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运用“简极-茵战K1”智能足球运动表现分析系统采集12名大学生运动员在8场正式足球比赛中的跑动和心率相关指标,量化运动员的外部和内部比赛负荷。结果显示:(1)在外部负荷方面,大学生足球运动员在正式的足球比赛中场均跑动距离(8 464±822) m,其中,慢速跑跑动距离约占39.8%,低速跑跑动距离约占30.2%,高强度跑动距离约占5.1%,场均高强度跑动次数(30±14)次;在内部负荷方面,运动员在比赛中的平均心率为(160±11) 次/分钟,52%的比赛时间处于80%最大心率以上区间,仅有14.5%的比赛时间内处于70%最大心率以下区间。(2)后卫球员的跑动总距离大程度地低于中场(ES=1.2,可能性>95%)和前锋(ES=1.4,可能性>95%),高强度跑平均间歇时间则中等程度地高于中场(ES=0.6,可能性>75%)和前锋(ES=0.9,可能性>75%),后卫球员在比赛处于中高强度心率区间的时间比例中等程度地低于中场(ES=1.0,可能性>95%)和前锋(ES=1.1,可能性>75%)。前锋球员在比赛中的最大跑动速度(ES=0.7,可能性>75%)、步行距离(ES=0.8,可能性>75%)、慢速跑跑动距离(ES=0.6,可能性>75%)和中等强度心率区间占比(ES=0.7,可能性>75%)皆中等程度地高于中场球员,而低速跑跑动距离(ES=0.8,可能性>75%)、平均心率(ES=0.6,可能性>75%)和高强度心率区间占比(ES=0.6,可能性>95%)则都中等程度的低于中场球员。  相似文献   

目的:考虑比赛中断因素影响的情况下,探讨我国职业足球运动员比赛结束时段跑动能力是否下降。方法:基于STATS Pro R计算机视频跟踪系统采集的275名职业足球运动员3 438组比赛跑动数据,围绕足球比赛间歇性特征,同时考虑中断时间动态特征和比分差距大小对跑动表现的影响。运用数据级数推断分别界定我国职业足球运动员半场结束时段和比赛结束时段的跑动能力是否下降。研究发现:(1)相较比赛开始阶段,比赛结束时段的中断时间呈现清晰的增加,比分均衡比赛结束时段的中断时间增加更为明显;(2)我国职业足球运动员比赛结束时段总跑动距离呈现清晰的下降(ES=0.31~0.56),但该下降以中、低速跑动距离为主,所有位置运动员冲刺跑动距离均只出现微小无意义变化(ES=0.14~0.08);(3)上半场中、低速跑动距离下降程度大于下半场,高强度跑动距离的下降程度小于下半场;(4)比赛结束时段跑动表现变化的位置特征表现为,中后场运动员高强度跑动距离未发生有意义变化,前场运动员高速跑动距离则呈现清晰的减少(ES=0.25~0.37)。结果表明:考虑比赛中断因素影响后,我国职业足球运动员比赛结束时段高强度跑动距离总体未呈现下降趋势;中后场运动员高速跑动距离和冲刺跑动距离均只出现了微小无意义变化,而前场运动员的高速跑动距离则呈现清晰的减少。  相似文献   

采取数据级数推断与广义混合线性模型的统计方法,对2018年俄罗斯世界杯正赛阶段381名非门将位置足球运动员在829次打满全场的比赛中的跑动特征进行量化分析。结果显示:(1)在本届世界杯中,所有外场球员场均跑动距离(9 872±956) m,其中,高强度跑动(速度>20 km/h)距离约占7.2%,场均高强度跑动次数(31±11)次;(2)中场球员的场均跑动距离最多(10 608±759) m,其次是前锋球员(9 622±900) m,最少的是后卫球员(9 484±807) m,其中,前锋球员完成最多的冲刺跑动[速度>25 km/h,(259±113) m]和慢跑[速度<7 km/h,(3 827±324) m],中场球员完成最多的是低速跑[速度7~15 km/h,(4 705±685) m]和中速跑[速度15~20 km/h,(1 596±333) m];(3)本届世界杯中,所有球员上、下半场的跑动距离[(4 940±507) m 与(4 933±516) m]、最大跑动速度[(27.5±2.7) km/h与(27.5±2.5) km/h]、高强度跑动次数[(15.5±6.2)次与(15.1±6.0)次] 都只体现出极其可能的微小无意义变化(ES=-0.04、-0.06、-0.03,可能性皆大于99.5%),而下半场的慢跑距离(1 917±186) m相对于上半场的慢跑距离(1 771±176) m,则出现了极其可能的中等程度的升高(ES=0.82,可能性大于99.5%)。  相似文献   

