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本文利用西部某地区大样本学生数据,根据《国家学生体质健康标准》与《国家学生体质健康标准(2014年修订)》测试结果对比同一批学生的体质特点,通过描述统计、构建随机截距广义最小二乘法回归分析模型、引入交互项等数理统计方法,分析身体形态、心肺功能与学业成绩的关系,进而对我国学校体育工作提出建议。结果表明:1)在新标准下,同一批学生的偏瘦现象大幅减少,高中学生肥胖问题有所凸显;中小学生普遍存在明显的肺活量不足;2)从体质指标与学业成绩的关系看,肺活量不达标的学生成绩较差,尤其是女生。心肺功能可能是影响学业表现的关键因素。因此,新标准将肺活量设为必测项目彰显了心肺功能监测的重要意义,指引着"多维健康、全面发展"的育人方向,通过学校重视、家庭支持以及社区开放等方面合力改善青少年体质健康刻不容缓。  相似文献   

目的:探讨中学生性别角色与体质健康之间的关系,验证性别在二者之间的调节作用。方法: 对北京市864名中学生体质健康水平进行测试,并采用问卷收集学生性别角色的数据。使用SPSS20.0和SPSSAU对数据进行分析。结果: 男生在体质健康水平上比女生低10分左右;对男生而言,男性化特质对体质健康具有正向预测作用,女性化特质对体质健康具有负向预测作用,而女生的性别角色对体质健康没有预测作用。结论: (1)男生在体质健康水平上显著低于女生;(2)性别在性别角色与体质健康之间起调节作用,男生的体质健康水平比女生更易受到性别角色的影响。  相似文献   

目的:研究不同时间中等强度体育锻炼对初中生执行功能与学业成绩的影响,并采用路径分析方法探讨执行功能在体育锻炼与学业成绩关系中所起的作用。方法:按照方便取样的原则选取扬州市某中学初二年级5个教学班共250名学生作为实验对象,采用随机抽样的方式分为4个实验班和1个对照班,进行不同时间中等强度体育锻炼的干预,实验干预持续8周。实验前后对所有被试的执行功能和学业成绩进行测量,执行功能测量采用E-prime系统在计算机上完成,学业成绩采用被试实验前后的两次期末考试的学业成绩。结果:(1)不同时间中等强度体育锻炼对初中生执行功能整体、抑制功能和转换功能具有显著影响,对刷新功能没有显著影响;(2)在45min体育锻炼中累积27±1.35min中等运动强度的初中生,语文、数学和英语的学业成绩均有提高且效果最好,但不同时间中等强度体育锻炼对初中生的语文、数学和英语学业成绩影响没有显著差异;(3)在45min体育锻炼中累积22.5±1.35min、27±1.35min中等运动强度的学生,执行功能的转换功能对学业成绩的间接效应具有显著性。结论:(1)中等强度体育锻炼的累积时间达到20min以上对初中生抑制功能和转换功能的效益最为显著;(2)持续8周、每周3次、每次累积持续25min左右的中等运动强度体育锻炼对初中生学业成绩具有积极影响;(3)体育锻炼主要通过执行功能的转换功能对学业成绩产生影响。  相似文献   

青少年健康成长需要有效的政策体系支持,政策文本量化研究能够为我国青少年体质健康政策的制定与完善提供决策依据及路径优化建议。通过采用德尔菲法、内容分析、文本挖掘(ROSTCM 6)和PMC指数模型等研究方法,构建了我国青少年体质健康促进政策指标体系模型,包含10个一级变量和40个二级变量,并结合PMC指数与PMC曲面对我国青少年体质健康促进政策文本进行了量化评价与实证分析。研究结果显示:11项青少年体质健康促进政策样本中,6项为优秀,5项为良好;11项政策依据PMC得分由高到低排列的顺序为:P3、P9、P5、P11、P10、P1、P2、P7、P4、P8、P6。研究结论:(1)我国颁布的青少年体质健康促进政策具有一定的科学性和有效性;(2)青少年体质健康促进政策主要采用“以学校场域为重点、以体育和教育为主要手段,以学生或青少年为主要对象、以促进体质或健康水平提高为主要目标”的战略;(3)我国国家级青少年体质健康促进政策的发展质量呈现随颁布政策的行政机构级别升高而提升、随时间发展而愈高的趋势;(4)证实了我国国家级部门颁布的政策相对较优的理论;(5)我国国家级青少年体质健康促进政策设计总体合...  相似文献   

