的理论基础 随着认知科学、语言测试理论的发展以及测试手段和方式的不断更新,现代语言测试已经从过去对测试结果的关注逐渐深入到测试的过程,测试的结果应该能够反映出测试者之间细微的个体差异。计算机化考试,包括正在进行中的美国ETS组织的托福和GRE计算机化考试(CBT--Computer-based Test),也正是在利用先进的技术手段,使大规模的测试更加科学规范,更具有效率。从理论发展来看,计算机考试经历了以下几个过程。  相似文献   

让者从德意志学术教育中心获悉,留学德国需要参加的两大语言考试相继有所调整,德福考试门槛降低,DSH考试将变得更标准规范。  相似文献   

为探讨全测验与锚测验不同的客观题与主观题分值比对等值误差造成的影响,本文设计两种全测验与锚测验题型分值比,以等值标准误为因变量,构建2X2的两因素完全随机化设计进行等值误差的方差分析。结果表明,全测验题型分值比与锚测验题型分值比两因素的主效应显著(P〈0.001),交互作用显著(P〈0.01),简单效应检验表明两因素在各水平上差异显著(P〈0.01)。全测验题型分值比与锚测验题型分值比对等值误差产生一定的影响,在等值过程中应该考虑这两个影响因素,为了减小等值过程的误差,锚测验题型分值比应该尽量与全测验题型分值比相一致。  相似文献   

学业水平考试物理试题难度预估方法探究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目前上海市普通高中学业水平考试未实行考前试测制度,因此试题难易度主要依据试题编制者的经验进行预估,尚无量化研究的方法。本研究根据国内外研究经验,从试题的物理概念、试题设计、数学运算三个项目出发,结合2011年上海市普通高中物理学业水平考试试题难度实测数据分析,构建试题难度预估的量化方法,并用2012年上海市普通高中物理学业水平考试试题难度实测数据检验其准确性,期望为今后物理试题难易度预估提供研究的基础。  相似文献   

Item response models are finding increasing use in achievement and aptitude test development. Item response theory (IRT) test development involves the selection of test items based on a consideration of their item information functions. But a problem arises because item information functions are determined by their item parameter estimates, which contain error. When the "best" items are selected on the basis of their statistical characteristics, there is a tendency to capitalize on chance due to errors in the item parameter estimates. The resulting test, therefore, falls short of the test that was desired or expected. The purposes of this article are (a) to highlight the problem of item parameter estimation errors in the test development process, (b) to demonstrate the seriousness of the problem with several simulated data sets, and (c) to offer a conservative solution for addressing the problem in IRT-based test development.  相似文献   

Educational measurement specialists in undertaking test equating in applied settings have been plagued by the absence of a logically or mathematically compelling rationale for their test equating efforts. Classical test theory and other test theories based on the assumption of identically distributed true scores are tautological in terms of test equating. The present study examined (by means of a Monte Carlo procedure) the effects of four parameters on the accuracy of test equating under a relaxed definition of test form equivalence. The four parameters studied were sample size, test form length, test form reliability, and the correlation between the true scores of the test forms to be equated. Significant interactions involving sample size and the other parameters indicated that smaller samples of observations yielded disproportionately larger errors in test equating for fixed values of the test form parameters. In terms of main effects, sample size emerged as most important in controlling equating error. Taken together, the results suggest that when test equating is carried out on larger samples of observations, errors of equating will tend to be relatively small even though the test forms are not strictly parallel. For arbitrarily small samples, however, errors of equating will tend to be larger regardless of how equivalent the test forms are.  相似文献   

高中生考试焦虑、自尊和应对方式的现状及关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以721名高二学生为被试,进行考试焦虑、自尊和简易应对方式的问卷调查,结果发现:高中生考试焦虑现状不容忽视;高中生考试焦虑、自尊和消极应对方式表现出性别差异;自尊和应对方式是影响高中生考试焦虑的重要因素,其中应对方式又是自尊影响考试焦虑的中间变量。  相似文献   

The purpose of test directions is to familiarize examinees with a test so that they respond to items in the manner intended. However, changes in educational measurement as well as the U.S. student population present new challenges to test directions and increase the impact that differential familiarity could have on the validity of test score interpretations. This article reviews the literature on best practices for the development of test directions as well as documenting differences in test familiarity for culturally and linguistically diverse students that could be addressed with test directions and practice. The literature indicates that choice of practice items and feedback are critical in the design of test directions and that more extensive practice opportunities may be required to reduce group differences in test familiarity. As increasingly complex and rich item formats are introduced in next-generation assessments, test directions become a critical part of test design and validity.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate the interplay between test anxiety and working memory (WM) on mathematics performance in younger children. A sample of 624 grade 3 students completed a test battery consisting of a test anxiety scale, WM tasks and the Swedish national examination in mathematics for grade 3. The main effects of test anxiety and WM, and the two-way interaction between test anxiety and WM on mathematics performance, were modelled with structural equation modelling techniques. Additionally, the effects were also tested separately on tasks with high WM demands (mathematical problem-solving) versus low WM demands (basic arithmetic). As expected, WM positively predicted mathematics performance in all three models (overall mathematics performance, problem-solving tasks, and basic arithmetic). Test anxiety had a negative effect on problem-solving on the whole sample level but concerning basic arithmetic only students with lower WM were affected by the negative effects of test anxiety on performance. Thus, students with low WM are more vulnerable to the negative effects of test anxiety in low WM tasks like basic arithmetic. The results are discussed in relation to the early identification of test anxiety.  相似文献   

An achievement test score can be viewed as a joint function of skill and will, of knowledge and motivation. However, when interpreting and using test scores, the ‘will’ part is not always acknowledged and scores are mostly interpreted and used as pure measures of student knowledge. This paper argues that students’ motivation to do their best on the assessment – their test‐taking motivation – is important to consider from an assessment validity perspective. This is true not least in assessment contexts where the assessment outcome has no consequences for the test‐taker. The paper further argues that the quality of assessment of test‐taking motivation also needs attention. Theoretical and methodological issues related to the assessment of test‐taking motivation are presented from a validity perspective, and findings from empirical studies on the relation between test stakes, test‐taking motivation and test performance are presented.  相似文献   

心理测验是行为样组的客观的,标准化的测量,它具有间接性,相对性,客观性等特性,这些特性是其科学性的独特体现,心理测验的有效程度和可信程度是其科学性的两个重要指标,根据心理测验的特性,对心理测验的分数必须正确对待。  相似文献   

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