五体球是一项集足球和篮球玩法于一体的新型球类运动,因其较高的场地利用率和观赏性而具备广阔的推广前景,目前广东省已成功举办 4.届大学生五体球联赛。采取心率监测系统和GPS全球定位系统对5 1.名大学生运动员在第三届大学生五体球联赛中 7.场比赛的心率数据与跑动相关数据进行监测,用以量化评估五体球比赛运动负荷特征,并采用数据级数推断法对比了不同阶段比赛负荷的差异性。结果显示:(1)运动员比赛平均心率为(164.5±13.4)次/分钟,约占最大心率的82.5%±6.9%,在比赛时间内运动员每分钟跑动(67.6±14.0) m,其中低强度跑动(速度<1 2.km/h)距离约占93.1%,高强度跑动(速度≥1 5.km/h)距离仅占2.1%,最大跑动速度为(18.4±3.8) km/h ;(2)五体球联赛省赛阶段的平均心率占最大心率百分比、跑动总距离、加速度负荷、中低强度加速和减速次数、中高强度变向次数、身体冲撞次数和爆发性活动次数皆清晰高于市赛,而最大跑动速度和冲刺跑距离占比则清晰低于市赛(ES为0.95~1.12,可能性75%~95%)。研究结果说明大学生五体球比赛的总体比赛负荷要低于足球和篮球,加速、急停和变向等灵敏性素质是区分五体球比赛水平的显著性指标  相似文献   

男子曲棍球运动员比赛跑动能力研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
运用SIMI°Scout技、战术分析系统对63名参加第11届全运会曲棍球比赛的男子曲棍球运动员的比赛跑动能力进行分析,在不划分位置情况下,曲棍球运动员上半场多数速度段跑动距离和跑动总距离高于下半场多数速度段跑动距离,表明下半场由于体能下降导致多数速度段的跑动距离有所下降。经过t检验发现,曲棍球的第1速度段跑动距离上、下半场有显著性差异,说明曲棍球第1速度段的跑动距离在下半场下降更明显。在划分运动员位置情况下,量化了曲棍球前锋运动员、前卫运动员和后卫运动员不同时间段的不同速度段的跑动距离。通过对比发现,曲棍球比赛中,运动员跑动距离存在显著的位置特征,前锋运动员和前卫运动员无氧高强度和无氧有氧混合中等强度跑动和跑动总距离要高于后卫运动员。前锋运动员、前卫运动员和后卫运动员上半场多数速度段的跑动距离和跑动总距离高于下半场多数速度段的跑动距离,通过t检验没有发现更进一步的差异性。  相似文献   

我国优秀青年足球运动员比赛高强度跑动变化特征研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
旨在评估我国优秀青年足球运动员比赛中高强度活动体能的变化特征。运用SIMIScout比赛分析系统对21名国奥队员和25名国青队员在 一个赛季里的比赛体能表现,及YoYo测试成绩进行了分析研究。研究结果显示:(1)比赛中的高强度跑动距离可以作为评价优秀青年足球运动员 比赛体能状态的敏感指标;(2)描述了优秀青年足球运动员比赛中的活动距离,尤其是高强度跑动距离的变化趋势;(3)国奥队运动员在比赛中的高 强度跑动距离明显多于国青队运动员,国奥队运动员的YoYo测试成绩明显好于国青队运动员;(4)优秀青年足球队的中后卫运动员在比赛中的高 强度跑动距离明显少于边后卫、前卫和前锋运动员;(5)构建了我国优秀青年足球运动员比赛中高强度跑动距离的评价标准,可应用于运动员比赛 中体能状态的评价与诊断。  相似文献   

中国国家女子足球队运动员比赛心率特征研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
用心率表对中国女子足球队备战2007年女子足球世界杯系列热身赛的比赛心率进行了测量,对中国女子足球队运动员全场比赛、上下半场比赛、中场休息时的心率和比赛不同时段的心率特点进行了分析.研究表明,中国女子足球队运动员比赛负荷强度较高;不同位置运动员比赛负荷强度不同;上半场的比赛负荷强度高于下半场;不同时段的比赛负荷强度不同;中场休息时的心率与上半场比赛心率存在显著相关关系,以中场休息平均心率为自变量建立的回归方程和回归系数都显著.  相似文献   