选取浙江省教育厅2015-2019年大学生体质健康和高等教育支出数据及浙江省统计局各市人均GDP数据,运用面板数据回归及中介效应检验模型,研究经济发展背景下高等教育支出与大学生体质健康动态发展之间的关系。结果显示:(1)大学生体质健康状况与经济增长、高等教育支出存在显著的正相关关系;(2)高等教育支出在经济增长和大学生体质健康之间存在显著的部分中介效应;(3)经济增长及高等教育支出对大学生体质健康状况的影响存在地区差异性;(4)当生均教育经费支出的年均增长量不低于3 562.77元时,大学生的体质健康水平会显著提升。  相似文献   

在我国青少年体质健康水平下降和媒介化社会语境下,采用文献资料法、问卷调查法、数理统计法等,对全国4省市的993名青少年进行调查与测试,定量揭示媒介传播对青少年体力活动与体质健康的影响及其理论机制。结果显示:青少年媒介使用行为影响体力活动与体质健康具有明显的两面性特征;体育信息传播成为媒介使用行为促进体质健康的重要手段;体力活动成为媒介传播影响青少年体质健康水平的重要中介。  相似文献   

健康中国战略背景下,提升青少年体力活动水平促进体质健康意义重大。采用父母支持问卷、锻炼行为调节量表和青少年体力活动问卷,对1084名青少年进行抽样调查,运用相关分析、回归分析和结构方程模型探讨父母支持、锻炼动机与体力活动的关系,试图构建父母支持促进青少年体力活动的路径模型。结果表明:1)父母支持能正向预测青少年体力活动;锻炼动机各维度(外部调节除外)能正向预测青少年体力活动;2)锻炼动机各维度对青少年体力活动影响效果不同,体现为自主性动机比控制性动机影响大;3)父母支持通过两条路径影响青少年体力活动,第一条路径是直接影响,第二条路径是通过内部调节动机间接影响,即内部调节动机在父母支持与体力活动之间起中介作用。这启示我们,父母支持水平的提高有助于青少年自主性动机、体力活动水平的提高,父母为青少年创建良好的支持性环境,是提升青少年体力活动的有效路径。  相似文献   

以中国教育追踪调查数据为样本,实证检验了青少年体育锻炼对学业表现的影响效应与作用机制。研究发现:体育锻炼对青少年的客观考试成绩有积极而显著的影响,对自我成绩评价没有影响。该影响效应具有异质性,即体育锻炼对女生考试成绩的促进作用大于男生,对农村学生的促进作用大于城市学生。机制分析表明,体质健康和认知是体育锻炼影响学业成绩的中介变量,即体育锻炼不仅能够显著降低被访学生自评身材肥胖的概率,提高自评身体健康的概率,而且能够显著提高学生的认知水平,从而提升学业成绩。  相似文献   

促进开展儿童青少年身体活动已成为公共健康领域的重要议题,基本动作技能和体适能水平及其与身体活动的关系逐渐引起关注。本文旨在总结分析基本运动技能、健康体适能水平、身体活动之间的关系的基础上,探讨三者之间的相互影响状况,以期为提高我国儿童青少年身体活动水平和增进其身体健康制定具有可操作性的有效干预措施提供相关方法和路径。结论:(1)运动技能、健康体适能、身体活动两两之间存在着不同程度的相关关系,且因儿童青少年的年龄、性别以及运动技能亚类等因素的不同而有一定差异。(2)健康体适能作为中介因素在基本运动技能与身体活动关联关系中的作用是否会因年龄和性别的差异而有所不同,需要做进一步的研究探讨。(3)基本动作技能、健康体适能、身体活动三者之间更深层的联系需要更深入地挖掘。建议:未来研究的重点放在建立适用于我国儿童青少年的测评体系、完善基本运动技能、身体活动与健康体适能之间的心理学机制,进一步优化机制模型,探讨它们之间的具体中介路径。  相似文献   

本文以1800名青少年学生为调查对象,就其体质健康等级与影响因素的关系进行了有序多分类logistic回归分析发现,与体质健康等级相关的自变量有:社会支持网络、所处学段、个人学习压力、居住地附近健身娱乐设施情况、婴幼儿时期的体质状况、饮食的规律性、饮食结构的合理性、睡眠时间、睡眠质量、锻炼频率、健康生活知识情况、健康生活技能情况、家族病遗传情况、获取卫生保健服务情况,共14个指标。同时,提出改进青少年学生体质的建议:(1)优化青少年社会支持网络,减缓压力事件带来的负面影响;(2)继续深化教育改革,切实减轻青少年学生的学习压力和学习负担;(3)优化生活环境,为青少年提供安全、方便、友好的健身场所和环境;(4)采取有力措施,提升青少年学生的饮食水平;(5)采取有效措施,改进青少年学生的睡眠;(6)完善青少年学生综合评价体系,鼓励青少年学生参与体育锻炼;(7)加强健康教育,提升青少年学生的健康生活知识和技能;(8)加强家族遗传病研究,尽量做到早干预、早治疗;(9)优化卫生保健服务体系,提供优质卫生保健服务。  相似文献   

