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胡兴 《怀化师专学报》1996,15(6):170-174
怀化师专校园绿树成荫.清香怡人,环境优美,植物种类繁多.校园共有种子植物二百多种,共涉及90个常见科,其中裸子植物有4个纲.8个科,被子植物82个常见科。  相似文献   

利用实物教学因其形象、真实,在生物学的各种直观教学手段中是最有说服力的。那么,如何利用实物教学才能发挥其最佳效果呢?这就要求教师既要有教学计划的整体安排,又要有各堂课的精心设计,既要有客观生态的意识,又要有局部解剖和显微的观察,采取多种形式综合运用,才能取得好的教学效果。下面是笔者在乡村师范植物学教学中的做法与体会。1校园植物挂牌营造氛围校园是进行植物学教学的重要场所和基地。在建设、美化校园时要尽可能地引种栽培一些有利于教学的植物(如苏铁、银杏、水杉、广玉兰等等),使校园植物成为植物学教学的好材…  相似文献   

分离提纯小麦、水稻和玉米3种植物叶绿体的类囊体上的偶联因子CF1。利用分光光度法测定其酶促反应生成的无机磷的含量。得出小麦、水稻和玉米的偶联因子CF1的ATP酶活力分别为:333.9μmol(P)&;#183;(mg(ch1)&;#183;h)^-1,358.4μmol(P)&;#183;(mg(ch1)&;#183;h)^-1和485.1μmol(P)&;#183;(mg(ch1)&;#183;h)^-1.结果表明小麦、水稻和玉米3种植物叶绿体中偶联因子CF1的ATP酶的活性强弱不同。但小麦和水稻之间的酶活性差别较小。而两者与玉米之间的差别非常显著。  相似文献   

银杏(Ginkgo biloba L.),银杏科银杏属,现仅孑遗1科1属1种,我国特有,素有“植物中的大熊猫”和“活化石”之美称。银杏树寿命极长,其千年老树,树干高大挺拨,奇特壮观。其名称也随着时代变迁而变更,从而形成许多别名雅称。  相似文献   

晋东南师范专科学校位于长治市城区境内 ,占地面积92 2 0 0m2 。校园环境优美 ,绿树成荫 ,植物种类繁多。经过初步调查 ,校园内现有植物 65科 ,13 0属 ,166种。现按《克郎奎斯特分类系统》概述如下 :Phylum 裸子植物门 GYMNOSPERMClassis 铁树纲 CYCADOPSIDAFamilia 1 苏铁科 Cycadaceae铁树 CycasrevolutaThunb .Classis 银杏纲 GINKGOPSIDAFamilia 2 银杏科 Ginkgoaceae银杏 GinkgobilobaL .Cla…  相似文献   

本研究采用了无土栽培法,研究了7个水平的铝浓度下银杏幼树的生长状况。结果表明,不同铝浓度下银杏的生长状况呈较大差异。高浓度铝离子(〉0.4mmol/L)对银杏产生毒害作用,且随着浓度的增加其毒害越大,表现为植物生长差、根部枯死,茎枯死或蔫黄;铝浓度较低(〈0.4mmol/L)的情况下,铝对银杏的毒害不明显,而铝浓度较低于(0.2mmol/L)时却对银杏生长有利。表明在无土栽培条件下,银杏幼树能适应的铝浓度范围为0~0.4mmol/L。  相似文献   

谈植物学的实物教学   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用实物教学因其形象、真实,在生物学的各种直观教学手段中是最具说服力的。那么,如何利用实物教学才能发挥其最佳效果呢?这就要求教师既要有教学计划的整体安排,又要有各堂课的精心设计,既要有宏观生态的意识,又要有局部解剖的细致。采取多种形式综合运用,才能取得好的教学效果。笔者的体会是:一、校园植物挂牌营造氛围校园是进行植物学教学的重要场所和基地。在建设、美化校园时要尽可能地引种栽培一些有利于教学的植物,如苏铁、银杏、水杉、广玉兰等,使校园植物成为植物学教学的好材料。而教师在系统地认识校园植物的基础上给…  相似文献   