运用文献资料、录像解析、数理统计等方法,对国家男子足球队与比赛对手相同位置运动员的跑动距离进行了比较分析,结果发现:1)与比赛对手相同位置运动员相比,国家男子足球运动员在跑动总距离上均少于比赛对手。2)在各级跑速的跑动距离上,守门员中速跑的跑动能力显著优于比赛对手;边后卫高速跑的跑动能力显著优于比赛对手;中前卫慢跑以下的跑动能力明显多于比赛对手,而低速跑的跑动能力明显少于比赛对手。3)高强度的跑动能力,尤其是冲刺跑的跑动能力较差,是国家男子足球运动员与比赛对手体能水平的差距所在。  相似文献   

YO-YO间歇测试与足球运动员比赛跑动能力关联研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:检验YO-YO测试与足球比赛跑动分析系统的信度与效度,探索YO-YO测试结果与比赛跑动能力的关系。方法:对24名国家男子足球队运动员进行YO-YO测试,对他们在16场国际比赛中的跑动能力进行研究,获取了每名运动员的YO-YO测试结果与比赛中的各种跑动参数。结果:YO-YO测试具有较高的重测信度(r=0.98)和较低的变异系数(8.7%),运动员的测试成绩由于位置不同表现出一定的差异性。SIMI跑动分析系统具有较好的稳定性,观察者内部与观察者之间的变异系数均小于3%,运动员比赛中的跑动能力也由于位置不同表现出一定的差异,且下半场跑动能力下降。YO-YO测试成绩与比赛跑动总距离、有氧高强度跑、无氧高强度跑、冲刺跑频数表现出较高的相关性(r=0.79,P<0.01;r=0.85,P<0.05;r=0.70,P<0.05;r=0.78,P<0.01),而与冲刺跑距离不存在显著相关(r=0.30,P>0.05)。结论:YO-YO测试与比赛跑动分析系统均具有较好的测试信度与效度;YO-YO测试能够反映与比赛密切相关的运动员体能,二者存在高度相关,可作为监测运动员体能变化的一项重要指标。  相似文献   

足球运动员比赛条件下运动距离测量和运动速度分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
使用专用的技、战术录像分析系统(S IM I°Scou t),对中、日足球运动员在比赛条件下进行运动距离测量和跑速分析。结果显示,3名中国运动员全场运动距离平均为9 300 m,两名日本运动员平均运动距离为9 700 m;下半场运动员距离比上半场有所减少,中国运动员减少量高于日本运动员;从运动形式上看,“冲刺”、“快跑”两项之和占总距离的10%;运动员下半场活动范围一般比上半场有所增加。  相似文献   

Match analysis and heart rate of futsal players during competition   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
Heart rates were monitored and time-motion analysis performed for 10 players (mean age 25.6 years, s = 2.5; body mass 73.8 kg, s = 5.7 kg; height 1.75 m, s = 0.06) during four competitive futsal matches. Mean heart rate during the match was 90% (s = 2) of maximum heart rate. Heart rate records were classified based on the percentage of time spent in three zones (>85%, 85-65%, and <65% maximum heart rate); players spent 83%, 16%, and 0.3% in these three zones, respectively. During the second period, there was a significant reduction (P < 0.01) in the percentage of time spent at an intensity above 85% of maximum heart rate (first vs. second period: 86% vs. 79%). Players' movements were classified as standing, walking, jogging, medium-intensity running, high-intensity running, and sprinting (maximal speed running). Time-motion analysis indicated that the mean distance covered per minute of play was 117.3 m (s = 11.6), of which 28.5% (s = 2.2) was covered while performing medium-intensity running, 13.7% (s = 2) during high-intensity running, and 8.9% (s=3.4) while sprinting. From the results, we conclude that futsal is a multiple-sprints sport in which there are more high-intensity phases than in soccer and other intermittent sports.  相似文献   