The relationship between physical fitness and academic achievement has received much attention owing to the increasing prevalence of children who are overweight and unfit, as well as the inescapable pressure on schools to produce students who meet academic standards. This study examined 259 public school students in third and fifth grades and found that field tests of physical fitness were positively related to academic achievement. Specifically, aerobic capacity was positively associated with achievement, whereas BMI was inversely related. Associations were demonstrated in total academic achievement, mathematics achievement, and reading achievement, thus suggesting that aspects of physical fitness may be globally related to academic performance in preadolescents. The findings are discussed with regards to maximizing school performance and the implications for educational policies.  相似文献   

新时代我国中小学体育与健康课程改革方向和发展趋势以教育部颁布的体育与健康课程标准为主要标志。2017年版《普通高中体育与健康课程标准》和2022年版《义务教育体育与健康课程标准》两个版本课程标准虽然颁布时间不同,但却是一体化的思考和构建;按照学生身心发展规律、运动技能形成规律和体育与健康育人规律,既关注两个不同教育阶段的针对性和适宜性,又注重两个不同教育阶段之间的关联性和进阶性,使得两个不同教育阶段的体育与健康课程教学都在同一方向上改革、创新和发展,主要体现在都强调落实“立德树人”根本任务和“健康第一”教育理念,聚焦于培养学生运动能力、健康行为和体育品德三个方面核心素养;都强调围绕核心素养设置课程目标、课程内容、教学方式、学业质量、学习评价等;都强调结构化知识和技能教学、大单元教学设计、完整学习活动采用、复杂运动情境创设、适宜运动负荷要求、体能练习等有效措施和方法,旨在促进学生达到基于核心素养的学习目标,实现身心健康、体魄强健、全面发展。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine, using structural equation modelling (SEM), the direct and indirect influence of daily behaviours (i.e. exercise/learning durations), weight status, and physical fitness on academic performance among seventh-grade schoolchildren, after controlling for socioeconomic status. We analysed cross-sectional data from 274 schoolchildren (159 males and 115 females; 12–13 years old). Academic performance was assessed using the total grade points in eight academic subjects. Physical fitness was evaluated using the total score of eight physical fitness tests and weight status using body mass index. The daily behaviours and socioeconomic status were assessed by the questionnaire. The SEM showed an adequate fit to the data (χ2?=?0.684, p?=?.710, RMSEA?=?.000). Physical fitness and learning durations had direct effects on academic performance (β?=?.301, p?β?=?.132, p?=?.037, respectively) after controlling for confounders. Healthy weight status and exercise habits positively indirectly influenced academic performance via physical fitness. These findings suggest that, independent of socioeconomic status and learning durations, exercise habits and maintaining healthy weight status may indirectly contribute to academic success via better physical fitness in children.  相似文献   


Although cross-sectional studies regarding the relationship between physical fitness and academic achievement among Japanese children have been previously reported, no longitudinal study has yet been reported for Japanese children. The purpose of this study was to examine the cross-sectional and longitudinal relationships between physical fitness and academic achievement among Japanese adolescents. This cohort study included 1,189 seventh- and ninth-grade students from two schools. The follow-up period was 2 years. A physical fitness test involving eight test items (hand grip, sit-ups, sit and reach, side-to-side jump, 20-m shuttle run, 50-m dash, standing broad jump and handball throwing) was conducted to evaluate the fitness of the participants. Academic achievement in Japanese, mathematics and a foreign language (English) was assessed at baseline and follow-up using cumulative guidance records. Participants were classified into low–low, high–low, low–high, and high–high groups based on physical fitness test results at baseline and follow-up. Compared with the groups showing low fitness levels, those showing high fitness levels for all items of the physical fitness test expect handball throwing had increased odds of showing high academic achievement levels in all three subjects at baseline and/or follow-up compared with the low-fitness groups. Sit-ups and 20-m shuttle run in the high–high and low–high groups were related to higher academic achievement levels at follow-up compared with those in the low–low group for both boys and girls. Therefore, this study suggests that various physical fitness outcomes are positively associated with high academic achievement levels for Japanese children.  相似文献   

