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This paper is based on two studies of teacher recruitment and retention commissioned by the General Teaching Council of Wales and the ESRC. Using official statistics from a variety of secondary sources, it shows trends over time in teacher numbers in England and Wales, and examines teacher vacancies, pupil‐teacher ratios and teacher wastage. It concludes that although individual indicators, examined in isolation, are an inadequate basis for assessments of the situation, there is no evidence in the data of any ‘crisis’ of teacher supply or demand in Wales (or indeed most of England). There are regional, occasional and subject‐specific disparities, but there are now more teachers than ever before, while the number of pupils in schools is falling. The paper, therefore, considers a variety of possible explanations for the widely‐held belief that there is a serious shortage of teachers.  相似文献   

近年来,金融危机频繁爆发的根本原因是虚拟经济与实物经济的背离,虚拟经济的过度膨胀与实物经济的相对萎缩导致经济危机以金融危机的形式爆发出来,危机的实质仍然是生产相对过剩,这种过剩是由于过度投资,产业结构失调,贫富分化等原因造成的。  相似文献   

Neufeld  Maddie 《Prospects》2021,51(1-3):175-184
PROSPECTS - This article explores how socio-political crises that implicate teachers and students play out in dreams about the psychical and material realities of schooling. Teacher dreaming during...  相似文献   

改革开放以来,中国的翻译事业蓬勃发展,译作数量迅猛增加,但是遗憾的是翻译质量并没有得到相应的提高.许多质量低劣的译品明目张胆地充斥着翻译市场,污染着神圣的翻译事业,使翻译面临着严峻的危机.只有剖析导致翻译危机的原因,才能真正解决危机问题.  相似文献   

改革开放以来,中国的翻译事业蓬勃发展,译作数量迅猛增加,但是遗憾的是翻译质量并没有得到相应的提高。许多质量低劣的译品明目张胆地充斥着翻译市场,污染着神圣的翻译事业,使翻译面临着严峻的危机。只有剖析导致翻译危机的原因,才能真正解决危机问题。  相似文献   

2005年10月26日始,辽宁省锦州市黑山县、北宁市、南站新区相继发生禽流感疫情,疫情不仅造成了重大的经济损失。也造成了极大的社会心理影响。针对禽流感突发事件造成的心理危机,进行有效的心理危机干预是防控救助工作的重要策略。此次疫情发生后,锦州市委、市政府采取综合防控措施,取得了同高致病性禽流感斗争的阶段性胜利,它让我们意识到,在解决重大突发性事件的同时,更应当注意由此带来的心理问题。  相似文献   

Even though the sciences may deserve an important and enhanced place in the curriculum, it is crucial that educators situate reforms in science education in the larger social context in which educational reforms are taking place. How and by whom reform is defined and carried out will have a significant impact on who benefits from the process. I argue that education in general has increasingly become dominated by economic interests that can lead not to enhancing equality but to its opposite. There are important ideological shifts that are occurring not only in what education is for, but in the content and control of curriculum and teaching. This has also been accompanied by an attempt to not only increase the influence of economic needs on schools, but to make education itself an economic product like all others. This will have a major impact on science education in particular, because both science and technology are seen as high-status in the transformation of education into solely an economic tool.  相似文献   

主要从以下几个方面来说明校园心理危机干预:心理危机的概念界定、校园危机事件的类型及特点、危机事件可能出现的心理反应、校园心理危机干预的对象、校园心理危机干预的目标、校园心理危机干预的五个阶段,目的是了解和整理襄垣危机干预的常见问题,为危机干预参与者提供借鉴。  相似文献   

秘书工作是一个复杂的工作,他的工作内容比较琐碎,涉及到企业的各个方面,凡是与企业有关的一切,好像秘书的工作都可以与之相关。秘书工作是协助企业领导做好服务工作,保证企业业务的正常运转。当企业发生危机时,秘书的工作就显得更加重要。因此,秘书人员一定要注意提高自己的危机处理能力,当有危机发生时,能快速、有条不紊的协助企业领导做好危机处理工作[1]。随着经济的发展,对秘书的危机处理能力要求越来越高,秘书的工作效率对企业的利益、领导的工作效率具有重要的影响。  相似文献   

PROSPECTS - Education is going through a period of crisis related to the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic that most probably will follow a continuum organized into distinct phases: emergency, recovery,...  相似文献   

高血压危象是短时间内血压急剧升高引起的一种危及生命的临床综合征 ,在某种诱因作用下血压忽然升高超过 2 0 0 / 130mmHg ,同时伴有心、脑、肾急性器官损害。临床常见高血压急症有高血压脑病、蛛网膜下腔出血和脑出血 ,主动脉夹层瘤或急性心梗伴有严重的高血压等。高血压危象发病急、病情重、危险性大 ,护士细心、准确的病情观察为诊治提供了依据 ,精心的护理是患者早日康复的保障。  相似文献   

As long as educational expansion was considered to be decisive for achieving economic growth as well as social and political equality, the prospects and merits of educational planning were rarely questioned. However, the failure of educational expansion to produce the desired results, challenged the relevance of educational planning to such a degree that it is now suffering from an identity crisis. The author critically reviews traditional and contemporary technical approaches to educational planning, governmental planning activities, and the role of educational planning as a part of the political apparatus. Weighing up the possibilities and the limitations of educational planning, he stresses the need to build a new identity for it in order that it should be able to cope with the demographic, educational, economic and financial challenges of the 1980's.
Zusammenfassung Solange die Auffassung vorherrschte, die Expansion des Bildungswesens sei die entscheidende Voraussetzung für wirtschaftliches Wachstum, größere soziale Gerechtigkeit und mehr Demokratie, genoß die Bildungsplanung beträchtliches Ansehen und weckte große Erwartungen. Dies hat sich grundlegend geändert. Das Scheitern der anspruchsvollen Ziele expansionistischer Bildungspolitik verstrickte die Bildungsplanung in eine Identitätskrise. Der Beitrag beschäftigt sich kritisch mit der Entwicklung der wissenschaftlichen und politischen Bildungsplanung. Im Mittelpunkt steht der Wandel der Konzepte und Modelle der Planungsforschung. Die Überlegungen führen zu dem Fazit, daß eine Rekonstruktion der Bildungsplanung dringend geboten erscheint, um den Herausforderungen gewachsen zu sein, mit denen das Bildungswesen in der 80er Jahren konfrontiert wird.

Résumé Tant que l'on considéra l'expansion éducative comme le facteur décisif du développement économique, de l'égalité sociale et politique, les expectatives et les mérites de la planification éducative ne furent que rarement contestés. Cependant, l'échec de l'expansion éducative au niveau de la réalisation des résultats souhaités a tellement mis en cause l'importance de la planification éducative qu'elle souffre maintenant d'une crise d'identité. L'auteur procède à un examen critique des approches techniques nouvelles et traditionnelles de la planification éducative, des activités de planification du gouvernement et du rôle de la planification éducative en tant que partie de l'appareil politique. En évaluant les possibilités et les limitations de la planification éducative, il souligne le besoin pour la planification éducative de construire une nouvelle identité afin de pouvoir répondre aux exigences démographiques, économiques, éducatives et financières des années 80.

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