The aims of this study were to: (1) quantify match running performance in 5-min periods to determine if players fatigue or modulate high-intensity running according to a pacing strategy, and (2) examine factors impacting high-intensity running such as score line, match importance and the introduction of substitutes. All players were analysed using a computerised tracking system. Maintaining ‘high’ levels of activity in the first half resulted in a 12% reduction (< 0.01) in the second half for high-intensity running (effect size [ES]: 0.8), while no changes were observed in ‘moderate’ and ‘low’ groups (ES: 0.0–0.2). The ‘high’ group covered less (< 0.01) high-intensity running in the initial 10-min of the second versus first half (ES: 0.6–0.7), but this was not observed in ‘moderate’ and ‘low’ groups (ES: 0.2–0.4). After the most intense periods, players demonstrated an 8% drop in high-intensity running (< 0.05) compared to the match average (ES: 0.2) and this persisted for 5-min before recovering. Players covered similar high-intensity running distances in matches with differing score lines but position-specific trends indicated central defenders covered 17% less (< 0.01) and attackers 15% more high-intensity running during matches that were heavily won versus lost (ES: 0.9). High-intensity running distances were comparable in matches of differing importance, but between-half trends indicated that only declines (< 0.01) occurred in the second half of critical matches (ES: 0.2). Substitutes covered 15% more (< 0.01) high-intensity running versus the same time period when completing a full match (ES: 0.5). The data demonstrate that high-intensity running in the second half is impacted by the activity of the first half and is reduced for 5-min after intense periods. High-intensity running is also influenced by score line and substitutions but not match importance. More research is warranted to establish if fluctuations in match running performance are primarily a consequence of fatigue, pacing or tactical and situational influences.  相似文献   

The onset of exercise facilitates an improvement in psychomotor performance until the second ventilatory threshold, after which performance is reduced. This inverted-U relationship appears valid for incremental and steady-state exercise, however, not for intermittent exercise. This study examined changes in psychomotor performance of team sport officials during a laboratory-based match simulation. Twelve elite Australian football (n = 5) and rugby league (n = 7) officials (32.5 ± 5.5 years; 180.0 ± 6.8 cm; 78.8 ± 7.6 kg) completed the match simulation on a non-motorised treadmill. Physiological measures were routinely taken, while psychomotor performance was assessed using the Eriksen flanker task (multiple-choice response time). Significant reductions (P < 0.05) were observed in distance covered and high-speed running during the second half when compared to the first. No significant differences (P > 0.05) in psychomotor performance at different time points were observed. Response time was significantly improved when running above 65% of maximal sprinting speed (P < 0.01). This data questions the application of the inverted-U hypothesis for intermittent exercise and suggests that the short high-intensity efforts may not result in the same physiological events that limit psychomotor performance during sustained high-intensity exercise. More so, the high-intensity efforts during the match protocol appeared to promote psychomotor performance during the intermittent exercise.  相似文献   

拳击比赛与4种专项训练后的乳酸和脉搏值变化的分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
金考生  竺航  李越  张辉 《体育科学》2004,24(11):23-25
跟踪监测了优秀拳击运动员比赛和4种不同负荷方式训练后的乳酸(LA)值和脉搏(HR)值。结果显示,比赛后的LA值高于4种不同负荷方式训练后的LA值;4种不同负荷方式训练后的LA值也存在明显差别;4种不同负荷方式训练后的HR值无明显差别。拳击运动员4种不同负荷方式训练后的LA测试结果显示,疾跑练习无氧酵解强度最高。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to compare match analysis (using video recordings) and the physiological load (heart rate measured every 5 s, blood lactate measured after the warm-up, first half and second half) of six 11-year-old soccer players during official games of eleven-a-side on a regular-sized pitch (100 x 65 m) and of seven-a-side on a smaller pitch (60 x 40 m). In both games, heart rate exceeded 170 beats x min(-1) 84% of the time, while blood lactate ranged from 1.4 to 8.1 mmol l(-1). No significant differences were recorded for the physiological parameters. For both matches, walking comprised 38% of total time, running 55%, inactivity 3% and jumping 3%. Although there were no significant differences between halves or matches, running for less than 10 s was 10% more frequent in the seven-a-side game. In the seven-a-side game, there were significantly more passes and significantly fewer tackles, suggesting that seven-a-side matches played on smaller pitches may be more suitable for pre-pubescent soccer players.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to compare match analysis (using video recordings) and the physiological load (heart rate measured every 5s, blood lactate measured after the warm-up, first half and second half) of six 11-year-old soccer players during official games of eleven-a-side on a regular-sized pitch (100×65m) and of seven-a-side on a smaller pitch (60×40m). In both games, heart rate exceeded 170 beats·min-1 84% of the time, while blood lactate ranged from 1.4 to 8.1 mmol·l-1 . No significant differences were recorded for the physiological parameters. For both matches, walking comprised 38% of total time, running 55%, inactivity 3% and jumping 3%. Although there were no significant differences between halves or matches, running for less than 10s was 10% more frequent in the seven-a-side game. In the seven-a-side game, there were significantly more passes and significantly fewer tackles, suggesting that seven-a-side matches played on smaller pitches may be more suitable for pre-pubescent soccer players.  相似文献   

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