Children with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (AD/HD) consistently perform worse on executive function (EF) tasks relative to those without AD/HD. Physical activity has a small effect on cognition in children and may be particularly beneficial for children with AD/HD by impacting fundamental EF deficiencies that characterize this disorder. The purpose of this study was to explore the extent to which physical activity is associated with EF in children with AD/HD. Eighteen boys (M age = 10.61, SD = 1.50) with AD/HD were recruited to complete four EF tasks. Physical activity was measured with an accelerometer that provided daily minutes of moderate-to-vigorous intensity physical activity; this measure was a significant predictor of performance on the Tower of London planning task, adjusted R2 = .28, F(1, 16) = 7.61, p < .05, and was positively associated with other EF measures. These results suggest that higher physical activity is associated with better EF performance in AD/HD children.  相似文献   

The aim of this cross-sectional study was to evaluate the relationships between cognitively engaging exercise (i.e., game-based and coordination exercises), executive functions (i.e., inhibitory control and working memory), and physical fitness. Forty junior tennis players (6–12 years old), who regularly participated in tennis lessons (2.55 years, SD = 1.61) prior to the study, were investigated. All participants completed evaluations of executive functions (inhibitory control and working memory) at rest. The duration of each lessons’ instructional activities, including coordination training, game-based exercise, rallying, and non-physical activity (explanations and breaks), was recorded. Physical fitness was evaluated using the Tennis Field Test. A longer duration of game-based exercise was positively correlated with inhibitory control and physical fitness. Coordination training was associated with improved working memory. Non-physical activity was inversely correlated with inhibitory control, working memory, and physical fitness. The results suggest that game-based tennis lessons have beneficial effects on inhibitory control and physical fitness levels, and a longer duration of coordination training is associated with better working memory. The present study indicates that shortened non-physical activity time within a sports setting is associated with the development of executive functions and physical fitness.  相似文献   

The purposes of this study were to examine how fitness at the baseline could predict both academic achievement and academic achievement changes one school year in advance. A total of 194 adolescents (mean age: 14.15 ± 0.97 years old, 112 boys) who attended secondary school participated in our study. Cardiorespiratory fitness was measured with the 20 m endurance shuttle-run test. We also assessed the lower-limbs muscular strength with the standing long jump test and flexibility with the sit-and-reach test. The academic achievement was assessed by school grades. We performed linear regression analyses. Additionally, we examined the relationship between fitness and changes in the academic performance following the same statistical methodology. Cardiorespiratory fitness was positively associated with mathematics one school year in advance (p = 0.025). Cardiorespiratory fitness was also positively associated with changes in Spanish language (p = 0.005), mathematics (p = 0.023), and the grade point average (p = 0.006). Muscular strength was also positively associated with changes in Spanish language (p = 0.040) and mathematics (p = 0.010), while flexibility was associated with changes in Spanish language (p = 0.039) and the grade point average (0.027). Our results suggest that cardiorespiratory fitness was positively associated with academic achievement in adolescents.  相似文献   

The potential for physical activity and fitness to improve cognitive function, learning and academic achievement in children has received attention by researchers and policy makers. This paper reports a systematic approach to identification, analysis and review of published studies up to early 2009. A three-step search method was adopted to identify studies that used measures of physical activity or fitness to assess either degree of association with or effect on a) academic achievement and b) cognitive performance. A total of 18 studies including one randomised control trial, six quasi-experimental and 11 correlational studies were included for data extraction. No studies meeting criteria that examined the links between physical activity and cognitive function were found. Weak positive associations were found between both physical activity and fitness and academic achievement and fitness and elements of cognitive function, but this was not supported by intervention studies. There is insufficient evidence to conclude that additional physical education time increases academic achievement; however there is no evidence that it is detrimental. The quality and depth of the evidence base is limited. Further research with rigour beyond correlational studies is essential.  相似文献   

我国优秀中跑运动员体能特征的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
运用文献资料法、专家调查法、测试法和数理统计法,对影响我国优秀中跑运动员的专项能力的体能因素进行综合分析.确定了影响中跑运动员运动成绩的体能指标,包括身体形态指标、身体机能指标、运动素质指标.分析了我国优秀中跑运动员的体能特征,以期能为科学选材和对运动员体能训练提供参考。  相似文献   

探讨随班就读体育教学对病残学生身体形态、机能及素质的影响为目的。将基本情况相当的湖南理工学院06级病残学生39名,男21人,女18人,随机分为二组(A组、B组),A组免修体育课,B组同学分散随各自所在自然体育教学班上课。经一学年的教学实验,结果显示:A组的身体机能和素质几乎没变,有的不同幅度下降,B组的身体机能和素质不同幅度的变化,具有显著性意义(P〈0.05)或(P〈0.01)。结论:随班就读体育教学对病残学生身体机能及素质产生了积极影响,是病残学生增强体质,提高运动能力的有效教学形式,随班就读是病残学生体育教学值得进一步探索和研究的一种教学模式。  相似文献   

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