在文献查阅的基础上,通过野外调查、标本采集和分类鉴定,研究了温州茜草科(Rubiaceae)的种类和分布.结果表明:温州已知有野生茜草科植物26属,48种,1亚种,2变种(不包括栽培种);其中墨苜蓿(Richardia scabra)为浙江分布新记录,硬毛四叶(Galium bungei var. hispidum)、狭叶栀子(Gardenia stenophylla)、金剑草(Rubia alata)等3种为温州分布新纪录;对近20个分类群进行了分类修订或学名改变,详细记录了温州野生茜草科植物的属、种组成和各区、县(市)的分布情况.  相似文献   

苏铁,俗称铁树,属铁树科植物,分布在印度尼西亚至我国南方一带。因为苏铁难得开花一次,因此,苏铁在我国一直是通过无性繁殖来培育新苗的,至今尚未有关通过人工手段促成苏铁有性繁殖的报导。  相似文献   

通过对湖北第二师范学院(光谷校区)校园维管植物调查,整理确定维管植物种类共有植物317种,隶属100个科,243个属。并在此基础上编制校园维管植物名录,分析现状,提出适合该校植物景观建设的合理化建议。  相似文献   

The impact of family mobility from domestic or international moves can be challenging for families. Some families adjust and other families experience crisis. For some families, relocation may be due to a job promotion and transfer, while for other families moving may be due to divorce, loss of employment or other stressful circumstances. Regardless of whether the family perceives relocation as positive or negative, moving places demands on families and consequently families experience varying degrees of transience. This article is based upon a qualitative research study about internationally mobile (IM) families managing relocation and transience and the place of international schooling in that process. 90 semi‐structured interviews were conducted with 45 (IM) families at an international school in southern England. The study included an intervention that consisted of implementing a personal and social education (PSE) programme for families with adolescent children. Family involvement in PSE facilitated parent‐adolescent communication at a critical transitional stage as IM teenagers who grow up ‘on the move’ were experiencing complex emotional and social upheavals in relationships with their peers and their families. Although the focus of this study explored the experiences of a small sample of IM families, there are wider implications from the study. Family mobility presents an opportunity for schools to also work with families who experience domestic moves to ease the transition of children through pastoral care.  相似文献   

To examine whether state child care subsidy policies can combine goals of increasing maternal employment and increasing access to quality child care for children in low-income families, we studied one state's comprehensive policy, through a cross-sectional survey of 665 randomly selected families using centers, Head Starts, family child care homes, public school preschools or informal care, including a sample of families on the waitlist for child care subsidies. We found that, in Massachusetts, families receiving child care subsidies report greater access to child care, more affordable child care, and higher quality child care, than do similar families not receiving subsidies. Lower-income families not receiving subsidies can sometimes access affordable, quality child care through Head Start programs and public preschools, but, when they have to pay for care, they pay a significantly greater proportion of their income than do families receiving subsidies. We also found that families on the subsidy waitlist are at a particular disadvantage. Waitlist families have the greatest difficulty paying for care, the least access, and the poorest quality child care. While the child care subsidy policies benefited those families receiving subsidies, families outside the system still struggled to find and afford child care.  相似文献   

To evaluate the type and quality of child care used by low-income families who were either receiving or not receiving subsidized child care, we interviewed 111 African American parents from a randomly selected sample of low-income families. We inquired about their child-care use, satisfaction with care, work stress, and employment history. Using standardized assessment instruments, independent observers in the children's child-care setting evaluated the quality of the care and characteristics of the providers. We found that families using subsidized child care were more likely to use center care and other more formal types of care, while families not using subsidized child care were more likely to use a relative in the relative's home. Families using subsidized care tended to use licensed and registered child-care arrangements more than non-subsidized families. Also, subsidized families spent approximately half as much out-of-pocket money for child care. However, we found no evidence that the care used by families using subsidized care was of any higher quality than that used by non-subsidized families. We examine the possibility that child-care subsidy programs may not be adequately designed or funded to increase the availability of quality child care to low-income families. Educators and policy makers may want to consider additional means of increasing access to quality care in low-income families.  相似文献   

刘志芳 《成才之路》2020,(6):142-143
离异家庭的日渐增多使得离异家庭孩子的心理问题已经上升到重要的社会问题,关爱和疏导离异家庭的孩子显得尤为重要。教师必须用真心、爱心、耐心和细心引导、鼓励、帮助这些离异家庭的孩子,并要根据学生的不同心理问题合理施教,疏导学生的心理问题,使学生更好地成长。文章对离异家庭学生的心理疏导方法进行论述。  相似文献   

Botanic gardens, as well as being widely acknowledged as beautiful places, are often scientific organisations that aim to engage visitors, including families, in science learning. Yet, the extent to which families view them as settings for science learning is largely unexplored. Drawing upon social constructivist perspectives, this paper investigates families’ views of science learning at Kew Gardens. Kew is one of the largest botanic gardens worldwide and an internationally renowned scientific organisation located in London, UK. Twenty-four families took part in the study, which involved interviews and accompanied visits. Findings indicate that all families referred primarily to the aesthetic beauty of Kew, while its function as a site for science learning was less well acknowledged. However, interpretation helped families establish what constitutes science at Kew, and linked science to the beautiful plants, which offered avenues for families to appreciate science learning. The findings provide implications for developing interpretive provision in botanic gardens.  相似文献   

特殊家庭子女心理健康状况的调查分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
采用自编的中小学生心理健康状况测查问卷测查了526名特殊家庭和510名普通家庭的小学生和初中生。结果表明,特殊家庭子女的自我概念(2.20±0.49)最差,其次为学习认知问题(2.09±0.66)较多,再者是性格缺陷(2.03±0.54)和情绪问题(2.00±0.51)。特殊家庭子女在学习认知、人际适应、行为问题、情绪问题、性格缺陷、自我概念等各个方面以及总体心理健康状况均显著劣于普通家庭子女。不同类型特殊家庭子女的心理健康状况的比较显示,分居家庭子女的心理健康状况最差,流动家庭子女的心理健康问题也较多,其次是离异、丧偶和再婚家庭子女,留守家庭子女的心理健康问题最少。特殊家庭初中生在学习认知上存在的问题显著多于特殊家庭小学生。特殊家庭小学女生的自我概念问题显著多于小学男生。特殊家庭初中男生的学习认知、人际适应、行为问题、性格缺陷和总体心理健康状况显著劣于初中女生。  相似文献   

高职院校作为贫困生比例较高且生源地集中的高校,其家庭经济困难学生认定有其自身的特点。研究高职院校家庭经济困难学生认定机制的可操作性对于建立适应校情的新型家庭经济困难学生认定机制具有重要的意义。以高职院校为视点,在界定家庭经济困难学生和家庭经济困难学生认定机制基础之上研究家庭经济困难学生认定机制的可操作性,探索新型家庭经济困难学生认定机制。  相似文献   

Twelve parents of young deaf children were recorded sharing books with their deaf child--six from families using British Sign Language (BSL) and six from families using spoken English. Although all families were engaged in sharing books with their deaf child and concerned to promote literacy development, they approached the task differently and had different expectations in terms of outcome. The sign bilingual families concentrated on using the book to promote BSL development, engaging in discussion around the book but without referring to the text, whereas the spoken language families were focused on features of the text and less inclined to use the book to promote wider knowledge. Implications for early intervention and support are drawn from the data.  相似文献   

5.12汶川大地震后,在地震重灾区出现了大量的重组家庭。地震重组家庭不同于一般再婚家庭的显著特点在于,大多数因地震丧偶而重组家庭的个体对自己的原配偶还存有很深的感情,原有的夫妻生活印记很容易造成新家庭的情感隔阂,并引发更为严重的财产、父母、子女等纠纷。研究表明,社会干预能够解决地震重组家庭存在的多种心理问题,有效地阻断影响重组家庭关系的不良情绪,有利于灾区震后重建与社会稳定。  相似文献   

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